formatist ago

Are people aware that Abramovic is a really famous artist, in her own right? Not saying that discredits this, but sometimes I get the feeling that PG-ers lack context.


She is an Ashkenazis Jew as well comes from the same area Count Dracula came from very close to Transylvania

FriesischShipping ago

Don't need to convince me mang, I just gotta see da nose.



FriesischShipping ago

I agree, I'm just pointing out that she titled her piece after a known Wiccan ritual used for dealing with bad/negative energy. It's not a Crowley ritual. The "cleansing the house" is so common that I've known good, albeit superstitious, Christians do this bullshit. The "cleansing the mirror" is also included in this ritual and also has to do with the bad/negative energy one feels when looking in a specific mirror.

redditsuckz ago

Marina/CIA definitely has Lady Gaga mind fucked;

Lady Gaga talks about Marina Abramovic

Here lady Gaga smacks her eye when the word "Lord" is said - MKULTRA'd

Lady Gaga occult Signs and Symbols

pmichel ago

wow, that was weird

TupacsTattoo ago

Excellent work can't wait to read Part 2.

DarkFae ago

I'm not going to comment on your commentary regarding Wiccan rituals. I don't blame people for not knowing or understanding the occult and it's many shapes and forms.
I will however comment on Abramovic and the CIA thing. So...I've tried repeatedly to post this info and some stupid crap always happens before I succeed. We'll see if it takes this time. Marina Abramovic was born November 30 1946. I'm just making this understood. Crowley had two very devoted fans/friends you may have heard of; Ron Hubbard & Jack Parsons. L.Ron Hubbard has been made famous (or infamous) by his book Dianetics & subsequent founding of Scientology. Jack Parsons was THE Jack Parsons of rocket science and NASA. I don't think I need to elaborate too much on Hubbard, but Parsons was at one time basically excommunicated from NASA for his well known satanic rituals etc. NASA actually said they were drawing a line where he was concerned, and he basically lost all support from NASA and was cut off. Enter the daughter of the Black Dahlia Killer: In her book Daddy Was The Black Dahlia Killer, Janis Knowlton wrote of Parsons and Hubbard performing what is known as the "Moonchild" ritual OR "Babylon Working" (Crowley's most important ritual as written about in Moonchild, a fictional novel based on the actual ritual involving the physical manifestation of the Scarlet Woman(an elemental) through the birth of a child) From January through March of 1946. The "actual" impregnation was performed in early March. Crowley, has been known for being involved in CIA for many many years now. Again, Marina Abramovic was born November 30, 1946. I don't know what, if anything, this might mean. I don't know that Abramovic is the "Moonchild" or not. What I do know is the dates are fucking weird. The coincidence is really really too much to ignore. Also, I have a history in the occult, and there is not one single recorded historical account of this ritual ever EVER being performed. And I certainly have never seen more substantiated evidence than this. You can do searches and find more than enough to be convinced this really happened in 1946 with those two individuals. I'm not interested in creating threads/ topics here. If anyone else finds this interesting, I hope that you will create a conversation. I think it's well worth the time and attention. Also take note that according to Abramovics own bio, her "bio parents" were ex military/political figures. Love to all of you and your dedication. Light white candles. Sprinkle salts. Keep safe. <3

Edit: here's a Wiki page on it :

I can find links to other sources and info, but I need to work early am. I'll be around sometime tomorrow Eve.

strix-varia ago

Yup, completely self absorbed crazy.

party1981 ago

This is 100% consistent with George Webb. He thinks that the cannibalism painting in Podesta's office is an advertisement for organs too.

FLYNNL1VE5 ago ABRAMOVIC proof be sure to check my video description


Stem cells come from the bones ABRAMOVIC is a tranny Count Dracula type witch

Newfind ago

Yes. She is A tranny. And I didn't know stem cells came from bones.


Yeah lots of stuff coming out of the dyncorp study

pakitochocolatero ago

Old Hypothesis and New Hypothesis can coexist together and I think that combination is the most probable scenario

FriesischShipping ago

Thanks, I'll include that in version 1.1 🤓. Most of her pieces do include occultism or witchcraft, so it's quite hard to ignore.

palmitespo910 ago


MolochHunter ago

very credible hypothesis on the professor link - can be used to pretend there's some science/anthropology aspect to any transactions

FriesischShipping ago

At uni we always talked about political office and executive positions at corporations being a kind of "revolving-door" of people being shifted back and forth. We weren't hip enough at the time to connect CIA agents/analysts and university professors/researchers being another one. Just look up Rutgers, Yale, Harvard etc. and I'm positive the coincidences are all there.

Blacksmith21 ago

Follow the money.

djpepe ago

Cross check with vault 7 next releases. She may be under CIA payroll just as Alefantis.

Singleservename ago

The question you should be asking is not WHAT SHE SELLS. Because that's clear enough.

What you should be asking is WHO IS SHE SELLING IT TO. Much of this will be comprehensible.

gardenofbacchus ago

Awesome. Keep going. This woman is an utter lunatic, she's vile

GeorgeT ago

She hangs out with the royals (Beatrix) Hollywood Celebs, politicians, singers, all A listers.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

CIA or not, this freak is a psycho! Psychos can never be analysed or studied. Just the fact that she is who she is is enough to know that she gets a thrill and $$ and is Pure Evil! That is why she does what she does.

Tanngrisnir ago

Good stuff, best explanation anyone has ever come up with about her.

derram ago :

Leaders of a Republic In Yugoslavia Resign - :

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