Factfinder2 ago

Again, accusing others of what they're doing--classic sociopath behavior. Seen in that light, this video is an admission of guilt. I notice, though, that they don't speak of abuse of children--just "women" and "men."

migratorypatterns ago

Two whores team up? One wasn't enough to get us sick.

When the cannibal-in-training has a moment, why doesn't she apologize for stealing Lina Morgana's identity? I hear spirits can transfer to murderers sometimes. Is that what happened, Ga-ga-goo-goo?

Markb63 ago

Satan's children.

think- ago

I always use the "creepy Joe Biden" vids on YT for redpilling - now I can add their "message" to demonstrate how someone is whitewashing himself. Thank you, Joe Biden!

sunajAeon ago

Investigate Biden, Obama, Clintons, Podestas for PIZZAGATE

Sackajahweeda ago

The spirit cooker and the bought pedo himself...interesting.

asdfe34 ago

If little girls that he's touched started speaking out he'd change his stance very quickly. Biden is creepy.

Shizy ago

Is it bad that I get satisfaction knowing that this demented bitch cant sleep at night unless someone else is in the room because demons taunt her??!

GeorgeT ago

Stephanie (Gaga) what are you doing with that creep?!

GeorgeT ago

Marina Abramovic should join them, better yet, Alifantis!!!!

GeorgeT ago

I sprayed my coffee all over the keyboard! Jo Biden????? That creep who gropes little girls on camera!

Narcissism ago

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) 101 always accuse others of doing what they are doing themselves.

Cheesebooger ago

hahaha they really are this fucking laughable.

ESOTERICshade ago

Creepy Uncle Joe looks pretty dapper in that pic. Must have had some fresh baby's blood recently.

ESOTERICshade ago

I wonder if Uncle Joe and Lady Gaga did the dirty deed after the photo shoot?

unclassified ago

Who the hell do these people think they're fooling? Not anybody here at voat I can promise you that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Omg! This has to be a fucking joke! These fucks are really desperate!

Cc1914 ago

This is a joke !!! I had a big ol tweet ready then backed out .. maybe this is a test to round up all those who know the truth on twitter so they can just disappear us all ! Whoever falls for this is blind as blind gets! Who the hell is she telling OUR children about abuse ?! And as for pedopervbiden wth??? Really???

2b1ask1 ago

This PSA is SO mocking us.

neo50 ago

Wow, if this wasn't such a serious topic, I'd find it comedic. Even if I didn't know about Creepy Joe and Evil Gaga, I would think this is a bit off. They're talking about sexual abuse and Gaga looks like she wants to crawl in Biden's lap. So.....just not right.

The best thing about this tweet is the comments. People are waking up!

GeorgeT ago

Trolling on steroids. As bad as Katy Perry's cannibal video - trolling PG community along with Jimmy's posts in WP!

fartyshorts ago

He's talking about his semen.

ZX4jBXu ago

This entire sex assault/pedo outrage thing that's happening and being reported recently (last week or two) in hollywood that also includes politicians is so fucking manufactured it isn't even funny.

This is a very obvious attempt to quell outrage over actual abuse that happens in these institutions by naming a few kikes and dirty old men and by putting the devils right hand whore (Gaga) right up there as a mouthpiece is so fucking obvious... There will be no major "happenings" involved in this, it's literally THEATER to quench the fires online and the worst part is that STUPID people will follow along and then forget about it in the vain thought that Justice has been carried out. Fuck this gay earth.

morojax ago

I will take them all out singlehandedly. Give me a few decades.

YogSoggoth ago

Yes and no. I have been trying to tell everyone who will at least listen that there are real whistle blowers, and these super pervs are trying to blend in with them to somehow avoid prosecution. Do not get distracted. Get investigating.

GeorgeT ago

While Gaga is at it, why doesn't she let us in on those Eyes Wide Shut Parties - you know where decapitated human heads (mock, or real?!) sat on tables next to their blood filled glasses (wine?) with cadavres (mock?) Gaga was there, we have proof. So how about it Gaga, tell us more about that, and while you are at it, Bring Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus and tell us about the pizza obsession!!!!!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are absolutely correct. They laughed their asses off when they decided to put Creepy Uncle Joe and Lady Gaga together to fight pedophilia. They thought it was funny.

sunajAeon ago

What an insult to the very idea of truth-these two miscreants in this ad for HT

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, GAG!!!!

These two pervs speaking out against it?!!!!

This is getting comical!!!!

tech-adm ago

Uncle Touchy and Lady Caca - a match made in Hell.

GeorgeT ago

Edward Bernay (NWO public relation think tank who died in 1995 aged 103) thought of how to make elite creeps more palatable to public consumption and proposed using pop stars doing photo ops with them. This stunt was meant make creeps like the Royal Family, creepy pedo politicians look 'cool.' This Gaga Biden photo op is straight from Bernay's manual 101. Sadly it works for masses are asses!!!

Kregan ago

Creepy Joe the self proclaimed Christian Zionist along with Lady Spirit Cooking ... wow what model people for such a cause!

alphabravo ago

Surely they're trolling us

GeorgeT ago

Jimmy, Skippy, Tony, Joe, Marina, Hillary, Katy Perry against a background of Tony's 'Art'!!!!

TimesUp ago

Maybe we should post photos of Biden's endless 'predator clawing moments' and Gaga's 'blood cadaver party' images under every tweet that promotes their supposed initiative against sexual assault. Their hypocrisy hurts my soul.

kestrel9 ago

https://i.imgflip.com/1loo5w.jpg Joe Biden: Careless Whispers and Creeping Fingers

Scoundrel ago

Perfect example of this is in all facets of the federal leviathan including Barney Frank given the oversight role of the disaster he created. These people are all pedophiles and criminals.

con77 ago

a pathological liar and a devil worshiper

anotherdream ago

Fucking hate these slimy celeb / politician virtue signaling teamups. Go eat your spirit cooking with Marina you sick bitch.

Agile ago

I'll have mine with extra cringe please

independenceday ago

I'm starting to think that all these high level "apologies" for their personal sexual assault on someone, the 5 former presidents on stage, having to do a walk of shame of sorts (minus Carter, he's sincere), being forced to raise disaster funds for the hurricane victims directly, instead of laundering the relief funds through their shady 'non-profits', the draining of the swamp in DC with all the resignations, the humiliation of them all. It's like Trump has given some of them a chance to redeem themselves, by telling certain ones to get the hell out of town, after they apologize publicly to their victims. Even GHW Bush publicly made an 'apology', is that why Trump is withholding some of the JFK files that most likely implicate his evil ass? Others, won't be so lucky, they are way too arrogant to admit their crimes and will deny their evil actions all the way to their prison cell.
a shady non-profit co.,

think- ago

He can't hang them all

Obviously, he doesn't want to hang anyone.

independenceday ago

give him some time, he's only been hacking away at the swamp for 10 months.

AgainstPedos ago

Joe Biden is the ultimate hypocrite. That is brazen, in public, in front of POTUS and the press corps, since he knew he was untouchable. Now he's once again trying to fool those whose only news source is MSM, and who've not seen the online videos of his countless degrading propositions to the tween & teen children of elite Congress.

Disgusting he thinks he can get away with re-branding himself as the hero of abused children. Yet a large per cent of unaware Democrats still support his candidacy for POTUS, and think he would have won if he had challenged Hillary in 2016.

Would love to see a simple to understand national campaign, "Stop Cannibalism Now."

Pedo behavior to some means an 18-year-old risks jail because he's sleeping with his 15-year-old fiancee despite her parents permission. Or a very mature for her age teen is encouraged by her Stage Mother to seduce a director for a better chance at a major role and a way out of their below poverty-level lifestyle.

FloridaJackalope ago

Joe Biden's the type of nigga that post comments on porn websites

GeorgeT ago

Like Ted Cruz.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/abc/status/923667151088750594 :

ABC News on Twitter: "Former VP Joe Biden and Lady Gaga team up to speak out against sexual assault: "It's on us, it's on everyone." t.co/whIj7ZdCoJ t.co/w5JB1byjYS"

This has been an automated message.

hangry ago

Joe means "tits us."