wokethefkup ago

Obvious shill is obvious

heretolearn ago

i am familiar with gary webb. a true fucking hero in my opinion. i recently learned about him. sickening how wapo is still bashing and spewing fake news to this day. maybe a saddam style hide and seek game could help protect whoever is brave enough to stand up first. saddam had a bunch of body doubles if i remember correctly. kept him alive a long time. i agree with you, we do need to educate ourselves and learn basic protection skills at the minimum. at some point tho, a concrete plan has to be formulated.

Forgetmenot ago

No it's not a millatary mindset, it is a criminal mindset. Part of the problem is America has become a complacent culture and allowed criminals to infiltrate. There are patriots and good people every where! Unfortunately the bad people have acquired positions of authority. They need to be taken down, it starts with the leadership


then wear suits....not hippy garb

heretolearn ago

im not saying leader as in a president or dictator. I mean more as an inspirational figure to help motivate others. If this was a chess game, the oligarchs have made their move. now it's our turn. I don't expect everyone to change or help. I also don't want to overlook people that can't fight for themselves. We've been too passive for too long. Again, myself included.

JoJoVoat ago

I sure hope so.. i agree tho, I do think more email dumps will happen after 1/20 also.. Going to be interesting! I cant wait tho... I hope we all have the enjoyment of watching these mother satanic sick pedo fuckers go down.
I watched Clinton Cash in Oct, then the wiki leaks emails and I havent stopped being mad or crying over this shit every since. Sick sick sick. And there are so many of them !!!!!!!!!

JoJoVoat ago

Interestingly enough, I thought I had read every pedo takedown that ever happened but somehow missed this one... I bet I've read and watched over 500 hours of satanic ritual abuse/survivors/pedo busts/illuminati/NWO etc... btw someone needs to fire armysheer... she/he just banned me from v/pizzagateshills for the reason : Amalek alt. wtf?

heretolearn ago

the hard part is taking that first step towards real change. and who will take that step. people seem, myself included, to be waiting for that one person to say enough is enough. to say NO, a la ceasar in the planet of the apes remake. for all our special snowflake beliefs, group think and group mentality can still socially engineer a movement with just a few willing participants. it's sad to say but a useful tool for gathering and uniting the masses for whatever comes next. im thinking a new constitution. constitution2.0 and a new bill of rights. or fuck it, a society based on helping each other. take away currency altogether and start with a classless society. above all else, it's the classism that is doing the most damage worldwide. the us vs them you vs me mentality, im better than you nonsense. just my ramblings.

LostandFound ago

HRC, Guistra, Clinton Foundation, Obama, the Secret Service & the DEA were all linked to one city in Colombia - Cartagena. HRC, Guistra, Clinton Foundation through youth outreach initiatives Acceso training center, the SS & DEA through sex crimes some involving minors. - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1481112

Forgetmenot ago

Trump had suggested other countries investigate the foundation specifically Colombia and Haiti! Great information!

postfascion ago

I cringe when people say Satan cus of the judeo Christian baggage, but yeah, they definitely are being controlled by "dark forces", and yeah, they along with their inferiors will (try to) do anything they can to keep their game from coming out into view.

cosmicmind ago

I've kinda calmed down since that rant, but it's so bizarre, isn't it?

I just wonder what those roaches are up to, and I know it can't be for the global good.

If I had any relatives in military I'd be involved in a massive educational email/text with my favorite PG links, asking them to push the education button to explain the complex and corrupt reason their in Russia:





Do you think they're actually going to cross the border? Mutiny anyone? The best show on the planet would be if enough military became educated and stood down, but programming runs deep. I will continue to spread the word.

salinaslayer ago

I don't know much about that but I'm thinking: why would the Chinese even invade Russia (10th of the population, much more land and resources) when they can take over America without firing a single shot, just by paying off the right people

scott4964 ago

offer this dude immunity to sing. maybe the courts can decide to only cut off one hand instead of two if he sings like a little birdy...

cosmicmind ago

My apologies in advance for the long rant, but your comment made me think a lot and that led to venting/typing my thoughts.

I think the 'stay quiet' tactic works in a lot of cases, but not for everything.
This is one of the cases where it couldn't work.
They tried it for awhile, but they couldn't shut up and be quiet because their alt-media-is-fake-news bs propaganda was backfiring. They had too many issues that wouldn't go away. , ....the wiki human child slavery investigation, along with other countless wiki problems, was so intense that the only way they could think to distract a confrontation was the war diversion. They couldn't, and haven't, confronted the actual wiki issues, other than their original attempts to convince the world that t it's not true, that it's unfathomable, smearing Assange, etc, with no other answers to back it up. The Assange/Wiki smear campaign didn't backfire; he's been elevated to hero status. Silence and blaming him wouldn't work.

War diversion works time and time again, but this time neither ignoring through silence or inciting the patriotic citizens to war against the enemy worked. They couldn't war with isis / Syria war, because people are already realizing that's an inside political job.
They couldn't war with China, because they owe China trillions of $. They can't war with UK, because they're in bed with UK , evident in the Chilcot Report (explaining the Bush/Blair bromance)

They resurrected their Russian cold-war enemy status as their only viable go-to option, but the problem is that today's Russia isn't quite the same as the Russia of Reagan era.

They know that silence can't be an option, so trying to drown out the truth by paying for protesting msm propaganda groups/people was their best choice.

Since the educated public were/are continuing to send information links out on twitter, gab, facebook, vid.me, live.scene etc, webpage articles, etc. people globally are continuing to be pushed to education and personal investigation, since investigation isn't being provided by the control powers. Globally more people are investigating out of fear of repercussion of global media censorship and war with Russia.

They can't investigate themselves, because they've got to much dirt on each other, and the parties in question can't stay silent or smear Assange or wiki, or investigate any of it. So they try to convince people that CIA or FBI said it was Russia, without providing exact investigation details.
But, people already know the shadow government CIA, military etc has dirty levels. (project flicker which is specific to WikiLeaks and PG.)

It's a perfect storm for whistle blowers to come forward!

It's the perfect trifecta storm for the truth to emerge and lies exposed!

They knew it was beyond the scope of silence, they had to fight. Their hope now is to use it to crack down globally and maintain control by expanding it outward in what Bush Sr described as the New World Order.

But, if they do this it won't be a second American Revolution, it'll be more like a global version of the French Revolution. WikiLeaks has shown that Hackers can shut down all their electronic technology, which they would use to keep people in line, and turn it back on them.
Failing the Russian war, or any other war, they'll force a financial crash as a diversion instead of cleaning up the government mess.
They don't want to clean up the mess.... that's the spiralling nature of the entropy of evil, and it's been spiralling in this direction since prior to ww1.

I think that their last resorts are in fact the man-made viruses... which is why this shite in its entirety has to be exposed and cleaned up by whistle-blowers and global education. People need to really wake up and recognize that this shit is real, it's not a conspiracy, they've been listening to the likes of Bush SR, who told them about a New World Order and still the public wouldn't believe it was true.... instead they carried on with their many escape addictions and traumas, while being programmed to patriotically support the government leaders, believing they were being taken care of. The people couldn't/can't identify that this ISN'T being well taken care of.

This global goal that Bush Sr spoke of is the direction they're trying to steer the ship, and silence won't get them there.

IamJulianAssange ago

This is a great summary and likely what their internal strategy looks like.

Interesting times and we're fully involved, in the Paul Revere and Ben Franklin way.

cosmicmind ago

It would be great strategy if a somebody hacked into the bio-chemical labs, shut down the security systems and left an nice little f-you note, just in case they decide to go plan D, genocide with viruses. Then copied that note to all the main msm and alt-media and political sites (UN, NATO, global party sites).
... similar to what Phineas recently did to the Bilderberg site.

spez_dispenser ago

Any relation to Henry Cuellar?


Or perhaps Emily Cuellar? She owns the house next to Steve Elkin in Austin. I won't post the address here, but it appears they are neighbors.

AgainstPedos ago

On another online site a poster referred to specific locations in Canada where the elite engage in group child sexual abuse. Can one of you who have fab computer tech skills contact me privately so that I can provide the leads for an investigation? It directly links back to WA DC locations of Pizzagate.

spez_dispenser ago

The Vancouver Club consistently pops up. Toronto and Vancouver seem to be major hubs for this sort of thing. Look up Kevin Annett, he has done some work along these lines:


Also, Abel Danger Blog


And Water War Crimes


gopluckyourself ago

whooa source on the obamacare thing?

MAGABoomer ago

Trump promised to repeal it. I hope so, it's a complete and total failure for anyone that isn't indigent. All it did was take from one group and give more to another.

salinaslayer ago

I think they're all being manipulated

badastrid ago

Coz that's what you do when you're NOT a sadistic pedo..... file a defamation suit.

Orange_Circle ago

Two words: Jeff Sessions.

Sessions needs to get in office an open a can of Alabama whoop-*** on some people.

EndThePizza ago

These cases are from 2012 and September 2016, respectively.

Just giving more context for those that are skimming/ too lazy to click the articles

salinaslayer ago

I doubt everyone in the secret service is a pedo, however this may be one of the methods of "entrapment" if you will to guarantee their absolute loyalty

Forgetmenot ago

There was an issue a while back where the secret service was having orgies and hiring prostitues. Pedos and perv protect each other they are specifically hired.


military mindset

Orange_Circle ago

It stands to reason that they'd have to move perverts in to provide protection for high-level perverts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


makes sense.

biden "hey fam let's git dem chillren!"

"guards, YES THIRR!"

Blowitwideopen ago

It helps to know how they are operating behind the scenes. I think the storm is unstoppable now though!

JoJoVoat ago

I really think if nothing is done in X amount of time after DJT takes office, we should protest ourselves. THEY CANNOT IGNORE US WE ARE GOING TO TAKE THESE PEDO BASTARDS DOWN!!

IDEA: This is an excerpt of what the public in Belgium was forced to do after their government basically turned a blind eye like what ours is doing now. I will add the link at the bottom but I really think we should begin to organize something. The article is long but worth the read as Im sure it is still connected to the current pedo crap.. the article mentions US connections. This took place in the 80's and 90's.

"With the families of Dutroux's victims calling for a general strike, men and women all across the country walked away from their jobs in protest as railway workers and bus drivers shut down public transportation, bringing some cities to a virtual standstill. The Telegraph reported that: “In Liege, firemen turned their hoses on the city’s court building” to symbolize the massive clean-up that was in order.

On October 20, 350,000 citizens of the tiny nation took to the streets of Brussels dressed all in white, demanding the reform of a system so corrupt that it would protect the abusers, rapists, torturers, and killers of children. The political fallout from the case would ultimately bring about the resignation of Belgium's State Police Chief, Interior Minister, and Justice Minister – likely sacrificial lambs tossed to the outraged masses to avoid what could easily have exploded into a full-scale insurrection by the people, particularly after police ‘incompetence’ allowed Dutroux to escape and remain at large for a brief time in April of 1998."

http://www.whale.to/b/pedophocracy.html#The_Pedophocracy,_Part_I:__From_Brussels I pulled a few paragraphs here : https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1529847

Lets get these bastards.

postfascion ago

Starve the machine, buy locally grown food, or here's a novel thought grow it yourselves.... Barter, keep your purchases of shit you don't need from companies the planet does't need to a minimum, and embrace your community. Keep the internet, it is more important than most realize, but get off Facebook Google etc.

heretolearn ago

now try convincing anyone in the states to leave their job for a day. I've been advocating this for a while. but, people hide behind excuses like bills, kids, etc. sadly they don't realize how much change can come from walkouts done en mass. i bet if we collectively as a nation, stopped buying or using items for a day, the world would notice. if we said fuck inflation, inflation would go down since nobody would buy anything.

SpikyAube ago

It would not be hard, if the people were dedicated and willing, to set up a strike fund so that those who can easily afford to lose a few days' wages donate to the fund and out of the fund, those people who would really struggle from losing wages by striking are compensated for striking. Something like that would be awesome - citizens organising and helping each other out in order to fuck up the government, and doing it peacefully so the government can't do a single thing about it.

Forgetmenot ago


heretolearn ago

that's a damn good idea. a go fund me page.

i would imagine some sort of crypto currency since paypal and similar sites are notorious in freezing funds.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah it would have to be organised very well. Honestly I think it will take something like a general strike to force justice for this issue (and the other state crimes). That's what they had to do in Belgium I believe to get any kind of justice for the Dutroux affair.

The problem with the US is it's so divided, and intentionally so. People don't trust each other, people have their own groups and they distrust people of other races, cultures, religions, political persuasions, etc. That's why government and the media foster those divisions, to make something like everyone getting together to do something about the criminals in power almost impossible.

The only thing that could really unite everyone is if everyone learns the truth, and knows for sure it's the truth. For that you'd need something like video footage of them discussing it, doing it, and hack all the TV networks during prime time and just play the footage. And then witness testimonies. And have a link up to a website where people can find out more. Or something. But I have no idea if thats even possible, probably not. So it's a very difficult thing to do, getting the truth out, and without that, a strike would be hard to mobilise anyway.

Ooooh, unless it was pitched as a strike about government crimes, Pizzagate, and also throw in some other less scary crimes, but one where people who didn't believe in the purpose of the strike could be encouraged to take advantage of the money they'd be paid if they took a few days off work.

We really need someone rich to help us out. What about that guy who started Bitcoin. He is loaded with secret billions worth of bitcoin, right? Maybe if he is found he could be persuaded to use that to pay citizens to not work, and then that would bring down the government, and the terrible economy and the ridiculous and evil monetary system could be collapsed, and bitcoin would rise in its stead. So that would be his incentive. It is a male isn't it? Did they find out who it is yet?

Anyway someone should pitch this idea to him. I genuinely think it will take something as crazy as that to make a difference, because what they 'the elites' are doing is absolutely insane, the kind of things we've been programmed to think of as impossible, wild fantasy fiction. We've been programmed to think so many things are impossible or 'wouldn't work' or 'it's just not like that' - but we've got to stop thinking like that, because it's that kind of thinking that keeps us in a cage.

heretolearn ago

we definitely are living in a mental cage. we live in a make believe world. we have detectives playing makebelieve catching bad guys (way too many innocent people locked up), we have these laws imposed on our will by people that died 200 years ago on a piece of paper. we legally conduct experiments on the mentally handicapped. people are walking around with the elitist mindframe, forgetting that at the end of the day, they're just a human meat bag; same as everyone else.

i guess talking about pizzagate more and bringing it up in conversations will help until a more developed strategy is devised.

I don't know much about thr bitcoin person, but i'm warry of backing one currency for another. it could still end up creating a new class system. bitcoin is probably much better than the current fiat form we have now. but i think we'll have to go back to straight goods for goods trading or maybe a natural resource based society. everyone helps everyone else. i read about the venus project. they have something like that as a concept.

KansasJakeBG ago

We don't have the social safety net that Europeans have. Americans are ruled by the corporations and will not be protected if they strike. The MSM will shame protestors or continue to ignore protests.

heretolearn ago

300 million people can't be ignored.

KansasJakeBG ago

Participation rate in citizenship is very low. Only half of Americans who can vote do. I think that for the general public to realize media is lying to them, there would have to be hundreds of thousands of people. I like the idea of plastering Pizzagate is real on stuff. But it would have to be a different brand. I wrote it on some bills.

How can we get the 3% in on this? I guess first we would have to look for connections between this ring and known militias. Veterans also need to get in on this too.

I have started making pizzagate art. Here's my first finished piece. http://kansasjake.deviantart.com/

heretolearn ago

i've heard gab is a decent, yet new social media outlet. getting young and old people thru various social media could help. email and phone call blasts to local media groups, members of local and major gov't (they can't all be in on the cover-up), buying out ad space in newspapers and tv, billboards, blimps, skywriting, etc. we can set up a fund for more advertising. since ads are constantly in our face everywhere we look, let's use it as a weapon against "them." these are just thoughts, but i'm more than willing to help in any way i can.

KansasJakeBG ago

Can't wait to get on Gab. Reddit was my only space until my father-in-law found out and mentioned it casually. Now I have a new 1 point account on Reddit and I can't do anything but read passively. Sucks. I don't know HOW to get media people to pay attention to us. On Twitter, ALL the journalists I have stalked make fun of us for being dumb, they are not even diplomatic or polite or professional in their tweets about this topic. Twitter is a public place to shame people into doing something BUT it's also the most toxic place for important and serious things.

I totally stalked this: https://twitter.com/EvaVavoom/status/817039178571644932 and when I looked at her mentions I found this https://twitter.com/EvaVavoom/status/817032168924991489

I have never seen that article posted here before. That writer only writes about national security. He would be one of the journalists who write articles about this but never follows up later on.

When I joined here and told her she sent me interesting pizzagate info to follow up. (I used to freelance for this person years ago, never met in person) She posts a little bit about pizzagate but under the hashtag #LugubriousPED she studies the suppression of pizzagate in the media. Pretty cool stuff.

heretolearn ago

I just recently read a comment that connected the daily beast to chelsea clinton. so i wouldn't put too much faith in them as a source. smoke screen diversion tactics possibly.

grass roots campaiging seems to help. or we fund a full on media blitz about pizzagate, the clinton foundation, the british pedo ring, franklin scandle, etc.

MAGABoomer ago

It is by our own fear of stopping cooperation, that actually continues our cooperation. You are correct, sit down, and don't get up until they change things...but fear of OMG MY JOB< MY FAMILY, MY MY MY...stops people from sitting down, hence their cooperation with the very system that is consuming/destroying them.

heretolearn ago

so how do we get past that mentality as a whole?

MAGABoomer ago

We don't and we won't. Sadly Americans are never going to sit down and stop cooperating. Most Americans are literally 1 paycheck away from the street with fear so strong that they'll never fight back. I was hoping this xmas people would not shop and stay home...but no, they went further into debt buying and propping up the corporations that assrape us daily. I wish I could say I see that changing, but if it ever were going to change, it would have started this xmas. We are the puppets on the end of their strings dancing to their tunes. Every time we find a way around them that does NOT involve or require us to "sit down" they outlaw it. Reminds me of a movie...IN TIME...each time the "little people" find a way, new laws are made.

If you know the history of the first Peasant Rebellion...they could have won...they literally were within inches of actually winning when they inexplicably quite. As a result of the failed rebellion, the elite made a shit ton of new laws to make things even worse/harder for the peasants. It's like that now...

I do not know how we can get past this except as a collective, however our society is so fractured that I cannot imagine any effective collective rising out of this. Too many actors of the Idiocracy are front and center. I was reading snowflake comments, anarchist comments (srlsy what do basement tards know about anarchy?), it's simply unbelievable and right before our eyes the prophetic movie Idiocracy....is becoming reality. As a collective we have become too stupid, literally...to fight back.

heretolearn ago

you make decent points as to our collective apathy. there is still hope i think. as soon as people realize laws, money and rules only have as much power as we give them. if my generation doesn't fix this nonsense and inspire a paradigm shift in mentality, then i'm hoping the next generation has a few people that will. at some point, enough citizens will be tired of being looked at as the enemy.

MAGABoomer ago

I have a feeling it will no longer be left up to chance. Sooner or later, change will be forced through adversity. When that happens, we must make certain that should any of these vile pedos rise from the ashes, they will be put down, quickly, and without mercy.

A long history of investigating the "making of monsters" ...it is the perpetuity. The victims become offenders...to stop this we must be willing to address this. Either the victims become so fucked up they end up a hot mess (cue Hollywood kids) or they do indeed become perpetrators. To stop more perps from growing, we must be willing to look at the causation factors. Although I'm light on statistics re victims turning into perps, we have to look at this from all levels and stop being afraid of it.

If I have learned anything from this venture into the dark side, it is that it is literally everywhere...from we the people to the highest levels of government. I was stunned to see what was happening on THE TRIBE pages that were exposed here and the chans, the voat and reddit pedo forums...regular people seeking children...this is where it starts. In our families we are afraid to address creepy Uncle/Granpa/Granma/Aunties/Brothers/Sisters within our own homes that are perpetuate the sick...over and over. You think we face opposition from the elite pedos? Yes, we do, but we face an even larger opposition from the regular Joe kiddie fuckers who are buttclenching right now hoping this dies and goes away and they can go back to the shit I saw on The Tribe without any opposition.

So, alongside the NEED to sit down and stop cooperating with "the system" we also need and MUST look within our own damn homes and stop being so afraid of THE FAMILY that we keep silent about the secrets they're hiding. I wish I had your optimism about change. I truly do.

heretolearn ago

I 100% agree that change comes from within. Change yourself, change the world. The channel for addressing at home pedo stuff needs to change then i imagine. Therapy instead of violence. Segregation in a less violent community. Otherwise, pedos won't seek help, and the other members of the family won't speak up. Fear makes people do irrational things. A complete overhaul of the gov't system needs to happen. Doing the same thing over and over again is not yielding different results. I didn't serve in the military so that pedo oligarchs could rule over me. We have the internet. We have the means to organize. We just need the will of the people when that spark of civil unrest starts to burn.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yep, we're seeing how the DC "good ol' boys" network actually works. And it's 10x more sinister than just hooking family members up with sweetheart deals and taking bribes from lobbyists.