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Vindicator ago

@Manyx, please have a look at the submission rules in the sidebar. You need links to support every major claim. I will give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit this in accord with our submission rules. Here are some questions that I have:

Another user that died after reporting on Racine Wisconsin corruption was Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

You need linked evidence supporting this claim.

I was reading about Racine Wisconsin corruption and found a very interesting pattern. It has to do with this Thread: It was created by Jem777 (the murdered journalist that exposed a lot of pedos and overall rampant corruption in Racine) where she actually tells us that her killer commented on that very thread, like she already knew the traitor personally.

  1. Where in that thread does Jem "actually tell us that her killer commented"?
  2. You've linked no evidence Jem was murdered
  3. What pattern are you referring to? You need to describe this "pattern", not just allude to it with innuendo.

Most importantly, why are you pushing a debunked shill narrative that was used to terrorize this subverse, discourage research, and attempt to destroy trust in moderators? Jenny Moore was not murdered. There is no evidence she was murdered, and substantial evidence she died of natural causes.

Don't lie and don't tolerate lies.

Indeed. That's why we require linked support for every major claim. To weed out the lies.

Why have you made no submissions since November 30, 2016 -- THREE YEARS AGO -- until today?

SearchVoatBot ago

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