kaloora ago

I'll probably get denied this post because I don't care to put up supporting proof since if is readily available through your own research if so decide to do so. But I'm quite sure the reason they don't do anything about it this is all because they use the system for their satanic ritual abomination crap and that's just that. It is sick and that's what they enjoy.

redwing14 ago

what I think is happening is that the hollywood propaganda movies seep in more towards abused distressed people like foster care kids. So, they feel emboldened to do what adults do. Imo, I have seen foster kids, which deeply fall into media brainwashing and are prime victims. They have a strange mentality to them.

MercurysBall2 ago

We sort of already knew that..

the responsible gov't dept. for foster care is United States Department of Health and Human Services

Here are some of our many posts about that department: https://searchvoat.co/?t=%22Department+of+Health+and+Human+Services%22&s=pizzagate&b=on

Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International

https://imgur.com/a/iN7eqoO Ghislaine Maxwell and Stephen Schwarzman attending NEW YORKERS FOR CHILDREN's Spring Gala..

Schwarzman is funding Ethics in AI. Then we have connections to the Child Mind Institute...and New Yorkers for Children...tasked with funding, piloting, and implementing innovative programs that will improve outcomes of youth in the child welfare system with a focus on foster care....Their president is David Hansell...In February 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio named Hansell as the Commissioner of the Administration for Children's Services....After running two of the largest local and state TANF programs in the United States, Hansell joined the administration of President Barack Obama.[9] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

HARPA stands for the “Health Advanced Research Projects Agency”. The Suzanne Wright Foundation, along with supporters within the research and private sector communities, are advocating to establish this agency within Health and Human Services (HHS). Modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), HARPA would work within an innovation ecosystem that would drive innovation and results. .. Note the reference to the Michigan Department of Human Services. An important facet in the HARPA connections.

Vindicator ago

Giving this the Share! flair.

PedoAnnihilator6 ago

Bylaws of the Order of Child Saviors

The purpose of these Bylaws is the total annihilation of pedophilia. The legitimacy of these Bylaws is the preservation of the future of humanity.

Any shall become a Member of this Order by swearing an Oath to annihilate pedophilia.

Upon swearing such an Oath unbroken, all votes due a sworn Member shall immediately be recognized, but all votes of such Member shall be destroyed upon death or disloyalty, yet no vote once destroyed shall ever be recognized again.

A Member shall as Spotter have 1 vote per supporter, 10 votes per consumer, and 100 votes per producer of pedophilia identified by such member and 1,000 votes per child rapist identified by such member.

A Member shall as Executioner have 1 vote per supporter, 10 votes per consumer, and 100 points per producer of pedophilia or its' legal facilitator killed; 1,000 votes per child rapist or its' legal facilitator publicly executed; 10,000 votes per child rapist or its' legal facilitator tortured to death; and 100,000 votes per child rapist or its' legal facilitator publicly impaled and left to rot by such Member.

A Member shall as Isolator have votes equal to the real market value of funds contributed to this Order, votes equal to the real market value of property that promotes or distributes pedophilia destroyed, votes equal to the real market value of plunder stripped from pedophiles and their supporters, and votes multiplied 100 times by the real market value of government property used to provide freedom for pedophiles or their supporters, consumers, or legal facilitators razed by such Member.

The Spotters by majority vote shall appropriate funds in exchange for acts that annhilate pedophilia.

The Executioners by majority vote shall elect the Strategos who shall deliver Order funds according to Defiler Appropriation & Plunderer Direction.

The Isolators by majority vote shall direct Commanders from which Members shall choose their direction.

Two of three Member classes shall veto by respective majority vote any Spotter Appropriation, Strategos Delivery, or Isolator Direction.

This Code shall be suspended upon the perceived total annihilation of the pedophilia but shall restart upon any report of the same.