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23626010? ago

I read through the patent application and I can’t claim to understand a 3rd of what it states, but I will tell you this:

I vacillate between Q being a legit movement and a psyop. Let me explain what I mean by a psyop in this instance. That Q and patriots are fronting a movement that will indeed free the people from the corruption of the world. But is it scripted? Problem-reaction-solution. What happens when we get to the end of this and come out the other side? A system will have to be put into place to ensure that this level of corruption never takes root again. The solution to that problem is absolutely BLOCKCHAIN. No question in my mind. Implementing an open-source ledger such as blockchain will put an end to all of the problems that plague modern society: the printing/manipulation of currencies, siphoning of funds to fund black ops, human and drug trafficking, voter fraud, digital media manipulation (think deep fakes), etc. etc. The list is almost endless. But what would such a society look like? We were given a glimpse of it in the movie “The Circle”. It would result in an almost complete loss of our anonymity. We will be told that we will be able to remain anonymous while participating in such a system, as long as no laws are broken. But for such a system to work, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, will be monitored. The world, having endured decades at the hands of corrupt leaders, will herald this system as the solution to all of our problems, and indeed it will be the solution to the problem of corruption. But who will provide oversight? Such a system would be incredibly complex and would have to be administered by AI. And who decides what is a punishable offense? Who will create the news laws governing this system? Also, participation in this system will be compulsory. It reminds me of something that I read in a old book a while back: “No man may buy or sell unless he takes the Mark of the Beast”. And “who can make war with the Beast?”

We have been watching this surveillance state, this technocratic dictatorship if you will, materialize before our very eyes over the past few decades. Literally every electronic device is being connected to the internet of things. Why? Because these devices will be the eyes/ears of the AI governing our new world. With the advent of quantum computing, we now have the processing power to sort through the incredible amount of data being gathered by this system. It will also require incredible amounts of storage space. One more thing: it will require connectivity speeds that are as fast as possible in order for this system to gather near-real-time data. There’s your 5G rollout, and why the hell is Elon the magical muskrat shooting a buttload of internet satellites into space? Where does this guy get his funding?? I suspect Elon, just like Zuckerberg, are merely front men for the military-industrial complex.

The most important question we need to be asking ourselves is this: is the “Great Awakening” merely a “controlled awakening”? Are the people being awakened to the absolute corruption of our current system so that another can be put in its place. The best slave is one who thinks he is free. This system will be heralded as the solution to all of our problems, and it will appear to be a grass roots movement, giving power back to the people. But is it really just the ultimate con?

Welcome to our New Brave World...

23626741? ago

With you patriot. Q moment can be a savior, but we must not forget the possibility that it is a psyop the likes of Michael Aquinos MINDWAR I am always telling people to look up his MIND WARS document from 1980, as it breaks down psyops, Q type Truth movements, and frequency weapons:

read the 10 page doc here :

More here:

23626948? ago

Good stuff, thank you. My greatest desire is that Anons would look past Q and question what the world is going to look like when this is all finished. All rainbows and unicorns? Maybe. At what cost? These are the difficult questions that demand answers, and everyone is caught up in the minutiae of the movement, I’m afraid we can’t see the forest for the trees.

23627010? ago

Classic psychological manipulation techniques we just cant seem to avoid falling for.