shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi @MercurysBall2, Could you fix this link, please.

That's the company that is currently managing the property at 73 Park Rehoboth Beach...the property that was newly built after David Brock's house was sold and demolished. Brock lived there with William Grey for a number of years.,+Rehoboth+DE..It seems that Ronald S Haft now owns the property. I think he smells of CIA too

the punctuation [...It] is fouling the link.,+Rehoboth+DE -

MercurysBall2 ago

Done. Thanks for pointing that out.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you're welcome

cueanon2 ago

Is Sotheby's providing safe houses for the CIA? Also in regard to the handkerchief with a map that seems pizza-related, I came across something a while ago. It seems that around the time this took place there was an individual (a designer of specialty hospitality items like menus and napkins) in Brooklyn NY (who has a website) that

advertised a "handkerchief map invite." It was a custom-printed handkerchief that could be mailed, with a notice and directions to a special event like graduation, wedding, party, etc. Interesting is that this person's office in Brooklyn was in the same area as HRC's Brooklyn campaign headquarters. Did Podesta receive one of these "handkerchief map invites," from HRC's office and did pizza mean something other than a quite mundane pizza party?

MercurysBall2 ago

Henry Wyndham, chairman of Sotheby's: Mario Testino and Henry Wyndham attend The Elephant Family presents "The Animal Ball" at Lancaster House on July 9, 2013 in London, England. Henry Wyndham (L) and Richard Caring attend The Elephant Parade auction in aid of The Elephant Family at Royal Hospital Chelsea on June 30, 2010 in London, England

Related post: Revisiting the Absolute Return for Kids (ARK) and JEFFREY EPSTEIN connections. Who is Peter Dubens? t a dinner of mostly business stars hosted by Richard Caring, I was forced to ask: "Who is the guy next to Richard?" The restaurateur and clothing tycoon had Henry Wyndham, chairman of Sotheby's, on his right.

Richard Caring with Bill Clinton and Philip Green Henry Wyndham and Arki Busson attend the Belle Epoque Gala Dinner, in celebration of the exhibition 'Americans in Paris 1860-1900', at The National Gallery on March 16, 2006 in London, England.

MercurysBall2 ago Andrew and Aurelia Cecil at the Gilda's Club Party at Sotheby's

Source: The Duke of York arrives at the wedding of former girlfriend Aurelia Cecil at the Parish Church of St Michael in Compton Chamberlayne near Salisbury. Ms Cecil, the daughter of the Earl of Cranbourne, married Rupert Stephenson. Ghislaine Maxwell at the same wedding

Piscina ago

She paid CASH.

2017Fallout ago

Great hunting.

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Cutter17 ago

Nice work there. Very informative.