In order to understand the motivation behind the very suspicious behavior and actions of the Pizzagate moderators let's take a look at what we know about structure of the international association of the corrupt behind all the atrocities happening since the beginning of time.
A very important pattern, relevant to the structure of their global operations, is the TOR network. TOR stands for "The Onion Router". It was created in the mid-1990s by United States Naval Research Laboratory and it had the 'official' purpose of protecting U.S. intelligence communications online.
The actual function of it was to protect the communication of the inner layers of the Onion like structure that these corrupt people use, with the outer layers. The name Onion was not a coincidence, just like any other names that they used throughout history. Even the meaning of the first murderer, Cain, is "possessed"/"spear".
This video gives a few other examples of the relevant names they use:
Their operations are being coordinated using a Layered like structure, where the layers have no direct communication with each other, that's why the need for complete anonymity using TOR. The pizzagate leaks have actually breached multiple of these layers and that's why the urgency in creating a global crisis (like COVID virus) with the purpose of scaring the population, so we take our eyes away from them. Of course all their ideas are only as good as their core, which is made of very old demented people (80-105 yo).
Because of the way these people operate, combined with the current human condition, the inner layers have greatly decayed over time. The ones that have been more protected, near the center of the onion, have become very weak, the core is completely rotten even, because of the old age of the people that constitutes it and their mental deterioration.
That's why their global operations became more reckless over the years and the outer layers, that could have been easily sacrificed in the past, have become more important in the last decades. Because of their increased importance, the outer layers have become very arrogant. At this point they are vital to the survival of the corrupt global onion like organisation, and with them removed the center of the structure is too weak to protect itself anymore. The current state of the global corrupt coalition can be best described using the lyrics of Leonard Cohen: "There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in".
So based on this Onion like structure I'm basing my statement that the Moderators of Pizzagate group are either Shills or completely lack the ability of deductive reasoning, in any case they should be kicked out so the investigation in finding the truth will have no further delays.
I want to give Vindicator as an example. You can first check his comments on my only posts on Pizzagate that actually bring new information to the table. Information based on pretty obvious evidence, that can also be found on Voat if you checked the banned users on the group and their comment history, and other information based on deductive reasoning and cognitive behaviour interpretation based on existing evidence that so far people missed out.
Another thing I mentioned earlier is that the names these people use aren't coincidences, so let's analyze the name of Vindicator. It comes from the word avenge, which implies taking revenge on someone or something. If we look at what the Bible says, revenge isn't Wise. So how can someone that wants to uncover the truth, at the same time is looking for revenge? It's just impossible, you can either uncover the truth, or take revenge, not both at the same time, because truth is the opposite of vengeance. Truth advocates for forgiving not for taking revenge. So the spirit behind this user, Vindicator, clearly isn't the spirit of truth.
So let's move on to what they are actually trying to protect. Well at this point it becomes obvious, they are trying to steer the public investigation in such a way that they limit the damage to only the outer layers that are already compromised. The Inner layers are going to offer them to be sacrificed to the public and they want to make sure that with their force sacrifices the thirst for justice and truth of the public opinion will be quenched. In order to achieve that they discourage and denigrate anyone that tries to go deeper.
One of the most prolific examples for this is the banning of all users that reference Racine Wisconsin. I'm sure you are all tired of hearing this but there is truth to it. The user @ababcb @gamepwn @TheRealIndianaJoe @Meme_Factory_1776 @chasmaniac @bopper actually dug further and discovered patterns of corruption far beyond of a simple pedofile ring. In order to find out more about this you can just go through the banned users of Pizzagate group and check their comments, some of them are: @RealVampires @WhereIsZion @PostEaster @TheVirusAndTheMark, but they are a group of investigators that regrouped after their friends @Jen777 and @wisconsin_is_corrupt got murdered, this is also publicly documented.
Another thing that they are trying to cover up are the inner protocols of these corrupt global group. One of which is the Ping-Pong protocol that I explained here, which the moderator Vindicator already wants to delete:
We need to remove these corrupt individuals from running the Voat groups before we continue the investigation. They are acting like Truth police even though they have no power to prosecute or condemn. The Pizzagate case is still at the stage of a Conspiracy, it's not generally accepted truth yet, so there is no reason for them to require REAL CONCRETE TANGIBLE PROOF for all the statements that were made based on Deductive Reasoning and Cognitive Behaviour Analysis of the people involved. These are only excuses to cover up the Inner layers of the ONION and steer the narrative accordingly. Also there are a lot of psychologist that can confirm what I just mentioned, and I'm sure many other qualified people aren't allowed to give their professional opinion because these corrupt people are in charge of moderating.
i_scream_trucks ago
I now have an answer for my arguments in regards to crypto currency. On its own all this bitcoin and shit... Valueless. Flat out scam. The people that perpetrated the original scam are long gone, sipping pina colada on a beach with the actual only real hard liquidity that was out there originally... Which was purely the "give us your money and we will give you..." Facet, gone once they cashed out (the original spike) all the actual liquidity is gone, as are the people that started it. Round two is those that got scammed originally trying to get something back so they keep the play, and those that still believe.. Tl;Dr its worth nothing but that was never the point
"Hurr but da banks..." If you already control the money and the thing that you planted that you want people to believe in but lots of people are skeptical of... Wat do? Banks buy bitcoin because *words that mean shit to the anti capitalist useful idiots they sold the scam to, so then you give the air of legitimacy. Are the banks sinking liquidity into crypto? Which one? How much of each? No, they aren't because its not worth anything.
Oh and remember this - who is the guy that invented cryptocurrency? Do you know? I actually don't. Apparently no one does. As per the whole "anonymity.
by the time you realise I have all your money and you're getting nothing and its a scam... watcha gonna do? Told ya, anonymous, built into the systemallows you to hide yourChild torture porn/collusion/drug trafficking/adrenochrome industrial complex/open blatant Ponzi schemeinnocent weekly supermarket shopping list but fuckmyou its muh privaseas" you cant do diddly shit about it, its gone.Patent 06 06 06 - device implanted in the body to use the body to generate a cryptocurrency. Also happens to be owned by someone whose not a doctor but owns virus patents and has said repeatedly this week he wants us to have his vaccine and digital passport.
We are the intended liquidity.
Revelation was right.
manyx ago
CryptoCurrency is just a tool, these things
Child torture porn/collusion/drug trafficking/adrenochrome industrial complex/open blatant Ponzi schemewere happening throughout history without the existence of cryptocurrency.So just like a knife the cryptocurrency can be used for good or for evil, depends who is more creative and imaginative in how to use it.
EricKaliberhall ago
Hey @manyx,
I will delete this submission per rule 4, Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods. For more information please see our subverse rules that is located in the sidebar.
Come at me, faggot.
Vindicator ago
This was actually his third submission ignoring the subverse submission rules. @Manyx, as I warned you last night, ignoring the ruleset is unacceptable. You are now banned.
derram ago :
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