doubleherpes ago

During the 2nd Iraq War, the US put all the top Iraqi government officials' faces on playing cards. The allies also did this during WWII. The idea is that troops would play with the cards and become familiar with the faces, making capture more likely.

AngelDetective ago

I just found this link! WOW!

lawfag123 ago

Tell us more about what you know?

AngelDetective ago

I was searching for Sothby's and I found this email. Tick-Tock another reference from Alice in Wonderland. I don't know if this is worth anything, but on twitter they have #tick tock. Maybe there are answers in the book, "Alice in Wonderland"?

Queen_Puabi ago

First comment in your second link was pretty interesting, see below

Paris attacks November 13, 2015 – Alice in Wonderland inset – post attack speculation ————————————————————————————————————————-

There has been discussion on the internet about the possible prediction of the Paris attacks in the Alice in Wonderland inset at the bottom right of the Economist cover, but discussion seems scattered and incomplete. After studying the available commentary I would like to consolidate it and add a few speculative comments of my own–admittedly ex post facto and consequently subject to the appropriate level of scepticism.

  1. Arrows: 11.5 11.3 —————————-

If these six digits are to represent a date for a prediction of a 2015 event, then we immediately remove a "1" and a "5" leaving the digits "1 1 1 3". The month must be between 1 and 12 so we immediately get "11". The day has two possibilities "13" and "31" which are valid, but November has only 30 days so the correct order must be "13". In American date terms then we get "11/13/15", British "13/11/15" or ISO [20]15/11/30 all of which can only be read as "November 13, 2015"–the date of the Paris attacks. As commented on in various places on the internet these six numbers can only be rearranged only into this one valid date in 2015.

  1. Background picture "La Belle Ferronierre" ————————————————————–

The painting to Alice's right is generally known today as "La Belle Ferronierre", is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and presently hangs in the Louvre in Paris. Why choose this particular painting by Leonardo da Vinci instead of the much better known "Mona Lisa" if you simply wish to identify a date with Paris using a picture?

The metal chain with the central jewel on the lady's forehead is called a "ferronniere" and a "ferronnier" is an ironmonger in English (French "fer" == English "iron"). Now iron is often associated with "heavy metal" rock (eg. early groups: "Iron Maiden", "Iron Butterfly" ) and a subset of heavy metal rock is "death metal". The group playing at the Bataclan Theatre on November 13, 2015 was "Eagles of Death Metal". In any event, the Bataclan was apparently a well-known venue for rock groups of this type. A penny for your thoughts…

  1. Pile of earth and cricket ball in front of picture ——————————————————————-

This is clearly speculative but I throw it in for further thought.

The ball seems pretty clearly a cricket ball not a soccer ball. Nevertheless, it does not seem too outrageous to speculate "earth"=="ground" and "ball"=="sport/sporting event" and one of the targets, which attack was more or less aborted, was the Stade de France where a France/Germany soccer game was being played.

Just thinking about the pile of earth alone in front of La Belle Ferronniere, there are two gastronomic expressions used in French: "fruits de la mer" and "fruits de la terre" (English: "fruits of the sea" and "fruits of the earth", American: think "surf n' turf"). There were four Paris restaurants targeted on November 13: Le Carrilon, Le Petit Cambodge, La Casa Nostra, and La Belle Equipe. Food for thought…

AngelDetective ago

I just found this. It is paperless cards.

TheGodHead ago

School me!

LostandFound ago

There's that weird podesta email with the pic attached of a bunch of people playing cards, Internet lit up with an iffy story it was madeline. Top card was 4 of clubs which is kind of odd looking at some of the comments here.

Investigate1999 ago

I up voted you.

Tony Pedesta writes to John and Mary: "In top front of my backpack there are a stack of cards, pull out two Sotheby's cards. 4 free admissions to Whitney Meet at home or there?????"

This is very interesting. We can interpret it in 2 ways, or maybe more.

  • "There are 4 free admissions to the Whitney event, at home or there???"
  • "To get the free admissions to the Whitney event, should we meet at home or there????"

I Googled "Whitney Meet"... ...and images of gymnasts came up.

CactusBrad ago

Cards may be the index note cards she needed for the interview that night with Julia Roberts for Oprah Network.

Kinda long... she talks about raising children, Middle East child abuse, losing Chelsea...

Starting my second read now. Anyone searched emails for Oprah?

CactusBrad ago

Also mentions "Vital Voices" (Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Melanne Verveer, Theresa Loar, Donna McLarty, Alyse Nelson, Mary Daley Yerrick, Sue MolIna, Susan Ann Davis)

DopeandDiamonds ago

Also, they are talking about Sotheby's and Whitney. I assume two different places since they are separate cards. He does not say which one "there" is. Unless they are speaking of the auction Sotheby's held at the Whit, this makes no sense.

TheGodHead ago

This is very true.

Painting the roses red is a nod to Cromwell and The War Of The Roses. It was Cromwell who reintroduced the Jewish community to England.

zoltan907 ago

3) Yes. Question 5-032 Look into Muhammad Yunus cough cough Correct.

Muhammad Yunus founded the Grameen Bank, a microfinance institution, in Bangladesh in 1976. About 97% of its loans go to women. Maybe some of those women re-pay the loans in children.

From the WSJ ( "Mr. Yunus has been feted by the likes of former President Bill Clinton and Queen Sofia of Spain. 'He really did refine this credit methodology and have the vision of it being a sustainable banking institution,' said Mary Houghton, president of ShoreBank Corp., whose ShoreBank unit services poor clients in Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland.

"But while admiring his innovations, some in the microcredit industry have privately criticized Mr. Yunus for overstating Grameen's success.

"Mr. Yunus often says the bank has a loan-recovery rate as high as 98.5%. Yet that figure ignores the clients who are far behind in their loan payments. The bank reports a loan as overdue only if the borrower has missed 10 or more consecutive payments. And the bank has often provided new loans to allow borrowers to keep current on old ones. The problem came to a head early this decade, when 19% of Grameen loans were at least one year overdue."

There's a Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) in the Philippines, which is described as "a social development organization that has evolved from being a bank which is owned and managed by landless women, into an outstanding and highly credible microfinance institution (MFI) that is presently leading the pack of microfinance institutions in the Philippines."


The Philippines is a hotbed of child prostitution and kiddie porn production.

Page 160 of of Yunis's book, "Banker to the Poor: Micro-lending and the Battle Against World Poverty" (co-written with Alan Jolis) says that Dr. Mahabub Hossain, an independent researcher, researched CARD loans and presented his findings at an international workshop in the Philippines in June 1997.

Among the findings:

70% of CARD borrowers are landless and own houses worth less than $550 They use their loans for businesses -- 97% of borrowed money is invested in income-generating activities Borrowers' average rate of return on investment is 117% (144% for borrowers who have taken out 5 or more loans)

waybackwhen1987 ago

could be passes to some sort of online gallery or auction viewing whitney meaning gallery sotherbys to represent a sale... very odd

mosesapostaticus ago

The Economist is run by Lynn de Rothschild, who is pictured behind David Brock in one of the CPP Insta pics. It's the occult elite's mouthpiece to signal to the rest of them what's going on. IMO the Star card on the 2017 refers to Pizzagate (comet in the middle, teenagers pictured as stars [dead kids], dark side of the moon). Anyway, yes there is definitely a link between the Economist and the Satanic elite IMO.

Also all of the cards pictured are trump cards, incidentally.


could be this??

"A 'disgusting' Top Trumps-style card game featuring Britain's most notorious paedophiles and child killers and ranking their crimes is available to buy online.

Meaty Trumps' 'British Nonces' boasts 54 vile child-abuser playing cards and participants must battle it out comparing attributes such as 'slipperiness' and 'cockiness'."

the cards:


it has been discussed in the sub that the 5 of spades playing card is used by the pedo ring to invite another into the club, they give the card to someone they want to join

AngelDetective ago

I have been searching under Ace, because Ace, Two, and Three of Clubs are painting the roses red. The Queen of Hearts is ordering the roses to be painted red. Ace Hey, D-17 I got mail Student Wellness and Mental Health

I found this under the Queen of Hearts:

I found this under Two of Clubs

Mooka_Molaka ago

Thank You so much ~ it means more than you know ^_^ I hope we all remember that every bit of effort we all put into this might really help in the long run.

God bless, stay safe & Thank You again so much 💖

DCmommaBear ago

I typed in "cards" in the FOIA site and these "trafficking" documents came up. Not sure if there's anything useful in them yet, It's alot to go through. Help me dig?....*&caseNumber=F-2012-21691

DCmommaBear ago

From the "Romania" doc...

"Corruption within the general population of the police force remains a serious and ongoing problem. The GOR has taken limited steps to address the issue. In 2003, the GDCOCAD continued its Corruption Prevention Awareness Program, which includes psychological testing to every officer upon entry and at each position change; testing is focused on stability, intelligence, character, ethics and loyalty. Additionally, every officer, both new or veteran, receives an Ethics Briefing that is provided throughout the year. During the briefing, supervisors discuss corruption cases, detailing what happened and the penalties provided. In February of 2004, a tri-partite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between MOAI, USAID, and the UNDP. The MOU provided framework for the establishment of a specialized unit within the MOAI to take over the mission of updating, disseminating and promoting the "Law Enforcement Best Practice Manual." The Manual, developed under a UNDP Romanian project initiated in 2001, and paid for by USG funding, was written for border police officers, specialized police units, and prosecutors. The manual is a core element of a Comprehensive Law Enforcement Training Strategy that has been endorsed by 13 Southeastern European countries. H. Members at the working levels of the government increased their attention to trafficking in 2003. Romanian authorities within the MOAI's General Directorate for Intelligence and Internal Protection (GDIIP) successfully investigated 15 police officials for corruption crimes related to TIP as follows: 2 border police officers investigated and removed from duty at Otopeni Airport; 13 border police officials currently under investigation - 4 from the Eastern Border, and 9 from the Western Border (disposition of these 13 cases are unknown at this time)."

Lot's of evidence in these docs that prove they are well aware that world wide trafficking has been an issue for a long time, and in all departments.

AngelDetective ago

I was looking for green cards and I found this. I don't have any idea what it is, but please look at this. It is marked important in many areas. It refers to elites and companies. !-- MEMBER_LEVEL GLOBAL VARIABLE Default is ELITE_LEVEL from the Master Contacts List For ADMN campaigns use setglobalvars(MEMBER_LEVEL,lookup(MP_PGM_MBRSP_LVL_CD)) For NONM campaigns use setglobalvars(MEMBER_LEVEL,0) or whichever member level is appropriate --> I hope someone can decipher this.

AngelDetective ago

I saw your post. I was looking for other info and I came across this: I am not sure what kind of card you are looking for, but they are talking about getting a green card for a 4-year-old child. I will keep looking.

SavingGrace ago

I think I might have just cracked it ... 'Cards' is a hint to read into the Wikileaks release of Lockheed Martin emails relating to its UNO Project. What do you think?

OrwellKnew ago

You might be onto something...

FW: ANNOUNCEMENT: Task Order - MadHatter - Lockheed Martin Proprietary Information

The Mad Hatter is an obvious nod to Lewis Carrol, a known pedo

RE: UNO Green Eggs Jamboree 2010 - Lockheed Martin Proprietary/Export Controlled Information

Green Eggs is a reference to childrens author Theodore Geisel "Dr Seuss (sp?)". A Jamboree is a large gathering of young people as in the Boy Scouts annual

Haven't had time to explore much further but, good thinking!

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Are there any references in the Clinton emails, or although unlikely the DNC emails?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Tony Podesta does like his art.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Yes the Child Abduction Rapid Deployment team.

AngelDetective ago

Mooka asked a really good question about painting the roses red. PLAYING CARDS are painting the roses red. The cards are the Ace, Two, and Three of Clubs.

JrSlimss ago

I would need to see the FBI Anon comment in context, but what about the 5 of Spades? There was a post here in the last couple days where someone infiltrated an actual Dark Web pedo bulletin board, and they said that's how the Elite pedos signal one another is with that playing card. As pedos are into Lewis Carroll, it's likely a reference to the 5 of Spades in Alice in Wonderland who...sigh... painted the roses red.

mtlmjk ago

Painting the white roses red is also a term for taking ones virginity.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Please please forgive me for asking, but I'm a little afraid to google it; what does "painting the roses red" mean?

All I could think of was that the children we are all so worried for, are the "roses" & "painting them red" is making them bleed, either through murder or... fuck, I am disgusted by myself to even be able to come up with this ...God damn these monsters. Making them bleed via rape, both girls & boys.

Just one more horrible horrible vision in my head since this began, or rather, since I personally watched this unfold from the Podesta Wikileaks, not to mention the decades & decades this sort of shit was going on before I ever had any clue about it! And I'm haunted by how HUGE & WIDESPREAD it all is & how deep the rabbit hole is & then I feel so guilty for being upset by thinking about it when there are THOUSANDS & THOUSANDS of people, mostly children, LIVING IT.

Sorry, I have to vent sometimes I guess. I hope & pray with all my heart that eventually we can put a dent in this thing & as much as I sometimes feel utterly consumed about punishing the criminals responsible, I mostly just want the kids to be safe & out of harms' way. , _ ,

God bless all of you, be safe & thank you so much for the thousands of man-hours going into this 💖

TheGodHead ago

Painting the roses red is a nod to Cromwell and The War Of The Roses. It was Cromwell who reintroduced the Jewish community to England.

AngelDetective ago

Mooka, I think it is from "Alice In Wonderland". In this particular scene the cards are painting the white roses red. The artwork, social posts, and emails hold a lot of references to White Rabbit, Mirrors, Roses. Very interesting. In a lot of the paintings I saw a lot of red speckles that reminded me of red rose petals. PLAYING CARDS are painting the roses red. I hope this helps.

equineluvr ago

This may be nothing (need sleep, dang it!), but loosely the roses -- after being painted red -- look like hearts. The tops of the trees (green portions) are definitely shaped like hearts. So, once painted, there are hearts within a larger heart. And the heart within a heart symbol is the GirlLover logo. It's not exact, of course, but we have seen many variations/stylized versions of these logos.

lawfag123 ago

Could also be playing cards. I saw a thread about elite pedos carry around like a 5 or 7 or spades or something. blows my mind but i guess pedos do weird shit to signal to each other / find each other in the wild

Thakiddds ago

Sothebys is probably a bid on artwork. Laundering possibly