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AdmiralEnchilada ago

There is no peaceful solution

Civil war 2024

ALIENS2222 ago

I fear you may be correct Admiral. I want you to be a wrong as 2 boys touching eachother but I fear you are correct.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

I wish i was wrong too, cause im probably gonna fuckin die, but you can only hide from fire for so long

ALIENS2222 ago FYI. Well never nedlessly throw your life away. Nothing worse for the enemy than unknown smiling 'allies' working against them from behind the scenes. Its called being the Partisans... Le Resistance. Stuff like that. Its better to bend like a reed and still be standing than stand tall like an oak and have your roots riped out by the wind and die.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Oh I know brother, my great grandmother was a Spy in WW2 for Norway in German Occupied areas of Denmark

I dont want to throw my life away, nor will I, but the Reed Snaps back with Force

I know what I will Kill For

I know what I Will Die For

My lines in the Sand have already been crossed

So Im calling for War as an American Citizen

This country is for Americans

So I'm calling on my CountryMen to Stand when the time is Right

There Are Glow Niggers out there, but so long as you are my CountryMen, you will never be alone.

I aint French

My Knee is Unbent

Civil War 2024

It aint a prediction

I am calling on my CountryMen

ALIENS2222 ago

Thing is this is the deepest desire of the Deepstate and the bankers. If a civil war starts they will will IMMEDIATELY. The US will be a smoking ruin and the rest of the world will have looted our wealth in the process. Doubt me? Well think again! All finance and functioning companies will make a hasty exit to China/eastern Europe/SE asia. This has already begun and will accelerate. All banking and finance will freeze. This means the end of debt based food produciton and the end of truck based food transport. This means the end of all cities of any appreciable size and the end of the people living in them. Sounds great right? Wrong. They won't die, they will be on your doorstep. TENS OF THOUSANDS of them. They will be directed by foreign nations like China and Russia and the EU and Mexico etc. They will do it with money and food and promises of safety and promises of security. Come to our FEMA camp they will say. There is food they will say and EVERYONE will go. The very few who do not go will be so far between they will be easy pickings. This is me and you.

This literally is the plan. Have you ever heard of Deagle's prediction of world populations by 2025? Its pretty interesting.

Just look around what this deep-state wet dream is all about. Don't forget to read all the stuff at the bottom in pink. They literally lay it out for us. It used to be 50 million. Now we are up to 99 million after Trump was elected. That literally is the end of all cities in the nation. If that happens we will literally be colinized by the the 3rd world. I know you think you will shoot them all but you WON'T its not possible. It will be like fucking Starship Troopers if need be. Remember, the rest of the world will NOT BE FIGHTING. They will be maneuvering and profiting while we murder eachother. Black on white, Mexican on black, Women on men, libtard on conservative, rural vs urban, The UN and the EU and Canada and Russia and CHina and Mexico will divide up the nation and manage it since we obviously cant stop killing eachother. Our military and police and all gov employees that can carry a gun will be coopted into this force. Don't give me that bullshit about how the military will stand down. BULLSHIT. They will do what they are told or they will be shot. They will shoot YOU or they will be shot and replaced. I promise you they will do what they are told.

This is what you are calling for. You are literally helping the enemy. Read the Georgia Guidestones. HOW. WOULD. YOU. GET. THERE. from here. What I wrote above is how it is going to be done.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Words of a pussy

You Cant Win A Game You Dont Play

Of Course They Want A Game

Get your Kids In The Military

Honor Our Vets

And Rise When They Rise

They Have An Oath To Keep

As Does Every Man

Novus Ordo Seclorum

It doesnt Mean what ((( They))) think it Means

They Win If We Do Nothing

But The Blood Will Be Your Childs Blood On A Muslim Blade

I Remember

Do You?

ALIENS2222 ago

Pussy huh? I lived through a civil war ... That is all I need to say now isn't it. I survived economic collapse and civil war for nearly a decade. I know exactly what it is and why it happens and what is going on behind the scenes because I have been there. I have literally eaten rat meat on a daily basis and was glad to have it. That is what a civil war is. Rat meat.

AdmiralEnchilada ago


Starvation and Death

Thats Why Americans Stick Together

Are You An American? Have You Taken The Oath And Forsworn All Other Allegiances?

Or Are You A Foreigner In Our Lands?

Its Your Choice

Choose Wisely

This Aint The Old World Buddy

ALIENS2222 ago Looks like I am on the right track.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yeah Dude

Thats been KNOWN since the 80s

Since before I was Born

Did you know the Satanic Panic was kicked off by a pedophile ring being busted in DC? That the kids said they were forced to kill and eat other kids before being Raped?

And the MSM Flipped the Scrip


"These Little ones had Nightmares from Dungeons and Dragons"

And the MSM Never reported on it again, but the pimp is still in government cause

He only supplied a location, he did not participate

But we do need parental ratings on videogames