kestrel9 ago

Looking back at Ulay Marina Abramovic Influenced by Cannibals in 1979 - Kumpupirntily

This is interesting too Marina Abramovic: A New Hypothesis (Part 1 of 3) What do we do with all these corpses?

In Sept 2016, Marina loses the case against Ulay Laysiepen, for manipulation of financial records, and screwing him out of royalty payments. Was she represented by the Bronfmans??

flyingcuttlefish ago

oh, shoot. I thought it was her.

kazza64 ago

marina abromovic is super rich she does not fit the starving artist profile

siegnagel ago

Genesis P Orridge died the other day too.

kestrel9 ago

It will not be missed.

think- ago

Yep. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do a post about him.

KillerKap ago

enjoy hell you stupid fucks

Vindicator ago

Two downvotes in 1.3 minutes! Nice!

Rule1Relevancy ago

@vindicator is there a connection to abuse of kids here anywhere? I'm not seeing a pizzagate connection per Rule 1.

Please add an explanation as to why this is relevant to pizzagate under Rule 1, or I will remove it.

I'm giving you 24 hours.

@kingkongwaswrong @heygeorge @erikcalliberhall

NoBS ago

Mods can violate rules because he who controls the narrative is the Pedovore.