i_scream_trucks ago

I now have an answer for my arguments in regards to crypto currency. On its own all this bitcoin and shit... Valueless. Flat out scam. The people that perpetrated the original scam are long gone, sipping pina colada on a beach with the actual only real hard liquidity that was out there originally... Which was purely the "give us your money and we will give you..." Facet, gone once they cashed out (the original spike) all the actual liquidity is gone, as are the people that started it. Round two is those that got scammed originally trying to get something back so they keep the play, and those that still believe.. Tl;Dr its worth nothing but that was never the point

"Hurr but da banks..." If you already control the money and the thing that you planted that you want people to believe in but lots of people are skeptical of... Wat do? Banks buy bitcoin because *words that mean shit to the anti capitalist useful idiots they sold the scam to, so then you give the air of legitimacy. Are the banks sinking liquidity into crypto? Which one? How much of each? No, they aren't because its not worth anything.

Oh and remember this - who is the guy that invented cryptocurrency? Do you know? I actually don't. Apparently no one does. As per the whole "anonymity. by the time you realise I have all your money and you're getting nothing and its a scam... watcha gonna do? Told ya, anonymous, built into the system allows you to hide your Child torture porn/collusion/drug trafficking/adrenochrome industrial complex/open blatant Ponzi schemeinnocent weekly supermarket shopping list but fuckmyou its muh privaseas" you cant do diddly shit about it, its gone.

Patent 06 06 06 - device implanted in the body to use the body to generate a cryptocurrency. Also happens to be owned by someone whose not a doctor but owns virus patents and has said repeatedly this week he wants us to have his vaccine and digital passport.


We are the intended liquidity.

Revelation was right.

manyx ago

CryptoCurrency is just a tool, these things Child torture porn/collusion/drug trafficking/adrenochrome industrial complex/open blatant Ponzi scheme were happening throughout history without the existence of cryptocurrency.

So just like a knife the cryptocurrency can be used for good or for evil, depends who is more creative and imaginative in how to use it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @manyx,

I will delete this submission per rule 4, Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods. For more information please see our subverse rules that is located in the sidebar.

We need to remove these corrupt individuals from running the Voat groups before we continue the investigation.

Come at me, faggot.

Vindicator ago

This was actually his third submission ignoring the subverse submission rules. @Manyx, as I warned you last night, ignoring the ruleset is unacceptable. You are now banned.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=fOr_zL0Qv84 :

Pizza for your Family: An Overview of Pizzagate #PedoGate #Pizzagate - YouTube

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