Trump Administration Asks for Comments on Child Sex Trafficking in Foster Care System -, October 4, 2019
WASHINGTON—The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services is putting out a call for whistleblowers and concerned citizens to come forward to discuss child sex trafficking in the foster care system.
“The National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children in Youth in the United States has discussed vulnerabilities of children and youth who have interacted with foster care systems and is working on recommendations for professionals in these settings. We encourage everyone with specific ideas or recommendations to submit them in writing for the members’ consideration:,” the Committee exclusively told The Epoch Times on Friday, Oct. 4, the day the Committee held a public meeting on ways to combat child sex trafficking.
“If you have comments for the Committee, contact [email protected],” the committee’s official comments page states.
The Committee held its meeting in Alexandria, Virginia on the same day that parents staged a rally at the California state capitol in Sacramento to speak out against Child Protective Services (CPS), alleging widespread abuse and corruption in the CPS system.
The Epoch Times reported that the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), spearheaded by Hillary Clinton and signed into law in 1997 by her husband President Bill Clinton, created a program by which the federal government sends incentive checks to states for each child adopted out of foster care—with mandatory adoptions occurring when a child has been in foster care for 15 of the past 22 months.
The state of California, which officially labels all missing foster care children as “runaways,” has been rocked by allegations of child sex abuse in the Contra Costa County foster care system. The State Department’s 2019 human trafficking report stated that “in the United States, traffickers prey upon children in the foster care system.” President Donald Trump’s Family First Prevention and Services Act, which eliminates some financial incentives for removing children from their biological families, went into effect on Oct. 1 but some advocates say the law does not go far enough.
Public comments already started flowing in ahead of Friday’s meeting.
“As an advocate for families and children, financial incentives pose a big problem to the already broken family court system and their unethical practices,” citizen Amy Betts said in a public comment published by HHS. “Jurisdiction as defined, is not followed by these state run family courts. Including that they violate rights daily through use of their unethical and fraudulent activities that they currently use to incentivize the state and its funding. Children are taken from fit families, including through fraudulent orders by the state run family courts.
“Through the use of ‘Hague Conventions’ stated in the fraudulent orders being created, these courts take and keep children from their families-putting them in worse situations than they were taken from. Many of these children run away, and have issues stemming from the abuses that have been created by these family courts, who through the assistance of DHHS, CPS, and other state run agencies, power goes unchecked and children and families lives are destroyed.
“This is where the majority of your trafficking victims come from. When wrongdoing is proven by way of these state courts and administrative agencies, there is then no recourse for the victims.”
“Reform the State run Family Courts! Stop incentivizing the states and these agencies through taking children and placing them in foster care and adopted homes! Assistance must be to the biological families. And abusers must be held accountable. Counseling (and forgiveness) will not change the actions of those causing harm.
“Without accountability, the abusers understand that they get to continue with what they are doing, then learn new ways to hide behind the law and continue with their fraudulent practices. There are many families, including children that suffer,” Betts stated in her comment.
“Our agencies and our foster care system has shown the wide range of outcomes for children in foster care,” stated citizen Devra Waterman and others, who submitted the same letter calling for teenagers in foster care to be allowed to return to their families if they wish. “For those who struggle to find a safe place within the system, their outcomes are dismal. Homelessness, joblessness, drug use, prostitution and without family reunification, lacking any support when they age out of foster care. Many adoptive and foster children do not find a permanent place with their adoptive or foster parents. Often, the relationship ends when they age out of the system.”
“I ask you not to wait. I ask you to implement this simple policy to allow older children subjected to foster care to be able to request and voice their desire to return to the safe family member with support from state agencies to provide the reunification for families nationwide while reducing the number of runaways and sex trafficked foster kids,” Waterman and others said.
MAGARunner ago
Check out the Foster Family Network in Contra Costa County. Notice the Butterfly symbol on the title page.
sore_ass_losers ago
CPS Worker Defies Gag Order, Exposes Violent Child Sex Ring in State Foster System
Article at link is well worth a read and a top level post (go for it, anyone).
In Arizona a 5 year old girl named Devani was taken from her parents and assigned to one David Frodsham, a deputy commander of an army base. His foster parent career of 12 years started to crumble when he showed up drunk and belligerent at the foster care office. However it took a subsequent incident of transferring child pornography. He and two associates were arrested, he was found guily of 'sexual misconduct with a minor, procuring minors for sex, and possessing and/or manufacturing child pornography' and given a sentence of 17 years.
Alas poor Devani's problems were only beginning. She was transferred to foster parent Samantha Osteraas. Osteraas held her down in scalding water, causing burns over 80% of the 5-year old's body.
A courageous social worker Beth Breen broke the rules to reveal details this story. This story is from 2017, so perhaps it's been covered here, although the linked article is recent.
sore_ass_losers ago
Here's a posting from a year and a half ago:
Update on David Frodsham and CPS Pedo Ring
redwing14 ago
Who are the secret society groups that are part of the organized crime?? I hear some of them are good and others are bad? one that was bad is people that praise moloch.
Lansing-Michigan ago
Years ago,in my state of Maine, we could make comments on our daily newspapers. Only two big ones. One comment on the Bangor Daily News stated....."then governor Angus King, asked for good looking children for the foster care system as a way to raise revenue. Then a girl was found killed in a basement, bound and gagged. Then Angus King reduced the number of social workers checking on foster children. ".......Then he went on to become our state senator.Quoting a comment.
separationordeath ago
The Son of Man has a different plan than Trump and /pizzagate. The slave masters children have you intoxicated with their lies.
contact [email protected] Plenty we can send...though I'd do it anonymously just in case. Nice eye as usual, @letsdothis3 .
NoBS ago
Oregon is a Muloch hot spot. Public Sector more often than not hires ONLY from disciples of ill repute.
They have fired ALL the "accidental" Christians not long after the real ones.
allonthesameteam ago
I came here to post this. I am hope full that the shift is happening toward the protection of our kids. Arrests and rescues are/seem to be way up.
Truthseeker3000 ago
And this is when we really need Melissa Zaccharia “The Honeybee” to get her documentary out but instead no one has heard from her in a year and still no documentary. People donated money to the cause too. Evil.
Vindicator ago
She came under a pretty harsh attack and smear campaign here and on Twitter last year from Fiona Barnett fans who claimed she had mob ties and was a fraud. No proof, of course. Last time I checked, her YouTube account was still active, though she pulled back from the rest of social media. I think she didn't want to endanger the project. Last time I talked to her, she was spending so much time defending herself that it was preventing her from working on the documentary. She was doing all that on top of her regular employment and she may have gotten discouraged.
It would be great to hear from @Honeybee_ about her project, for sure.
Truthseeker3000 ago
Then she should have refunded all the donations. Apparently she is sitting on about $25k and the doc was left. Also, the guy she was working with, Anthony, apparently got into a DUI situation and the money went to bail him out. Titus Frost recently called her out again and gave her a 2 week period to hand over all the footage so he could do the documentary for free with no donations, so far she hasn’t bothered responding. She stopped social media when the Craig Sawyer case heated up and people started questioning him. I saw her post a couple photos of herself eating Chinese food with a stupid look on her face a while back so she is still around but not answering anyone and the money is gone.
Vindicator ago
Is there any proof of any of this?
Truthseeker3000 ago
Titus Frost looked into Anthony and Melissa. He found it watch his video where he explains it all. I saw the stupid face open mouth food photo on her social media months back. She disappeared for a long time then comes back and posts that photo it was bizarre. I was really hoping she was legit as she did great work but it was likely a cover or a front unfortunately as that’s not who she really is. Others found a lot of photos of her online in her past accusing her of mob ties and satanism I can’t confirm that part but it’s out there. And no, no donations were ever refunded.
Vindicator ago
I think it's irresponsible and suspect to post a bunch of claims about someone with a good track record without backing them up. As in, providing supporting links. "Titus Frost says so" or "others found a lot of photos" is not evidence. It's rumor-mongering.
Truthseeker3000 ago
He has a great track record and reached out to her personally many times with no response, same with her friend Random Rants of Ryan, she avoids them completely. She won’t respond about handing over the raw footage to complete the document either and not one penny of the $25k has ever been refunded. Court records and friends of the two confirmed Anthony’s DUI and that’s how they got around. Why avoid everyone then post a random pic of yourself with your mouth open eating Chinese food after months of nothing then deleting your page when people saw it and started questioning you? You won’t look up the Titus video so you saying it’s all bullshit. You tell me then, where is the evidence the document is getting finished? Where is the evidence the money hasn’t vanished? Why isn’t she quoting bible scriptures on her videos busting pedos anymore? People change and they aren’t who you think they are I know it’s a tough pill to swallow. I was her biggest supporter at one point too, not anymore she’s shown her true colours. If she truly cares, she will hand over the footage to Titus so he can put it together free, no donations. Thanks for your rude message btw.
Vindicator ago
You're the one making all kind of unsubstantiated claims, trying to send me on a wild goose chase after some video with no name or date or link, and you're claiming I was rude. Sorry. I'm not buying that.
Truthseeker3000 ago
WATCH THIS NOW AND READ ALL THE COMMENTS BELOW IT: go to YouTube to Victurus Libertas channel and watch the video called “Where Did Honeybee Go? Let’s Discuss Kids Inc”
This video was filmed 6 months ago and had liberty columnist (Anthony) on to discuss the documentary. I’m just starting to watch it now as I’ve never seen it and the comments under the video are interesting indeed. Hope it sheds more light on it for you.
Truthseeker3000 ago
I’m not sending you anywhere. Titus and Ryan are personal friends of Melissa and spoke to her regularly as well as seeing her. I said you were rude because you claimed “irresponsible “ etc, on what I saw saying. I didn’t know you wanted to see the video because you were basically saying it was garbage so no I was never sending you on a wild goose chase. Agree to disagree. But this is the time we need that footage and documentary but no she won’t even give the footage to Titus to finish it and yes the donations are gone and won’t be refunded. It’s a huge blow to everyone and a serious let down.
Aasb ago
I was wondering what shes up to. Hope shes fine.
Reymrgapurple ago
YingYangMom ago
This. Key.
Vindicator ago
Wow! Long time no see YYM! Have you been lurking all this time? Or did you take a long break? Great to see your handle pop up!
YingYangMom ago
Hey there!
To tell you the truth, no, I wasn't lurking here until very recently. I took a long needed break to concentrate on my family life and to regain some of my strength (emotionally speaking). I am following the news (Q included), observing, sharing, praying and rooting for the good guys to drain the swamp worldwide. In the meantime, I will try and help out when and where I can.
Wishing you much success and peace. Also, thank you so much for being a wonderful support system :)
Vindicator ago
Glad you got a break. :-)
If you want to dig into any particular topic, the Search feature is now very robust. You can even search Comments (back to October 2017). I believe Search was non-existent when you were a regular contributor. :-) Make sure, after you get to SearchVoat with a query in the box in the sidebar, that you change the check boxes to expand the search to include post body text and NSFW and run it again (it defaults to titles only).
Welcome back!
YingYangMom ago
Gotcha. Thanks :)
maggiethatcher ago
"The committee exclusively told the Epoch Times"
NoBS ago
It's because the Deep State controlled Media have their marching orders.
That and The Epoch Times actually investigates. As noted by their anally preserved documentation for evidence sited. Hat tip to my go to news source.
derram ago :
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