carmencita ago

I have no experience with this. Someone please read and help this person trying to get researched material out there about our Pizzagate case. Upvoat this please. I read something last week about a couple more sites being compromised but don"t remember if Steemit is one. I certainly hope not.

10227346? ago

Thank you so much. I still have not been able to post it to Steemit but I finally just decided to spend the day reformatting it for Blogger, so here it is. Thanks again.

carmencita ago

I am assuming this is not your name, at least I hope not. If not, and it is a user name then I could most definitely post your article on here as well. You just have to type in the comments how it relates to pizzagate, which I can already see by the title. If it is your real name, then I would not put it on here for then you will reveal who you are, and let me tell you that would be a dangerous game.

10229237? ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply. not entirely sure what you mean. The powers that be know what I am up to. Are you talking about regular VOAT users?

carmencita ago

Be very very careful. Do not let anyone know where you live. Do not let anyone one voat know your name or your whereabouts. I am leaving on a trip soon. If you need someone you can trust on here, @UnicornandSparkles and @2impindingdoom or very trustworthy also @Cc1914.

10257740? ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago


10204226? ago

I signed up for Steemit about 2-3 weeks ago. I finally completed my first Wikileaks-related / Pizzagate piece of investigative journalism after long hours of formatting on Steemit. When I hit the "post" button, I am getting the error message you can see in the video.

I've never posted anything before, I've only commented once and upvoted 3 times until yesterday over the past few weeks before this happened. All I have done has been formatting my article a few hours per day the past week or two in the editing box. Does anyone know when I will be able to post my first article or why this is happening? I've tried from 2 different computers over the past 24 hours and later at the library in a different part of town.

Am I being censored? It also has a lot of photos - but the post is under 64,000 max character limit - Is the file too large?This is extremely discouraging because since it is in Steemit format / Markdown I can't just post it at my blog right away because I will have to spend hours reformatting it, re-uploading pictures, etc. And I can't earn cryptocurrency on my blog. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.