Dressage2 ago

Oh nooooo, is Uncle Joe a pedo perv too? https://postimg.org/image/7wb1jy08cr/

ESOTERICshade ago

"campy" is a term that is used in the gay community. It refers to men dressing up and acting like women. its a very old term. i found that online somewhere one time.

Oh_Well_ian ago

' Buck's Fishing and Camping '

great eats

ESOTERICshade ago

"campy" is a term that is used in the gay community. It refers to men dressing up and acting like women. its a very old term.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yo... get back to me on the pentagon video on the other thread, if you could.

ESOTERICshade ago

I saw the white smoke and it looks like a pyrotechnic device spewing smoke. Of course the other possibility would be a pressured line of some sort burning off but I don't know what that would be. I used to have a picture of the hole in the building that was obviously not a jumbo jet strike and an absence of plane wreckage. I guess it can still be found. There is also one frame of video out there that the pentagon released they claim is the plane hitting the building but that makes no sense because if they have a video why not just release the whole video and let us watch?

Oh_Well_ian ago

great analysis... this is a smoke device that was blown clear of the building upon detonation

the actions of the guy in the foreground are extremely important.. He is having an 'oh shit' moment

Jobew1 ago

Um... gricar was from the middle or west of the large state and 99% sure he didnt disappear in bucks co which is suburban philly. Also unsure bout duponts originating in bucks co.... But screw biden

letsdothis1 ago

I just checked and can't find a Dupont connection with Bucks. They are associated with Delaware in Pennsylvania (like Biden) so my Geography wasn't correct. And you're right, Gricar was from the middle of the state. So I've deleted those bits. Thanks for the corrections.

Jobew1 ago

Sorry. Yeah duponts part of metro philly area like biden too

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm also wondering if we are getting trolled with Hollywood somehow but that just seems too weird that they would bust open the Hollywood secrets. We have all these charges too old to be prosecuted in Hollywood and Biden has a foundation advertising that they are training people to abuse children. wtf....

ESOTERICshade ago

I have noticed something about the terminology they often use in these foundations too. They often speak very literally knowing that people's minds will interpret it as the opposite. Read this sentence literally word for word. It literally says they intend to train people to abuse children.

Safe to Compete will provide child sexual abuse training

It should read, "will provide training for the prevention of child sexual abuse."

The abuse training will be provided by "stewards", handlers

through Stewards of Children workshops and childfocused

The online safety resources are FOR staff, not children

online safety resources through NetSmartz for staff

paulieweb ago

The Devil is not allowed to lie, only to mince words.

PedoStomper ago

This is a fact that's hard to get through to people, because its an abstract idea to most people. That's one thing I've noticed that plays a huge part in this battle: being able to wrap your head around abstract ideas and a willingness to understand the possibility that EVERYTHING you think is "truth" could be a complete lie. I've noticed that most people just don't have that willingness, because it would destroy their entire worldview.

think- ago

Yes, and you could add:

"It’s a dirty little secret that is out there (...)” said Biden.

janet58 ago

Pennsylvania is a nightmare. One of my three friends who experienced ritual abuse including seeing infants killed lives in PA. It's one of the most corrupt states in the union.

PedoStomper ago

Not to mention its just a shithole with garbage people lurching about.

letsdothis1 ago

Look who popped along: Obama speaks at Beau Biden Foundation fundraiser

Febuary 2017: It’s official: Joe Biden sets up connections with University of Delaware and University of Pennsylvania

In a coordinated statement between the two schools, UD announced the creation of the Biden Domestic Policy Institute. The Newark based university said it would focus on research and policy focused on public policy solutions. The statement sited the former Delaware senator’s work in civil rights, criminal justice, and women’s rights.

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann in her statement announced that Biden has been named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor for the University. He will primarily focus on diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security.

June 2017 : Rehoboth Beach area braces for the Biden family

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the longest-serving Delaware senator, and his wife, Jill, fulfilled a longtime dream by purchasing a vacation home at the Delaware seashore.

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, is an Atlantic Coast town.

85 years of serving youth in Delaware pdf : https://www.bgclubs.org/wp-content/uploads/BGC-DE-2016-AR-WEB.pdf

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware document bgclubs.org

This year’s Kids Fest proved to be all about kids and building safer communities. In collaboration with the Beau Biden Foundation, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Cal Ripkin Sr. Foundation, we launched the statewide program “Safe to Compete”. This partnership will enhance and expand the background procedures for Club staff and volunteers. Safe to Compete will provide child sexual abuse training through Stewards of Children workshops and childfocused online safety resources through NetSmartz for staff, volunteers and parents so they can better protect children under their care.

pixiesbitch ago

These sick fucks just have to work with children, they can't contain themselves. There's too many foundations to "help children" and the sheeple don't bat an eyelid. Why is it all for children? Any foundations or charities for the elderly? The veterans? Animals? Do they give a fuck about anything but abusing kids? Imagine being that much of a fucking scumbag.

PedoStomper ago

But if you said that to a normie, they'd say "WHAT YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT LITTLE KIDS WITH CANCER? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?"

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. It's Like we're being trolled. I swear To fucking god we are being trolled some how. At least that's how I've Rationalized it. Like why the fuck Has Joe Biden NOT faked a heart attack and living In Belize? I'm not even saying we're being trolled By The elite... This is some cosmic fucking trolling going on...

Steinmacher ago

now we know why Beau had to die... working against daddy and all his friends.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=4TwsYFuTbUk | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/4TwsYFuTbUk :

Creepy Joe Biden Joins A Child Protection Foundation. #PIZZAGATE - YouTube

https://snew.github.io/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/1jmoz8/the_disappearance_of_centre_county_prosecutor_ray/ :

The disappearance of Centre County prosecutor Ray Gricar : UnresolvedMysteries

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