kestrel9 ago

Some of the same people are included in this: #Tavistock - Did you Know?

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Link to previous post on this topic:

kestrel9 ago

^^Thank you! That's very helpful for my research.


I was going to post about Savile getting a friend of Israel award in the other Savile thread yesterday.

What you probably don't know is that he played a key role in the murder-sacrifice of the original Beatles and the habilitation of their imposter replacements in the public consciousness. The replacement John Lennon even used to call him "King Solomon"

Speculation: Much of the secrets he was involved with that gained Israel much power over western governments will be going in a new ark of the covenant, behind the veil, in the 3rd temple of Jerusalem if or when they build it.

Podge512 ago

I recall hearing in the 'Savile and the Ninth Circle' documentary that the was invited to sit in on cabinet meetings in the Knesset. No doubt to dish the dirt on the politicians/royals/celebrities he supplied with children.

kestrel9 ago

In 1987 a career civil servant that ran the mental health division of the Department of Health and Social Services, the soon to be two time arrested but never charged accused pedophile Brian McGinnis,[37] was instrumental in pushing for Savile’s Broadmoor takeover.[38] McGinnis was later hired as a high powered disabilities specialist despite allegedly sexually abusing disabled children as seemingly another protected predatory sentinel guarding the elite’s pedo-clubhouse.

Then years later when Savile was finally exposed, in chorus with so many complicit others, a defensive Edwina Currie said she always thought Sir Jimmy was “totally evil.”[39] If that’s true, then why in the fuck did she go on public record in September 1988, fully complicit in Savile’s criminality, and select an individual she was convinced was “totally evil,” who neither held proper qualifications nor the moral character entrusted to seize control over the nation’s top security asylum housing Britain’s most violently insane criminals? What kind of moronic decision maker does that? But then immersed in a four year mutually adulterous affair with the then future PM John Major,[40] perhaps Edwina’s “moralist” outrage and judgment was already seriously compromised, contaminated and impaired. Or more likely her immediate supervisor, UK’s health secretary Kenneth Clarke was morally impaired, a few years later accused himself of sexually assaulting a teenage child actor (covered in Chapter 20). Or for that matter, even Maggie the pedo-lover herself insisted that a totally unfit, “totally evil” yet thoroughly vetted and widely known pedophile should lead the Broadmoor taskforce.

Incidentally, Edwina’s boss Kenneth Clarke under Thatcher was soon promoted by Edwina’s lover John Major to the powerful position as UK’s home secretary in 1992-93. And so like the Home Secretary Brittan a decade earlier, the not-so-great Britain had another gatekeeper fox guarding the pedo-henhouse, failing to act on knowledge that both MP Sir Cyril Smith and Lord Greville Janner were also sexually abusing children, choosing not to rock the boat, Clarke swiftly swept it under the rug.[41] And it was while working his next job as Chancellor in 1994 that Clarke sexually assaulted former child actor Ben Fellows when he was 19.[42] For making his accusation public as a journalist,[43] Ben was subsequently charged with perverting justice but cleared in court,[44] which in effect meant his accusation against Clarke could not be disproven, i.e., was true. But as always, when big wigs get caught committing crimes, they never get charged or serve time.

After reviewing her diary in October 2012, in the heat of the post-Savile uproar, Edwina Currie declared:

… When you look back, it does suggest he [Savile] was prepared to use blackmail to ensure people did what he wanted.[45]

Aided by hindsight, Currie’s carefully chosen words are aimed at passing the buck in order to minimize her own criminal culpability. Her statement above reveals that as UK’s pedo-pimp commander-in-chief, King Savile’s M.O. was throwing his weight around using blackmail threats right and left to subdue, neutralize and silence perceived threats in order to ruthlessly grab whatever and literally whomever he wanted. For example, to silence his Broadmoor critics, he accused his adversaries of collecting undeserved overtime paychecks and allowing family members not employed at Broadmoor to sublet their housing.

kestrel9 ago

The bottom line, for decades as UK’s pimping child procurer working “deep-cover” with British intelligence services and police, setting up child pipelines across the nation under the cover of charity with care home operators, social services and city councils, Sir Jimmy possessed the dirty lowdown on every top government VIP pervert in both Thatcher’s top-heavy pedo-cabinet as well as all the compromised and controlled Parliament members from all three major political parties. He was the macro-to-micro go-between national pedo-operative that made things happen, or as he loved bragging:

The thing about me is I get things done and I work undercover.[48]

think- ago

Imo Savile was connected to all major British pedo rings, so whenever the intelligence agencies needed to blackmail someone, Savile was able to get in touch with his pedo buddies.

I think this is what Prince Charles was alluding to when he told Savile that 'noone knows what you have done for this nation'.

kestrel9 ago

Shirley Porter and Dolphin Square

Elm Guest House boys were abused in Dolphin Square, the ultimate owner of which was Westminster Council, led by Zionist SHIRLEY PORTER

Reportedly, Porter's Tory councillors were among the VIPs who, inside flats let to MPs, abused the boys.

Allegedly Shirley Porter knew about the rapes by her Tory councillors on Westminster Council property

The names arising in respect of the alleged rapes are Robert Davis, Davis' then partner, the late Simon Milton, Miles Young & Alan Bradley

A prominent Tory who allegedly raped boys at Dolphin Square is Zionist JULIAN LEWIS

Lewis is credited with closing down Scallywag Magazine: preventing its journalists from continuing investigations into the MP's allegedly pedophile clique

Julian Lewis has used his website to highlight having HELPED the late paedo copper Gordon Anglesea when Scallywag linked Anglesea to abusing boys from BrynEstyn. (JimmySavile abused boys at #BrynEstyn, putting him in the orbit of the John Allen-Peter Howarth-Gordon Anglesea abuse clique)

As Lewis ought to have known, Anglesea was CONVICTED of child abuse offences.


kestrel9 ago

Childline: Esther Rantzen and Sarah Caplin, (also Edwina Currie)

note Fairbairn is another link between Rantzen & Savile via the Elm, Esther Rantzen dated Elm Guest House abuser Nicholas Fairbairn MP Rantzen was warned about Savile's paedophilia by Shy Keenan but did not act

➐ CHILDLINE was founded by Rantzen with her cousin, the BBC's Sarah Caplin

It first government grant came from Edwina Currie. EDWINA CURRIE (Zionist - Conservative Friends of Israel) oversaw the appointing of Jimmy Savile to a taskforce to oversee the management of Broadmoor: ensuring the Zionist master-fixer could abuse scores of vulnerable child & adult patients.Andrew Ash has accused Edwina Currie of belonging to the clique who assaulted him in the 90s when he was a young boy

Caplin is surveying 'Jewish communal attitudes' for a degree at the Jill Dando Institute of Security & Crime Science

In 1986 Esther Rantzen, presenter of That's Life!, a popular consumer TV show, suggested to the BBC that they create "Childwatch", a programme about child abuse that was screened on 30 October 1986 on BBC1, the aim being to try to detect children at risk before their lives were in danger. Viewers were asked if they would take part in the survey in an edition of That's Life!. A helpline was opened after the programme so that any child currently suffering abuse could call for help. Rantzen, together with her BBC producers Sarah Caplin and Ritchie Cogan, therefore suggested they should create a helpline specifically for children in danger or distress, to be open throughout the year, 24/7, and launch it on the programme.[4] The project was made possible by a benefactor Ian Skipper who underwrote the charity for the first three years.

ChildLine joined the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in February 2006, and extra resources were pledged in an attempt to ensure that no child's call goes unanswered. Now, ChildLine accept calls 24/7.

carmencita ago

Just beyond comprehension. The evil that exists is almost unbelievable. I said almost.

We now know of what they are capable of.

I remember reading the book with names of those that were at Elm House has disappeared or names removed? Can’t remember which. Either way not surprising since two names suspected might have been Cliff Richard and Sir Elton John. Yes. Sir. A name given by the Queen.

think- ago

Many of those who got knighted are pedos.

justregtoasku ago

Knighted = who's who of pedos

think- ago



Do you have a twitter account @carmencita? I'd follow you.

carmencita ago

Ha Ha. I’d be thrown off ASAP. Not for language but for content. Thanks so much for that compliment 😊


Here is my twitter. I changed my bio yesterday. Perhaps you can accept the challenge of my pinned tweet. Nobody else has

Take a look at Joseph McCafferty (@llJOSEPHXll):

carmencita ago

Didn’t have to look at the later vid.

In the first one MJs nose was way smaller than later. He was always trying to make his nose smaller later. In the first video it was smaller. It looked fine to me whereas later it was larger Until of course he started to become paranoid about it and did crazy things to it. The Bros also looked entirely different than in later years. Idk the real truth of what happened to them but the don’t look the same. If they went poof then their parents were really scums. Well they were any way.


I've written more about the subject as I have made new findings over the past year in this thread. I join the thread about halfway down and make posts on the second page too with more links and photos. Please have a read.

carmencita ago

The truth shall set you free pics say it loud and clear. Yep they sure do look like two dif people. Wow.