FoxMcCloud11 ago

Australian Aborigines - Indigenous Australians

"Indigenous Australians teach us that reality is a dream or illusion."

Appears this also has influence Marina Abramovic

Luxxy ago

Very nice find!!! Ill dig into this as well.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Thanks @Luxxy - I thought it was pretty damn convenient that it was related to cannibalism.

Luxxy ago

Yea, its def worth digging into deeper.

VieBleu ago

This reminds me of the sham "journey" of Marlo Morgan in the 70s and her awful book "Mutant Message Down Under" which was widely accepted at the time as a "true account" fictionalized of her experience with aborigines in Australia. Turns out with time and reseach it has been uncovered that she got just about everything wrong about native society, but we still hear today from aging misguided new-agers about how great her wrong headed and misleading book is for "reconnecting to the earth". Like Anonymous, aboriginals had a long standing tradition of not having leaders or any one individual speak for them, which they ABANDONED in the late nineties for the sole reason that this stupid book was so bad that they had to elect someone to say something about it to officia bodies to get it banned.

this reminds me so mucho of this fake witch. I doubt it one shred of her story is real and she can't be very effective anymore as she carries the very heavy burden of thousands of souls.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Like Anonymous, aboriginals had a long standing tradition of not having leaders or any one individual speak for them, which they ABANDONED in the late nineties for the sole reason that this stupid book was so bad that they had to elect someone to say something about it to officia bodies to get it banned."

LOL! A real life "Slow Donnie". (first one blocked in US, but you can start with 2nd one and get the idea)