neptunium1 ago

Well, if we look at Sasha Bouis' CV we might see why- he's worked for Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC,

On September 24, 2007, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission granted the registration of Standard & Poor's Ratings Services as a nationally recognized statistical rating organization ("NRSRO") under the U.S. Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006 (the "Act").**

SEC investigates role of ratings agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's ahead of the financial crisis

Connections with Dyncorp:

With the reductions in military spending in the 1990s, DynCorp expanded their focus to the growing tech market.[15] They bought 19 digital and network service firms, and acquired contracts with the government's information technology (IT) departments.[15] By 2003, roughly half of DynCorp's business came from managing the IT departments of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, among others.[15] In 1999, DynCorp moved their headquarters to Reston, Virginia.

#Pedogate Dyncorp Child Trafficking as Rep. Cythia Mckinney grills Donald Rumsfeld

“Mr. Secretary, is it policy of the U.S. government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls? That’s my first question.”

“My second question, Mr. Secretary, is, who has the contract today to make those systems communicate with each other? How long have they had those contracts? And how much have the taxpayers paid for them?”

McKinney’s question was answered by Ms. Tina Jonas, who refused to give names on the record. Ms Jonas served as the “chief financial officer and assistant director of the Finance Division,” of the FBI before she was “nominated by President Bush to be the undersecretary of defense at the Department of Defense.” She has also held leading positions in numerous private companies associated with aerospace and defense.

[Dyncorp] became heavily involved in the software industry in the 1990’s under the leadership of Paul Lombardi. In 2003, Dyncorp was acquired by “Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC),” primarily a software firm providing services such as: “various cloud offerings, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), private cloud solutions, CloudMail and Storage as a Service (SaaS).”

CSC has also been investigated for fraud, with Margaret Hodge describing it as a “rotten company providing a hopeless system.”


YogSoggoth ago

Iraq - Credit Rating Standard & Poor's credit rating for Iraq stands at B- with stable outlook. ... Iraq Inflation Rate at -0.10 percent. Iraq Interest Rate at 4.00 percent. Search domain tradingeconomics.com There are two major credit rating Companies that are even allowed to rate an entire country! Fitch Moodys is the other one. I am not sure if they maintain an office in London City. I hope everyone here understands what that means. If not, then I will explain.

neptunium1 ago

In addition to Moody's, the other two main credit rating agencies are Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings.

All three are private companies, not government agencies. Moody's and Standard & Poor's both have their headquarters in New York, while Fitch has two official HQs, one in New York and the other in London.

YogSoggoth ago

They are an important tool for the manipulation of currencies and commerce in general. Investors around the world make decisions based on their assessment. Would stand to chance that there is an evil skeleton to the company.

sore_ass_losers ago

Wow "Billionaire Jeffery Epstein, who owns nearby Little St. James, reportedly purchased the larger island earlier this year." from the 'construction...' link, The Source, St. Thomas. November 2016.

Apparently Grand St. James belongs to a Dane, Christian Kjaer, or at least did back in 2015:

It's strange this linked site hasn't been updated since early 2016. It would be even stranger if Epstein has owned the bigger island for years, open knowledge locally, but that hasn't been discussed.

I posted the above link here a 'dog year' ago, that Kjaer owns it,and no one commented otherwise.

HennyPenny ago

Here's another funny Trump connection:

Epstein's former friend and business partner, Steven Hoffenberg, got sent to federal prison in 1993 for 18 years in a Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of 460 million dollars.He has paid back only 200 million but in 2016 he was on the news announcing a pro Trump PAC of $50 million. In 2014 he was based out of Shanghai, doing the same business (debt collection) and offering to school "outside" businessman in the respectful Chinese way of doing business. He got married in 2014 and posed in front of the Trump Towers.

SchlongKeyhote ago

4d chess

HennyPenny ago

Here's another funny Trump connection:

According to S.E.C. and other legal documents unearthed by VANITY FAIR, Epstein may have good reason to keep his past cloaked in secrecy: his real mentor, it might seem, was not Leslie Wexner but Steven Jude Hoffenberg, 57, who, for a few months before the S.E.C. sued to freeze his assets in 1993, was trying to buy the New York Post. He is currently incarcerated in the Federal Medical Center in Devens, Massachusetts, serving a 20-year sentence for bilking investors out of more than $450 million in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in American history.

Fast forward: Hoffenberg does only 10 years, not 20, pays back 60 million, not 450 million AND in 2016 is saying he's going to put together a PAC supporting Trump to the tune of 50 million dollars.

In 2014 he's based out of Shanghai, in the same kind of business that got him in trouble in the US: debt collection. I guess China appreciates Hoffenberg's business model.

"12) Towers Investors China offers sales consulting to executives from outside of mainland China with the very deep rooted respect mandated understanding and full-time, non-stop training in how one must behave in business in mainland China. MULTI-NATIONAL EXECUTIVES MUST BE TRAINED BY TOWERS INVESTORS CHINA TO UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT MAINLAND CHINA."

HennyPenny ago

How convenient: 4th District Court of Appeals judge grants a stay in the March Florida trial, then the complex burns down? I wonder if the Mosque like temple on the sw corner of the island burned too?

ESOTERICshade ago

yournewswire cannot be trusted.

Digital-Patriot ago

Neither can you.

neptunium1 ago

So we know that Epstein has his AI organisation and other businesses registered at Red Hook in St. Thomas

And according to his bio on the Lifeboat Foundation site:

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation is based out of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands and plays an increasingly active role in supporting youth and early education programs across the US Virgin Islands and the United States.

Jeffrey Epstein's donations to young pupils prompts US Virgin Islands review

Within the Red Hook area an exclusive gated community called Nazareth

One of the islands prominent private schools, the VI Montessori School and the Peter Gruber International Academy are located in Estate Nazareth offering programs from toddler through high school.


He served briefly in the U. S. Arny Finance Corps and later went to work on Wall Street.

In the span of his career, Peter Gruber built a successful asset management business as a legendary pioneer in emerging markets, making possible the support of areas of his special interests: the pursuit of intellectual discovery, the advancement of academic excellence, and the development of a truly global perspective.

Peter and his wife Patricia, a former psychologist, committed much of their resources and energy to the Gruber Foundation, a philanthropic organization which inspires and rewards individuals who have created a fundamental shift in human knowledge and culture. Its International Prize Program bestows cash awards and medals to prominent scientists around the world in the fields of Cosmology, Genetics, and Neuroscience, while its Young Scientist Awards recognize early career achievements ( The Foundation further endows the Gruber Science Fellowship Program at Yale University and the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights at the Yale Law School. Among its many other charitable undertakings, the Foundation has been a consistent and long-time supporter of educational, cultural, and social services in the Virgin Islands.

They are impressed by the world focus of our Montessori and International Baccalaureate curricula, by our participation in international activities such as Montessori Model United Nations

Gruber Foundation

His company (website not working)

Not much on him on the internet.

neptunium1 ago

Director of Gruber Foundation, Waring Patridge

As a telecommunications expert, management consultant and investment advisor, B. Waring Partridge has extensive private and public sector experience. His government service includes high level staff positions in Congress and the US Trade Representative’s Office, a stint as acting US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and work as a State Department consultant. For most of the 1990s he was a Vice President of AT&T for corporate strategy and new businesses; he holds 16 patents for telecommunications systems and apparatus. In 1998 he was also an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University Business School. Since 2002 he has been Managing Director of Windward Capital LLC (formerly Investment Security Services LLLP) and CEO of its subsidiary, Antilles Financial Services Group LLC.

He holds a degree in economics from Yale College and a law degree from Catholic University Law School and is a member of the Washington, D.C. Bar. An avid adventurer, Partridge spent 1999 to 2001 sailing around the world and ended up in the U.S. Virgin Islands where he met Peter and Patricia Gruber. He now makes his home in New Haven, CT, with his wife, Carmen Kerkhoven Partridge, and their three children, Cora, Benjamin and Anda. In addition to being a Director of The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, Mr. Partridge is a Gruber Member of the Board of Directors of The Gruber Foundation (at Yale University), with a lifetime appointment.

Waring and Carmen Partridge Foundation

Supporters of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries Westminster Abbey

neptunium1 ago

Patricia Gruber

She believes her credentials have opened doors and generated respect from the officers, admirals and generals she encounters in her daily work as the technical director for the Office of Naval Research Global (ONR). ONR is the science and technology provider for the United States Navy and Marine Corps.

SchlongKeyhote ago

Is it me or does it seem as if this has intelligence services written all over it?

Look at their faces, woman. THEY. ARE. JEWS. It is already common knowledge Epstein worked for Mossad.

If you appreciated that fact properly you'd have remembered all the times I've posted about the shyster Leon Black and his CIA-linked father.

New York Businessman Leon Black Buys Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 Million <--rabbinic book endorsing pedophilia

urbanmoving ago

Yep Leon Black the mega wealthy jewish Mossad-CIA pedophile

Ispankdamonkey ago

You should be more careful online. I found a picture of you pretty easily

Shillaxe ago

Is Kieth Raniere your mentor , you and him share the exact same view of women, not surprised you re-named yourself "Schlong (the crypto Jew )Qixote" lmao

SchlongKeyhote ago

if you dont like when jews aren't identified why are you scolding me for pointing out that women never do so? get your head straight, retard.

Shillaxe ago

I don't give a shit if you disagree with someone, when you demonize & assert ALL women are weak or ALL brown people are villians, i want to smack you upside your head .Should all white males be judged by Joe Whiteboy Bidens actions ? The problem is that a book, the Talmud, teaches its ok be racist 2.homicidal. & 3.rape children, the solution would be to target that fact, the Bible has some really questionable things in it too, guessing but the Koran probably needs a looking at also.We get that your sexist and racist , you spew it ad nauseum & it gets really old. You never answered a question from a year or so ago, do you belong to a racist org. or are you independent ?

auralsects ago

lol too bad the entire point of public policy is to make decisions based on group behavior. thanks for continuing to prove my point so spectacularly.

"not all ____ tho" <----emotional and unable to appreciate and act on patterns = woman confirmed.

if the stats say that 90% of white women who get impregnated by black men are abandoned, is it racist to oppose your daughter dating a black man? I sincerely hope it happens to yours, as some people only learn the hard way.

also: if jews benefit as a group they can be punished as a group. life isn't fair ya dumb bitch.

Shillaxe ago

So define Jew, is it a)someone who practices Judaism b)a "race" or c) both

auralsects ago

Jews themselves define it by race. You really need to get a clue.

Shillaxe ago

Another reason they claim to be BOTH a religion and a race is because when , someone like me disdains Judaism (because of the racist/homicidal/pedophiliac Jewish text The Talmud), Im called a racist, which im not. It's trickery at its best , Semite is not defined as Jew yet anti Semite means anti Jew ?

Shillaxe ago

So you agree with Jews, your a Soros Antifa shill who can't think for himself, Hitler borrowed money from Zionist bankers and murdered 94 million non Jews or Goyim, if you look closely you'll find that the 6 gorillian poor jews he supposedly killed actually were relocated to Palestine. You live in a fallacy & need to start thinking for yourself, Christianity is not a race , neither is Islam or Buddhism so Judaism canbot be a race either, its how they fool themselves into thinking they are an elevated "race" & others are not. What racist org. do you belong to ? You do know the KKK was started by a Zionist, right ?

auralsects ago

Wow, really dumb fucking woman. There are religions that are universalist and those that aren't. LMAO how is that difficult to understand? YOU CAN IMMIGRATE TO ISRAEL WITH JEWISH BLOOD NOT JEWISH FAITH.

Still proving my point, women will want to further redefine the guilty class of Jews because they cannot accept collective punishment and nothing will ever happen.

the worst part is that you would even have the nerve to talk to me, let alone bring that cringey ignorant bulls hit. Get the fuck outta here.

Shillaxe ago

So you believe Judaism is BOTH a religion AND a race, how interesting. Why don't you get a fucking clue , thats like saying all white people are Christians , there are Israeli's (a "race") & those who PRACTICE the RELIGION of JUDAISM, a "Jew" is someone who practices said religion. You've been fooled by their propoganda troll & still haven't answered , WHAT hate group do you belong to , or do you have no pride in it ?

auralsects ago

oh my god, the MAJORITY of Christians are NON-WHITE today. because its a UNIVERSAL religion unlike Judaism which doesn't proselytize. stop pretending you care which quality unites this group: YOU ARE AGAINST GROUP PUINISHMENT therefore no action can be taken against this vast Jewish network.

talking to women is the absolute worst. totally beneath me.

Shillaxe ago

Using your "group punishment " rational , since Joe "the kiddie diddler" Biden is white , you should kill yourself.

auralsects ago

yes, except that whites are not disproportionately represented in PG, and it is impractical to deport whites numbers-wise, and PG is not based on white mysticism and executed through white centers of power like media, finance, and political operations. otherwise totally the same.

the jews you are white-knighting for don't seem to have a problem collectively puni$ing us whites for slavery, us germans for the holocaust, etc.

STUPID. NAIVE. PATHETIC. WOMEN. 90% of pizzagate's continuing is on YOU.

Shillaxe ago

"yes, except that whites are not disproportionately represented in PG" 4,000 cases of abuse by white priests in Australia, 800 in Oregon, Caucasians, I believe ,are equally represented.

" it is impractical to deport whites numbers-wise" If you're spouting collective punishment ALL honkeys gotta die, sorry but you made the rule.

"the jews you are white-knighting for " Quit making shit up.

d"on't seem to have a problem collectively puni$ing us whites for slavery" "Jews ran the slave trade, the Civil war had to do with stomping out Confederate money as it was in competition with the Rothschilds.

"us germans for the holocaust, etc." The Rothschilds financed Adolf Hitler to murder 97.77 million Goyim, Germans didn't hurt even 1 "Jew" in WW2 .The 6 gorillian were moved to Palestine. So are you schlongkeyo's fuck boy , you know David Duke is a Shabos Goy right, lovvvves Israel !

auralsects ago

I couldn't ask for a better exemplification of my point: even a woman who knows all the jew lies refuses to solve the problem because it's "unfair". proof: before women had any decision-making power jews were kicked out AS A GROUP BECAUSE THE WIDER COMMUNITY COVERED-UP THE RITUAL MURDERERS.

and hitler wasn't an agent and didn't start the war. you obviously have read NO history and probably ONE retarded website, then in typical modern woman fashion feel qualified to spout your bullshit among men. the top 10 female-viewed youtube channels are ALL makeup tutorials. accept it: you are not serious people and are uninterested in how the world works.

and obviously I AM donkeyhote, jesus Christ.

Shillaxe ago

Ok schlonkeyhote jesus christ , this is what life at aushwitz was like while Jews waited to be resettled.

"With two very different witness versions of what was going on in the camps, let’s have a quick look at the facilities available to inmates to see if that can clarify matters. The jews have now admitted there wasn’t any gas chambers in Auschwitz following the two sets of scientific tests, but there were some facilities that certainly were in Auschwitz and can still be seen today.

A free dental service available to all inmates – specialist dentists were brought in for intricate work.

A walk-in clinic and hospital for inmates.

Dr. Carl Clauberg the World famous Berlin surgeon who was called in for difficult inmate cases.

Camp kitchen – one of the largest service buildings in Auschwitz, with state-of-the-art cooking facilities. There were twelve of these throughout the camp. The caloric content of the diet was carefully monitored by camp and Red Cross delegates.

Camp religious facilities made available on a rotating basis to every denomination for religious services.

A camp theatre where live plays were performed by camp inmate actors.

Up to 16 camp orchestras with every conceivable instrument available for inmates – there was also free tutoring by music teachers.

A camp library where inmates could borrow books from forty -five thousand volumes available.

Camp complaints office where inmates could register complaints or make suggestions. Camp Commander Hoess had a standing order that any inmate could approach him personally to register a complaint about other inmates such as “Kapos” and even guards.* A system of strict discipline for guards and also for inmates, with severe punishment being handed out against those found guilty (for even slapping an inmate).

Auschwitz marriages took place because worker inmates fell in love and married their inmate partners.

The camp sauna for inmates.

The camp brothel, just inside the main gate was a building used during the war as a brothel for the inmates.

A camp swimming pool for use by the inmates, where there were walkways with comfortable benches for inmates to relax in the shade of the trees. Swimming galas were held during the Summer months.

The Auschwitz University where inmates could take various courses. Professors from nearby Universities often visited to give lectures.

Genuine photograph of inmates leaving for Auschwitz – notice the train is a passenger train not the Hollywood cattle train version."

Face it , your a moron who refuses to admit was racist clique he belongs to, afraid of researchers exposing you ?

auralsects ago

holy shit, you think I don't know the holocaust is a lie? youre probably just deflecting from the other points I made. I am archiving this conversation btw to ultimately remove women from these spheres entirely.



Shillaxe ago

Another reason they claim to be BOTH a religion and a race is because when , someone like me disdains Judaism (because of the racist/homicidal/pedophiliac Jewish text The Talmud), Im called a racist, which im not. It's trickery at its best , Semite is not defined as Jew yet anti Semite means anti Jew ?

neptunium1 ago

The spiel is getting a bit old, don't you think ?

SchlongKeyhote ago

nope whats getting old is people not Naming the Jew and allowing further child-rape by not dealing with this extremely manageable problem.

pre-womens liberation: Jews expelled en masse when their ritual rape/sacrifice is discovered, dozens of times

post: they continue to rape/sacrifice with impunity and mock us about it in their movies

you got some nerve to call it a spiel, woman.

neptunium1 ago

you got some nerve to call it a spiel, woman.

You keep trying to draw me out, Lol. It's of no importance who I am or even my gender.

extremely manageable problem.

What's the solution? - dare I ask.

auralsects ago

Holy shit are you pretending you're not the woman @letsdothis although it's obvious? Jfc you women are inept. LMAO

neptunium1 ago

No I'm not pretending. You'll see that I often reference my older posts. You really are slow, aren't you?

Shillaxe ago

He believes in communal punishment , kill em all , problem is he confuses race with religion.

auralsects ago

It wouldn't matter if they all wore purple socks, YOU STUPID BITCH LMAO

Shillaxe ago

Jews are a racist, homicidal & pedo org., you have ALOT in common, fact is they use idiots like you , bet you dream of getting rich on Rothschild sheckles.

neptunium1 ago

I remember Schlong/Donkey. The reason I ask a question is actually a writer's trick/hook which helps people to engage or interact with a post. Psychology. It's a reason I don't draw conclusions on posts. If you do that it stops many people from thinking through facts for themselves. There.. now one of my secrets is out.

tyfdt ago

Is any of this near Haiti?

neptunium1 ago

Yes. Google map it. Branson on his own islands in the British Virgin Islands is even closer. Just think Pirates of the Caribbean.

septimasexta ago

THE REAL PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN "In this lively debut work of history, Edward Kritzler tells the tale of an unlikely group of swashbuckling Jews who ransacked the high seas in the aftermath of the Spanish Inquisition. At the end of the fifteenth century, many Jews had to flee Spain and Portugal. The most adventurous among them took to the seas as freewheeling outlaws. In ships bearing names such as the Prophet Samuel, Queen Esther, and Shield of Abraham, they attacked and plundered the Spanish fleet while forming alliances with other European powers to ensure the safety of Jews living in hiding. Filled with high-sea adventures–including encounters with Captain Morgan and other legendary pirates–Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean reveals a hidden chapter in Jewish history as well as the cruelty, terror, and greed that flourished during the Age of Discovery." I have this. Lots of info. This is the history that is left out of the text books.

YogSoggoth ago

Port Royal, (described as a wicked place by all), was the main pirate town, before it slid into the sea in an earthquake. People of the times said that god had stricken them from the face of the Earth.The most expensive part of Naples, Florida is named after it. The Jewfish was named so because they were trading the fish possibly, while others maintain that it was the size of the fish in comparison to the wealth of the jews.

neptunium1 ago

How interesting. I lived in that part of the world for a number of years and know nothing about Jewish pirates. I'll have to get that book.

neptunium1 ago

Photo: “The Pizza Pi boat lives in Christmas Cove, at Great St James island, off the east end of St Thom

Article: Christmas Cove, off St. Thomas USVI

An excellent overnight stop, this place is popular with USVI charterers on the first or last night out because of the close proximity to Charlotte Amalie and Red Hook.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jeffrey Epstein, British Virgin Islands cocaine runs, and an initiative involving children, of course.

Link from Jeffrey Epstein AI Projects :

Address given at the bottom of the page is : 6100 Redhook Headquarters St Thomas.. Googling it will take you to the** Red Hook Dive Centre in St Thomas**

This is no ordinary dive centre, they have partnered with the Virgin Islands Department of Education to create a stewards of the reef program for schoolchildren in Grades 10-12.

What else is registered at this address ?

  • The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation

  • ZORRO Development

  • His plane (the Lolita Express)

More info in that post.

Both Tara and Sash worked at Seatrek BVI for 8 years prior to starting Pizza Pi: -a summer camp at sea -

neptunium1 ago

From this post: Pirates of the Caribbean: Jeffrey Epstein, British Virgin Islands cocaine runs, and an initiative involving children, of course.

Having located Epsteins registered USVI address at 6100 Red Hook I was concerned to find somehow associated with it companies like Pervert Inc. and Nauti Nymph Powerboat Rentals

The major Miami developer who started Pervert Inc, Todd Glaser, is at 2121 Ponce de Leon Nauti Nymphs is at 6501 Red Hook

Todd Glaser at Art Basel :

YogSoggoth ago

Modern and contemporary are such overused terms that basically translate to square, ugly, architecture, and other/arts. His will pop now though.

YogSoggoth ago

Modern and contemporary, are so overused to describe square, ugly, architecture and other art. Cubism? Don't say that in Miami, unless you want to be called a racist. You have pretty much nailed the leads, and Thanks again.

i_scream_trucks ago


Isnt that Dr Phil McGraws company?

Who also co-owns a rather expensive yacht with Judy Scheindlin.

mrohm ago

No, unrelated to Dr. Phil.

Sum-of-Nun ago

McGraw-Hill is a major textbook publisher.

derram ago : :

  1. Forbidden - Bloomberg :

US couple quit their jobs to run Yacht Pizza Pi boat in the Virgin Islands | Daily Mail Online :

ERROR: The request could not be satisfied :

PIZZA PI — The best pizza of the caribbean — Sailing Uma [Step 78] - YouTube :

Someone Appears To Have Stolen This Woman's Photos And Is Using Them To Troll People :

Uma Kompton - Stripping For Jesus ft. Nasim Najafi Aghdam - YouTube

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