rickman2 ago

I was watching the old BBC spy show Spooks recently. In one episode they revealed that the royal family have a secret underground bunker when there may be a threat of attack. The bunker is called PEGASUS. Is that what Alefantis was doing in that warehouse? Digging a bunker.

Bern666 ago

In REALITY......to finance ~push and control KEY people whatever the (cost) of enemy...isnt that a fairly simple solution?

USA builds the biggest F weapons on the earth...and the enemy just subvert/finance/blackmails and controls the fuckers who controls them.

And both fuckers are so low in the (game)....so funny.



Pegasus address:

3518 11th St NW, Washington

associated names:

Kim Carpenter, (202) 486-9607

Babylon5 ago

Very obvious why Alefantis was fuming/anxious with Ryan O'Neal when he started investigating Pegasus. Clearly a very important area to Alefantis & his consort of weirdos. Think about all the verified connections surrounding the place (and the park opposite) we've collectively unearthed:

  • Pegasus Musuem is yet another shady established owned by Alefantis (hidden away & clearly not public or a museum of any kind) Where does he get all the $$$ for his many enterprises? Fair to assume it's backed by a lot of covert, criminal money.

  • Around an underground tunnel network if I remember correctly.

  • Previously owned by Joseph T. Scheve & Nellie Hubbard who worked for the New Hope Academy with an access point to Haitan children. Organisation also linked to the Moonies Cult - who are involved in ritualistic abuse & mind control experimentation.

  • Pegasus has a mysterious 'watchtower' that directly overlooks the playground opposite - the 'Trolley Park' as it's known.

  • Trolley Park's commissioner/owner is Richard Dubeshter, a real estate agent for Evers&Co. Evers&Co is run by Donna Evers - whose daughte Andrea Evers sits on the board of directors for Alefantis's Transformer Gallery.

  • For an obscure area there have been a weird amount of events aimed at children in this park such as UNICEF.

  • The FB page for Trolley Park has weird, unprofessional written material with a great amount of odd typos/syntax errors. Seemed like coded messaging & researchers on this very platform seemed to show it was paedophilia related. Once that thread gained traction here, the coded message was deleted.

  • One coded message included the picture & account of Wylita Bell - a US Consulate Officer who has visited the White House over 10 times.

3141592653 ago

The google map link you provided says the park is called Monroe Park, not Trolley Park.. ???

Yuke ago

It's also known as the trolley turnaround as there used to be one there. But yes, on the map, the Monroe.

3141592653 ago

Thank you, was going dig for more info

loooooongtimelurker ago

ok so the shills are getting shilled on this post must be over the target

noticed they always ramp it way up when pegasauce is brought up -

where there is smoke there is fire and where there is a heavily secured room with a viewing platform and an altar there is.....

volunteerwork2020 ago


Some of the accounts listed here are public.



Lots of bat imagery for this Room 11 restaurant. Corona?


Kate Damon of Kaze Design

volunteerwork2020 ago



Lexus Presents National Medical Center Children's Ball




This could be a stretch, but hospitals do a lot of sketchy things like organ trafficking.


Not a stretch in the COVIDays ...

YogSoggoth ago

Here is some David Brock news. Conservative Watchdog Claims Anti-Trump Group Violated Tax ...

Search domain news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report/conservative-watchdog-claims-anti-trump-group-violated-tax-lawshttps://news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report/conservative-watchdog-claims-anti-trum

kazza64 ago

the jimmy comet instagram account is still active its just set to private

Geo_synchronous ago

Looks like a sausage fest. Must be the butt buddies club

rickman2 ago

Alefantis hired one of the biggest security companies Urban Alarm for Pegasus. So why did he abandon the project?

Babylon5 ago

Oh wow, this is somehow new to me! Got a link for this? :3

kjkjnkjnkjn ago

Well, I've done more digging and found a loose thread connected to Pegasus. I noticed that the window blinds on the top floor of Pegasus were customized so they are open at the top. This typically is so one can look out the window without being fully seen in the window. https://www.google.pl/maps/@38.9331712,-77.0291098,3a,37.5y,58.3h,116.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spmPTeoKnqCh-kxDKZE_X_g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en I then looked across the alley to check out the neighbors place. And coincidentally enough, the neighbors have their blinds the same exact way. Interesting as no other surrounding homes have their blinds in such a way. Being they are adjacent, it seemed possible there is a connected.

I learned that both Pegasus and this neighbor are properties sold by the same realtor; Rebecca Love, who works for Redfin Real Estate. Now maybe it's just a coincidence that their management team look like demons, but I'll just leave this link here anyways: http://press.redfin.com/spokespeople .

So I figured out who owns the top level apartment across from Pegasus, with the similarly drawn blinds, and it's Laura Itzkowitz & Catherine Rivkin. Laura Itzkowitz works for USAID, where she specializes in maternal & child nutrition in third world countries, and is on the board of DC non-profit that serves homeless children, New Endeavors by Women. One of New Endeavors financial contributors is none other than Amy Weiss, who is the wife of Peter Kadzik, a very close associate to JOHN PODESTA. https://twitter.com/New_Endeavors/status/1238165581368623104 Amy is on the left: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2016/10/16/podesta%20kadjik_0.jpg

Catherine Rivkin, a.k.a Katie Rivkin Visser, who works for the Department of Defense, is married to Tim Visser, a trial attorney for the US Department of Justice. Here they are together: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/27/fashion/weddings/27RIVKIN/27RIVKIN-facebookJumbo.jpg . Tim Visser does missionary work in Haiti with Hope On A String. Now why Laura Itzkowitz & Katie Visser both own an apartment together, who knows. I guess the best connection made in all this is that Laura Itzkowitz works on the board of an organization that 'helps' homeless DC children and which is funded in part by close associate to John Podesta, Amy Weiss, ,the wife of former DOJ official Peter Kadzik, who appears through the Podesta e-mails and was invited to one of Podesta's "pizza extravaganzas".


I'll lend some credence to the theory that real estate agent/cies are likely in on these operations. In my digging into the Finders known CP CT / CA locations, we had a few known addresses that never changed ownership companies, are AS WE SPEAK listed/managed by small real estate agencies that looked very much like fronts.

Epstein would hire those architects seemingly in the club to build his island, and created a development company himself to hire as the builders of the New Mexico compound. This would be an excellent way to keep eyes off the property, build other than what is permitted, but still appear legitimate (and remain protected by real estate buisness/ property privacy rights.

Babylon5 ago

Incredible bit of investigating there my friend! Even more tangible info & leads right here. Nearly 4 years later we are still finding dirt.

IShallNotFear ago

Here are the archives of your links.

Google Maps: http://archive.fo/l9pki See how I did it here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2928148

Redfin: http://archive.fo/bp380

Twitter: http://archive.fo/OUILJ

Zerohedge: http://archive.fo/EbnAr

Tim and Katie Visser: http://archive.fo/tr2o9

kjkjnkjnkjn ago

I'm wondering why they might have their blinds adjusted in the same manner. Perhaps they can converse with written messages + binoculars this way.

RG7_UK ago

Tim Visser has an oldly shaped elongated head

Blacksmith21 ago


Yeah, this is looks like another deep state neighborhood. There are pockets of them all over DC/MD/VA (DMV). It's not just concentrated libs, is all the bad people who watch out for each other.

Homeless children. That BOD - lots of creeps. Very Hebrew too, LOL.

I wouldn't be surprised if lots of the homes are owned/occupied by various creeps in the infrastructure of the Cabal. This is middle/upper-middle class DC. Largely white, mixed, but definitely not ghetto. They may keep places through trusts like a "weekend house". Small condo unit across the alley from PM.

I'm sure if you ran some of those names through WL, you'd get some hits.

Blacksmith21 ago

It certainly looks that way. Wonder why? Prying eyes?

Oh_Well_ian ago

distancing from this post >> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1539432

link on slimgur has been scrubbed but 'thong dungeon' painting found here:


Armstrong is a very close friend to Alefantis and a featured artist at the Transformer Gallery ( she has certainly been to Pegasus )

These 'artworks' allow them to celebrate their horrific crimes OPENLY. They also fascilitate the money laundering.

Blacksmith21 ago

Creepy art. Especially the last painting The Time Has Come and one of the figures is holding a sacrificial dagger. Armstrong is another homosexual as well. Not that it really matters in these circles - they are all phreaks.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Is Eames a tranny ? has breasts, looks like female

did you spot the window? this is that room, I'm positive

Blacksmith21 ago

Eames self-identifies (can't believe I'm typing that "word") as "genderqueer". I had to look it up: Genderqueer

Non-binary, or genderqueer, is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine‍—‌identities that are outside the gender binary. Non-binary identities can fall under the transgender umbrella, since many non-binary people identify with a gender that is different from their assigned sex.

In other words, it's Pat: https://www.washingtonblade.com/2017/01/04/queery-eames-armstrong/

Re the window: It definitely looks like the window has been removed and blocked out. That's an exterior door and the dimensions look to put it right where the window was in the Goo streetview image. Almost definitely to keep people from looking in. The window looked new, like the rest of the windows. Why would you put in a new window if you knew you were going to remove and block it? Did something happen?

Oh_Well_ian ago

So many words to describe mental illness lol

Did something happen? YES. I connected the toruture room with her painting, 'Thong Dungeon'

That window had bars on it in the original post. They took the time to reshoot the image in Google, that is how afraid they were. How many alleyways get new mapping every couple of years?

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't realize you had made the connection. I'd never seen that artist before. Her work looks like she put a happy NPC face on Kim Noble's art.

The bars - forgot about them. Regarding the streetview: I checked the area and most of the neighborhood has been updated and that is a street, not an alley. The cars just follow the directions as interpreted from the city's GIS databases.

Oh_Well_ian ago


this is what I was trying to recall

PegasusRAM ago

There is more to this connection. Kadzik, Comey, McCabe and Yates are a few at the top who obstructed all investigations and inquiries.

Why did McCain say in Racine that “he sees foreign assistance as a key factor in securing America”?

What is the ONE campaign related to HIV/AIDS, malaria and illiteracy? Why was the World Core Curriculum established in Racine? Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make the “highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum in Racine?

What is the Center for Global Development? What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development? How are the departments of State, Treasury and Agriculture connected with the US Agency for International Development and the Center for American Progress?

Who did Trump appoint to the Science and Tech Advisory Council? Who did Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with?

Who are the sponsors of the I-94 Project? Why did Women at shelters in Racine say they “were being eaten by bed bugs”? Why were showers and underground tunnels built under the spaceship church? How many cities have underground systems and escape routes? What is Continuum of Care? What is Awesome without Borders? What is Oxfam and Sustainable Brands? What are Synthetic musks, terpenes and other “secret” ingredients that cause cancer and reduce immune defenses?

Who is on the Board of the Children’s Home of Haiti? Who is sourcing plastic from Haiti and the Plastic Bank? What is the Deb Group? What was Mike Shinoda doing with Bill Clinton in Haiti? What is Blinkin Park and how does Tom DeLonge know the Podestas?

Art in Embassies was started with families from Racine - Johnson and Case.

The Rothschilds live in Racine and many elites visit for dialysis treatment. Loyola in Chicago also handles many transplants. What is True Blood and why did Mayer Amschel Rothschilds change his name from Bauer?

The Podestas admitted to getting their big break into art and politics after meetings in Racine - they live nearby in Illinois.

Racine is the original Chicago where Mitt Romney was the quarterback of the NFL team the Racine Normals, now the Arizona Cardinals after moving to Chicago and St. Louis before Arizona.

What is the President’s Council on Sustainable Development?

Why did the DOD sink the USS Racine? Eureka is a major supplier for the Department of Defense, owned by the Johnsons, and the connections run much deeper. Who is the Global Marketing Director, who is the Systems Engineer, and what are the relationships with Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, Lockheed, DOD and Cornell? Who were members of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development and the related task forces?

What is the Volunteer Center? Who is Achille and the Infusino family? Who are the Bonnano family? Who are the Balistrieri family? Who are the Madrigrano family? Who are the Masons? What is Kids First? What is Save the Children? What is United Way? What is Unitarianism?

Many pizza restaurants were started in Chicago and Wisconsin with connections to the mafia. They catered to many tastes.

Zika was a test for what is happening now. Haiti and Brazil were hubs for trafficking and abuse that is now openly occurring in Sanctuary Cities with the undocumented.

Do Trump and Q not know the connections between NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias?

Why is it being covered up while the Agenda is implemented?

Who was the Anon before Q and what do they say to “keep digging into”. What happened to them?

Angelis_Solaris ago

What does this have to do with Pegasus? Why are you distracting from the investigation?

ArtInEmbassies ago

James is a Rothschild connected with Art in Embassies.

The Rothschilds live in Racine and Art in Embassies was started with families from Racine.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name is Bauer. The Bauers also live in Racine. What is True Blood?

Racine is the real DC and hub for pizzagate, and the “Root” and model for Agenda 21 and 2030 leading to the Mark of the Beast.

The moderators are intent on distracting everyone from the Root. Look at the list of banned users before the last few days.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know? It is not in DC. Everyone knows that James works with the Agency.

Did you know that Epstein is a member of the Knights of Pythias linked with NXIVM based on the fellowship at Exit 333?

Blacksmith21 ago

There is zero chance those stairs or balcony would have passed any form of building inspection. Seeing the inside again, makes me wonder what the need for all of the technical security measures - not really anything inside worth stealing. Or at least which needs card readers, triple deadbolts, and PTZ domes near the entrances.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the levels of security were demanded by 'special clients'


Blacksmith21 ago

I vaguely remember that. Any sauce?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol that was an assumption attempting to answer your question

Blacksmith21 ago

I remember what phrase that echoed in my head: "a special room for complicated art exhibits". (T. Podesta's basement) That's what I was thinking of.

Oh_Well_ian ago

torture is 'art' to them..

Will do an addendum to this post, tomorrow. Keep an eye out.

LostandFound ago

Thanks for keeping the candle lit while everyone gets high on the Q hopium and sits back trusting the plan. Friendly reminder that pre 2010 there are many references to JA in publications like Washington life with his second name spelled without the e as in Alfantis.

justregtoasku ago

any reason for this?

LostandFound ago

Not that I am aware of I just found it odd that the same spelling error would occur multiple times over multiple years and find no reference to him with the E in his name during the same period. It could totally be a dead end but it does bring up some older history in publications for him so it allowed me to trace back a little further.


It appears as mispelling/ clerical error when investigated, but doesnt let you appear in search databases or meta data, almost as if it is a separate entity. I'd say its clear why shady people would often misspell their name and essentially create clerical strawmen.

EntertainerPOTUS ago

Did they return because of the mention of Comet or the mention of The Young and The Guest?

Why is this forum being swamped with garbage and nonsense to slide The Truth?

This was a comment from the Removed Submission earlier:

Why are they sliding the form with fake fights and useless trash?

Who is Dark Knight and what is their relationship with the moderators? What is 111?

The moderators were proven to be gatekeepers.

Pizzagate is real, Q is false hope.

Q is a False Prophet and Trump in an actor and entertainer who is a Jesuit Freemason and member of the Pilgrims Society.

Look at the moderator’s Twitter account - Vindic8tor - where they openly disclose the List being created with Santa / Satan. The Truck does not say Christ, and they have mocked Jesus Christ as they ban and censor The Truth.

The past moderators ran blackmail operations against members, some of which were threatened and murdered.

Voat is a honeypot to gather whatever ‘evidence’ they can and use it to spread partial truth mixed with lies and disinformation.

Trump is one of them. He made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles to enable The Agenda.

They are draining the swamp by targeting those who know too much and eliminating their voice, their ability to assemble, their vote and their lives through cowardly means including bioweapons.

They cannot allow The World to know The Truth.

Why is it so easy for @ababcb to connect so many dots while the moderators attack, threaten, censor, downvote and ban?

Are Voat, @PuttItOut @akto and moderators involved with and complicit to blackmail and Murder?

Do Q and Trump not know how the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Does Jared Kushner?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Why do you consistently clog the forums with spam and garbage as you've accused others of doing?

Why do you feel the need to make so many accounts?

Why don't you post submissions?

Why do you always write in question format? Why not contribute actual research and talk normal?

If people are only speaking partial truth and hiding the Truth, then why are you being allowed to comment on every submission??

Why are you trying to start an internal civil war?

ababcb ago

Did they return because of the mention of Comet or the mention of The Young and The Guest?

Why is this forum being swamped with garbage and nonsense to slide The Truth?

Something weird is definitely going on. I assume you are talking about something called The Young and The Guest List but I can't find where it was mentioned on voat.

Who is Dark Knight and what is their relationship with the moderators? What is 111?

"111" is another way to express "666". Is it even possible to figure out who Dark Knight is?

The past moderators ran blackmail operations against members, some of which were threatened and murdered.

Voat is a honeypot to gather whatever ‘evidence’ they can and use it to spread partial truth mixed with lies and disinformation.

Trump is one of them.

Am I taking this too literally or are you really trying to say that Trump is one of the moderators here? The name you used to post this comment makes me wonder

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Is it that the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Because that would connect NXIVM to the Boy Scouts.

DemolayScouts ago

You will find some attendees at The Young and the Guest are repeated for years and years. What happens after these events?

Knights of Pythias, NXIVM, Boy Scouts, Knights of Malta, FLDS, Unitarianism, Scientology and others are all closely connected with NASA.

Trump is not a moderator here, but moderators have multiple accounts and are part of a network to silence The Truth and serve as a honeypot. They stage fake arguments and fights and occasionally post commonly shared partial truth to gain credibility.

Look at Vindic8tor on Twitter - what are the photos used there? Why did the slide the forum with spam and garbage - what is now hidden from the main page?

Anthony Weiner is one of many members of both NXIVM and Knights of Pythias. These groups are directly connected. They will never disclose what was found on his laptop.

Trump will never disclose what Jared Kushner knows about the Knights of Pythias or how Epstein is connected both NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. They are in a fake fight with Weiner’s mentor Chuck Schumer who is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.

There is a reason why they scrubbed the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q started the psyop.

Nothing about Racine is a psyop, and anyone who “keeps digging into Racine” can easily verify what you have already. There is much more. Racine is The “Root” and model for Agenda 21 and 2030 that leads to Eternal Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing. What is the logo for Monster energy drink and how do they ‘Unleash the Beast”?

Did Trump and his advisors not know he made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles? Did Trump not know who he appointed to the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology? What are STEM programs? How are they connected to “Common Core”? Is Trump dumb, or is it an act? What is the secret of pro wrestling? Are you not entertained? Are you “enjoying the show”?

CEOs can resign. Organizations can disband. Politicians can change positions. The Root will always remain.

The Truth cannot be disputed or disproven. That is why they must lie, slander, downvote, ridicule, censor and ban.

Angelis_Solaris ago

What is the Truth that you will not share?

What is the reason for the question format? How does it manipulate the reader?

Why do you have so many accounts?

Why do you fill the comments with garbage and spam that you accuse others of doing? Why are your posts never on-topic?

Why don't you post submissions?

Why do you accuse PG researchers of acting in bad faith?

If you are being silenced, why are you being allowed to post irrelevant comments in every single submission?

Why don't you think people are suspicious of Racine, Washington?

Why don't you think people believe Sustainability = Satan's Ability?

Why do you accuse users falsely and without evidence?

Why does the Truth belong to you exclusively? Who is the Author of Truth? Why is anyone who contradicts you accused of lying, slandering, downvoting, ridiculing, censoring and banning? Is there sometimes a legitimate reason people downvote your comments?

Who is the Source of all humility? What does pride do to good faith and goodwill towards men?

Why don't you post positive research backed by links, facts and sources?

Why does it feel like you're stating beliefs, falsely accusing your brethren, and not adding to the general knowledge? How can you easily remedy this?

Why are you trying to divide researchers against each other? What are you trying to distract them from?

ababcb ago

Why did the slide the forum with spam and garbage - what is now hidden from the main page?

Edit: Why did DarkKnight111 get promoted? Why did they suddenly begin banning users to confuse the crowd when they had never banned any users before? Who were the only banned users for months? Do you see how they use manipulation to control those who are not paying attention?

They have now obscured the fact that all of the TTT accounts were the only accounts banned for months? They realized people could look at the banned users list and instantly see that they were trying to cover something up, so they need to obscure and slide the banned users' list? Is this a new trend that is basically going to go on forever?

RightAgain ago

You are right again.

What ‘super hero’ is on Vindic8tor’s twitter page?

This is not a coincidence. Neither is Santa / Satan and the missing Christ in Christmas.

darkknight111 ago

PGIsDumb is a known shill. He’s been my only target (the logs are proof).

The 111 is just something I pulled out of my ass back in 2017.

BTW, Darkknight is the title of a specific super hero.

POTUShasnoballs ago

James real name is Achilles

POTUShasnoballs ago

down voat all you want his friends call him Achilles

Yuke ago

James Achilles Alefantis. His friends call him Jimmy. There's plenty of examples of that all over the social media accounts that we came across.

i_scream_trucks ago

no girls allowed in the clubhouse

two women in the photo in the facebook archive

POTUShasnoballs ago

Don’t forget the foundation modifications they made for the kill room, and on the south side of the building on the sidewalk the brick wall has kids spray-painted into it