3141592653 ago

Is SIECUS using this book as part of their sex-ed?

Geo_synchronous ago




The culture war has a new home: the cable a la carte debate.

A sex-education group is coming under strong attack from a conservative quarter for opposing efforts to require cable operators to sell programming on an a la carte basis.

The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States is fighting a la carte mandates, claiming that they would threaten the survival of niche networks that need the subscriber exposure afforded by large tiers.

However, Concerned Women for America, in a strongly worded statement posted on its Web page Friday (www.cwfa.org/articles/6171/CFI/pornography/index.htm), said SIECUS was using the a la carte issue to advance an agenda of favoring unrestrained sex education over teen-abstinence programs.

“We’re not surprised to see the sex-with-kids lobby weighing in on the cable choice debate,” said Robert Knight, director of CWA’s Culture & Family Institute. “After all, they know how much of an ally television has been in destroying children’s innocence and setting them up for premature sex. Although they pay lip service to worrying about minority-themed channels, the real agenda is to keep the sex flowing to kids and, particularly, the homosexual programming.”

With 500,000 members, CWA is a right-of-center group that wants the federal government to prosecute pornographers and promote ways to restrict children’s access to indecent TV programming.

CWA has voiced support for greater a la carte cable options endorsed by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.). The Federal Communications Commission is preparing an a la carte report for Congress due Nov. 18.

SIECUS spokeswoman Adrienne Verrilli said her group is repeatedly attacked by CWA, so the clash over a la carte was no surprise.

“CWA is a right-wing organization primarily advancing a very anti-women agenda,” Verrilli said. “They’re anti-choice, they’re anti-family planning, they don’t support sexuality education, they don’t support the Family Leave Act, and the list goes on and on and on.”

Founded in 1964, SIECUS argues that teen-abstinence programs, if not combined with sex education, are ineffective in combating teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Earlier in the month, SIECUS filed comments with the FCC saying that a la carte “would have a significant negative impact” on networks that cater to “women, minorities, gays and lesbians and non-English-language speakers.”

SIECUS was one of dozens of organizations contacted for a la carte help by Oxygen Media chairman and CEO Geraldine Laybourne, an outspoken critic of tier unbundling.

“We spoke with Oxygen about channel choice, or whatever it is, and we are very supportive of their programming and their network and feel that it is very important that programming stays diversified,” Verrilli said.

Knight said SIECUS was using the a la carte issue to frustrate efforts to promote abstinence until marriage.

“Clearly, this position on cable choice is an indication that SIECUS wants to keep parents from standing between their children and the SIECUS version of ‘age-appropriate’ sexual information,” he added

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

facebook - https://archive.is/5cMU7

comprehensivesexualityeducation.org - https://archive.is/gF32K

medium - https://archive.is/jN24P

cplaction - https://archive.is/84HTx

friendsjournal - https://archive.is/WXn6R

wiki - https://archive.is/sFvQV and https://archive.is/LdKuA

siecus.org - https://archive.is/47vsX

stopthekinseyinstitute.org - https://archive.is/Mz72K

lifesitenews - https://archive.is/H1sst

fsmn - https://archive.is/yqJ6U

htracyhall.org - https://archive.is/GKBj5

4liberty.org - https://archive.is/ElyhJ

michaelemberley - https://archive.is/n7aVe

septimasexta ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for all the hard work.

siegnagel ago

Fucking freaks have been getting away with this shit under the guise of 'research' for years. I took A level Psychology in 1996 in the UK. After having to learn about Freud and his BS I left, it just got worse. I think I stuck it for around two months. No wonder people turn into sexual deviants when it's preached in the education system as being scientific fact.

septimasexta ago

Satan worshippers are trying to recreate the Roman Empire of Jesus' day. This time they are building with a higher level of technology. Don't worry, it will collapse too. We are pilgrims passing through to the real kingdom. James 4:4-10 KJV https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/James-4-7/

septimasexta ago

Meanwhile, I'm headed to PORT BLUE.....


FYI: I am somewhere in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmAbcDud2L8

Adam Young, the "Port Blue" artist (also known as Owl City) wrote a song, "Galaxies" inspired by the launch sequence of the Challenger disaster. Evidently, his mother was pregnant with him at the time. His parents talked about the Challenger as he was growing up. Adam became a Christian, so know you will understand the words.....

"Lyrics: Call back the cap-com,

Tick off the time-bomb,

Let felicity fly!

Armour the airlock,

Blanket the bedrock,

And kiss the planet goodbye!

Dear God, I was terribly lost,

When the galaxies crossed,

And the Sun went dark.

Dear God, You're the only North Star,

I would follow this far.

[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/o/ow... ]

Fight back the flight deck,

Bring on the breakneck,

Cue the solar eclipse!

Summit the sunset,

Dubtail the dragnet,

And blow your backbone to bits!

Dear God, I was terribly lost,

When the galaxies crossed,

And the Sun went dark.

Dear God, You're the only North Star,

I would follow this far.

Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,

Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.

Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,

'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.

For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies!

He is the saving grace of the Galaxies"


septimasexta ago

"Alligator Sky" is also about the Challenger disaster.


beefartist ago

It is hard for people addicted to the dual income lifestyle but for anyone "woke" enough to be reading voat: if you still have kids or are going to put kids in the public school system you CANNOT in good conscience.

septimasexta ago

No pain, no gain. Home schooling requires sacrifice, but you and your children will be well rewarded.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

QCrumbCatcher ago

Can you elaborate on what point you're trying to make here?

beefartist ago

Sure; if you are reading this and you have kids in public school, or plan on putting kids in public school, give your fucking head a shake.

QCrumbCatcher ago

It's more complicated than that. What do you propose someone do with kids heading to public school and stuck as wagies? You can't simply quit and homeschool and private schools are mini colleges in terms of tuition costs.

septimasexta ago

Order A Beka Home school videos. Excellent college prep K-12. A great way to start. They do all the work for you. Complete grades around $1,500 or less. DO IT!

beefartist ago

It isn't. You either care enough to make it a priority and make it happen with homeschooling or keep lying to yourself that you "just can't afford to".

QCrumbCatcher ago

Fair enough.


Would love to know how many of those pushing that are Jewish...

Pizzagate 101




Newfag rundown on the players


It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker


Comet ping pong connection


Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further


On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail


And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL


Comet ping pong false flag shooter



HRC Moloch sacrifice chicken. Comet Ping Pong #ChickenLover


Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL


Men Who Hate Women: The Franklin Scandal and the Truth About Our Leaders





Unknown source, NSFL



They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband


It's all about the adrenochrome


Justin Beiber snaps because he was (((pimped out)))


Child actress Heather Orourkes, 12,  raped to death by (((Hollywood executives))).


The Child-Rape (((Assembly Line)))


The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System



Sex trafficking of children on YouTube


More #pizzagate






Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet


Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate


Israel children farming


Allister Crowley and human sacrifice


letsdothis3 ago

This is the other other Michael Emberley: https://www.michaelemberley.com/about-me/

He's got that pedo beard that gives them away.

grantedrights ago

pedo beard seriously @truthseeker3000 @trustthetruth if u want alert people to @wisconsin_is_corrupt .. there is a plethora of johnson&johnson scandals in MSM press right now > asbestos in talkum et. al !

@nomochomo this info needs to get out via closedsociety404 method

" @Men13 3 points (+3|-0) 8.8 hours ago (edited 8.6 hours ago)

you need to remember that the damage of trans culture isn't in the actual subversion of people into trans. Their % is too low in the population to actually affect anything.

The damage is in forcing the entire population to believe and say things they know are wrong.

Think of Picard's "there are 4 lights!" episode (star trek). This is how you psychologically control people: force them by threat and fear to parrot and believe things they know are wrong. You don't need to make whites trans for that - you can just take the weakest of society. "

all this info will only bring fruition if we find a set of common goals ..


The_Real_Wahrheit ago

FYI I think WI is Corrupt has shifted names and I can't remember the current one but go have a look here on Voat (maybe search "Pilgrim" or something like that that is rare otherwise, but often mentioned by WI). Exact same writing style and themes. Love WI and glad there was a replacement!

Piscina ago

Actually, it's both: forcing people to buy into their delusions AND indoctrinating kids into trans. Children experiencing teenage angst or depression are now being labelled as 'gender dysphoric' and being referred to gender clinics for hormone blockers and surgery. The kids who get put on puberty blockers stay stuck on Tanner stage 2 and lose all sexual feelings, forever. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/04/21220/

carmencita ago

I so agree. These teachings now will confirm in their brains what we all know is wrong. They are looking to be told that what they believe they are- well - that it’s ok. And what they are doing is ok. NOpe

Piscina ago

I thought I read on Robie Harris's website that Emberley was the illustrator. They are as bad as each other. Gross.

Emberley looks like a porn-sick dude who got his rocks off doing those illustrations.

letsdothis3 ago

This is one of the author's of the book Robie H. Harris https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robie_Harris

Want to bet she's transgender?

Piscina ago

I don't think it's a man but a money-grubbing old witch.

letsdothis3 ago

SIECUS, UNESCO and Lucis Trust:

The World Core Curriculum and your children

Robert Mu[e]ller, for 40 years was the UN guru [google him] and he received, in 1989, the UNESCO Peace Education Prize. He and others mentioned later were involved in the UNESCO led World Core Curriculum.

Alice Bailey claimed to have had her ideas channelled to her by someone called The Tibetan, later called DK, known as Djwahl Kuhl whom any scholar knows is a variant of the devil. The point is – it is her philosophy which is underpinning Robert Mueller and it is Robert Mueller who is underpinning the WCC.

Bailey attempted suicide three times before the age of 15. She was married to an Episcopalean minister, broke with him, was channelled through the Theosophy Society and formed the Lucifer Trust, later to be renamed the Lucis Trust

..“Harmony through conflict”. Two opposed views, funded by the money, leading to war and out of it come synthesis and harmony. Perpetual war.

And there are others of the same mindset, the same aim. Dr. Brock Chisholm, former director of WHO, held these views of how things were to be

Lord Bertrand Russell joined with the Frankfurt School in their effort at mass social engineering and spilled the beans in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote: ‘Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development.’ The importance of mass psychology ‘has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at.

First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray . When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

The judge held that the girl’s Christian views were “too sincerely held” and needed to be “mixed among other world views”. And what views did the parents object to?

To the UNESCO undersigned SIECUS agreement, which stated:

Mary Calderone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Calderone

During this time she interned at hospitals and clinics, one belonging to Dr. Frank A. Calderone, whom she married in 1941.[1] Frank Calderone was then a district health officer in New York and eventually became the chief administrative officer of the World Health Organization.

letsdothis3 ago

Check out Robert Muller, founder of the “World Core Curriculum”, Lucis Trust https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2664867/13497111

septimasexta ago

This is now called "Common Core Curriculum." Dr. Benjamin Bloom's communist TAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: AFFECTIVE DOMAIN laid the groundwork for this in the early 1950's. It is a conspiracy.


TrustTheTruth ago

Racine, Wisconsin is the “ROOT” of All Evil and Model for the Real Agenda.

Where did they meet to establish the World Core Curriculum?

Racine, Wisconsin

In an article in the January 25, 1989 issue of Education Week Chester E. Finn, Jr, former

head of the U.S. Department of Education's research branch, told business leaders in Wash-

ington that he favored the development of a "national curriculum."

Rushworth Kidder, president of the Institute for Global Ethics with offices in Camden,

Maine, and London, England, wrote Reinventing the Future: Global Goals for the 21st Century,

published by The Christian Science Publishing Society (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1989)

which covered the dialogue between 35 notables from 12 nations gathered at "Wingspread"

in Racine, Wisconsin in April of 1989. The Christian Science Monitor, the Johnson Foundation

and the University of Maryland-Baltimore County sponsored the event. In his book Kidder

stated that the conference included "everything that sounded like a reasonable goal for the

year 2000," among which were the following: "Educate children in the context of one world;

Develop educational curricula that reflect the realitites of global interdependence; Promote

community service; Inculcate a healthy skepticism for authority; Reduce the share of GNP

(Gross National Product) devoted to military spending; and Strengthen the role of the United

Nations and other multilateral forums."

What is the Racine model of the world core curriculum to control the population from Cradle 2 Career 2 Grave and beyond?

Higher Expectations

What is the Racine model for Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) to forge the Agenda with the Great Deception?

Sustainable Racine

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name and who runs Higher Expectations?

Why are the Rothschilds so closely connected to Racine and Wisconsin, and what is their involvement in Racine Community Foundation?

What is the Foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030?

Sustainability (Satan’s Ability)

Where did the Podestas get their big break into art and politics?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where was Jeff Epstein Knighted with Pythias?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where was the founder of Rotary International from?

Racine, Wisconsin

Racine is the Root of All Evil and model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

What is the Clinton’s Model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where did Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World before declaring himself “the chosen one”?

Racine, Wisconsin

Is The World ready to Repent and Know Jesus Christ and The Truth?

We Know what everyone here combined does not.

We Know what no AI could ever Know.

The Truth has been shared with all since The Beginning.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

septimasexta ago

Is Racine an Astor (old American Fur Company) strong hold? Mormon? Both?

TrustTheTruth ago


Gilbert Knapp who founded Racine, Wisconsin worked directly for John Jacob Astor

What is the role of the Pilgrims Society and what were the first Corporate Nations?

The Mormon religion split long ago and the Strangite faction is near Racine including the Voree plates.

It is part of the One World Religion and New World Order that Racine is the model for.

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?


What religion is Kristin Bauer van Straten and what roles does she almost exclusively play?

Who is she related to and why did she change her name?

Where are the Rothschilds in America?

How is Racine directly linked to the Pilgrims Society?

Who is John Jeffry Louis?

Who was Mitt Romney named after and who was the quarterback of Racine’s NFL team?

What are Unitarianism, Scientology, Kabbalah and OTO?

Who are the Dominicans?

Who are the Knights of Pythias and Royal Order of Jesters?

Who did the Podestas meet with in Racine to get their big break into art and politics?

What is Eugenics?

What is Population Control?

What religion was Frank Lloyd Wright?

What was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List?

What was the Symposium on International Human Rights Education?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

Who is the Sustainable Prince?

How are executives in Racine directly linked to the real definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

Why did Paul Ryan, Reiner Priebus and Scott Walker all resign following a spree of sudden resignations in Racine?

What does The Deal Trump made enable?

What is Cellebrite and how is it used in Racine’s model for Community Policing?

How is Celebrity used and why did Chris Kutcher back out of the I-94 Project?

What plan was foiled on The Voice with John Legend and why?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

From this post: The 'sex educator' who gave a TED talk on pizza and sex works for an ivy league feeder school in Philly. University of Pennsylvania, anyone? >>>> 


Pizza-sex teacher Al Vernacchio -- revealed the Quaker Friends schools' connection to Pedogate -- via Mary Calderone, Planned Parenthood, and The Kinsey Institute:

Al Vernacchio wrote in 2013:

many outstanding sexuality educators among Friends, the work of Mary Calderone, Eric Johnson, and Peggy Brick deserves special note.

He noted Mary Calderone was:

  • Medical director at Planned Parenthood Federation of America

  • Founder of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)


Today, SIECUS’s website directs people to the Kinsey Institute for more information on children's sexuality education ! :

SIECUS: "For more information on comprehensive sexuality education, try these websites"

For those unfamiliar, The Kinsey Institute and pedophilia:

http://stopthekinseyinstitute.org/10-questions/ ; archive

https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/one-womans-quest-to-expose-the-pedophile-alfred-kinsey-and-his-demented-sex ; archive


Third grade (age eight) sex ed, guided by SIECUS at Friends School of Minnesota, sounds like grooming:

"understand that touch can be pleasurable but is uncomfortable when forced"


From one 1968 anti-SIECUS/anti-Mary Calderone pamphlet that was widely distributed:

However, the thrust of SIECUS is to get the most sex information to the child as early as possible to ostensibly counteract what Dr. Calderone describes as misinformation children learn from parents….(p. 2)....Her answer to the 'question, "How can I judge if our sex-education courses are good?" is an amazing, **"I'm afraid that parents cannot exercise judgments as to quality in terms of content because most parents are not qualified. Even many doctors are not qualified," she declares, "except to judge

the accuracy of the biological and physiological content. But the

emotional and behavior content requires a different kind of judgment"** (p. 3)

Source - PDF: "Sex Education in the Schools" by Gordon Drake

SearchVoatBot ago

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septimasexta ago

Dr. Reisman was a good friend of a fellow education researcher. She endured much persecution for her original expose of Kinsey and his pedophile research. She is the real deal.

"In her book Kinsey: Crimes and Consequence, Dr. Reisman explains how since the '60s The Kinsey Institute was determined to incorporate Kinsey's philosophy into sex education material for children. They partnered with Planned Parenthood to achieve this objective. Dr. Reisman exposes how it was Kinsey's research that claimed that children are sexual and potentially orgasmic from birth and are unharmed by incest and adult-child sex and often benefit from such activity. His influence also inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine.

So all of this sexual psychopathology is what started sexual education? Apparently, yes. Kinsey's research (which was funded by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION) led him to draw the conclusion that children are "sexual beings" from birth."


letsdothis3 ago

Hefner worked for the intelligence services. Both Playboy and Penthouse magazines originated from them. All part of the plan to bring in the degeneration of society and open up channels for the blackmailing network.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago


3141592653 ago


septimasexta ago
