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SearchVoatBot ago

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Misspelling EDIT : Ret Gen Paul Vallely (not Valley)

“From this day forward, it’s going to be only America First.”

I was in Paris when President Trump spoke those words in his inaugural address, alongside former Congressman Michael Flanagan, Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (Ret.), and Trump historian Frank Mitchell.

After 9/11, the late Roger Ailes, then the chairman and CEO of Fox News, assembled a roster of camera-ready retired military officers. Ailes wanted Fox to ooze muscular gravitas as the Pentagon went after the Taliban in Afghanistan and then Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Retired Army Maj. General Paul Vallely told me he was directed by Ailes to put together the team of military analysts and got a Fox contract for Cowan, who had already appeared on “60 Minutes” and “PBS Frontline.” Cowan distinguished himself at Fox as “a highly regarded go-to guy,” says retired Navy Captain Chuck Nash, another member of the Fox military analyst team at the time.

During this period, many of the military analysts seen on Fox and other networks, including Vallely and Cowan, were granted private Pentagon briefings and access to classified information in the run-up to the Iraq invasion and during the war. It was part of a coordinated Pentagon information campaign to “generate favorable news coverage of the [Bush] administration’s wartime performance,” the New York Times revealed in a blockbuster 2008 story.

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely claimed “Obama is intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon, and purposely reducing us as a superpower and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

REELTalk: Coronavirus and US National Security with Major General Paul Vallely


General Paul E Valley confirms Q and POTUS in interview:

Worst case quoted on a Q blog :

Anonymous 2018-07-31 08:18:36Z946e95 () No. 2368761

IMO Trump Derangement Syndrome is the "disintoxication" of which Colonel Aquino and Colonel Paul E. Valley spoke in the influntial paperentitled "From PSYOP to MindWar:The Psychology of Victory".

Michael Aquino worked at the NSA senior levels. It is difficult to find his NSA career online, as it seems to have been scrubbed from the webs. He was certainly a colorful figure. He founded the Temple of Set, a derivative of the works of Aleister Crowley. BTW I am one of few anons who do not concur with the judgement against Crowley we have taken. He is misinterpreted, not only by the public but by many of the evil organizations which attempted to follow his lead. Crowley has been my path of return to Jesus and God, ironically.

Think of the occult connections we are finding with former high ranking military and government officials. We say Satanism, but it is not. It is Luciferianism. Big difference. IMO MindWar is what they were doing to result in Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Aquino and Valley say:

"…the Achilles’ heel of MindWar. Invoking as it does the most intense emotions and commitments of its audiences, it must deliver the goods as they are judged by the target audiences. If the ethical values of those audiences are not respected - if MindWar is used only in the service of ulterior motives and objectives - the resulting “disintoxication”can be socially shattering."

This 10 page paper is worth reading because Aquino's MindWar is obviously how anons are fighting. Wizards and Warlocks.

More quotes from the paper:

"MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war.

It is deliberate in that it is planned, systematic, and comprehensive effort involving all levels of activity from the strategic to the tactical. It is aggressive because opinions and attitudes must be actively changed from those antagonistic to us to those supportive of us if we are to achieve victory. We will not win if we content ourselves with countering opinions and attitudes instilled by enemy governments. We must reach the people beforethey resolve to support their armies, and we must reach those armies before our combat troops ever see them on battlefields."

"Under existing United States law [1980], PSYOP units may not target American citizens. That prohibition is based upon the presumption that “propaganda” is necessarily a lie or at least a misleading half-truth, and that the government has no right to lie to the people. The Propaganda Ministry of Goebbels must not be a part of the American way of life.

Quite right, and so it must be axiomatic of MindWar that it always speaks the truth. Its power lies in its ability to focus recipients’ attention on the truth of the future as well as that of the present. MindWar thus involves the stated promise of the truth that the United States has resolved to make real if it is not already so."

"Unlike Ellul’s cynical propagandist, the MindWar operative must know that he speaks the truth, and he must be personally committed to it. What he says is only a part of MindWar; the rest - and the test of its effectiveness - lies in the conviction he projects to his audience, in the rapport he establishes with it."

ababcb ago

"Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly."

This implies to me that the initiation of a MindWar can be predicted ahead of time.

"...A tenable theory has been provided for emergence of nervous system, developing not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field pattern."

If this is true, what happens to someones brain if they leave Earths atmosphere?

Ionization of the air: An abundance of negative condensation nuclei ("air ions") in ingested air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of the ionic balance of a target audience's atmospheric environment will be correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition - caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water - rather than one which most be artificially created.)

Very interesting. So rapidly moving water, among other things, affects consciousness? That is in line with what the genius "Wizard of Water" Viktor Schaumberger said:

Though what is proposed may have been fairly 'sci fi' even 10 years ago

It may have sounded like sci-fi ten years ago, but a lot of this stuff has existed for a frighteningly long time. Check out this list of patents. Some of them date all the way back to the 50's and 60's:

TheTruthIsSoClear ago

What did argosciv say about satanism vs luciferianism?

Is Aleister Crowley simply misunderstood?

What about Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard?

What can Quantum computing and the Quantum Internet create?

Are there “good” Freemasons or only those who don’t yet understand?

Does their logo stand for God?

What would Jesus Christ and The Truth tell you to believe?

Why is The Truth so easy for all to recognize?

Why is The Truth attacked, censored and banned despite never lying?

What is their purpose of disclosure and what do they believe?

We are the reason why Q was created.

Notice anything on the moderator’s Twitter account?

Is Q Trustworthy?

PizzaGates ago

Notice anything on the moderator’s Twitter account?

Santa -> (Satan) ?

ababcb ago


What can Quantum computing and the Quantum Internet create?

According to Austin Steinbart, it can create "Instant messaging from the future"

Is Steinbart trustworthy? I just watched his "Who is Q" video... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?! TELL ME! Is it just a coincidence that this relates to me? I am not saying why out loud by I think you know why... what are you doing to me!? PLEASE TELL ME IF THIS IS JUST A COINCIDENCE!!!

Is Q Trustworthy?

You always said Q was NOT trustworthy. Does that mean Austin Steinbart is not trustworthy? Should I try to talk to Austin Steinbart or should I avoid him entirely?


I am losing my mind now thanks to this!!! I am sorry for freaking out but I am about to lose my sanity...

ThePathToTheTruth ago

Q is not Trustworthy. Austin Steinbart is not Trustworthy.

We are the reason why Q was created.

This does not mean that what they are saying is Untrue.

They also have the opportunity to Repent and Share The Truth to Save The World.

The advice here is correct - pray to Jesus Christ and do not accept the Mark.

The Truth is easy for all to recognize.

Everyone has the same opportunity to Know The Truth. Some see The Truth more clearly than others.

Their Agenda and The Mark are real - it is for Eternal Enslavement.

Don’t lose your mind. Trust in Jesus Christ and The Truth. Share The Truth so that others may too be Saved.

Your relationship with Jesus Christ and The Truth is personal. That is the brilliance of His Design.

Even Austin or Trump or Hillary Clinton herself can Repent and Share The Truth with The World.

We pray they do.

Jesus Christ never Lied. There is only One Jesus Christ and Only One Truth.

ababcb ago

Do you know what I am freaking out about right now? You have said you "know everything".

PizzaGates ago

There are always people who find Christ, even fallen men/women in places of power.

I haven't been able to verify all of this posters content, but I've also never found them to say anything untrue.

if anyone would correct me, and has found "fakenews" posted by the aforementioned accounts, please comment

PizzaGates ago

Pray to Jesus. Read your Bible. Pray for discernment.

God is good. All men are fallen. Find a quiet place and reflect.

ababcb ago

I will do that, thank you. Do you know what it is that I am freaking out about?

PizzaGates ago

not personally, no. I'm praying for you though.

I too have been banned numerous times from various subverses. But that doesn't scare/stop me from sharing info.

I personally believe this pogo/zyphyr stuff is meant to keep us from looking into stuff and posting. As is all "big government is watching you" memes. Ed Snowden is another example. Maybe they do have the capacity, maybe they don't.

But they don't control you or your mind. Or what you do online/offline.

I would be very careful with all "private" messages. If they are "coming for us" It behooves us to awaken as many others as we can to continue spreading the Truth.

If you want more of my opinion, you'd have to explain why you're freaking out. But if it's too personal/you're afraid it would dox you, I understand.

Personally, I'm more afraid of individuals/groups that public shame/dox/make people lose their jobs...individual assholes are a bigger threat than skynet coming for us


Thank you for your eyes @ababcb . I agree this is not sci-fi nor outside the realm of even some "ancient technology", though the media psyop aspect has grown in complexity with the development of the internet and smart devices. I am glad you focussed on this almost-afterthought regarding human brainstates being affected via EMF, natural or directed. It jumped off the page for me too.

Bern666 ago

Well Aquinos game is to ACT....

Mind game will and will always be about opposing forces in time. The greatest is of course man vs woman +/-. Layer it down to colours of skin/flags/education/wealth/age/religion and so on, dont make it any fancier.

The trick for a magician is to (stay) in the the conductor~electricity. To take all this opposing forces and build what YOU want to happen in time. This is the reality......

In every way a (man) will act in this way the outcome will be the same one part will give in time and one part will take. It is truly a zero sum time of cosmos.

To ACT bad or ACT is your choice.


Thank you @Bern666 . Valid point about Aquinos 'positioning', 'occulting' and ACTing 'as thou wilt.' INTENTION behind those actions can provide for some indication of the direction of the next one. Hence why i find this document interesting...


Reposted from /Whatever . Though this is directly from the pizza monster himself, if this is too off-toping, I will delete.