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letsdothis3 ago


The Trump Administration is considering a very disturbing proposal that would use Big Tech companies including Google, Amazon, and Apple to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to “violent behavior”.

Naturally, a new federal agency will be created to implement this program. The push to create this new agency – called the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency or HARPA – began two years ago, reports The Washington Post..

Trump is reportedly a big fan of the HARPA proposal.

HARPA would be part of the Health and Human Services Department. Its director would be appointed by Trump, and the agency would have a separate budget, according to The Post. The agency would be modeled on another controversial federal agency – DARPA.

The way data will be collected for the project is very troubling.

The Post spoke to some people who have knowledge of the project. One of them is Geoffrey Ling, who is the lead scientific adviser on HARPA. Ling is also a founding director of DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office. He explained that the project will use “volunteer data” to identify “neurobehavioral signs” of “someone headed toward a violent explosive act”.

...Everybody would be a volunteer? What does Ling mean, exactly? The Post article does not clarify, but it does emphasize that the project would not collect an individual’s information without their permission. By “permission” do they mean that because users generally agree to allow companies like Google and Apple to share their private information when they accept terms and conditions, HARPA would have access to your private data whether you want them to or not? Is this some kind of “permission by proxy” scam?

HARPA is another sign that social credit systems and gun confiscation are coming.

This sounds a lot like a component of a social credit system, doesn’t it? Eta Onrish described how this works and the role Big Tech plays in the article Forget 1984, We’re Facing a Brave New World

Gun confiscation really is coming, and it doesn’t seem to be a partisan issue anymore.

Red flag gun laws, the NRA being labeled a terrorist organization, the Trump Administration’s support of HARPA’s agenda, and presidential candidates openly admitting they will confiscate guns if elected are all signs that we are truly heading down a terrifying dystopian path.