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hojuruku ago

We are meant to be fucking up pedos not fucking around each-other.

The 1st contentious thread I nailed it with the 10,000 characters I had trying to put it all in there - you know the one I got trolled on that ended my account (you know the whole protectvoat thing with @kevdude putting "not abuse" flag before another false flag "disinfo" when the first flag didn't work.

I ignored the fucken anon trolling cunts as best as I could but when they were tagging all of you it had to be brought up.

Everyone knows me, my stile and the shit I brought up. I took my bat and ball and went home for at least 6 months after @Millenial_Falcon - then I made my first and only alt @death2millenialfags to open-sesame back in.

If we are both being played off against each-other on the anon-forums by that cunt tagging all pizzagate mods (at least once I saw) I fully support a request to to unmask the troublemakers. Maybe the sloppy idiots used their real voat accounts to post there.

Everyone saw my style for pushing back (using my own account only) and I've got it out of my system now. It's called being assertive, and a little bit of research. I wont advertise what that was here but you know.

Now that this disney clusterfuck is out of the way - assuming the 4th edit of it (won't be as good as the first) is accepted I can now move onto the gay/jewish/satanic judge problem in Australia.

I wont be dumping full audio as promised due to legal reasons, but maybe some snippets. Again I have to seek legal advice. If Sunol get's jailed it's all on the cards.

Also the full pedo history of @garryburnsblog (twitter) will be coming out and Australia's full time pedophilia normalization activist will get a proper job of being exposed in his 3x pedo scandals (craigslist asian rentboy child's ass photo (no CP posted) and his penis picture exchange, the sparkles the pony pedo page stalking incident, and the confessing to trying to proposition "young teenagers" in Marks Park inquest experience and judges writing him love letters for sharing.

I'm really going to do some stella damage to the pedos down the track, so if you are going to ban me - get it done now because faggot and jew pedophilia normalization activists scumbags in OZ are not going to have a good month.