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neptunium1 ago

HSBC, Clinton Foundation, Panama Based Law firm Mossack Fonseca and money laundering? And does Hunter Biden have Coloboma?

HSBC Leadership

Ms Casey is a Senior Adviser to Patomak Global Partners. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Pennsylvania State University, the Trust Fund Board of the Library of Congress, the Advisory Council of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the Board of Trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation. She is also a Trustee of the International Valuation Standards Council and previously held the position of Chairman of the Alternative Investment Management Association.

Vice President Joe Biden to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann today announced that Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has been named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he will lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a new center focused principally on diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security. The Center will be located in Washington, D.C. Biden will also have an office on the Penn campus in Philadelphia

carmencita ago

There's something really weird and strange about this. Really Strange.

Swimming in the nude. Skinny-dipping Joe Biden. Yeah, you heard me. Read the article. AND the article also says that Billy Graham went Skinny-dipping with LBJ. A bunch of Bleeping Weirdos.

Another Biden - Jill Will be Hosted by the Gender Equity Center at Penn State

Jill Biden is a mother and grandmother, a lifelong educator, a proud military mom, and an active member of her community. Penn State's Student Programming Association and the Gender Equity Center will host Biden at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, in Eisenhower Auditorium on the University Park campus. Jill Biden also is the wife of Joe Biden, former vice president of the United States.

Gender Equity Center (What does that even mean)

Penn State’s Gender Equity Center (GenEq) supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. GenEq staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling. All services are free and confidential.

Somehow the Bidens being involved with Gender Anything gives me the Willies

neptunium1 ago

I agree. There's more going on 'between the lines' of that article. Biden's relationship with Penn University has always been a red flag with me - don't know why.

Agree it needs to be looked into. I'll have a look tomorrow (if I remember). For now, other posts:

Joe Biden joins a child protection foundation and partners with BUCKS County Health System ..ahem..

EXPOSED - Is Arden Delaware USA Where Satanic Pedophiles are Groomed? - PEDO JOE BIDEN lived in Arden

carmencita ago

This from the BUCKS County thread is just plain disgusting. Joe Hiding in Plain Sight the way he talks about sexual abuse just makes me sick. Sick.

carmencita ago

Delaware is a Cesspool. I will look into this. His connection with Penn also sets off Alarm Bells for me. Especially since Ezekiel Emanuel is also there. Possibly creating some kind of NWO Grouping. There is Jill with the Gender thing, Joe with Global Sustainability and Ezekiel is a whole other problem. Zeke helped write the ACA for Obama. Gulp.

There is an Ice Cream Place that Biden goes to as well, that has been posted on here.

Hot sauce Hall of Famer Chip Hearn, who owns the Ice Cream Store in Rehoboth, expects the same. Biden is a noted ice cream fan. On the walls inside Hearn's ice cream shop are pictures of Biden from previous summers, smiling big with workers young and old.

The Ice Cream Store is located on The Boardwalk

Close proximity to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Baltimore: Only a short drive from several cities that have large gay communities, it’s easy to see why Gay Rehoboth Beach has become such a popular spot for gays and lesbians on the east coast.

Rehoboth Beach is located in Delaware, as popular for it tax shelter status as it is for its clean beaches and gay friendly status. There are hundreds of gay owned and operated businesses patronized by a population that swells in the summer months. The BOARDWALK is a great place to people watch at night and there are several nightlife options. Make sure to check-in to one of the many gay friendly B&B’s and check out the gay beaches to get that tan!

The BOARDWALK is a great place to people watch at night