Enigmatic_Continuum ago

As an aside, check this out. You all know how much the occultists love their numbers... https://www.edge.org/memberbio/jeffrey_epstein


THE "BILLIONAIRES' DINNER" 2000 Edge Dinners [ 2.23.00 ] Reverse of 322 - the Skulls & Bones number

THE EDGE "BILLIONAIRES' DINNER" 1999 Edge Dinners [ 2.16.99 ] 2+1+6 = 9, so we have 999, which is of course 666 reversed.

neptunium1 ago

Mr. Epstein is actively involved in the Santa Fe Institute, the Theoretical Biology Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Study, the Quantum Gravity Program and the University of Pennsylvania.

Biden likes Penn University too: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2557211/12835730/10#12835730


Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Biden's hometown is Scranton, PA. I believe a lot of the Nazi scientists were sent to Pittsburgh during Operation Paperclip.

Ban_Circumcision ago

hu no wonder pols getting slid so ahrd today lol

Ispankdamonkey ago

That blue and white building definitely has occultish aspects to it.


golden dome seems to be missing in these new(?) pics

Shillaxe ago

Maybe they are old pix being fed to us, making us look irrational.


there is also this picture (dont know when it was taken I saved it on jan 2017) http://i.magaimg.net/img/3egv.jpg


there is this picture from 2013 without the dome : http://i.magaimg.net/img/3egu.jpg


these were taken by a family on a boattrip

septimasexta ago

WOW! Great pics! Can these be used in a court of law? Is this drop related to the arrest of Weinstein? Or Weiner's laptop contents? Of course Epstein can claim this is his "hurricane" bunker......

septimasexta ago

All they need to do is drop a pack of bloodhounds on that island. They would go CRAZY.

darkknight111 ago

Hence the leering face comment. Definately something foul happening there.

Gothamgirl ago

It looks like male genitalia, with a face on it.

xXSanctumXx ago

They made that Blue stripped building to look like a Lego Block.


That's exactly what I thought too. Did the Lego set not come with a gold dome? Or is that the advanced Lego set?


Fake photoshopped subliminal pics

Shillaxe ago

It is curious how the gold dome managed to disappear.


The Lego set didn't come with a gold dome. But it did come with palm trees.

Devious1 ago

Ok killary

NoRagrets ago

Fake unverified subliminal comment


You should have asked me why I thought that instead of attacking me.

NoRagrets ago

The fuck? I don't owe you shit.



Gnatsunami ago

You should have just said why you thought that to begin with you pansy faggot.


You need a touch up. Your red paint is chipped and the blue is showing.

Gnatsunami ago

You kind of suck at comebacks.


What would be an example of a good come back. I'm sick of telling people to fuck off and calling people names is uncreative, lazy, 3rd grade shit.

kazza64 ago

no 40 is a tunnel entrance

neptunium1 ago

Jeffrey Epstein also owns Great St. James Island:

Article from a newspaper in the Virgin Islands : DPNR Orders Cease and Desist for Unauthorized Development on Great St. James

The V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources has halted unauthorized development taking place on the island of Great St. James.

Also interesting, remember Pizza Pi?


I want to start this particular blog off by saying that I have no affiliation with Pizza Pi except that I like their business concept, the pizzas are delicious, and my guest love when we spend the night in Christmas Cove and finish the day with their pizza.

Tara has been running a success story from the moment she opened her hatch two years ago and this year she had a group of 5-6 “Pie Girls” helping her out. The Pizza Pi boat was anchored at the head of Christmas Cove on the back side of Great St James Island. All she ever did was make amazing pizzas and make Christmas Cove even better!!!!!

tyfdt ago

Holy Toledo!!

darkknight111 ago

That blue and white building with the brown leering face is creepy. Possibly part of a temple like structure.

Shit tons of excavation equipment. I agree thats related to tunnel operations.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Blue and white, just like Israel's flag BUT THERE'S NO PATTERNS HERE, GOYS!!! oy vey

Gothamgirl ago

I never realized the elevation on that before today, there could be a whole bunker under there.

Devious1 ago

You mean this one - before the so called hurricane


sore_ass_losers ago

27 stripes (13 on a side). At first that door looked like it has a huge bar so you could confine people inside, but I'm not so sure.

ASolo ago

These colors UNDOUBTEDLY, IRREFUTABLEY, ARE THE COLORS OF ISRAEL AND THE GOD BA'AL (yhwh, lucifer, Ra, El, enki). You can bet everything you have ritual sacrifice takes place on this Island, and I'll bet donuts to dollars LOCATION, having been the tip/tops of the ancient lands of atlantis and the annunaki, have much to do with it.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Wow that doesn't look suspicious at all. Human sacrifices are definitely happening there.

urbanmoving ago

it is a kabbalah cube temple

neptunium1 ago

Have you got the link to the original post?

tyfdt ago

https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1542731.html and scroll down down down

neptunium1 ago

Lots of pictures. Seems there is currently a large operation to do with the tunnels on that island. Very interesting.

neptunium1 ago
