GoldMoose16 ago


Google => Findhorn ---- This is yet another "foundation"

Google => Kouchner Findhorn

Google => Findhorn Satan

Then, search here for Findhorn

I am so sorry I am on a heavy work day today and ths is all I can give you at this time. Best of luck to you.

garlicbulb ago

Havent got my head round the Ark stuff yet. In the UK there are thousands of companies called ARK . Here is info on ark schools

LeChevalBlanc ago

Not sure whether anyone noticed yet and having no time to source it now but I found while reading about the case that even though Arche de Zoé has taken over 100 African kids only about 30 French couples joined later in the complaint. Even considering a ratio of despaired couples not wanting to get through the trial and dropping 1/5 makes a huge difference.

seraph7 ago

Incredible work!

isthisreality ago

ty muchly :)

I just edited it some to try to make things more obvious if you want to check again

Koched_Up404 ago

This is obviously a quality dig, the infograph is very useful. You put a lot of time and effort into this, i can see that. Take a break, collect your thoughts and come back to it again, is my advice. Catch up with some threads others have posted and revisit your work here. Some connections or patterns may emerge that you didn't notice before. Great work, keep going!

flyingcuttlefish ago

super nice - add it to my long list of add-ons to this post -

micha_ ago

Great work.

isthisreality ago

I have absolutely zero idea how to do that lol. It took me forever to figure out how to make it how it is. If u have info or a site I could go to to do that that would be helpful. I almost just posted pics of all the written notes/links/mind maps ive med BC I was getting so frustrated lol

ShoaNanas ago

Very good ! Zoe story has to be connected. From france, it looks like Laura Silsby in Haiti.

Kouchner is huge. Here with his friends:

"Benard Henry Levy, Laurent Fabius and Bernard Kouchner at the meeting for "Democratic Syria, 4 july 2011"

  • BHL is a powerful french thinker / war lobbyist (implied in Kosovo, Libya Ukraine and Syria)

  • BHL knows and support Hillary:

  • Laurent Fabius is known for:

Infected blood scandal: (not a lot of english sources)

  • But 25years after, he still in French govt and push for "the war:

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declared that Assad “did not deserve to live on this planet”,7340,L-4269783,00.html

  • About Al nusra:

"they are doing a good job on the ground"

With these 3 guys, you are in the heart of the "french zionist lobby" (officially lobbies does not exist in France)

EDIT: BHL is known having a big influence in the bombing of Benghazi. This has to be connected with:

Marthvedderette ago

Blowing the lid off.

dafacts ago

Would you mind adding at least some sort of TLDR here? Do you want us all to have to do a few hours of research just to see what you're inferring?

isthisreality ago

I am- I just need time. I wont be free until a few hours from now

0xFFF ago

could not verify yet but dutroux connection alone would be big

isthisreality ago

I tried to put together a simple infographic because in reality all of this is so incredibly tangled/weaved. I will come back tonight/in a few hours and edit in the exact relationships between the people and organizations with details.

0xFFF ago

take your time. this infographic is awesome and helping a lot!!!

UglyTruth ago

This is what I was looking for

isthisreality ago


derram ago :

Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports | World news | The Guardian

This has been an automated message.

MolochHunter ago

dude, you gotta spoonfeed your audience at least a little

isthisreality ago

Any better? I slightly edited pic as well

MolochHunter ago

heaps better, awesome work mate. Fuck me these bastard have to go down. I dont care if this shit's gone on for centuries, it fucking stops now

0xFFF ago

the infographic speaks for itself though. this is a good hook for further research!

isthisreality ago

thank you. very, very much.

hels ago

This is important. OP has shown many links but they are not clear to an observer. It's taking this information and giving as much evidence as possible to strengthen the links. OP has showed the pathways, now it's time to prove the pathways.

isthisreality ago

I will try to explain it a bit better once I have some time. Getting the info and putting it all together took days. I need a mini break.

throwaway345678 ago

I think this ARK area is what FBI anon was referring to...

isthisreality ago

Me too. Thats why ive been so stuck on it. "the foundation" "tvstk" "Kosovo" "child trafficking" - it all makes sense, imo. Thanks for the reaffirmation. <3

throwaway345678 ago

you have looked into Kitezh, & also Enniskillen?

isthisreality ago

no...what is Kitezh and Enniskillen?

throwaway345678 ago

Kitezh is an orphanage I suspect is trafficking for these groups from Russia - Kitezh shows up on Centers Gathering, GEN, Haven, Esalen, Findhorn..

Enniskillen is a Clinton Foundation youth hostel in Northern Ireland (it's in wikileaks) - that was so shady that even the clintons didn't want their name on it. It was bringing kids from Kosovo to Ireland (for "help")

isthisreality ago

wow. thanks for the info. Something else interesting... didn't FBIanon mention Kosovo?

throwaway345678 ago

I really think we are on the literal ring that FBIanon was referring to, and it blows my mind that some people are claiming this is "unrelated to pizzagate" or a "distraction."

Yes, I think they did mention Kosovo which is why I was so interested that Enniskillen was importing kids specifically from there - << The attachment/memo on this email is extremely telling.

isthisreality ago

Jesus. How did you find that? I agree also that this is one of, if not "THE", main path we need need to be looking into even further. I had to take a break from that because I was just so overwhelmed with everything I was finding- it literally does not stop. I have about five separate "mind maps" that I have drawn out with pencil/paper already that have are focused SOLELY on ARK and it's ties to all these nefarious situations/people/organizations. I really wish we could figure out a way to organize all this info better.

throwaway345678 ago

I am in exactly the same place, there are so many connections here it is hard to even track them down because it goes so far so fast. I'd PM you but I can't on this burner acct, lol