23634512? ago

this shit is actually crazy what the fuck

"Concept 25. The system of any preceding and/or succeeding Concept(s), wherein the body activity sensed by the sensor comprises at least one of body radiation emitted from the user, body fluid flow, a brain wave, pulse rate or body heat radiation."

if theyre going to use this to "give" you money you can bet theyll use it to charge you

23634321? ago


What's True

Microsoft published a patent for a "cryptocurrency system using body activity data." This patent is filed under the number WO2020060606A1.

What's False

The number WO2020060606A1 contains three "6's" but is obviously not the same as "666." This patent focuses on tracking body activity via wearable technology, such as a smart watch, and makes no mention of implanted microchips

Snopes is laughable

23629439? ago

This gives them total control of you, your labor and your capital.

23628609? ago

All of those NPC's with the smart watches will be the first to do this. They already do the tricks the little gadget asks of them and all they get is a text saying Well done. They'll be jumping for joy (and crypto) when they are offered financial incentive to keep moving like good little goys. Then others will want in on it, and then before you know it, all behaviours are being incentivised, and bingo - we're Communist China, just like that. And we will all feel that boot stamping on our faces, forever.

23628241? ago

It's covered in depth here: youtu.be/D5nIe4ON_po

(I need 5 CCP to submit a comment with a link)

He's a week ahead.

23627967? ago

Put on the armor of god, because the day of evil is coming, and that day is the day they try to enforce this make of the beast bullshit. We'll know them by the number of their name, 666.

23627742? ago

Video games with objectives and what not are clear analogies to this concept.

23627308? ago

satanic slaves, what would their objectives be?

23627307? ago



MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY LICENSING, LLC [US/US]; One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399, US



FU, Derrick; US

JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.; US


MINHAS, Sandip S.; US

CHEN, Wei-Chen Nicholas; US

HINOJOSA, Brianna L.; US

HOLMES, Danielle J.; US

SWAIN, Cassandra T.; US

WONG, Thomas S.; US

CHOI, Daniel; US

HWANG, William C.; US

WIGHT, Stephen A.; US




TRAN, Kimberly; US

PEREZ, Edgar; US

Priority Data

16/138,518 21.09.2018 US


23626952? ago

The same guy that became one of the worlds richest men by selling us the Blue Screen of Death? He wouldn't fuck us like that would he?

23626834? ago

no vaccine for me!!

23626818? ago

I would rather an 1859 Carrington Event .

23627989? ago

Give me a full magnetic pole reversal instead.

23629369? ago

OK, but I believe the Carrington is “scheduled “ first.

At least that’s the latest from Ben Davidson.

23626362? ago

Part of the patent is something called "Detection of Lockstep Behavior" designed to find and purge online content that appears to be spam, according to their matrix.

23626313? ago

This patent number does not follow the US guidelines. Looks like a fake to me. Guidelines say patents have up to 8 digits - this one has 10. And the 2020 and 666 are just too suspicious.


23627293? ago

There is a difference between the World Intilectual Property Organization (WIPO/ WO )and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

How do you think these patents are enforced in japane, europe, etc. You patent them at the national level, AND at the world level, If you will read the linked world patent it has a reference to the US patent that is much much more detailed.

23626384? ago

It's indexed in a database of patents, with source linked, it's not really debatable...

23626224? ago

Complete todays daily objectives to earn 1488 NWO coins

1. Buy or make a flag of the German Reich and hang it in your living room.

2. Learn "The Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party" by heart.

3. Buy a can of Zyklon B and gas a jew.

23626522? ago

you think the germans were the bad guys? you know bill gates is a jew right? Microsoft is owned by jews so is google, so is youtube and so is 96% of all media for that matter. I can't believe there are people on here that still believe the "official" history of ww2 after all they know about fake news and deepstate .

23648114? ago

Hitler vs. The Jew World Order!

23648511? ago

yes, and we must carry on the fight of all fights!

23628028? ago

Yeah it's amazing and depressing at the same time.

Sieg Heil! Hitler was 110% right!

23626176? ago

This us not for you.

This is for your children.

23626081? ago

“Death Blossom”

23626079? ago

I DO NOT CONSENT. I WILL NOT BE VACCINATED. I will draw and fire my weapon to protect myself, my family, and my neighbors.

23635059? ago

I'll throw rocks because that's all we have to defend ourselves here in Australia....

23630439? ago

This was always the case. Check out Biden at Chief Justice confirmation hearing. Implantable RFID chips, brain scans


23628166? ago

No one will come to plunge a needle into you, Rambo. They'll do what they've always done: pass "laws" that mandate proof of vaccination in order to buy or work. You'll choose to be plunged to survive.

23629747? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? I have worked for 25 years...NO mando vaccinations..name the motherfucking 'laws'. Schools have laws, so that means you're either a woman with kids or a kid. Either way your opinion means nothing. Keep on fear porning though, it suits your weak efforts elsewhere shilling.

23628363? ago

Spot on.

23626126? ago

I will back you up if it is within my ability to do so Patriot.

23626177? ago

And I, you, my Brother/Sister Patriot. We are not going quietly into the night anymore.

23626167? ago

So will I.


23626753? ago

Don’t forget me.

23626074? ago


23628056? ago

Yes, this means, you get "paid" each instant you are performing your attributed "FUNCTION" satisfactorily. The 5 seconds you take to stretch from your uncomfortable working position are not paid for.

You will do EXACTLY as told or you will starve. Have fun, goy.

23626010? ago

I read through the patent application and I can’t claim to understand a 3rd of what it states, but I will tell you this:

I vacillate between Q being a legit movement and a psyop. Let me explain what I mean by a psyop in this instance. That Q and patriots are fronting a movement that will indeed free the people from the corruption of the world. But is it scripted? Problem-reaction-solution. What happens when we get to the end of this and come out the other side? A system will have to be put into place to ensure that this level of corruption never takes root again. The solution to that problem is absolutely BLOCKCHAIN. No question in my mind. Implementing an open-source ledger such as blockchain will put an end to all of the problems that plague modern society: the printing/manipulation of currencies, siphoning of funds to fund black ops, human and drug trafficking, voter fraud, digital media manipulation (think deep fakes), etc. etc. The list is almost endless. But what would such a society look like? We were given a glimpse of it in the movie “The Circle”. It would result in an almost complete loss of our anonymity. We will be told that we will be able to remain anonymous while participating in such a system, as long as no laws are broken. But for such a system to work, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, will be monitored. The world, having endured decades at the hands of corrupt leaders, will herald this system as the solution to all of our problems, and indeed it will be the solution to the problem of corruption. But who will provide oversight? Such a system would be incredibly complex and would have to be administered by AI. And who decides what is a punishable offense? Who will create the news laws governing this system? Also, participation in this system will be compulsory. It reminds me of something that I read in a old book a while back: “No man may buy or sell unless he takes the Mark of the Beast”. And “who can make war with the Beast?”

We have been watching this surveillance state, this technocratic dictatorship if you will, materialize before our very eyes over the past few decades. Literally every electronic device is being connected to the internet of things. Why? Because these devices will be the eyes/ears of the AI governing our new world. With the advent of quantum computing, we now have the processing power to sort through the incredible amount of data being gathered by this system. It will also require incredible amounts of storage space. One more thing: it will require connectivity speeds that are as fast as possible in order for this system to gather near-real-time data. There’s your 5G rollout, and why the hell is Elon the magical muskrat shooting a buttload of internet satellites into space? Where does this guy get his funding?? I suspect Elon, just like Zuckerberg, are merely front men for the military-industrial complex.

The most important question we need to be asking ourselves is this: is the “Great Awakening” merely a “controlled awakening”? Are the people being awakened to the absolute corruption of our current system so that another can be put in its place. The best slave is one who thinks he is free. This system will be heralded as the solution to all of our problems, and it will appear to be a grass roots movement, giving power back to the people. But is it really just the ultimate con?

Welcome to our New Brave World...

23634498? ago

this should be its own post because everyone here needs to be aware of this possibility

23636921? ago

TY. I have been meaning to post this on on its own, I think I will this weekend.

23628765? ago

Personally, I have often thought about what things will look like when this is all over and I am astonished to say that other than your post I have not seen anyone really talk about it besides myself. Restoring the Constitution is one thing, but how do we guard against this in the future?

For me, I've always believed that the only way we can successfully fight these people is through a strong education. That would mean we would have to retake all levels of our education. We would need to teach children at a very young age to recognize the communist/alinsky tactics that are employed by these people. The only reason why they work and have worked for ages is because nobody recognizes them and they succumb to emotional manipulation. Aside from banking, this is where the source of their true power to control the masses originates -- the education system. This is where they breed and warp the minds of their pawns to fight for them.

As far as the block-chain is concerned, I am not a believer, nor will I ever be. The society you've just described is their wet dream. And I don't care what anyone says, no system is perfect. You best believe the only people who are meant to be monitored in real-time 24/7 is everyone who is not in the "IN" crowd. If the solution to ending corruption is everybody losing their privacy -- that is not a victory that is a defeat that will be everlasting.

People in power who propose such a system already have something in mind to circumvent such a system. The only answer that I and I believe anyone else can get behind is a system that returns the founding documents of the Constitution. The Government must be made to be subservient to the people, not the other way around.

23626741? ago

With you patriot. Q moment can be a savior, but we must not forget the possibility that it is a psyop the likes of Michael Aquinos MINDWAR I am always telling people to look up his MIND WARS document from 1980, as it breaks down psyops, Q type Truth movements, and frequency weapons: https://zerogeoengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/From-PSYOP-to-Mind-War-1980-Page-10-.png

read the 10 page doc here : https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael+Aquino+%28US+Satanist%29+-+From+PSYOP+to+MindWar+-+The+Psychology+of+Victory+%281980%29_djvu.txt

More here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3726708

23626948? ago

Good stuff, thank you. My greatest desire is that Anons would look past Q and question what the world is going to look like when this is all finished. All rainbows and unicorns? Maybe. At what cost? These are the difficult questions that demand answers, and everyone is caught up in the minutiae of the movement, I’m afraid we can’t see the forest for the trees.

23627010? ago

Classic psychological manipulation techniques we just cant seem to avoid falling for.

23626151? ago

I want to leave this hellish planet and go to one with no people.

23626254? ago

Be the change you wish to see. You cannot change anything about anybody else except for yourself. You alone are in control of yourself, you are responsible for your actions and consequences. We are not perfect people, but with effort we can better ourselves each day. Good luck anon, we all feel the feelz with you.

23627056? ago

You can't change anything about anybody but yourself? Baseless

23626103? ago

The federal reserve and central banks are the source of all evil. The ability to siphon off a percentage of a nation's wealth allows for a flow of dark money to corrupt any industry anytime. This is their food, blood, and water. Without it, the parasites die. Until this is addressed, any solution is false and superficial. I appreciate your thoughts on it, it's an interesting perspective.

23633870? ago


23625862? ago


Please drink a verification can. 1 deep state coin has been deposited into your account.

23636398? ago

kek at "verification can" sounds like something from Fallout

23625936? ago

That'd be funny if it weren't so true to the direction we're headed.

23625473? ago




23625432? ago

Please notice the 666 in the patent number.

23625378? ago

Actually, wasn’t this application rejected, due to someone else giving the idea in a public presentation?

23625355? ago

I do not consent!

23625346? ago

The word that jumps out at me more than any is "activity". Almost like they are aiming to base peoples worth on how active they are?? So a couch potatoe do nothing would earn no "credits". I person that's very active is earning credits. Thanks for sharing the link. Good info.

23626082? ago

No... You have to do what they want... Completing their objectives...

23626214? ago

Like, voting Democrat? Never leaving your house? Buying Big 6 foods? Charging your electric car? Time spent on 5G?

This is truly a clown world.

23626733? ago

... Breeding with blacks if you are European heritage.

23625976? ago

It sounds like a real life video game, where you are assigned various quests and tasks to complete to get rewards.

23626130? ago

Yeah.. Like go to work... Here is a sheckle. Gripe at your boss for treating you poorly? Your sheckle goes away and you can't even enter a store to buy food.... Or walk down a road without being fried by a microwave beam. This is total control.

OH, guess what. They can. Stimulate the pleasure or pain sensors in your brain as well now.

23625618? ago

My fucking GRANDMA sent this to me. People are waking up for sure!!

23626878? ago

Love this...