Sorry @vindicator & @think- et all. Been without secure internet for a several days. IRL I'm fielding a lot of normies waking up after Out of Shadows. I love it! I will continue Biden Bunker pt 2 soon but no need to keep this pinned on my behalf. Thank you ALL for what you do to wake up the world. It's working...

Vindicator ago

I've unstickied. Looking forward to more on Biden, though. :-)

kjkjnkjnkjn ago

Another suspicious facility right near by Joe's Delware home is "Children of America".

A couple suspicious symbols on their page, with one girl flashing the tripe 6 hand sign. And possible a Youtube video with a suggestive positioning of toys to look penile shaped. Pretty light suspicions as far as symbolism, but here are some reviews from parents:

"When you approach the staff about their lack of empathy & NEGLECT their response is "In group care we believe in the children self-soothing themselves".

"They've allowed my son to be in the care of people they never registered wuth the state. My son's life has been in danger for the last 9 months!!!!!!"

"This day care just looks sketchy."

"Any given morning when you drop off your kids, Clara (the director) and her terrible perm will be arguing in the lobby with someone. Either the teachers, the staff, or yelling at the school aged kids waiting for the bus. It’s not a nice environment to leave your children in."

"Most recently, there have been maggots found in the canned food products used by the center. When it was brought to her attention, the center director simply ignored the complaints, and said to use it anyway."



As of 2017, Agilent Technologies is mainly held by institutional investors: T. Rowe Price, BlackRock, Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group, State Street Corporation, and others

Agilent Technologies, Inc. is a public research, development and manufacturing company established in 1999 as a spin-off from Hewlett-Packard. The resulting IPO of Agilent stock was the largest in the history of Silicon Valley at the time

2850 Centerville Rd, Marshallton, DE 19808


i walk in and hear screaming... I turn the corner to see the asst teacher body slam my daughter and than nose to nose scream at her... How I didn't knock this teacher out is a pure miracle... Clara the director tells me... The asst teacher will keep her job and receive on the job training with a senior teacher ( still my daughters teacher!!!) because the teacher was having a bad time at home!!! Run!!


fogdryer ago

and why does he have an island

Vindicator ago

Here's the screencap of the Tatnall alumni mag showing the architect of Epstein's house on Little St. James went to the Biden funded school: https://files.catbox.moe/dts3uh.png

@think- @MercurysBall2 Amazing find by OTI. https://issuu.com/tatnall/docs/024-05-16_tts_tatnalltoday-vs16/32

think- ago

Wow, that's interesting. Is he the same guy who created the temple on Epstein's island?


Thats what I'm thinking. He likes using arches.

Architect Drex Patterson left a job at a small San Diego architecture company last June to go on his own, just as the recession hit.

Patterson, who specializes in designing expensive custom homes, said his clientele is largely recession-proof.

He is now at work designing four houses in San Diego and three in the Virgin Islands, where he lived and worked for 10 years before moving to San Diego 2 1/2 years ago.


(Since Scrubbed/archived here) PHOTOS FROM ISLANDS ARCHITECTS WORK ON LITTLE ST JAMES https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/933426092173643784.html

gaggle of interior designers and architects— and even a few toddlers and babes in arms — to make a party. Last Thursday, such an evening at C’est la Vie Antiques was a hit. Architect Drex Patterson attended, as did many designers, including Amy Meier, Robin Eisman, Elizabeth Thiele Barkett and Cindy Lambert



Vindicator ago

That we don't know. I took the alumni magazine comment to mean he designed the residence. I would imagine someone with the taste and standards exhibited on his Island Architects website would never admit to building something so cheesy and hideous. On the other hand, how do you get a gig building for a networker like Epstein or a power player like Romney as an up-and-coming architect?


I took the alumni magazine comment to mean he designed the residence

Though evidence or 'residence' doesn't imply he built the 'temple' he does admit to being there (VI) for 10 years building 3 houses.

someone with the taste and standards exhibited on his Island Architects website would never admit to building something so cheesy and hideous.

I agree the temple is ugly and not up to the standard that IA's website seems to set, however the project WAS on their website before they took it off (post scandal).

Look at 44/45 : https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/933426092173643784.html

The residence on IA website : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPQ9YlgX0AAE_Tb.jpg

Drex Spiral : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPQ9r1qXUAUyxOr.jpg

Now 404'd : https://www.islandarch.com/portfolio/little-st-james-island/

Architect Drex Patterson left a job at a small San Diego architecture company last June to go on his own, just as the recession hit.

Patterson, who specializes in designing expensive custom homes, said his clientele is largely recession-proof.

He is now at work designing four houses in San Diego and three in the Virgin Islands, where he lived and worked for 10 years before moving to San Diego 2 1/2 years ago.


Please read these updates in this thread/parent @think- @MercurysBall2 @rickman2 @argosciv

SO MUCH HERE! Im going to organize and post a new thread over the next few days. Let me know if you want anything included...


Dont give me too much credit- Felt something lingering about the school, perused their materials and eventually this zine, know architecture is significant to THEM and so I stopped and read p32, but TOTALLY stumbled upon this HUGE EPSTEIN ISLAND CONNECTION!

Heres the Island Architects own site : https://www.islandarch.com/

That makes for this

Drex Patterson Island Architect

Beau Bidens Wife

their kids


all directly involved with Tatnall


You'll never believe who else is an ALUMNI of TATNALL ...


No not Jeffrey, the literal Architect who designed the residence: Drexx Patterson


MercurysBall2 ago

Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA) http://vitema.vi.gov/

An Important Message from Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (viNGN) https://vingn.wordpress.com/2017/09/04/hurricane-irma-message-from-vingn-ceo-dr-mark-mcgibbon/

As the United States Virgin Islands and our neighboring sister islands prepare for the impact of the incoming Hurricane Irma, the Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (viNGN) remains an active participant in all Emergency Operation Center preparedness meetings with the Virgin Islands Territorial Management Agency (VITEMA), alongside Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp and VITEMA Director Mona Barnes.

Barnes to Return Campaign Money from Epstein’s EDC Company https://stthomassource.com/content/2019/07/15/barnes-to-return-campaign-money-from-epsteins-edc-company/

Sen. Alicia Barnes (D-STX) will return $1,000 in campaign contributions to a company owned by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein following the billionaire’s high-profile arrest on sex trafficking and child molestation charges.

According to Barnes, her team’s “detailed review” of campaign donations discovered that her 2018 campaign received $1,000 from Southern Trust Company, Inc., a beneficiary of the V.I. Economic Development Authority.

..Barnes is the second Virgin Islands politician to relinquish campaign contributions from Epstein. On Tuesday, Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett announced she will make charitable donations in the amount Epstein donated to her election campaigns in 2016 and 2018.


A 54-year-old St. Croix real estate broker was given one year and one day in prison by a federal judge for submitting duplicate time sheets in her job at the Virgin Islands National Guard, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Sherrymae Barnes Morales was also sentenced to three years of supervised release by U.S. District Court Judge Curtis Gomez on November 12, 2015, U.S. Attorney Ronald Sharpe said.

...Barnes Morales was also the broker-owner of Mahogany Real Estate in St. Croix based in Estate La Grande Princess at the time that she was full-time with the VING. She is the sister of current VITEMA Director Mona Barnes and former DPNR Commissioner Alicia Barnes.

MercurysBall2 ago

Another broken link from Lafayette Group https://www.lafayettegroup.com/news/broadband-planning-in-alaska-hawaii-puerto-rico-american-samoa-us-virgin-islands Broadband Planning in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, American Samoa & US Virgin Islands. July 15, 2014.


Are they being taken down? or just broken links that come up on search but don't work when clicked. Should we archive? @shewhomustbeyobeyed

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm not done with the new archives yet. You big Eager Beaver. :D

I'll ping you here, when I get them finished. Then you can edit your comments.


Haha okay sorry still learning and yes guilty of being an eager beaver... THANK YOU <3

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okay, all finished. You can edit your comments now.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS, I think you edited in my ping, cuz I didn't get it.

I'm going through the rest of the submission for unarchived links. I will add them to my comment.

If you add more to this submission after today, I won't see them unless you ping me.

Take care.

MercurysBall2 ago

A Military History of Water Island http://www.waterislandhistory.com/militaryhistory.html

MercurysBall2 ago

Post World War II

If you recall from above, it was mentioned that in 1943 the Army’s Chemical Warfare Service determined that a testing site in the tropics was needed to prepare for potential chemical battlefield activities in the Pacific theater and that San Jose Island off the coast of Panama was selected for this testing. This came to an end in December 1947. This was not good news for Water Island.

Experimentation was halted on 23 December 1947 when the lease for San Jose Island was not renewed by Panama. All equipment and personnel were moved by 28 January 1948 to temporary locations in the U.S. controlled Canal Zone, Panama. Immediately, exploration began to locate a new testing site. St Thomas was selected as the new site for the chemical testing activities.

By the end of May 1948, all the equipment, personnel and chemical munitions had been moved to St. Thomas into the former Navy Submarine Base. An area of about 2,095 acres, consisting of the entire west end of St. Thomas, was condemned for lease. Fort Segarra on Water Island was also included in this condemnation process.

Between May 1948 And May 1950, the San Jose Project continued limited testing on St. Thomas and Water Island. Testing included mustard gas (blister agent) and phosgene (choking agent). Later tests were planned to shift to captured German munitions and nerve agents. While incomplete, records show that only non-persistent choking agents were tested on St. Thomas while persistent and lethal munitions appear to have been performed on Water Island. It appears that only a limited number of tests were performed on Water Island.


GREAT WORK MERC! I was looking for a map... I would update the sub but theres so much here I am past the allotted 10,000 characters. Looks like we should get this all cleaned up and collected on a follow up post when we are done digging.

MercurysBall2 ago

Apparently they like to bring over foster children from St. Thomas for events : http://www.waterislandwica.com/NewsFor2010


https://imgur.com/a/n7jRtjU Jolly Old Saint Nick visited Water Island this past Sunday, December 12th, to have breakfast on Honeymoon Beach. He was kind enough, with the help of the Water Island Civic Association, to spread some cheer to the good little boys and girls of Water Island and St. Thomas.

As part of the WICA Outreach Program, spearheaded by Barbara Archibald, many foster children from the St. Thomas Foster care were treated to a delicious breakfast put on by Heidi & Marion and then each got a chance to sit with Santa and share their Holiday wishes. Santa made sure that each child received a small present.

Over 100 people enjoyed the visit by Erik...oops, Santa! See more pictures here.


Also on that page:


The Fort Segarra Research Project will begin October 1, 2010. The research project will include the research of documents, photographs, drawings, oral interviews and onsite visits to the former and remaining structures built by the U.S. Army on Water Island during World War II. The project is headed up by Charles D. Carter, a military historian who has completed a similar project for the National Park Service. ..


Fort Segarra is an underground fort, part of the United States' defense strategies during World War II. Its purpose was to help protect a submarine base on St. Thomas. The war ended before its completion and the project was subsequently abandoned. Visitors to Water Island can view gun emplacements, walk inside tunnels and visit underground rooms. The observation deck on the roof of the fort offers a great panoramic view of Water Island, the ocean and neighboring islands.


MercurysBall2 ago

Vindicator ago

This could be big. I don't think I've ever seen this mentioned anywhere else but by you guys. That Biden is neighbors of Epstein. And his property is on Water Island?

"Water"? Q has repeatedly said we have more than we know, and urged people to "Watch the water". I wonder if he was alluding to this?


@shewhomustbeobeyed or someone should help archive and organize some of this... If he gets a run at the Presidency they're gunna scrub scrub scrub.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

4U, keep up the good work.

submissionarchive - https://archive.vn/BaQSW

politico - https://archive.is/98KPr and https://archive.is/CI3LL#selection-1799.12-1799.38

zillow - https://archive.is/LUb4e

homefacts - https://archive.is/ST54J

images - https://archive.is/ruaIl and https://archive.is/fQEjZ and https://archive.is/JbEq2 and https://archive.is/XATQV and https://archive.is/NBuBY and https://archive.is/bTqWh and https://archive.is/Z7qKi and https://archive.is/Czqmk and https://archive.is/7d25k and https://archive.is/Yz1Vq and https://archive.is/S3ZNB and https://archive.is/WbYPG and https://archive.is/9KzYH and https://archive.is/6jRSg and https://archive.is/TctBe and https://archive.is/2AqHt

tatnall.org - https://archive.is/iFUhI and https://archive.is/VeCeh

dreshare - https://archive.is/K8uEN

nbcphiladelphia - https://archive.is/Q5JEB

delawareonline - https://archive.is/ifZxa

fellowshipoftheminds - https://archive.is/T0Ip1

newsweek - https://archive.is/tYV8C

waterislandwica - https://archive.is/DN56Q and https://archive.is/XCFj1 and https://archive.is/BBIc4

ddg - https://archive.is/UC95z

abc7chicago - https://archive.is/IPoqu

mylife - https://archive.is/Nrflf

offenderradar - https://archive.is/mswQQ

arivify - https://archive.is/C861W

delaware.gov - https://archive.is/944v9

lafayettegroup - https://archive.is/x0u6J and https://archive.is/RrD7i

smartcop - https://archive.is/D1wLU

vinow - https://archive.is/Rz7UV

saj.usace.army.mil - https://archive.is/1phS9

waterislandhistory - https://archive.is/G4SKA

virginislandscampground - https://archive.is/N7Elo

utube - https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=PXuVuJ5lS1M&feature=youtu.be

usvipressroom - https://archive.is/8YSzg

Vindicator ago

The Biden Caribbean material definitely needs its own submission!


Agreed. Pulled this piece of yarn expecting to unravel a sweater -and got a straightjacket.

@MercurysBall2 ? @think- ? Who is the most knowledgeable and clearest presenter on this subject?

MercurysBall2 ago


Scott Green co-founded Lafayette Group


Founded in 1994, Lafayette Group provides strategic and technical expertise to support the public safety and national security needs of federal, state, and local government agencies.

9/11 Era (2002-2007) Establishing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Lafayette Group supported DHS with the newly transferred Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) beginning in 2003. Using subject matter experts across key areas like interoperability and intelligence fusion, Lafayette established Nationwide technical assistance and training programs in DHS's most critical focus areas.

Sounds like just the kind of company that would be working with Epstein/Maxwell's Carbyne911

Well, the broken link is there: https://www.lafayettegroup.com/news/us-virgin-islands-in-next-generation-9-1-1-continuity-of-operations-planning

argosciv ago

Okay, I'll play nice with ya for now...

The other co-founder [of Lafayette Group], Charles B. DeWitt. Check this shit out:


@think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Dude was in charge of Border security under George H. W. Bush. Good Lord.

argosciv ago


We have a left + right crossover here with potential ties to pedophilia and trafficking.

Vindicator ago

I also notice we've got a "Green", submarines, and "Water" referenced here. This could be big.

argosciv ago

I don't follow, sorry. (Sleep needed)

Vindicator ago

Those are all things Q has referenced repeatedly.

argosciv ago

Green as in greencastle? Seems unrelated.

Submarines mentioned only once, unrelated; in reference to tech stolen by China.

Water as in "Watch the water"? Plausible I suppose, but I'm more of the opinion that was in reference to the time Trump took a very conspicuous swig of FijiWater, which has been tied to the Bronfmans (if I recall correctly).

Vindicator ago

Submarines are ref'd by the signature "Red October".

And Green appears without "castle" in some stringers.

Just thought it was odd to have all three in one story.

argosciv ago

Submarines are ref'd by the signature "Red October".

Touché. I forgot about that one.

And Green appears without "castle" in some stringers.

I didn't run a search on green, was operating from sleep deprived memory there. I'll have a look after sleep.

Just thought it was odd to have all three in one story.

Well either way, with or without Q making references to this, there's potential for it to be big. The pieces we have in front of us paint a pretty damn suspicious picture.

Vindicator ago


argosciv ago

Speaking of GHWB and stringers though... refer back to my last 'stringer' (the one I messaged about a day or 2 ago) ;)


Damnnn now THATS a degree of separation! For a moment I thought you posted this in the wrong sub (no pun) - but there IS a potential Biden - Carbyne 911 connection.

Interoperability is the ability of first responders to communicate effectively across multiple agencies, disciplines, and jurisdictions when needed. While it is one of the most fundamental needs of our emergency responders, it has also been one of the most daunting challenges to overcome. This challenge becomes even more complicated as the public safety community attempts to keep pace with the evolving technology landscape by integrating state-of-the-art systems, networks, devices, and applications, which introduces a whole new set of risks.


MercurysBall2 ago

Vindicator ago

This is amazing.


Can we pin or flair or whatever @Vindicator ?

Though I've tried my best to update, post is a little messy - this response however, is worth reading!

At least until theres a more intentional sub with all of this compiled. Might be more to dig.

Vindicator ago

Yep. I'll give this a "Potential Lead" flair and sticky it.

rickman2 ago

There's been rumours on /pol/ and Twitter that Biden's recent videos are fake. Also that the background is green screen. It could be this "makeshift studio" is in did a studio like something out of a recent episode of Better Call Saul.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Zoom allows you to choose a fake background for your videos. Almost everyone using Zoom does it.


Ya it's odd that MSM seems to point out that he's got a "makeshift studio in his basement" not a 'home studio' or interviewing outside or in his 7,000 SF East Coast Mansion. Doesn't frame him very presidentially.

Basement calls to mind two things : 1.) Loser living with his parents ... 2.) Creeper or prepper with something to hide ...

Besides freaking us all out about CV, or normalizing Joe for the voters, why would this be their word choice, or Joe's choice of setting?

rickman2 ago

Hey don't knock preppers. Plenty of people that would've laughed at them in the past are now acting crazy.


I'm one of them there preppers :) not knocking anyone - even basement dwellers, it's cheap and theres less 5G radiation.

Just saying the media manipulates the mass mind with these prejudices , characters , or archetypes - and their perceived value or worthiness. 'Basement' is not presidential, so what picture are they trying to paint?

Vindicator ago

Biden funds a girls school next door to his house, eh?

Remember when one of the Secret Service agents assigned to his residence was convicted of raping a little girl?


Let's hope all those school kids are safely tucked away at home!

contrary_mma_hipster ago

There are rumors among students there that:

-Bidens grand daughters regularly host sleepover parties at his house

-Tatnall has made an apology for Bidens behavior at a school assembly before

contrary_mma_hipster ago

His grandkids go there too.



Thank you @contrary_mma_hipster . I read that somewhere too. That means two generations of Biden's attended, Beau's wife was alumni, all AT THE SAME TIME Beau was head of the department that made a sting convicting the Schools Soccer Coach of Dealing CP! Seems strange, if we don't chalk it up to 'small town' or socialite circles.

rickman2 ago

He was given the gift from Obama of being able to tour colleges looking for victims of sexual assault to paw over.


And there is a direct link to a convicted CP DEALER working at the school with Bidens kids... https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/soccer-coach-charged-with-dealing-child-porn-2/2143885/

De_Grijze_Duif ago

I tried to search for more info on this "Daniel Cooke" and combine it with Tatnall School, soccer or Delaware, but it gave me no useful links to read. Is that correct or am I missing something here?


I simply searched : "Daniel Cook" "Tatnall"


ABC News Video: https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/child-porn-arrest-lead_philadelphia/1945024/

NBC Article

Daniel Cooke, 26, was arrested on Tuesday at his home on Michelangelo Court in Hockessin.

Cooke was arrested following an undercover online investigation conducted by the Delaware Child Predator Task Force, Attorney General Beau Biden announced.

Investigators say a search of Cooke's home revealed multiple files of child pornography, Biden's office said, "including a video of an elementary school-age female child engaged in sex acts with an adult male."

Cooke was arrested and charged with 25 counts of dealing in child pornography.

He is being held on $1.5 million bail.

Cooke allegedly told investigators that, at the time of his arrest, he had been employed as an assistant junior varsity soccer coach at the Tatnall School during the 2012-2013 school year.


De_Grijze_Duif ago

Well, he was arrested. Now I was wondering if he was jailed as well...


God I hope so! If not, theres definitely something more going on here. I found it odd that he was so young (26) and yet already a 'Dealer'. Let me know if you find anything...

De_Grijze_Duif ago

Thank you for the update.

argosciv ago

Hat-tip to your memory again, there. That was over 3 years ago.

Vindicator ago

Probably over 20,000 submissions ago, LOL. Most of which I have perused. Often memory is a curse; but not always.


I agree. Though I didn't yet find any evidence they are funding the school directly, Beau Biden was associated with Tatnall Schools ' Red Oak Society ' which seems to be a donors club https://www.tatnall.org/giving-/create-a-legacy-with-the-red-oak-society

and his wife was an alumni.

Thanks for reminding me of the secret service story. Its blurry at best , but theres something to be found here.


The Washington Post reported in June 2019 that Biden owned two homes in Delaware: his primary residence, a 7,000-square-foot lakeside home in Wilmington, and a 4,800-square-foot vacation house in Rehoboth Beach.

1209 Barley Mill Rd

Wilmington, DE 19807

3 beds 4.5 baths 6,850 sqft

Basement: Partially finished

Room count: 10



The Tatnall School is a private college prep school in Greenville, Delaware, for students from three years old through 12th grade. The school was founded as an all-girls school in 1930 by Frances Dorr Swift Tatnall at her home in downtown Wilmington, Delaware, and moved to its current location in 1952. Tatnall began to admit boys in 1952. The school's mascot is the hornet. Its motto is "Omnia in caritate", which means all things in love. (Wikipedia)


Joe's house is on the lake, past the forest, on the top left corner of the photo.

and seems the school has gotten some Biden family money as well...

Beau Biden Foundation - The Tatnall School

Presentation for Parents: Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children

10/24/2016 7:00 PM

On Monday, October 24, at 7 p.m. representatives from the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children will be on campus to give a presentation about internet safety. The Foundation, which partners with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), proudly continues the work of Beau Biden, who, as Attorney General, spoke to nearly 25,000 Delaware students about internet safety. The presentation will include the foundation’s NetSmartz Workshop, which covers the topics Biden thought were crucial to kids’ internet use: good digital citizenship, online safety and the dangers of cyberbullying.

1501 Barley Mill Road Wilmington, DE 19807


think- ago

I'd spice the submission up a bit with some info about Water Island, which is just off a couple miles away from Epstein's Lolita island. ;-) It is owned by the Biden family.

It's just off St.Thomas Island, where everybody knew what Epstein did - but the BdIens never heard about it, and kid groper Biden never went there - seems unlikely, imo.

The Biden owned island seems to have a submarine base, just like Epstein's island.

Perfect when you want to visit your neighour without anyone noticing, if you ask me.

There's some info on v/thinkdrafts, if you want to look.


Vindicator ago

Epic comment :-)

think- ago

Thanks. Since nobody ever said that they saw Biden on Epstein's island, I wondered whether Epstein might have sent him girls over to his island.

We know that Maxwell is a submarine pilot, and that in NYC, Epstein's clients would leave messages when they stayed at a hotel, and Epstein would then send a girl over.

Why not do the same when he was in the Carribean.

Since Epstein's sex trafficking was a joint CIA - Mossad operation, Obama and Biden surely knew what was going on.

argosciv ago

Lobbyist bought tropical land [on Water Island] from Biden’s brother – Scott Green, a lobbyist with close ties to Joe Biden, purchased Virgin Islands property from James Biden and then extended him a private mortgage.: https://archive.is/CI3LL

^ Extensive article about Biden ties and Water Island ownership, including Department of Defense. Well worth the read.

Maps screenshot showing Water Island and Little St. James Island: https://files.catbox.moe/n45y4g.png


argosciv ago

Ah, looks like @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS already found and edited in the same article.

@think- @Vindicator


It sure needs more than a little spicing up, but I didn't have too much background knowledge on the Biden's, or the area, so I am happy you Goats are helping! I was unaware of Water Island, and will dig into your research...

Thanks @think- !

think- ago

Welcome, OTI.

argosciv ago


With the above combined with what @Vindicator pulled up here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3733788/23131810/

I'm a little lost for words, but hat's off to you for that tidbit, think-.

We may have our differences but please do accept the genuine compliment, upvote and thanks. (No response necessary)