Ask me to answer your questions again.
sigh. here goes nothing.
Okay @Crensch @Vindicator @Heygeorge @Erickaliberhall @kingkongwaswrong
why did Crensch ban me? Can I appeal?
NOMOCHOMO Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 1: Relevance; Description: Causing problems with the removal of things that have not been proven to be pizzagate. Using divisive tactics against the mods. Arguing dishonestly, even after being warned that this was not a joke. Constant pattern of disruptive behavior and supporting users like esoteric Crensch 10.9 hours ago
-Swamp Takedown -> 24 hours Grace Relevancy
I ask for clarification as to why a person Vin calls "swamp" is deemed "irrelevant" by Crazy-Mensch
I thought "swamp" indicated Pizza/Pedos....hence it being a flair in pizzagate...I've also lurked for years as ya'll know....why I was confused as to why "Ed Buck" a name I know I'd read submissions on b4 was getting removed.
TLDR: Why am I banned for "relevance"....for defending a relevant post (edit2: and it's not my post)....
view the rest of the comments →
@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @darkknight111
I found the motherlode that clearly ties Ed Buck to Pizzagate back in 2017
Switching Parties
In 1988 at a Republican Party conference in Oklahoma City, Buck called for changes in the party’s “intolerant” stand on LGBT rights in Oklahoma, which included opposition to state-mandated sex education programs in schools. Unable to make major changes in his political party, Buck soon switched allegiances. In an online post in 2010, he explained his decision. “I didn’t leave the Republican Party, it left me. I can remember Barry Goldwater saying ‘out of the boardroom and out of the bedroom’ when referring to the role of government. That’s the GOP I was a proud member of … My principals have not changed, but to keep true to them, my political party had to change.”
Vindicator ago
Excellent. This is exactly why we flair posts. You are an excellent digger, Nomo. I wish you had just given DK a hand and posted this instead of creating drama.
The only reason I found it is because I was banned....Not because of either of your flairs.
I asked @Crensch a question. He repeatedly evaded with counter questions.
Ego, bruised from the questioning, He then made my membership dependent on proving another users' post.
Crensch's Unprecedented Whim became a user-specific guideline. A Dangerous Despotic Precedent
Repeating a question to a Mod is "baiting" them?
Different Mods hold different users to different standards?
The reason given for my ban is Rule 1: Relevance.
Even though you edited Rule 1 last night (cut/pasting "NSFW" from Rule 5), you didn't change "relevance" to apply to comments. It is a submission standard.
To ban a user for a comment that doesn't fulfill a submission guideline is comment censorship.
Because Relevance does not apply to comments. You changed Rule 5 from "NSFW" to "Comment Abuse" without notifying the pizzagate community.
I am shining a light on Moderation. Any scrutiny is framed as "drama".
Unban me. I broke no rules.
I wont break your Modified Rule 5, but please announce it.
kestrel9 ago
Show us how exactly that link demonstrates that Ed Buck is a pedophile, or is part of a pedophile ring, or the victim of pedophiles.
@vindicator @crensch
state-mandated sex education programs in schools.
ties to sex ed in school and pizza code:
Mandated Sex Ed in schools is by definition, State Sponsored Sexualization of Children. Siecus is now pushing "pedophilia" as an orientation
kestrel9 ago
Show how Ed Buck is involved supporting NAMBLA philosophy being taught in school or other 'love is love' and age doesn't matter philosophy. He has been shown to be a gay serial killer targeting black gay men in their 20s. Period.
All gays support teaching gay sex ed in school, doesn't mean they are pedophiles. He's a serial killer. Not giving him ah pass. But not giving you a pass on insisting that you make your own case if you think he's a pedophile or if you have connections showing him being connected to Adam Schiff beyond making campaign contributions, most all Democrats donate to Democrat politicians. The Ed Buck arrest post belonged in PGWE, not PG.
Sex ed teachers may include pedophiles, not all sex ed teachers are pedophiles, and this particular has not been shown to be connected to Ed Buck.
To my knowledge, State Sponsored sex Ed has yet to push for pedophilia as a current acceptable social policy, (that kids should be okay with having sex with adults 'if they want'), they may cover it in some historical context as a gateway towards that goal (we know pedos do push for expanded assess to kids through education and any other venue they can think up). That much is true. Is that connection enough to confirm that Ed Buck is a pedophile? I don't think so.
false. You don't speak for gays.
"sex education" is a NAMBLA philosophy being taught in schools. Sex Ed was started by Mary Calderone and SIECUS in the 60's it was connected to Dr John Money (Pedophile) and other prominent Psychologists and Sexologists
kestrel9 ago
How do you know whether Ed Buck telling Republicans to go for NAMBLA philosophy in the schools in 1988?
He was pushing for gay rights and AIDS awareness. I realize that pederasty is associated with some gay men. Are you assuming they are all pederasts now? Do you just 'know' which gays support pedophilia and pederasty based on who wants sex ed about homosexuality and AIDS awareness in the schools?
So the Oklahoma politicians in 1988 who faced the issues Ed Buck brings up (homosexuality and AIDS) are pederasts? (maybe they are, did you check on any?)
Is Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop a pederast by your criteria? (maybe he is? who knows but the point is this alone doesn't prove it).
There were plenty of Republican pederast in 1988, so why didn't Ed Buck stick with the party?
If anything, maybe Ed Buck was covering for them by saying they were too 'moral'. That's an intriguing line of thought.
If he was a pederast seems he'd want Republicans to stay in power.
He may belong in PGWE, still have not seen enough close connections to show that he is a pederast/pedophile or a victim of such or specifically knew that any of his friends were. Or even any incidence of people talking about him liking teenage boys or having pics of them, or subscribing Nambla material or even having CP on his computer.
The Sex Ed agenda is Pizzagate.
Children don't need THE STATE which mandates their attendance in public schools to teach them about sex.
it is the role of the parent.
Ed Buck wants the "government out of his bedroom"
but he also wants the government to enforce kindergarten education about his bedroom.
I dont disagree that he could be covering up for Franklin scandal.
But his advocacy of sex education is a part of the elite propogation and normalization of child sexuality. The history of this strategy has been well documented and found "relevant" to the pizzagate investigation.