ZalesMcMuffin ago

You know what else is white and black? Dominoes.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If the handkerchief had a normal map on it, why wouldn't the realtor have said so in the first place?

Susan Sandler told JP that "they" can send it, meaning that, at the time of the email from SS to JP, the realtor still had the handkerchief (whatever it was) -- meaning, intuitively, that SS had not seen it. That means SS's description of it in her email to JP must have relied on knowledge beyond what was in the realtor's email.

This means that either (a) the thing had significance for SS well beyond a simple handkerchief or (b) SS must have had some additional conversation with the realtor to find out more about the handkerchief. Or perhaps both (a) and (b). But, again, if it was simply a normal map, why would the realtor not mention that in the first email to SS? It would be the very first thing I would say about it, if I were to find such a handkerchief.

Also, SS said "I think it has a map"; she was not sure it was a map.

Votescam ago

She not only refers to the handkerchief but notes that it is "black/white" which is also code.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Interesting point. Her language is terse so there's a risk of reading too much into too little. However, that she says only "black w/ white" is curious. Why not say just a bit more and really describe it? Why such a tight-lipped description?

And then Susan Sandler gives her amazingly specific psychic description based (apparently) on just that very vague description from the realtor.

quantokitty ago

Excellent point! Why would she assume that? Wild accurate guess? Reading tea leaves again? That's not the kind of thing you pull out of the air. I believe someone mentioned that "pillow" is a code word for drugs so we're left with trying to figure out if these were actual pillow pillows or another code word, but if we think about it, spotting a bag of drugs in a house would be a lot more difficult to do than finding a pillow. And, if the owners of the house found a couple of pillow pillows, they would tend not to freak out, but if they found that a realtor and people that came to look at their rent were using drugs in their home? I would think they'd go ballistic which would translate into the realtor getting in trouble for not monitoring the situation. Then we can make a personal observation on how whacked out Podesta and his traveling band of walnut sauced pasta party really are. Here they're looking at gorgeous properties to rent and they're buying drugs and bringing them into people's homes ostensibly to use? Really reflective on how out of control these idiots are and the entitlement they feel they deserve.

quantokitty ago

The realtor couldn't have sold the pillows. If she'd sold the pillows, she wouldn't need to ask where they were in the house. She could identify them by going through the house herself.

quantokitty ago

You know what? I read over that email again, and think you were right. It could be the realtor was in on things. "I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house." I mean, what? These couldn't be pillow-pillows! Why would anyone bring pillows into a home they were thinking of buying? It makes no sense. Plus they rode in one car and gossiped. The realtor was definitely more than a business acquaintance. She's back on my radar.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Hi, I know. One thing, u can't use Wikileaks anymore because some of the emails have "disappeared" because the CIA is now in control of Wikileaks. Julian Asange is MIA. Another long story. U can't send sources to Wiki because it's going directly into the hands of the CIA. Anonymous did an exposé on this. Sorry the last message I posted was in one huge paragraph it had spacing but it wasn't posted properly. Yes, dominos is sinister, not just a game of black and white rectangular pieces of wooden blocks. Dominos is Domination. They are not that sneaky but rather idiotic, ie: pillows, dominos, etc.!!! Also of note is the word PILLOWS, pillows means pills, ie: date rape drug most likely used on the preteen girl on the kitchen island as Podesta wanted them back. The only one I haven't cracked yet is the Ping Pong reference. If u know, please reply ;) Indeed, these people are deranged satanic occultic psychopaths but easy for them with no empathy or remorse whatsoever...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thanks! I never thought it would be the same meaning with kids but I guess so :(

YingYangMom ago

I know... It's all so disturbing. I've submitted a new thread about 'The handkerchief email and the realtor' today and Gilderoy linked me to this thread. I agree with your comments and feel the same way about the code words. Feel free to join us there :)

Truthseeker3000 ago

(After the party with the children in the pool) August 27, Rob Mnookin emailed: Thank You Dear Herb, A short note to say how much Dale and I enjoyed last night. What a stimulating evening, thanks no doubt to the Sandler rules and the fantastic company. What a pleasure to see Susan again, and meet Steve, Mary and John, and Hans. Note: “Sandler rules” and “stimulating company”, possibly referring to sex toys in a touchy-feely game of blindfold domination. The next get-together was a bit rougher under the Podesta rules. On September 1, the day before Sandler’s departure, the ex-banker, daughter Susan and John Podesta hired a realtor named Kate to drive them to inspect rental properties. They visited a large rental home “at the end of the road” on Kuffie Point, which juts into Lake Tashmoo, along with considering other houses located by a park, facing the yacht club and at Stonewall Beach, all with minimal neighbors and out of hearing range of public places. Why seek out such isolated places? At around 4 p.m., the realtor dropped the trio off at the “Field house”, probably one of the larger rentals on Field Club Drive. The guest list for the end-of-summer party is not mentioned. On happy ending is that ever since the morning-after email exchange, savvy Kate was suddenly able to open her own interiors business instead of flogging rentals. From Kate. Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house. Safe travels to all Kate Question: How really difficult is it to find pillows in a sparely decorated vacation rental? Susan immediately emails John Podesta, adding the extra code word “pizza”: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner Why the big fuss over a handkerchief? How can a handkerchief be pizza-related? Why is the handkerchief on the kitchen island counter if the party-goers were slicing pizza on it? Are napkins or paper towels not included in a luxury resort home? And as one visitor to VOT put it: Who still uses a handkerchief in this day and age? The answers come from the same code used at Comet Pizza back in Chevy Chase. The handkerchief worn in a back pocket of jeans or shorts originated in the gay movement of the 1970s to identify one’s preferences in sexual roles, and soon got kinkier with the rising popularity of bondage, domination, sadomachism, golden showers (yellow) and coprophilia (brown). Domino’s pan pizza was not on the dinner menu. The main course was an underage girl delivered to the party. Drugged into semi-consciousness, she was put on the kitchen island, and probably taped down by the arms so as not to fall to the floor. Then the slapping and flogging with the Podesta rules, followed by oral sex and penetration, topped off by ejaculating on her, which accounts for the next morning’s sticky mess or “map”. Susan forwards the message. John Podesta, the presidential adviser and boss of the most politically correct lobby on gay issues and women’s rights, answers curtly, “It’s mine”. No doubt he’d treat a pet dog better than a homeless girl. So what then happened must have been a big IOU of appreciation from Susan when she phones Kate to tell the girl to wash up and dress, and to put her on a plane back to Washington DC, where one of the female staffers from Comet Pizza will pick her up at Dulles Airport. His conscience cleared, Podesta’s back to human rights advocacy and lobbying for clients. On Christmas Eve 2014, a package is delivered to Herbert Sandler, who is a Jew who celebrates Hannukah earlier in the month. I was sent by John Podesta. Now try to pick up the odd elements in the thank-you note: From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Date: 2015-12-24 21:42 Subject: Re: Cheese Sandler, Herbert wrote: > Mary and John > > I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them. Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb > > > > Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? > OK, for the benefit of the slow pokes, the first sentence states “when changing strategies that have been long in place”, indicating a break in the accustomed game plan, the game being dominoes. “Pasta” is a code word for underage boy. “Sauce” is about group sex. The gift of cheese is therefore an insider joke, since "cheese" is a code word for preteen girls. Return of “my children and grandchildren” is a pun, since in code it also can mean his team of adult and child partners for group sex. Doubting Toms still don’t believe? Then what does his PS mean?? “Do you think I’ll do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta?” If you can tell me how anyone can play dominoes on top of a bowl pasta or a plate of cheese, I’ll buy you a Domino’s pan pizza with extra anchovies, because it really stinks.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You actually think "a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island" was a girl? That seems strained, to put it mildly. Granted that an actual girl would definitely be important enough to trigger this little volley of emails, but the realtor's language seems too specific to be something other than an actual handkerchief, IMO. (What was important about the handkerchief is another matter.)

Truthseeker3000 ago

It's simple: Dominos = Domination getting a set means getting the items used like whips, flogging instruments, etc. The black and white itself means domination, BDSM, however u want to take that. Some people also say that the color black is domination and white represents underage. Which definitely rings true with these child predator SICK fucks. Map represents semen, u get the visual idea, no need to elaborate. No rules in dominos is also very sick. Means the child is obviously very injured and hurt. These people are vile. I notice someone used the "Podesta method" so he plays BDSM with no rules, SICK bastard terrorizing child victims. An actual game of the real rectangular dominos game is popular in places like 3rd world countries, yes, but that does NOT reference the Podesta occult game of Dominos. These are two totally different things. Hope this helps.

spez_dispenser ago

Dominoes - possible Kubrick reference:

"Domino. The prostitute that Bill meets as he roams about the city at night is named Domino. There is coincidentally what’s known as "domino programming" in mind control slaves. At the very end of one scene, Domino says to Bill, "Don’t worry ... I don't keep track of the time." Being that this is the last sentence of the scene means that the director wanted this to be emphasized. For what reason? Well interestingly enough, several authors on the subject of mind control have noted that a mind controlled subject in their triggered alternate personas will often have no sense of time. And once inside Domino's room, we see that she has rainbow Christmas lights strung up everywhere, tribal masks on the wall, a mirror over her dresser, and on the dresser, under the mirror is a book named "Shadows of the Mirror.""

bolus ago

don't let this die. this is something. social connection leads, money path leads.

bolus ago

sotheby's is connected to alefantis in lots of ways. compiling a new post. thanks for the tip.

Verite1 ago

Not really that strange. Sotheby's is a huge international company that deals in art and real estate and jewelry, etc. However, surely people remember when Sotheby's and Christies were caught colluding and price-fixing a few years ago?

Verite1 ago

But if that was his response, it sort of invalidates nefarious activity. If said handkerchief had bodily fluid present, wouldn't the person want to retrieve it, for safety? It really could just be that a black and white handkerchief which looked to have had pizza sauce on it, was found in the kitchen.

Pizzagate709 ago

When have you ever referred to a a napkin or handkercheif as a pizza related map?

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's my thinking. But again, in my opinion, there's much more going on here. I really do have to post the info. The problem is the post would have more questions than answers, but it might trigger one of the geniuses on this site to go off on a tangent and dig. Some of these investigative searches are astonishing. Like the one on the PEGASUS MUSEUM. There've been others, but that one springs to mind because it's the latest. My hat's off to these real journalists for going the extra mile.

quantokitty ago

If you're asking my opinion and what I deduce from it, then we'd have to go into the meaning of the word "mapping" and set up what was said starting with the realtor contacting Sandler:

"Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it."

What the realtor says is consistent with doing her job. That's why I'm not suspicious. She's asking if it's theirs and giving a description. There's nothing to indicate the realtor is part of anything other than trying to make a commission, BUT here's where it gets interesting. Susan Sandler gets in touch with John Podesta and cc's this Eryn Sepp (again, why in heaven's name haven't we dug into this woman's involvement?) Here's the wording:

"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it."

Here's where the coding comes it. "map that seems pizza-related". WTH would know what that means? You'd only know if you were involved in that seamy side of molesting children. That terminology is just not used in daily life -- just isn't. And the fact that she sends JP and Eryn Sepp this jargon without them writing back and asking, "WTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!!" which would have been my reply -- proves that there's something going on. But you're asking me what? So here's my best guesstimate.

"Mapping" refers to a couple of things. I found this out from doing research because I certainly didn't know at the outset. Mapping refers both to the combination of colors that show the intentions of the pedophile/sexual predator, but there's a secondary meaning. The handkerchief is used to put under the child and collect bodily fluids. This evidence is soaked up into the handkerchief and the handkerchief is used like a trophy for said predator. Liken it to Monica Lewinsky's dress. So Sandler identifies key pieces of evidence: (1) that this handkerchief could have been someone else's in this group and not confined to Podesta: (2) that Podesta is the likely suspect because the color coded mapping would be consistent with his pizza-related activities; (3) that everyone in the group is aware of Podesta's pizza-related activities; (4) that if Podesta is using it as a signal for sexual preferences, he might want it back rather than buy another one to wave around or have hang out of a pocket; and (4) (this is the big one) that this might have been used (i.e., have collected fluid) and be a trophy in which case Podesta would really want it back.

Like I said, there's more to the email. I wanted to go into it in depth, but just haven't had the time to do the subject justice.

bolus ago

Susan mentioned it...we don't know if it turned out to be nothing.

What's important is that she thought it might be important. That's the key. That she thought it might means something indicates that the words actually mean something significant to her.

Verite1 ago

Disagree. She thought it was something because she's responsible agent following up and making sure belongings were left behind.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Susan is not the realtor. Susan is the one who seemed to think it could be important to JP, and also provided the psychic "pizza-related map" description from the vague description given to her by the realtor.

bolus ago

If we have trusted that fbianon's hints have meant something this far, then "cards" likely ties in as well, and there may be another card connection referenced that we just don't get.

I'm going to dig in this direction today.

bolus ago

It means something, I'm almost certain.

bolus ago

Nice connection. Was it even close to his birthday?

The realtor may not have known what she found...but Susan Sandler surely did, hence the code.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the post, but don't agree with this analysis. In fact, I had done some digging into this because of that strange email sent to Podesta about this black and white handkerchief. I also went and looked at the properties Podesta & Co were looking at that day. The houses were furnished ... they didn't appear staged ... more like the owners wee still living there. The point is that part of a realtor's job is to check the property to make sure nothing has been disturbed. This is especially true if the house were still owned. It would fall on her if something were broken or out of place so her finding the handkerchief in the kitchen just means she was doing her job. And the coded words start with Eryn Sepp (again -- was she the one arranging for vans or transportation in other messages? Why haven't we looked into her?). She's the one that uses the jargon. I have a whole bunch of other observations about this whole matter, but wanted to say not to drag this realtor into it for doing her job. For instance, there's also a realtor that JA used to rent out a few of those properties he "invested" in, but I chose not to blast the realtor's name all over the place. He just works in the area and it's his job to rent out properties so why bring him into this? Not Sasha Lord and Wiseman and others exchanged weird messages on Instagram and were involved and actively engaged in talking about lurid subjects. But finding a prospective buyer's property in the kitchen and asking if they want it returned is not out of the ordinary. What's out of the ordinary is Eryn Sepp using the pedophile jargon to communicate with Podesta. That's what we should be concentrating on.

anolegion ago

The realtor only connects to the Sandlers. Her name is Kathryn Tate, she works for Kendall & Kendall RE.

28leinad82 ago

nice work.. worth looking into further I think.