LaDonnaRae ago

SHIT!!! I need to learn how to use Gab better!!! WHO asked me what happened immediately after September 26 and 27??? Whoever it was, the answer is: THE FBI FINALLY GOT INTO THE COMPOUND. Remember? It was three weeks before Libya let them in. More than enough time to scrub the place clean.

LaDonnaRae ago

I meant Voat. LOL! (I have too many social forums going, I think.) :-)

LaDonnaRae ago

If I am right (and it seems logical) there is much more happening with Comet Ping Pong than sick pedophiliac (sp?) activities and twisted "music". Pedophiles buy children. So, if you have a hub for pedophiles, what happens? I do not have access to Alefantis' passport, but I would love to know where he goes. Turkey, for example? I can only think of one reason for Barry to get a sudden urge to have a pizza shop owner over to the White House two days in a row. He has to be part of the cover-up, which means he is involved. Obviously he was not running sarin gas into Syria, but what WAS he meeting about? Ya know, it occurs to me conversations are taped at the White House. If we can get a REAL investigation, and subpoena the White House, we just might find out.

LaDonnaRae ago

World map of human trafficking

LaDonnaRae ago

I remember this video now. It is one of the ones that made me cross-eyed! LOL! I am not sure I go along with the global cross-sections theory, but I did know the reindeer story was strange and when I went to take another look at the video that circulated I realized he is right about that. As for Assange, I will be interested to find out what is going on. They keep trying to pass off radio interviews as being Assange, but no one has seen him. I would love a voice print analysis. The first one was pulled just a few short hours after it was done because so many people said, "Hey! That is not an Australian accent! That is New Zealand!" The next thing you know, the Foundation pulled it from FB. However, "WikiLeaks" kept promoting it. And, their tone on Twitter has changed entirely. Someone took over WikiLeaks, and it remains to be seen if Assange is still alive.

LaDonnaRae ago

Thank you for the videos. I had seen Day 53, but not the shorts.

rangerkozak ago

It seems to me that the "Benghazi human trafficking" is all about African migrants trying to go to Europe. I haven't found any connection with pedophilia.

LaDonnaRae ago

So you have never studied human trafficking. It is a huge slave industry. Sex slavery. And organ harvesting.

50hurtz ago

Fuck and lately its been coming to light that the two go hand in hand, for their disgusting rituals.

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes. And did you see the video above by Cati? I do not "get" the numerology, and I am not certain about the line-drawing on the globe, but he is right that the reindeer were not struck by lightning.

seekingpeace ago

Yes, George Webb has his finger on the pulse. Best source I've come across since discovering Boiling Frogs!

LaDonnaRae ago

So how is everyone liking the false flag in Ankara? I hope Putin is too smart to fall for this.

50hurtz ago

yeah too hostile. but she is a woman, thats pretty expected. (dont take too much offense?) so you just have to deal with it. but for the most part i think she has good intentions, she just doesnt know how to simply tell ppl why they are wrong and be on her way like normal people.

most ppl are there for the same reason as her so theres no reason to think everyone is there hellbent on stopping her research. because most people just apologize for accidentally reposting an innacurate piece of information and then become more aware.

orr they get downvoted super hard for shilling because the majority of gab is people on the good side. they just want to help. but she deff greets everyone with hockey temper off the bat so i wouldnt be surprised if more people had been more cautious of her only because of her attitude towards others who want to help, not because of the accuracy of what shes saying.

just an idea though. youre of course gonna continue to tell ppl to piss off who are giving you pretty sensible ideas on how to be less of a emotional female when dealing with other people with the same goal as you because you can still get your point of cross being simple. thats all. @LaDonnaRea just an idea though, feel free to tell me to kiss off aswell, i know something worse than that is coming from you lol Edit: spacing between phrases and inb4 "i dont have time for this bullshit, im a researcher, with intelligence, have no time to be a decent human being " amirite? or amirite?

Cbradio ago

Lol, I wouldn't even label as due to female, though; for its way beyond understandable for standing up to direct bullying, or being on the rag. Cool chicks just are not consistent bashing, volatile, but chill; only lash out at certain points of real crap coming there way, not paranoia, not gross antisocial aggro demean volatile.. Its volatile, aggro, consistently; and dividing ones who help or would; but don't help to be in unec unhealthy contexts. I don't mind her block me as its become too toxic and sloppy, Dc trip is a train wreck about to happen; and I surely do not want it connected/ affiliated to me or pedogate; and I write this as a warning to all aware, cool bean types here, code red, drop it like its hot! Lol. But seriously,

. This consistent volatile, gregarious ego, antisocial mode is sloppy and maso, not wise. She will blog about bum for money and stuff, but be rude to ones even reaching out; to even quickly rush to her gab and bash that ones would offer a hand in virtual friendship and kindness. Reminds me of that cop in Cali that went AWOL to the cabin on the mountain showdown, I don't know why.

. I wish her the best, as gross antisocial is not my vibe nor is racking up bad karma; but thrilled to be blocked, as like I said, Dc trip is a train wreck about to happen. Shes already made herself easy to identify and find, in so many ways that humane wise and ethics, I will not list. And on her investigate mode, past Dc trip she blogs of all stolen, but leaves her cell in motel to go get food? Bahh!, real smart.

And had mass safety issues, esp female as homeless, but spats at very ones that would have saved her ass if she needed on this next Dc trip? Wowsers. Says its about investigation and Dc trip to stay efficient with her time, as creates mass unec toxic all over, even anal retentive on spelling. Bahh.

Constant doublestands to attack ones and libel them out of their intended context, as on here and blog, says her time valuable and how she stays open to learning from others that she is only Human; but we are not? ( doublestandards). bahh!

Blogs that she had no clue about Soros as he is a Jew so ignored, but then writes she knows so much about what's going on and is a inteligence analyst, bahh!/Constantly down talks, labels readers as followers that cheer her work, vs equal citizen advocates, so tyranny, bahh! Says has Noone to be used to threat, but blogs about step siblings from mom cheating, so is endangering them, whether she gets along with them or not, bahh!

Acts as if fbianon would be thrilled to meet her and just pass over data, as IF cams not all over DC or if he/she was still alive, that he/she would not be reading vout and seeing the volatile, demeaning, aggro to others and how sloppy that is. Bahh!

I could go on and on, but being kind and writing support to her, already wasted mass time and was so toxic, it felt like a gang street fight + dv + working in high risk mentalward, and that's never been my thing; so I think I made my point to the right ones here, that work hard to research and post; and that any that would be Soro paid, are all over vout posting with no research, effort, labour time, and she and others, never attack them or label. Libel labels as patterns, how so legally cute!/ I'm sure this will add third troll to list of earlier libel labels, yet I am not even writing to her, but fellow pirates, as allies, yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!!

I was not even going to write as this toxic unexpected, for being kind in my intents that were so paranoid, volatile twisted; but after time standing back, contemplating and seeing its been an ongoing habit pattern to so many just trying to help; I truly feel the Dc trip is too sloppy, train wreck and not wise to affiliate with and hope does not bias pedogate in the media or something. So, hubba hubba or doubletrouble gum to chew on..)))

50hurtz ago

Yeah I have no idea why she insists on acting that way, honestly. I think her work is great but its all a waste if she doesn't know how to talk to people, especially ones that want to help and are on the same side. I just don't get it. Either way I'm not trying to discourage her, and wasn't before. Just tried to get her to listen to what I personally thought was a sensible recommendation, and one thats completely harmless to only help her get further by keeping her cool is all.

Cbradio ago


LaDonnaRae ago

So, that's two trolls. Amazing how they follow me around.

shortymcbossypants ago

They are not trolls, I have been here since the reddit got shut down and they have posted some really good stuff and leads. You've already been here, what, a week, and already a polarizing figure? Come on now, unless your name happens to be Donald J. Trump, or James Alefantis, you aren't that important. Furthermore, there are thousands of people on this sub and it just so happens that a lot of these people on Gab and other platforms. Get over yourself because here at Voat people don't give two flying shits about you feelings snowflake.

LaDonnaRae ago

ANOTHER troll! That makes three in one week!

shortymcbossypants ago

You keep repeating that over and over and that speaks volumes as to your own character. Are you a troll and that is why you are projecting this on myself, 50hurtz, or jungiananalysis? Most people won't like you and don't give a damn if you call them a troll, myself included. Again get over yourself. You aren't that important here.

50hurtz ago

Thank you, I wanted to be more civil about it and not stoop to her level about being to insulting, I just wanted to get my point across to her that she can get her point across easier if she wasn't foaming at the mouth and screaming like a rabid dog at people.

shortymcbossypants ago

Que nada. I, more often that not, am willing to the bitch du jour in some of these online forums, so to quote the meme of Samuel L. Jackson, If the shoe fits, slap that bitch on and wear it.

50hurtz ago

If TL:TR answer me this, do you invite more discussion when you are cursing and yelling at people? or when you are simply, and calmly presenting evidence?

see and then you just revert to "its trolls".. funny how i gave you a suggestion to just handle people with the same goal as you as you would like to be treated but then i get a "this a troll". but when you attack ppl online out of the blue then someone else is a troll, but when someone calls you out on being an asshole, theyre now the troll?

did you even read what i said? or did you just read the part about you being emotionally unstable and happened to be female? lol because i said you were credible and accurate but then you just revert to trolls, and nobody follows you around, get over yourself. see you just went back to being too emotional. i just happened to agree with the other user when i saw shit flying back and forth from your gab when i happened to be on. and just pointing out one small detail to help people want to talk to you more.

go back and read up in my post about letting people know they are wrong with only facts and not insults and they can walk away from you with knowledge and not insult.. i mean just an idea? or just call me a troll agian? idk seems like i said sensible things to keep people engaged and interested in helping instead of a shit load of rabid red faced insults and a shit ton of confusion from you?

tell me how i am a troll again please? have i given you any bad advice by asking you to be courteous to people digging just like you? so maybe you can help steer them in the right direction if they are wrong or unaware? seems like a double standard to me. you chew ppl out online out of the blue and expect no one to call you a troll but when someone points out you cant keep your cool it and they are a troll? shieeet explain to me how that works

seems for a intelligence agent you should be way more calm and professional right?

edit: spelling, words edit 2: TL;DR

LaDonnaRae ago

I know you are not commenting on the topic. GOODBYE.

50hurtz ago

i refuse to belive that after i repeated too many times how we are all on your side you still choose to remain cunty as fuck. how can one still not understand? edit: 2 hrs ago you replied to me and i was talking about the topic and now im not? youre looking alot like a troll right now.

LaDonnaRae ago

You replied to the troll section. I do not have time for that nonsense. This is a thread about Benghazi. If you want to attack me, open up an "Attack the Woman from Gab" thread and have at it.

50hurtz ago

I am not attacking you, I happen to think you have some of the most credible, accurate, damning and important breakthrough level info to show and expose to people for the greater good. I haven't seen a single bad post from you on anything and i have seen you post here, gab and today i saw your blog that goes back to 2014. That would be way past my scope of understanding if you hadn't laid it out in a post for us to follow and see.

I'm only making a tiny suggestion on how to maximize your chances of people sharing more info with you if you weren't scolding people off the bat so hard. My last thought is to attack you. I'm asking you to not attack, its my entire reason to reply to that section, even though i have in other parts of the post as well. Your info would catch more attention if you didn't make ppl feel scummy for being accidentally wrong and be labeled a shill when they want the complete opposite or know less than you. Again, no hard feelings I swear.

LaDonnaRae ago

OK, I appreciate that, and I apologize if I misinterpreted. I just want to keep this on the subject. I am (except for this morning; I have been preoccupied with the false flag in Turkey) doing prep for my trip to Washington next week and I do not have a lot of time left with so very much to cover (and adding more every day). I am trying to get this information out, interpret information from others, and get everything straight in my mind. And, thank you.

50hurtz ago

Hell yeah, have a safe trip. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more of your posts! I have to go for now but I'll be back later to check out the Turkey event, guessing it was that shot man in the subway?

LaDonnaRae ago

No. The Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated today. False flag event.

shortymcbossypants ago

I've been researching some of this, but instead of Egypt been looking at the Turkish trail. The Turkish slave market is pretty crazy and has been for many, many years due to it being at the cusp of both Europe and Asia.

LaDonnaRae ago

I agree. And anything coming out of Egypt stopped with el-Sisi (except for the black market, of course).

LaDonnaRae ago

It is world-wide.

shortymcbossypants ago

I, as well as I would imagine everyone else who happens to be on here is aware it is worldwide. I've simply been researching one extended piece of this puzzle and will be posting very soon.

LaDonnaRae ago

Well, it would make sense since Egypt was one of the countries in the "Arab Spring". Hillary destabilized that whole area so she could get her oil/arms/sarin/humans flowing through.

shortymcbossypants ago

In all honesty, a change needed to be made in some of the Arab Spring countries, like Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, and Libya. I have family in that part of the world (I'm part Israeli) and the regions in which the Arab Spring occurred had a horrible human rights record. For instance, young women were dying in droves due to Female Genital Mutilation, and in all honesty, Egypt did need a slight change but not at the level that it was. It is getting back to being a great country, but Sisi needs to really play a heavy hand and make sure relations with the rest of the Middle East and Africa are stable.

As for the Human Trafficking of Egypt, it was a pretty large scale operations but not at the level of Syria or Turkey. This is one of many ways that we could De-establish ISIS in their tracks is by cutting out their money and trade in slave markets. I do have a feeling, maybe more of a hunch that might be one of the plans President Trump will put into effect.

LaDonnaRae ago

Did you see the Breitbart article on Egypt someone posted above?

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, but I am more interested in nailing Hillary and her freaking "Foundation". I was crying last night as I thought about the hundreds of thousands of people who are dead at her hands. Hers, and of course, George Soros'.

LaDonnaRae ago

He does great work.

LaDonnaRae ago

I will be posting a new article on this before long. I always knew the "Arab Spring" was manufactured, but it seems Miss Thing (Hillary Clinton) was behind that as well. Along with the name of someone I thought had been a victim in all of this. Now I am not so sure.

IceDagger316 ago

it seems Miss Thing (Hillary Clinton) was behind that as well

Yeah, part of what was in the CIA depot there were the weapons we had given the populace (and recollected afterwards to prevent an uncontrolled violent uprising against the Muslim Brotherhood plants we installed there) that we were preparing to pass off into Syria to AQ (and ISIS). (FYI: John McCain was the deliveryman.) That's why they couldn't risk sending in anyone unconnected (like your average soldier) to the operation in there until after those weapons had been cleared out. Couldn't have anyone asking too many questions about what they would find.

LaDonnaRae ago

"...private security experts..." The Podesta Emails, remember? Makes me wonder what Kris Paronto et. al. were REALLY doing at that annex. Who was paying them?

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, and that is precisely why Aleppo fell again.

IceDagger316 ago

You probably have more time and resources than I do, but here is a thread I feel should be pulled: we all know that both ISIS and AQ keep sex slaves for their soldiers and higher ups. See if you can get any kind of info on the number of these sex slaves that ISIS or AQ have in their "service" and see if the numbers increase post-Benghazi attack. Would be interesting to see if they go up in correlation to McCain's visit.

LaDonnaRae ago

Will do. Good suggestion, BTW.

IceDagger316 ago

If I had the time and resources, I would look for connections between shipments from or to the Dominican Republic [which seems to be a distribution point? Silsby was taking the kids she attempted to kidnap from Haiti to the DR and there was a document linking German shipments of children to the DR as well (don't know if that has been debunked)] to Libya or Syria (or neighboring countries) and the timing. For example, see if a certain company shipped a lot of stuff to Libya and then after Benghazi, suddenly started making more shipments to Syria.

LaDonnaRae ago

From what I can tell, there are routes worldwide. There is not any one point. I have not had a chance to look at South America, but I guarantee it has several sources. Africa, of course. And the big money-maker du jour is Syria.

IceDagger316 ago

Colombia is more than likely a hub of human trafficking and definitely underage prostitution (Secret Service prostitution scandal was a big mainstream media story not too long ago). Also I would imagine Rio is one (as is anywhere else the Olympics are held...lots of high level government officials present in the areas to "support" their athletes. And maybe pick some "packages"?)

LaDonnaRae ago

I do not doubt that at all. I just have not focused on that part of the world. I need to narrow this down or I will never get anyone's attention. Besides, we cannot hope to solve the entire world's problems. We need to stick with what we know will bring the Clinton Foundation down. Now, we need to keep Haiti in the picture of course. Otherwise, my focus is the Middle East connection(s).

OhRutherfordBehave ago

"The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought."

When it says "we received the server from Benghazi" what does that mean? Does that mean they literally retrieved her server from the geographic location of Benghazi? Or this figuratively saying that the server was retrieved within the bounds of the Benghazi incident?

Could somebody please explain this to me?

LaDonnaRae ago

No, when it was subpoenaed during the investigation.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok the latter I see.

LaDonnaRae ago

You may kiss off. It depends on the topic and the individual how I react to a comment. You are not exactly endearing yourself to me. I deal with a lot of idiots on various topics, and of late I am getting trolls who are hell-bent on stopping me from what I am doing. And I question what YOU are doing here.

LaDonnaRae ago

And people are SUPPOSED "to dig". However, I provide links to support what I write (in case you were too busy attacking me to notice). And my reputation as a researcher predates anything you are pissed of about on Gab. SO, let us get back to the topic, shall we?

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes. Unfortunately my last computer broke; I had a picture of a tag attached to a Daesh body bag out of Syria. It contained a phone number with a Washington state area code. I wish I had it back.... And I am still tracing networks.

e-traiu ago

How deep does dis fucking rabbit hole go.... Where is my torch and pitchfork!!

50hurtz ago

yeah this is an insane connection and breakthough if true. it seems to be pretty accurate

LaDonnaRae ago

Far deeper than I wish.

LawofTruth ago

"The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought."


I had no idea Libya was a hub of human trafficking (the main hub being Benghazi)


wecanhelp ago

How is this not at 300 already? This is way too important! Great job, @LaDonnaRae, please keep digging.

LaDonnaRae ago

Thank you so much! (Maybe people are in church? LOL)

swaglord123 ago

you work for the Intelligence for real? is it possible to do good work for within or is the whole community already too corrupt?

LaDonnaRae ago

I am private. But, from what I am hearing, there is a real feud going on between the good guys and the bad guys in our IC. Mostly to do with the people Barry has installed, but they have their minions within the ranks as well. There is pretty much a war going on.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you, seriously.

LaDonnaRae ago

You are quite welcome!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Claims to be intelligence analyst

also says he does not have access to classified intelligence.

I question this source, but at the same time there may be something to this.

If the Clinton foundation was involved in human trafficking, then it would be likely that other intelligence sources around the world would know. This explains the frantic push to make this a "Russian hack". People do not keep their mouths shut, and these organized crime agencies are great sources of information, hence why the CIA does a lot of business with them. Using human traffickers to get agents in and out of countries is sorta common sense.

Now, if the Russians wanted to improve US relations, this would be the best time to spill the beans on this. They can win over the new republican political establishment, which is becoming a populist economic nationalist movement. It would be completely in their best interest to do this. An economic nationalist america would castrate: china. the non friendly to Russia middle east, and the non Russian friendly nations in the EU.

At the same time, building up friendly relations with the US to the point where not only do we halt sanctions, but trade improves and we are less involved with their foreign policy. They also get rid of their old grudges in the US government.

This is one plausible explanation.

there is something very odd going on here. The establishment media is too quick to say this is fake. Normally they would ignore this, and the guys involved (alefentis) would be lawyeingr up, threatening people left and right with defamation lawsuits.

LaDonnaRae ago


LaDonnaRae ago

Unfortunately, there almost certainly is more.

QuestionEverything ago


Benghazi is Hillary and DOJ and WH approving sale of Stinger missiles to 'moderates' who just happened to be not so moderate. -Army, AF, NAVY all said no. -Now they have stingers.. The fact that DOJ is owned by WH made it impossible to prosecute..

Thats all a changin'

Pizzagate is the dark side. Its CIA pedo networks. Their version of the ultimate controls. Go ahead and doubt it. Idiots doubted Saville, Idiots doubted Franklin Conspiracy.. Turned out to all be true. -NOthing to see here: Spirit cooking? Sociopath art tendencies? A whole block of buildings purchased by the saudis? Etc. Etc. etc. -These people are in full panic. They are looking for a way out.

There is none.

LaDonnaRae ago

Not a deflection. Just not the subject of the article, unless you wanted me to post a book. And there is more than the Stingers. And I blew a gasket in the spring of 2012 when I found out we were arming terrorists. Ask my former senator, John Cornyn.

QuestionEverything ago

Roger that. They are different issues however. They Share HRC and State Dept as obvious perps is all.

LaDonnaRae ago

It is all connected. >>>George Soros<<<< Same old shit for decades. Just different names, places, and times.

Nana66 ago

OMG...what if Ambassador Stevens had those horrible things done to him because of what they were doing at that consulate.....and that's why they needed a cover story for what happened there.

LaDonnaRae ago

OK, let us dispel that myth. Stevens was not raped. The photo being circulated is from 1970 when our ambassador to Uruguay was assassinated.

RecycledUser ago

Does anyone remember the references that HC had on her server some betting pools, on when Amb Stevens would die? I am sorry, I don't have it here, sure it was on this subv tho.

LA_Trump ago

Never heard of this. Anyone else back this claim up?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I recall seeing that rumor, but I didn't look into it.

LaDonnaRae ago

WHAT?! Yes, does someone have it? (But be careful; there is a shitload of disinformation being put on the Web right now to discredit us.)

Sentastixc ago

Maybe you could share with us what search engine you are using.

I was using Yandex for specific searches but it has thrown me out with a russian captcha which I can't solve, saying my search queries are like those of a machine...

Tell us, or is it classified?

LaDonnaRae ago

Thank you very much!

catslovejustice ago

Your welcome

LaDonnaRae ago

I finally got a chance to check out startpage...AND FOUND SOMEONE REPOSTED MY ARTICLE! LMAO! That was really neat. Anyway, I like it very much. I will keep trying it. Thank you again.

catslovejustice ago

Cool! It's a great little search engine. :)

LaDonnaRae ago

An old favorite. ;-) (used to be Ask Jeeves and I fell in love with it).

FuckReddit69 ago


World's most private search engine.

LaDonnaRae ago

I will check it out. Thanks!

anotherskeptic ago

Ask is ran by the google, dont get to close.

LaDonnaRae ago

The filter does not work the same. I find all kinds of things on Ask that I never find on Google (probably because I do not go through 50,000 hits to find the one thing I wanted). Maybe they just have not started filtering it yet. If they do, I will go elsewhere. LOL

LaDonnaRae ago

If he could he would have already done so. This thing is HUGE, which is why we have FBI agents taking to DarkNet. Too many people in too many pockets. Too many people with skeletons they do not want exposed. But, I am going to try, anyway.

hedy ago

George Webb is talking a lot about the arms trafficking. I haven't seen all his vids (he has been doing one every day since former CF CEO Eric Braverman's disappearance - on day 55) so I don't know that he comes right out to say that there is no PG, but he talks primarily about the weapons trades. It is VERY good analysis but perhaps just one perspective in a larger network of crime.

RecycledUser ago

I will check out George Webb on this. Also, if you check out Mr. Cati's videos, I believe the one from Nov 5 or 7, he has Julian Assange as the main subject. He explains these global underground networks: arms, slavery, money laundering. They are all in place, so a human trafficking one would be feasible, it would just use the contacts and chains already there. He goes into numerology a lot, so even if you don't believe in that, the explanation is worth watching. Edit:. found link, Nov 5, The Assange - Qatar Deception.

RecycledUser ago

Since this video and others discuss Steve P's Nov 1 video as a psyop, I would be curious to hear OP and others' take on that.

LaDonnaRae ago

I will try, but I tend to go cross-eyed on the subject of numerology. Maybe if I had some basis for understanding it, but when someone says "Well, p has a numeric value of six" (or whatever) I am lost. I have no idea where they get this stuff. And, thanks! I have tried Mr. Cati before, but I really do have to skip the numerology portions. I will try your suggestions, though.

RecycledUser ago

You'll see in my previous comment the link to it.

LaDonnaRae ago

Got it. Thank you.

RecycledUser ago

That's what I do too, I get lost in the numbers stuff. Plus it would be very hard to use in convincing someone. :)

LaDonnaRae ago

I agree. And I will get to your videos in the next day. I am tracking something right now and do not want to lose my train-of-thought. But I look forward to seeing what you have. Thank you again.

LaDonnaRae ago

Yes, he has excellent research on the military side of things, and I sent him a message about PizzaGate. But I think we can best use him where he is.

hedy ago

BTW - I see that you are the author. Good post. Although we do not know that "FBIanon" is male, female, one person, a coordinated group, FBI, other.

farmmama10 ago

Actually, I just reread FBIanon last night and he referred to his wife. I guess I'm assuming it's a male?

IceDagger316 ago

Women can legally marry women now, don't forget. Having a wife is zero indication of gender on an anonymous person.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It's inconclusive, but still adds weight in one direction based on abstract probability.

IceDagger316 ago

You're right...the probability is that FBIAnon is a guy, but I thought it was shared somewhere that they were a woman? Maybe that was an assumption...

Either way, whether it's a Mulder or a Scully, I hope they haven't been found out.

hedy ago

He could be - you just never know (remember the "plausible deniability" phrase. Also, there's reason to suspect there was more than one person posing as "FBIanon".

LaDonnaRae ago


LaDonnaRae ago

Yeah, someone already pointed that out to me on Gab. I guess I am a female misogynist. LMAO!

hedy ago

no worries!

We_The_People ago

I thought Benghazi was the US arms dealing?

LaDonnaRae ago

In part, yes. We were running guns through Turkey into Syria. That is what Steven Sotloff was reporting on when he was captured by ISIS (his TL is still up on Twitter, BTW). But we had much more going on. I will be posting updates ASAP as I prepare to go to D.C.

lawfag123 ago

Search "Benghazi human trafficking"

apparently there's a lot of it there