afterbernerthrowaway ago

Arden is also very close to the port of Philadelphia/Camden, which is a huge hub for international weapons and drug trafficking (which leads me to believe it's also likely to be a hub for sex trafficking). I recently submitted a post about the ports that may be of interest to people digging into the Delaware/Philadelphia/New Jersey connections to the trafficking ring.

Solver2 ago

David Brock had a house in Delaware with William Grey and James Alefantis replaced Mr. Grey with Brock.

MattHelm ago

Delaware is not a normal state. Delaware is a Corporate State it's why so many Corporations are listed as LLC with their registration in Delaware. Many are also incorporated in Nevada. But Delaware is the capital of corporations the entire state is designed to protect corporations from lawsuits. LLC = Limited Liability Corporation. If there is a lawyer on here who can give more details to how Delaware is different from all the other states please chime in here. Thanks.

crazimal ago

This is bordering on idiotic. the "hanging beam" in the Arden park you show is a normal sign post. You can see the eye bolts where the hanging sign can be attached, probably when they are presenting music or whatever for people to see when they sit on the benches facing AWAY from the sign post. It is not big or strong enough to function as a gibbet, scaffold or gallows (the actual English language words for what you are trying to discuss). To hang someone effectively, they need to fall 6-10 feet, and still not hit the ground.

Sorry but this thread is a fail.

Enthusiasm just isn't enough to carry you when you mix one possible avenue to investigate with irrelevant pix and made up speculation, instead of taking time to focus in one thing and investigate it.

Try harder. Your "five video cameras" are flood lights FFS. Get a grip.

redditsuckz ago

So nothing to see here?...right Mr. Eye Doctor?

crazimal ago

lame pictures of a park and drooling over a signpost detract from value in pursuing relevant leads, if any.

everybody knows about something. i know something about eyes. deal.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmmm... I can't vouch for any of the allegations here, but, I grew up not too far from Arden and my buddies and I would drive through occasionally. I can tell you, the people there are SUPER WEIRD. From the kids to the adults, they never seemed "right". Plus, it was always strange that we all lived close to Arden and NEVER met anyone from there. I knew someone in just about every neighborhood in a 3 mile radius, but never anyone from Arden.

One strange local rumor is that police were not "allowed" to enter Arden to patrol it unless called for an emergency. Something that is still circumstantial, and there seems to be no actual evidence of this being a law/ordinance. This is all I could find from their PDF:

"Safety Committee Broadly speaking, the committee handles safety issues. It replaces and installs stop signs, no parking signs, etc., throughout the town. It administers Arden’s off-street parking ordinance and monitors encroachments on the rights-of-way (road shoulders). It acts as liason with the New Castle County Police, but it does NOT handle complaints that should be referred to the police. You can contact the committee at: [email protected]"

That said, the Jay Parker article seems pretty weak... sad that he was a victim; but, he offers no actual evidence/case history when it comes to Arden, DE being a hub for this kind of activity. In the middle of his article he just jumps to Crowley without any kind of transition.

Stellarjay ago

Can't go by one article, he has many videos. People there are super weirded because they most likely encountered ritual abuse and mind control.

Freemasonsrus ago

There are some great videos of Parker explaining his entire life history and how he became aware of what he had actually been brought up in. I think you have to watch enough of these types of victims telling their stories from different corners of the U.S. before you start to see the patterns and believe/understand the mind control aspect.

Haldelos ago

The DuPonts and Delaware -I went to the University of Delaware and was actually friends with one of Biden's daughters. Couple things: 1) Loved the school but Delaware in general is weird as shit. In Newark and the surrounding areas -pretty much the whole state besides Wilmington- there are students and the rest of the ppl there are "townies" aka trashy, drugged out weirdos. (Wilmington has a small city/business area)..this video looks like a video full of I'm not saying the OP is wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a bunch of "townies" on a NASCAR weekend picnic 2) I played in a basketball league once a week during the spring (not school affiliated) that was on a Compound (about 30mins off campus) owned by the DuPont family. You entered a gate...passed by 4 or 5 stone Mansion sized homes and some other buildings. Eventually about 5mins down this private drive, in the woods there was a wooden building that almost looked like a dome or bubble (indoor field/thing that football teams practice in) and it had a basketball that's where we'd play. There were always rumors of weird stuff (think Eyes Wide Shut parties) going on there and I know for a fact local police did not go on the compound because a guy running the league who worked there told us nearby high school kids used to try to drink in the woods on the compound for that EXACT reason. So the DuPonts -who've fallen from grace in the last 20 yrs or so after the Foxcatcher murder incident- Could easily make their own rules on their properties...they routinely did in PA and Delaware before shit hit the fan with Foxcatcher. Mr. DuPont used to ride around his property driving a US Army Tank for gods sake and nobody said shit to him until and Olympian got killed on his property....that's the level of people we're dealing with.

Marthvedderette ago

I don't know if I believe in this ability to control someone through "mind control". I think what we are seeing is just extremely traumatized little kids who are like "oh fuck, here comes the fucking psychopath who rapes and tortures me, better do what he says". It's not really mind control, it's complacency. If one of these kids would just bite one of their dicks off.

Stellarjay ago

If you don't believe it then you too have been controlled by external forces. All of us have. Here read this If you dare

Z11Mama ago

That's ok. It's hard for everyone to believe at first. Thank you for having an open mind and caring about taking the time to check all of this out.

Marthvedderette ago

What would you recommend for someone who suspects they might have been exposed to this, but can't remember?

idontlikesalmon ago

There are actually doctors specialized in the treatment of ritual abuse. Teal Swann was treated by one (or more?). I know hypnosis is often used.

Freemasonsrus ago

I tend to believe Jay Parker. I'd also wonder about a little town called Newtown. Delaware has been run by the du Pont's for a very long time.

Stellarjay ago

Then the whole state is fraught with satanism if run by the dooponts. Jay has no reason to lie.

Watching ago

You are probably correct...Jay Parker himself actually divulged in an interview a few years ago that all US towns that end in "town" or " ton"(e.g. Newtown) is code for its dark occult origins..

pizzaequalspedo ago

Nothing is out of the question unfortunately. Two years ago I would have laughed at most of the theories presented here, but the evidence is mounting.

SpikyAube ago

What happened two years ago to start you off on the path to the ugly truth?

ProudTruther ago

It would normally be a little tin foily but given what we are talking about and the fact that the bushes and crowley were both mentioned in that article. I believe that Bush Jr. is Aleister Crowley's grandson. Apparently Pauline Pierce went to France and banged Aleister Crowley in a satanic ritual of some sort. Well especially now that barb is pretty elderly she looks EXACTLY like the man. Anyways at this point it's easier to believe than to not.

redditsuckz ago

And having a whole town doing this is not far fetched any more since Arden mirrors the town of Hampstead in the UK...

The Hampstead Coverup;