Did they return because of the mention of Comet or the mention of The Young and The Guest?
Why is this forum being swamped with garbage and nonsense to slide The Truth?
This was a comment from the Removed Submission earlier:
Why are they sliding the form with fake fights and useless trash?
Who is Dark Knight and what is their relationship with the moderators? What is 111?
The moderators were proven to be gatekeepers.
Pizzagate is real, Q is false hope.
Q is a False Prophet and Trump in an actor and entertainer who is a Jesuit Freemason and member of the Pilgrims Society.
Look at the moderator’s Twitter account - Vindic8tor - where they openly disclose the List being created with Santa / Satan. The Truck does not say Christ, and they have mocked Jesus Christ as they ban and censor The Truth.
The past moderators ran blackmail operations against members, some of which were threatened and murdered.
Voat is a honeypot to gather whatever ‘evidence’ they can and use it to spread partial truth mixed with lies and disinformation.
Trump is one of them. He made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles to enable The Agenda.
They are draining the swamp by targeting those who know too much and eliminating their voice, their ability to assemble, their vote and their lives through cowardly means including bioweapons.
They cannot allow The World to know The Truth.
Why is it so easy for @ababcb to connect so many dots while the moderators attack, threaten, censor, downvote and ban?
Are Voat, @PuttItOut@akto and moderators involved with and complicit to blackmail and Murder?
Do Q and Trump not know how the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Does Jared Kushner?
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?
Did they return because of the mention of Comet or the mention of The Young and The Guest?
Why is this forum being swamped with garbage and nonsense to slide The Truth?
Something weird is definitely going on. I assume you are talking about something called The Young and The Guest List but I can't find where it was mentioned on voat.
Who is Dark Knight and what is their relationship with the moderators? What is 111?
"111" is another way to express "666". Is it even possible to figure out who Dark Knight is?
The past moderators ran blackmail operations against members, some of which were threatened and murdered.
Voat is a honeypot to gather whatever ‘evidence’ they can and use it to spread partial truth mixed with lies and disinformation.
Trump is one of them.
Am I taking this too literally or are you really trying to say that Trump is one of the moderators here? The name you used to post this comment makes me wonder
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?
Is it that the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Because that would connect NXIVM to the Boy Scouts.
You will find some attendees at The Young and the Guest are repeated for years and years. What happens after these events?
Knights of Pythias, NXIVM, Boy Scouts, Knights of Malta, FLDS, Unitarianism, Scientology and others are all closely connected with NASA.
Trump is not a moderator here, but moderators have multiple accounts and are part of a network to silence The Truth and serve as a honeypot. They stage fake arguments and fights and occasionally post commonly shared partial truth to gain credibility.
Look at Vindic8tor on Twitter - what are the photos used there? Why did the slide the forum with spam and garbage - what is now hidden from the main page?
Anthony Weiner is one of many members of both NXIVM and Knights of Pythias. These groups are directly connected. They will never disclose what was found on his laptop.
Trump will never disclose what Jared Kushner knows about the Knights of Pythias or how Epstein is connected both NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. They are in a fake fight with Weiner’s mentor Chuck Schumer who is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.
There is a reason why they scrubbed the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q started the psyop.
Nothing about Racine is a psyop, and anyone who “keeps digging into Racine” can easily verify what you have already. There is much more. Racine is The “Root” and model for Agenda 21 and 2030 that leads to Eternal Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing. What is the logo for Monster energy drink and how do they ‘Unleash the Beast”?
Did Trump and his advisors not know he made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles? Did Trump not know who he appointed to the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology? What are STEM programs? How are they connected to “Common Core”? Is Trump dumb, or is it an act? What is the secret of pro wrestling? Are you not entertained? Are you “enjoying the show”?
CEOs can resign. Organizations can disband. Politicians can change positions. The Root will always remain.
The Truth cannot be disputed or disproven. That is why they must lie, slander, downvote, ridicule, censor and ban.
Why did the slide the forum with spam and garbage - what is now hidden from the main page?
Edit: Why did DarkKnight111 get promoted? Why did they suddenly begin banning users to confuse the crowd when they had never banned any users before? Who were the only banned users for months? Do you see how they use manipulation to control those who are not paying attention?
They have now obscured the fact that all of the TTT accounts were the only accounts banned for months? They realized people could look at the banned users list and instantly see that they were trying to cover something up, so they need to obscure and slide the banned users' list? Is this a new trend that is basically going to go on forever?
view the rest of the comments →
EntertainerPOTUS ago
Did they return because of the mention of Comet or the mention of The Young and The Guest?
Why is this forum being swamped with garbage and nonsense to slide The Truth?
This was a comment from the Removed Submission earlier:
Do Q and Trump not know how the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Does Jared Kushner?
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?
ababcb ago
Something weird is definitely going on. I assume you are talking about something called The Young and The Guest List but I can't find where it was mentioned on voat.
"111" is another way to express "666". Is it even possible to figure out who Dark Knight is?
Am I taking this too literally or are you really trying to say that Trump is one of the moderators here? The name you used to post this comment makes me wonder
Is it that the Knights of Pythias and NXIVM are connected? Because that would connect NXIVM to the Boy Scouts.
DemolayScouts ago
You will find some attendees at The Young and the Guest are repeated for years and years. What happens after these events?
Knights of Pythias, NXIVM, Boy Scouts, Knights of Malta, FLDS, Unitarianism, Scientology and others are all closely connected with NASA.
Trump is not a moderator here, but moderators have multiple accounts and are part of a network to silence The Truth and serve as a honeypot. They stage fake arguments and fights and occasionally post commonly shared partial truth to gain credibility.
Look at Vindic8tor on Twitter - what are the photos used there? Why did the slide the forum with spam and garbage - what is now hidden from the main page?
Anthony Weiner is one of many members of both NXIVM and Knights of Pythias. These groups are directly connected. They will never disclose what was found on his laptop.
Trump will never disclose what Jared Kushner knows about the Knights of Pythias or how Epstein is connected both NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias. They are in a fake fight with Weiner’s mentor Chuck Schumer who is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.
There is a reason why they scrubbed the Knights of Pythias wikipedia page before Q started the psyop.
Nothing about Racine is a psyop, and anyone who “keeps digging into Racine” can easily verify what you have already. There is much more. Racine is The “Root” and model for Agenda 21 and 2030 that leads to Eternal Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing. What is the logo for Monster energy drink and how do they ‘Unleash the Beast”?
Did Trump and his advisors not know he made The Deal with a family of Luciferian pedophiles? Did Trump not know who he appointed to the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology? What are STEM programs? How are they connected to “Common Core”? Is Trump dumb, or is it an act? What is the secret of pro wrestling? Are you not entertained? Are you “enjoying the show”?
CEOs can resign. Organizations can disband. Politicians can change positions. The Root will always remain.
The Truth cannot be disputed or disproven. That is why they must lie, slander, downvote, ridicule, censor and ban.
ababcb ago
They have now obscured the fact that all of the TTT accounts were the only accounts banned for months? They realized people could look at the banned users list and instantly see that they were trying to cover something up, so they need to obscure and slide the banned users' list? Is this a new trend that is basically going to go on forever?
RightAgain ago
You are right again.
What ‘super hero’ is on Vindic8tor’s twitter page?
This is not a coincidence. Neither is Santa / Satan and the missing Christ in Christmas.
darkknight111 ago
PGIsDumb is a known shill. He’s been my only target (the logs are proof).
The 111 is just something I pulled out of my ass back in 2017.
BTW, Darkknight is the title of a specific super hero.