American good old boys would be labeled 'insurgents' and the international community, including Israel (our greatest ally) would provide tech and manpower to oppose them.
Imagine the entire world sitting around wagging their finger at the Americans who were bold enough to make a stand.
"...socialism had endured throughout history, usually in the form of one or another Christian heresy. It gives expression to the gnostic urge to rebel — the rebellion of the educated against the constraints imposed by Creation and by God. In earlier periods, when of course the socialist label was not used, it could be identified by its insistent, unvarying emphasis on certain goals: the destruction of private property and of the traditional or 'nuclear' family; and above all, the dismemberment of traditional, or orthodox religion. Throughout history, the phenomenon has been obsessed with material equality, and with the eradication of individual and gender distinctions. It wars incessantly against the normal. A 'striving for self-destruction,' for nothingness, for the “death of mankind,” is the true goal of socialism. Instinctively, without stating it or even seeing it as the conscious goal, the socialist phenomenon seeks the death of the human race."
It's good, but I think we are being processed satanically and ritually before they act out some Sodom and Gomorrah fantasy by staging nuclear war - just like they acted out their destruction of the temple fantasy by destroying the twin towers on 9/11.
I am talking 100s of millions of dead in the initial stage of nuclear destruction, and billions of dead through famine, war and pestilence in the aftermath
I agree with you, they are processing us satanically and ritually first. All our media is their test on us.
Even if not nuclear war they will create ether a plague or figure out some destructive way of depopulation. Have you noticed how many apocalyptic movies and shows have been coming out? Apocalyptic fiction has been booming and I wonder why. These Hollywood fucks could very well be telling us our demise.
I created this to showcase what a virus would look like. Another catastrophic scenario to cause massive depopulation.
There were so many 9/11 clues in various facets of entertainment, media and culture before they did 9/11, that I think if we looked at all this apocalyptic fiction with that in mind we could predict when they are going to detonate the nukes.
This has only dawned on me since pizzagate broke, but I think the apocalypse could be between now and 2024.
God I hope your wrong but apart of me feels like it's coming. We can only continue to wake up the world in order to stop the madness before the madness consumes us all. Their world afterword would be literal hell on Earth.
I don't think they mind some truth getting about the media casting spells (aka propaganda, lies, misinfo) on the public. They know that we are spellbound too, watching how they exercise their power over the programmed sheep in mortified horror.
Communism is a written (satanic) script for control. You may see it as bad....but ask yourself who is really falling? Is it a goal for you to keep the genes (alive) of the fallen (communists)? Why not just let them kill their offspring-’/do drugs for free/paid...wouldnt just they be gone in a heartbeat?
As in fascism....who dies in a war? The same thought form can be applied on the far right. They want war.....give it to neutral we can build/sell as many weapons you want.
Dont you see? YOU are STILL fighting against each other by Thoth...
From their view (harmony) is not welcomed, and dont you just act as planned? You may like this convo I had with Admiral Enchilada this evening. It is exactly along the lines of the content you provided. You should include the DEAGLE info that I put in this link as it is very relevent to your point here.
Posted automatically (#76495) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@gamepwn: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ALIENS2222)
Here is the endgame, they want everyone replaced with robots and once they have enough robots taking jobs they'll introduce a UBI but to get it you have to be sterilized.
Then they just wait it out til everyone who has no use in society dies off and they win.
So now they need someone to mine more metal to make more robots... , make new circuit boards & all those peeps need more people to provide goods n services. Its a totally flawed plan , even if AI takes over , it too would need people to maintain it.
I recently read Hitler injected so much morphine and meth hus doctor had difficult times finding a good vein.
Civil war is mentioned from time to time.Don't see it myself. Programming? The elites want the people to fight so they can make US even more enslaved? By the way, Patriot Act was renewed. Like we really need for our phone calls and emails to be monitored. But somehow we still have school shootings etc. ......=....Agenda.
If it comes down to it a revolution. The elites are our enemy not our fellow man which is why I said the elites want a civil war. I hope there is White Hats out there, that Q is real but if not we all have to come together to stop them.
Your post doesnt explain anything. Why would civil war be an "endgame"? What do they have to gain? How does this help their plans? What gaurentees their survival? In ever SIM ever run, one side wins, and its the side that wants pedo elite to hang. Explain your theory.
I'm not talking about people vs the elite. I'm talking people vs each other. Once a massive civil war comes in Martial Law will follow. Marital Law will lead into an NWO.
Martial law would go no where. The govt knows it cannot win a straight up fight against the people. Thus, you will NEVER see a civil war. Go ahead and jump on tube and look up anon Red team planner.
I understand, and yes, I followed it - Corbett did a piece on it. I'm not saying they don't practice, hell there are war plans in place in case we have to attack our own current allies.
What I'm saying is you'll never see a real bugaloo at this point that is orchestrated by Them (organic.. Maybe?) Bc in every scenario, they lose control and power.
It it ever goes down and a New World Order occurs we will back tooth and nail. They will loose control and power. I created this one to inspire morale.
The Root of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing is Racine, Wisconsin.
Donald Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World to enable the Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin.
Racine is the Model for Smart Cities, 5G+ AI, Resilient Communities, Community Policing, the World Core Curriculum and Sustainability.
Prince Charles is the Sustainable Prince, and Racine is closely connected with the United Nations to enable the Agenda with the Pilgrims Society, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Council of 13, Majestic 12 and other elite groups used to protect and enforce global criminal corruption along with think tanks to influence policy including Aspen Institute and Brookings Institution for example.
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know and why?
We know what everyone here combined does not, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.
We have exposed the Root, the Model, the Great Deception, the Agenda, the Mark, and The Truth since The Beginning.
We are the reason why the False Prophet Q Anon was created.
Neither Jeff Epstein nor Seth Rich are dead. They are both Knights of Pythias connected to the Root in Racine.
The Podestas and Emanuels were made in Racine along with leaders from all major parties.
The Clintons made The Deal to endorse Sustainability and Community Policing in Racine.
The Bushes made The Deal to endorse Sustainability, the World Core Curriculum and the Global Interfaith Alliance in Racine.
Even Mayor Pete was in Racine connected with the Knights of Malta and Dominicans before his sudden rise to power.
All sides are controlled through Racine.
We are Here for a Reason.
We are the Most Censored of All for a Reason.
The Rothschilds are in Racine. Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer. They are also in Racine.
Racine and Wisconsin are the link to ancient civilizations and technologies, and the key to the Path of Souls.
Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, the Great Deception and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement enforced with the Mark of the Beast, 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.
The layers of control, deception and contingency, and the resources of those involved are infinite.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
What did Jesus Christ warn of and promise to The World?
Posted automatically (#76475) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@brandnewset: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
People are being prepared. They are being prepared through watching to movies and absorbing the predictive programming and cultural conditioning within them. Movies don't come about by the tooth fairy giving you warnings.
bungled ago
American good old boys would be labeled 'insurgents' and the international community, including Israel (our greatest ally) would provide tech and manpower to oppose them.
Imagine the entire world sitting around wagging their finger at the Americans who were bold enough to make a stand.
13Buddha ago
A million thanks and a big God Bless to you, @gamepawn.
AtomicDixie ago
"...socialism had endured throughout history, usually in the form of one or another Christian heresy. It gives expression to the gnostic urge to rebel — the rebellion of the educated against the constraints imposed by Creation and by God. In earlier periods, when of course the socialist label was not used, it could be identified by its insistent, unvarying emphasis on certain goals: the destruction of private property and of the traditional or 'nuclear' family; and above all, the dismemberment of traditional, or orthodox religion. Throughout history, the phenomenon has been obsessed with material equality, and with the eradication of individual and gender distinctions. It wars incessantly against the normal. A 'striving for self-destruction,' for nothingness, for the “death of mankind,” is the true goal of socialism. Instinctively, without stating it or even seeing it as the conscious goal, the socialist phenomenon seeks the death of the human race."
(Google Sobran, The Hive, Hum of Hate)
fogdryer ago
lol the media would write the narrative ie gov. being the heros.
3141592653 ago
Could someone explain the PG connection for those who havent watched the videos?
gamepwn ago
This is talking about the same elites who do pizzagate and what their endgame is.
3141592653 ago
Thank you
It's good, but I think we are being processed satanically and ritually before they act out some Sodom and Gomorrah fantasy by staging nuclear war - just like they acted out their destruction of the temple fantasy by destroying the twin towers on 9/11.
I am talking 100s of millions of dead in the initial stage of nuclear destruction, and billions of dead through famine, war and pestilence in the aftermath
gamepwn ago
I agree with you, they are processing us satanically and ritually first. All our media is their test on us.
Even if not nuclear war they will create ether a plague or figure out some destructive way of depopulation. Have you noticed how many apocalyptic movies and shows have been coming out? Apocalyptic fiction has been booming and I wonder why. These Hollywood fucks could very well be telling us our demise.
I created this to showcase what a virus would look like. Another catastrophic scenario to cause massive depopulation.
I have no doubt if a pandemic happened it was not natural and man made. The elites will have their own cure as the world suffers and withers away.
There were so many 9/11 clues in various facets of entertainment, media and culture before they did 9/11, that I think if we looked at all this apocalyptic fiction with that in mind we could predict when they are going to detonate the nukes.
This has only dawned on me since pizzagate broke, but I think the apocalypse could be between now and 2024.
fogdryer ago
yep, and I missed everyone as did my spouse. He is a crazy moviegoer! I am not
gamepwn ago
God I hope your wrong but apart of me feels like it's coming. We can only continue to wake up the world in order to stop the madness before the madness consumes us all. Their world afterword would be literal hell on Earth.
I don't think they mind some truth getting about the media casting spells (aka propaganda, lies, misinfo) on the public. They know that we are spellbound too, watching how they exercise their power over the programmed sheep in mortified horror.
ShaneE11183386 ago
Their will be no "civil war"
Maybe an insurgency of sorts.
Multiple reasons why their wont be
95 percent of people wont get off there couches.
One side has all the trained men and women and weapons
Bern666 ago
Communism is a written (satanic) script for control. You may see it as bad....but ask yourself who is really falling? Is it a goal for you to keep the genes (alive) of the fallen (communists)? Why not just let them kill their offspring-’/do drugs for free/paid...wouldnt just they be gone in a heartbeat?
As in fascism....who dies in a war? The same thought form can be applied on the far right. They want war.....give it to neutral we can build/sell as many weapons you want.
Dont you see? YOU are STILL fighting against each other by Thoth...
From their view (harmony) is not welcomed, and dont you just act as planned?
AnotherRedditRefugee ago
I have no idea (why) you THINK...... talking like / this is a (good) idea....
Try just being normal for us will you.
Bern666 ago
Normal (harmony) in thought~natures law....are you normal?
Who in their clear minds use a product called (makeup)....mirror mirror on the wall...(occult)
Did you know someone did invent the mirror.....isnt it funny?
AnotherRedditRefugee ago
You are either an A class troll (high effort) or you..... have some kind OF schizophrenia.
Either way (I) am entertained.... (sort of).
eucalyptus_spearmint ago
Great are the lulz
Piscina ago
If they're talking about a civil war, they're already putting the idea into our minds, and they're warning us about their plans.
Witsend ago
Appreciate your work on this OP.
gamepwn ago
Thank you!
ALIENS2222 ago You may like this convo I had with Admiral Enchilada this evening. It is exactly along the lines of the content you provided. You should include the DEAGLE info that I put in this link as it is very relevent to your point here.
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/HDLunited comment by @ALIENS2222.
Posted automatically (#76495) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@gamepwn: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @ALIENS2222)
Madwack ago
I can share this....the whole thing?
gamepwn ago
Go ahead!
Lavender7 ago
drhitler ago
Here is the endgame, they want everyone replaced with robots and once they have enough robots taking jobs they'll introduce a UBI but to get it you have to be sterilized.
Then they just wait it out til everyone who has no use in society dies off and they win.
Shillaxe ago
Who's gonna fix the robots ?
drhitler ago
scrap and make a new one
Shillaxe ago
So now they need someone to mine more metal to make more robots... , make new circuit boards & all those peeps need more people to provide goods n services. Its a totally flawed plan , even if AI takes over , it too would need people to maintain it.
I recently read Hitler injected so much morphine and meth hus doctor had difficult times finding a good vein.
drhitler ago
did you read, scrap
mining bots, etc etc, why is a 2 month old post i made so much concern to you?
Shillaxe ago
And AI bots to fix the scrap bots ... If bots get advanced enough to not need humans well, I dont think there going to leave rich people or Nazi fags.
fogdryer ago
they will keep the strong for what needs they have. they will be slaves eternally...………...
Heebro ago
Eat the rich.
Blacksmith21 ago
No one wants a civil war. But it is our duty to be prepared for a civil war - mind, body, soul, bullets and beans.
Lansing-Michigan ago
Civil war is mentioned from time to time.Don't see it myself. Programming? The elites want the people to fight so they can make US even more enslaved? By the way, Patriot Act was renewed. Like we really need for our phone calls and emails to be monitored. But somehow we still have school shootings etc. ......=....Agenda.
gamepwn ago
Exactly. Be prepared for it don't hope for it as a way of change.
fogdryer ago
just asking--------------how do you see a change possible
gamepwn ago
If it comes down to it a revolution. The elites are our enemy not our fellow man which is why I said the elites want a civil war. I hope there is White Hats out there, that Q is real but if not we all have to come together to stop them.
fogdryer ago
The elites have the most to loose. Giving up that kinda money/ power isn’t easy. I see them with the advantage we won’t have “things” on our side.
They have the money, control of everything etc
The1stLantern ago
Your post doesnt explain anything. Why would civil war be an "endgame"? What do they have to gain? How does this help their plans? What gaurentees their survival? In ever SIM ever run, one side wins, and its the side that wants pedo elite to hang. Explain your theory.
gamepwn ago
I'm not talking about people vs the elite. I'm talking people vs each other. Once a massive civil war comes in Martial Law will follow. Marital Law will lead into an NWO.
The1stLantern ago
Martial law would go no where. The govt knows it cannot win a straight up fight against the people. Thus, you will NEVER see a civil war. Go ahead and jump on tube and look up anon Red team planner.
gamepwn ago
Do you remember Jade Helm? Don't be so sure it will never happen.
The1stLantern ago
I understand, and yes, I followed it - Corbett did a piece on it. I'm not saying they don't practice, hell there are war plans in place in case we have to attack our own current allies.
What I'm saying is you'll never see a real bugaloo at this point that is orchestrated by Them (organic.. Maybe?) Bc in every scenario, they lose control and power.
gamepwn ago
It it ever goes down and a New World Order occurs we will back tooth and nail. They will loose control and power. I created this one to inspire morale.
derram ago : : : : : : :
This has been an automated message.JPG
brandnewset ago
Wise words, wise post. Listen up and share goats.
Not a coincidence OWS 2019 - we are the 99% freaked out the leets - as they have been dividing us ever since.
BannedTruth18 ago
The Root of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged by the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing is Racine, Wisconsin.
Donald Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World to enable the Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin.
Racine is the Model for Smart Cities, 5G+ AI, Resilient Communities, Community Policing, the World Core Curriculum and Sustainability.
Prince Charles is the Sustainable Prince, and Racine is closely connected with the United Nations to enable the Agenda with the Pilgrims Society, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Council of 13, Majestic 12 and other elite groups used to protect and enforce global criminal corruption along with think tanks to influence policy including Aspen Institute and Brookings Institution for example.
What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know and why?
What is The Parousia?
Bern666 ago
The only (change) in none! they will always work for their cause.
You have lived in this system for a long long time....isnt it so?
Coming/core WE are already here.
BannedTruth19 ago
We know what everyone here combined does not, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.
We have exposed the Root, the Model, the Great Deception, the Agenda, the Mark, and The Truth since The Beginning.
We are the reason why the False Prophet Q Anon was created.
Neither Jeff Epstein nor Seth Rich are dead. They are both Knights of Pythias connected to the Root in Racine.
The Podestas and Emanuels were made in Racine along with leaders from all major parties.
The Clintons made The Deal to endorse Sustainability and Community Policing in Racine.
The Bushes made The Deal to endorse Sustainability, the World Core Curriculum and the Global Interfaith Alliance in Racine.
Even Mayor Pete was in Racine connected with the Knights of Malta and Dominicans before his sudden rise to power.
All sides are controlled through Racine.
We are Here for a Reason.
We are the Most Censored of All for a Reason.
The Rothschilds are in Racine. Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name was Bauer. They are also in Racine.
Racine and Wisconsin are the link to ancient civilizations and technologies, and the key to the Path of Souls.
Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil, the Great Deception and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement enforced with the Mark of the Beast, 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.
The layers of control, deception and contingency, and the resources of those involved are infinite.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
What did Jesus Christ warn of and promise to The World?
What is The Parousia?
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.
Posted automatically (#76475) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@brandnewset: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
gamepwn ago
Thank you. Just want people to be prepared for the future. These evil horrific people will stop at no lengths.
People are being prepared. They are being prepared through watching to movies and absorbing the predictive programming and cultural conditioning within them. Movies don't come about by the tooth fairy giving you warnings.