WalnutSauceGoat ago

That giraffe in clearly in cahoots with the deep state...

carmencita ago

There is some nonsense going on with the childlife org. as well. The people involved started a charity The Silver Line. Involved are Dame Judi Dench and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall I have not gotten to the core of this, but these now popping up, I am scratching my head.

kazza64 ago

a giraffe attacked him ?

carmencita ago

Yes, and while I realize that we never know what animals will do, this sounds a little preposterous. All the articles I read said he was loved by everyone. Then someone from the at the lodge, he said he was trying to I guess be somewhat of a showoff trying to get the best shots, or whatever. I don't get this whole thing. Something just does not sit right. This is a guy that has been taking pictures with animals for years, why would he not understand how to act near one. One the the guys there with him said that the animal just acted out of nowhere. I can't see a giraffe acting this way. I don't think of them as ferocious animals.

Podge512 ago

It has been suggested that Childline was established to filter out allegations of child sexual abuse against VIPs and ensure nothing would be done about them. Whether there's any truth to that, however, I do not know.

Baichu ago

There has got to be some truth to your comment. Remember, when dealing with luciferian/satanists, everything is never as it appears to be. Often backwards, upside down, inside out. When you consider all of the charities run by celebrities, governments, etc. and how they lie through their teeth to the public, this one would be no different.

carmencita ago

You are correct I believe. And I think there is some truth to it. The founder Rantzman had a quite suspicious case of abuse happen at her home to a young girl. She is suspect definitely.

carmencita ago

Good God. That picture surely is one she is not happy about. She is also involved with a charity with her cousin Sara Caplin, Silver Line. It is for the elderly. Hmm. Again both ends of the spectrum Young and Old. https://www.thesilverline.org.uk/

think- ago

Interesting previous post about Childline by @Immelda:

Esther Rantzen opened Childline up in the UK for abused children to phone and seek help or disclose. She knew about Jimmy Savile and got made a Dame for her troubles.


carmencita ago

Possible if Childline was set up to expost whistleblowers, Carvalho was close to revealing discovered info. This Rantzen should be called Rancid after reading the article about the 5 yr old girl assaulted at her party. Horrid Indeed.

think- ago

Carvalho was close to revealing discovered info

I don't know, Carm, but it would be worthwhile to do some digging. Maybe he was 'on our side', maybe he was just doing it for the money, maybe he was a buddy of Rentzen....you never know. I have become extremely cautious.

carmencita ago

You are correct, all of those are possibilities. Many seem to be doing good when they are not. We have found that some cannot be trusted when we think they are doing good. Yes, there are many fakes. The Whistle blower angle is surely possible.

carmencita ago

From that thread: Posted by DerivaUK I’ve read somewhere that Childline was set up as a filter to expose (read: prevent) potential whistleblower victims. There is an article around somewhere revealing a serious sexual assault on a child at one of Rantzen’s parties. Edit to add: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/girl-was-assaulted-in-pool-five-year-old-alleges-sex-attack-at-esther-rantzens-holiday-home-1413800.html%3famp

This is a possibility.

think- ago

Another death in the entertainment industry connected to helping children involved in abuse.

It depends on how you define 'help', sadly. Esther Rentzen, the lady mentioned, who established 'Childline', knew about the late Jimmy Savile, the most notorious child abuser in Britain, and didn't do anything to help the victims. She was part of the cover-up.

Also, there was a child sexually abused on her property 'while she was away'. cough cough

I think the working theory we had was that it might be an organization that tries to find out what sexual abuse survivors know or remember, and we suspected that they might forward this info to abusers IIRC.

@letsdothis1 @neptunium1

carmencita ago

I just looked into Sarah Caplin who is connected to Childline: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Caplin Sarah Caplin is a British producer and television executive, formerly at ITV, and before that Deputy Secretary of the BBC,[1] who has helped create two national charities, one for children and one for older people. She was a founder of Childline, together with her cousin Esther Rantzen and also The Silver Line.[2] She was educated at the University of York and has been married to TV presenter Nick Ross for more than twenty-five years.[1]

Caplin subsequently helped Esther Rantzen set up The Silver Line, a charity for older people, where she is Director of Policy and Communications.

carmencita ago

Oh Geez. Another connection to problems. I remember that coming out. And they are married. Wow. Good Find.

think- ago

Yep, that's the one.

carmencita ago

From that article. He also has strange ideas about women besides saying he would watch CP. CP?!!!

Last week, he was criticised for his comments on rape, when he compared “provocatively dressed” women to a bank “storing sacks of cash by the door”.

think- ago

TL;DR: He's an asshole. They axed him by the way - not for his remarks of course.

carmencita ago

Look. Rantzen and Caplin's charity Silver Line https://www.thesilverline.org.uk/who-we-are/people/ Listed under Amabassadors is Dame Judy Dench and Listed under Patron is H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall. I kid you not.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that info. Just from reading your research on Rentzen, it is possible that Childline is somewhat compromised and not at all what some may think. Possibly Carvalho's heart was in the right place and found out what was going on in the background. If his death is really as they say, so be it. But now we may have discovered another Back Actor, Childline. More research is needed.

carmencita ago

Sorry for the confusion. The link is still not copying correctly. I have never had this problem. I did copy the complete article. All is included.

carmencita ago

So Sorry. Thank you for the upvoats. I had to delete and re post due to an error in the link for the article.