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From HDI site :

It’s 1998. Three guys are in the back of a bus riding through the horror and devastation of post-genocide Rwanda.It’s the fourth stop of an around the world trek taking a hard look at the effectiveness of U.N. peacekeeping. The group of three social entrepreneurs has already decided to kick-start a new non-profit dedicated to helping the disenfranchised and dispossessed around the world, and one that would be run on business principles, just like that Wall Street start-up called the Robin Hood Foundation.

...Robin Hood Foundation's Business Principles:

Founded in 1988, Robin Hood was conceived by hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones and co-founded with Peter Borish and Glenn Dubin.[6][7][8][9]

The foundation combines investment principles and philanthropy to assist programs that target poverty in New York City. In 2006, the board of directors included such names as Jeffrey Immelt, Diane Sawyer, Harvey Weinstein, Marie-Josee Kravis, Lloyd Blankfein, of Goldman Sachs, Richard S. Fuld, Jr., formerly of Lehman Brothers, Glenn Dubin, of Highbridge Capital, Marian Wright Edelman and actress Gwyneth Paltrow.[10]

Funding for the organization's activities comes from donations and fund raising efforts. In 2009, George Soros gave the foundation a US$50 million contribution. The money reportedly helped the organization raise significantly more than that amount.[11] In 2001 The Concert for New York City provided funds for the organization. After Hurricane Sandy, the 12-12-12: The Concert for Sandy Relief concert also provided funds for the foundation's efforts.[12] Artists including The Rolling Stones, Robert Plant & The Strange Sensation, Shakira, John Legend, The Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, The Who and Aerosmith have performed at the group's annual fund raising galas.

Wiki on Robin Hood NYC


Major Hollywood Connection!!!!! Someone please archive these photos of Jay Leno, Charleze Therone, Jake Jillenhall, Idrus Elba, Paige Hathaway, and even Oscar at the HDI Global Creative Forum 2010/2011.

letsdothis3 ago

Hi @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS . I didn't get your ping. I think if you post a comment and then add our account names afterwards, the system will not ping us. I will certainly try to help with some archiving with any spare time I have (which isn't much unfortunately).

Global Creative Forum Guest Participants


Still learning thank you. Just making sure you all were aware as you had related research.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Appreciated.


The man at the podium with Bill and Demi (and in so many other GCF photos) is UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon

When UN peacekeepers were accused of sexual abuse in 2014, in the Central African Republic, Mr Ban’s administration turned on the whistleblower – who resigned in June, frustrated at “impunity”.

There were no fewer than 99 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by the “blue helmets” – as UN military personnel are nicknamed – last year, and there have been 25 new claims this year. And those are just the ones we know about.

Of 69 allegations of abuses levelled against UN peacekeepers in 2015, only 17 investigations were completed by January 2016 – and only one perpetrator was punished, with a nine-day suspension.

He will perhaps, however, be remembered most harshly for his handling of the Haiti cholera crisis, which begun in the autumn of 2010, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.

The outbreak killed more than 9,300 Haitians while infecting at least 780,000 overall. Cholera, not seen in Haiti for over a century, is now endemic – and experts determined that the source of the disease was a UN peacekeeping camp.

Ban Ki-moon says sexual abuse in UN peacekeeping is 'a cancer in our system’

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'm wondering if the name "Humpty Dumpty Institute" is an evil double entendre. Humpty Dumpty shattered into many pieces. They tried to put him back together again.

MK Ultra shatters minds and breaks people down, and an attempt is made to reassemble the shattered person in a fashion that suits their handlers best.

letsdothis3 ago

Another IMC Productions event: American Culture Ambassador Mary McBRide Concert Kiev Istanbul ART IN EMBASSIES connection...

Described on the HDI website:

The Humpty Dumpty Institute sponsored its fourth Music program of 2014 with The Mary McBride Band arriving in Baku, Azerbaijan on Monday, March 24. The group began its tour with a briefing by U.S. Embassy staff, a walk through the pedestrian areas and the waterfront in downtown Baku, and dinner at a traditional Azerbaijani restaurant, Firuza. ...

That evening, they performed their first concert at the Baku Jazz Center. The concert was attended by U.S. Ambassador Richard Morningstar and his wife Faith Morningstar, special guests and the general public. ..The following day the band traveled 200 miles from Baku to Sheki, a small city in northern Azerbaijan on the southern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain range, and performed at the Sheki State Drama Theater.

The band then traveled to Zaqatala, northwest of Sheki on the Tala River. The band and the Embassy staff drove through the mountains and cinematic scenes of trout farms and operating convents, which could be seen by the roadside. Upon their arrival at Zaqatala, they were met at the theater by the town's cultural director, who took them on a short walk through the 19th century town center, and through the ruins of an amazing 7th century Albanian church. The band played a concert to a sold-out, all-ages audience and was thrilled to be able to play music afterward with the Azeri musicians who were also in attendance. The following day the band drove to Barda, and played at a school in a village called Güloğlular.

The Embassy had learned about the school through Peace Corps volunteers who were working with students there, and arranged to have the group visit the school and play a short concert followed by tea prepared by the school staff. Kathy LaVista, one of the Peace Corps volunteers, wrote about the day in the AZLander, the Peace Corps-Azerbaijan publication:

"The band and PCVs jump into a van and we convoy to the village, following the cars with the education director, Excomm, secretaries and various other official looking people.There are a hundred schoolchildren in the yard holding signs and flowers and chanting,"Mareee, Mar-eee." The school director is there with her grown children who help us translate during our clubs, and all of the teachers are there along with parents, grandparents, and other villagers…After a short welcome speech by one of the children, a circle is formed and the Hokey Pokey finally happens. There is lots of laughter, especially when we "shake ourwhole selves all about." It's still a pretty conservative group out here, and it is fun to see the children loosen up a little and play with adults.The kids sing a couple of songs for the band, the band and the kids play Red Rover, and then the band sings a couple of songs for the kids. Afterwards, the children head home, and the adults sit at a beautifully set table outside near the trees, and we are graciously served samovar chai and cakes by the parents and faculty.A couple of reasonably short speeches are made commenting on the beauty of Mary McBride's voice and thanking the band for coming."

Following the tour, Mary McBride wrote to the school Director....

...On their final morning, the group had breakfast with U.S. Ambassador Morningstar and his wife Faith, who gave them a tour of their home and their art collection which they have assembled as part of their Art in Embassies Exhibition. In their exhibition catalogue, Ambassador and his wife wrote, "We chose Relationships as the theme of our Art in Embassies exhibition to recognize what is surely the most passionately felt issue in the hearts of Azerbaijanis today: the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the troubled relationship between Armenia and Azerbaijani.... We dedicate our exhibition to the Azerbaijani people, in support of the hopes, prayers and hard work we share as we join them in their search for a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict."

letsdothis3 ago

@NOMOCHOMO @think- see parent

letsdothis3 ago

We have performed Behind the

Eyes Musical with support of President of Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic Mr. Mustafa Akinci and Mrs. Meral Akinci. We are very thankful to them and gracious people of Cyprus.

IMC Productions Manager: Kemal Basar

Kemal Başar (born 25 October 1963) is a Turkish theatre director, drama teacher and translator. He finished MSU State Conservatory Theatre Section in 1989 and joined Turkish State Theatres in the same year. He was the artistic director of Ankara State Theatre and founder and manager of Turkish State Theatres International Affairs Office...He is well known in his country as the curator of international theatre festivals. He also holds seminars and workshops abroad, especially in Romania and Poland.

letsdothis3 ago

In-N-Out Burger connections:

Global Creative Forum :

The Global Creative Forum (GCF), a program of the Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI) builds bridges between the United Nations and the entertainment industry (film, television, music, internet and social media). IMC Production chosen by Humpty Dumpty Institute to organize Global Creative Forum in an international location.The Global Creative Forum’s yearly summit, a program in partnership with Capian Enterprises, welcomes the most senior members of the United Nations to Los Angeles to interact with key decision makers in the entertainment industry to discuss world issues and potential solutions.

Events include with In-N-Out Burger :

İn-n-Out Burger tanıtım etkinlikleri Kiev İstanbul Dubai St Petersburg

IMC Production successfully offers all kinds of event organization, Festival, Corporate promotion, Concert, Shopping Mall activities. We bring many dance and show groups in our country with the advantage of our office in Ukraine and Dubai.


Finally, Ralph Cwerman, is president and chief executive

officer, co-founder and board member of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, HDI, a private non-governmental organization dedicated to enhancing ties between the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. Under Mr. Cwerman's leadership, the institute has brought hundreds of Members of Congress and their senior staff to U.N. headquarters, including myself, for private briefings. Previously, Mr. Cwerman served as senior vice president of MUUS Asset Management Company, LLC, and senior vice president of the United Nations Association of the United States. Prior to that, Mr. Cwerman served as director of research and speechwriter to Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu at Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations. He holds a bachelor's degree in Middle East studies from Tel Aviv University and a master's degree in international

affairs from Columbia University.

@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @letsdothis3 @think-

Vindicator ago

"Mark Epstein involved with eye art...young artists"

Someone needs to make some memes of this we can spread on Twitter. Unbelievable. Can they really be this dumb?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This stuff is just so creepy, It gets hard to read.

Thanks for digging all this up, nomo.


UN workshop on Religious Pluralism and Tolerance: The Bahrain Model: Thursday 3rd December 2015

The workshop has been sponsored by the intriguingly named Humpty Dumpty Institute (putting the pieces together again in a broken world) and working closely with the U.N. The delegates were mostly religious leaders from different faith traditions: Christian, Jewish, (a female rabbi working in Italy) Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu, as well as people connected with the Humpty Dumpty Institute. Sadly, neither Nancy Khedouri nor I were able to use the powerpoint presentations that we’d prepared. Apparently union rules require three people to operate the projector! The presentations were well received, despite this, and there were some interesting responses. I was particularly impressed by Daisy Khan from WISE (the Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality) whose organization is addressing, very publicly, Islamic extremism. I had a good conversation with Major Jim Betts from the Salvation Army, who was delighted to hear that the Salvation Army meet in the Cathedral compound and also with a thoughtful Buddhist nun, originally from Taiwan but who had studied marketing in Perth, Australia.

In the evening we went to dinner in the home of Mark Epstein, on the board of the Humpty Dumpty Institute and met a great variety of people: Congressional representatives, Ambassadors to the UN and others connected to the HDI. The home was the roof space on the top floor of an apartment block with an amazing view of the lit up Empire State Building, a large room with collections of grand pianos, hats, paintings and hunting trophies (moose and deer).

Humpty Dumpty Institute’s 50th Congressional Delegation: Friday 4th December 2015

Once again the Bahrain delegation was picked up by the faithful Bahrain Embassy driver, who was from Kinkiizi in south-west Uganda. He was delighted to see photos on my camera of his home area and of Bishop Dan Zoreka, whom he knew. We returned as observers this time of a meeting of representatives of Congress, all Democrats I think, and their legislative assistants, most of whom had been at last night’s dinner. Talking to Ralph Cwerman, the President and Chief Executive Officer of HDI, many Republicans regard the UN with deep distrust, despite its headquarters being in New York, because they believe it undermines US sovereignty.

We began by visiting the memorial to the slave trade, opened earlier this year. A number of presentations were given on conflict resolution by Christopher Coleman, and peace keeping by Herve Ladsous, the Head of Peacekeeping Operations, and a wide ranging and very impressive presentation was given by the Deputy Secretary General, Jan Eliasson, a former Swedish Foreign Minister, highlighting the importance of addressing so many issues with an international perspective: climate change, the refugee crisis, and organized crime – just three examples.


Mark Epstein isn't just a board member, he's HDI's "Vice Chairman"

Humpty Dumpty Institute's Mark Epstein just loves visiting and establishing partnerships with oppressive regimes! UAE, AbuDhabi, & China, Oh My!

Members of the Board of Directors and Staff of The Humpty Dumpty Institute traveled to the United Arab Emirates February 24-28 to discuss cooperation with Emirati humanitarian and academic institutions. Dr. Al Khalafalla, Chairman of the Board of Directors of HDI, led the delegation which included Board Member Mark Epstein, Associate Member Morgan DeNicola, Executive Director Joseph Merante, and Director of HDI's Higher Education Alliance Steve Ginther. In addition, Mr. Thorsten Jelenik, Director of the European Headquarters of The Taihe institute participated as a representative of HDI's Board Members based in China. The delegation had meetings in the Emirates of Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi.

Mark Epstein was involved in HDI sponsoring Pedro Pierlusi and his Wife on a trip to DC and NY in 2009

(Warning PDF)

Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia is a Puerto Rican attorney, lobbyist, and politician who served as de facto governor of Puerto Rico from August 2 to August 7, 2019, when the territory's Supreme Court ruled his assumption of office was unconstitutional.

(warning pdf)

Mark Epstein part of US Airforce + Thurgood Marshall delegation to visit China.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s (TMCF) programmatic activities are aligned to address the workforce diversity priorities of the Department of Defense (DoD) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) in three critical areas: research, higher education, and industry. Specifically, TMCF has devised a cost-effective recruitment and capacity building strategy that will: (1) increase the research capacity of underrepresented groups; (2) improve TMCF member-schools’ ability to attract, retain, and graduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students; and (3) identify and prepare a qualified STEM workforce.

The primary purpose of our mission to China in 2014 was to meet with higher education leaders and senior government and industry officials to generate support for the development of mutually beneficial partnerships with two to three world-class universities. We selected flagship universities that had the resources and expertise to contribute significantly to the creation of programs and innovative approaches to teaching and learning in STEAM. Like previous missions, this effort will facilitate our ability to transform the quality of academic programs in S & T

We then engaged our distinguished list of partners in planning and organizing our delegation to China, which included the leadership of the 100,000 Strong Foundation and the Humpty Dumpty Institute. The TMCF planned and executed the mission under the leadership of Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President and CEO of the TMCF. Dr. N. Joyce Payne, Senior International Affairs and STEAM Advisor to the President and Christopher Lopez, Executive Assistant to the President and Education Advisor prepared briefing materials, scheduled appointments and managed all aspects of the mission.


The delegation included:

Ralph L. Cwerman President & Co-Founder-The Humpty Dumpty Institute

Mark Epstein: Member of the Board of Directors-Humpty Dumpty Institute

Reverend Miao Hong (Hsiangju Liu): Member of the Board of Directors-Humpty Dumpty Institute

Carola McGiffert President

100 Strong Foundation

Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI): The TMCF established a partnership three years ago with the Higher Education Alliance (HEA) of HDI to better position TMCF and our member-universities in Asia and beyond. The HEA has a membership of more than 58 universities and a reach of nearly 500,000 students. They sponsored a wide range of educational programs designed to prepare a new generation of leaders in development and international cooperation.

100,000 Strong Foundation: Launched in 2013 by then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 100,000 Strong Foundation is an independent, bipartisan non-profit organization housed at the American University in Washington, DC. The Foundation’s mission is to strengthen US-China relations through Mandarin language learning and study abroad. The Foundation is leading a national movement to ensure that the next generation of Americans is equipped to engage effectively with China. They engage U.S. and Chinese government, business and academic communities to expand the number and diversity of Americans studying in China. It is an offshoot of the U.S. Department of State’s “100,000 Strong Initiative,” which aimed to achieve President Barack Obama’s call for 100,000 Americans to study in China by the end of last year.


letsdothis3 ago

Great digging. Where does one even start with this? 100,000 Strong Foundation

Kurt M. Campbell Vice-Chair

Kurt M. Campbell is Chairman and CEO of The Asia Group, Chairman of a Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and a Director for Standard Chartered Bank. From 2009-2013, he was Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. He received the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award and was recognized by the Queen with the Order of Australia and the New Zealand Order of Merit. Dr. Campbell was formerly the CEO of CNAS and director of the Aspen Strategy Group. He was the Senior Vice President and Kissinger Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), as well as an Associate Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School. He previously was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia at the Pentagon, a director on the NSC Staff, and deputy special counselor to the president for NAFTA.

Elizabeth Haenle is Co-founder and President of Sage Worldwide, an event and speaker consulting company based in Beijing, China. She is also the Founder of Elizabeth Haenle Weddings, Lifestyle and Events and serves as a director for Americans Promoting Study Abroad (APSA), a non-profit organization which provides American high school students the opportunity to study in China. Prior to starting two companies in China, Ms. Haenle worked at the White House as the Social Secretary and Residence Manager to the Vice President of the United States. Her main responsibilities included planning events globally for the U.S. President and Vice President.

Chris Cooper is Partner, CFO, and CCO for Sequoia Venture Capital.

Ambassador J. Stapleton (Stape) Roy is Founding Director Emeritus of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC and a Wilson Center Distinguished Scholar.


I'm wondering if the HDI had anything to do with Clinton's Email Server

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. The thought occurred to me too.


Ralph L. Cwerman, President and Founder of the Humpty Dumpty Institute.

"Mr. Cwerman is the Managing Director of the Camelot Group LLC, an international consulting firm. Previously, he served as Executive Vice President of Muus Asset Management Inc, Senior Vice-President of the United Nations Association of the United States, Director of Research at Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations and senior aide to Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu."

IMO Epstein was a Netenyahu asset.

Redstorm17 ago

Way to dig 👍👍

OregonAngel2 ago

Mark Epstein, Director

In 1976, Mr. Epstein founded the Izmo Family of Companies, Inc., a silk screen printing company serving the advertising and fine arts communities. Over the next twenty-one years Izmo became one of the most versatile silk screening printing companies in New York.

While running Izmo, Mr. Epstein formed off-shoot businesses such as cosmetics, graphics, and advertising. Mr. Epstein started heavily investing in commercial and residential real estate in 1990. He co-founded Ossa Properties Inc., a real estate management company in 1992, and managed properties owned by him and others.

Mr. Epstein decided to semi-retire at age 39 to be able to devote more time to non-profit interests including Cooper Union, The New School Concert Series, the New York String Orchestra Seminar, Ballet Inc., the United Nations and the Humpty Dumpty Institute.

OregonAngel2 ago

This is really strange: The Humpty Dumptry Institute also has as one of its projects a Chinese video game company called Perfect World. It's presented on the same level as their humanitarian UN initiative etc. Nothing is humanitarian about it. Go to this link: and click on the egg with the Chinese writing. You will see:

"Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD) is a leading online game developer and operator based in China. Perfect World primarily develops online games based on proprietary game engines and game development platforms. Perfect World’s strong technology and creative game design capabilities, combined with extensive knowledge and experiences in the online game market, enable it to frequently and promptly introduce popular games designed to cater changing customer preferences and market trends."

What would this bunch have to do with a Chinese video game company?

Zorrilla ago

Slight amendment to my comment: both the CEO and the official spokesperson of Perfect World are on the board of directors of the HDI, so there is definitely a strong connection between the two organizations. What this means, I don't know.

Zorrilla ago

The website says that Perfect World is a corporate sponsor, not necessarily a project of the HDI. It is nevertheless odd.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening submission by @Seer1965.

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Zorrilla ago

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX) has been pictured wearing a "boy lover" logo ring on her wedding ring finger.

think- ago

Ah, she is 'that* Sarah Jackson Lee. Wow. I remember that we discussed that ring.

The plot thickens.

She is a member of the Human Rights Caucus. rolls on floor

@letsdothis3 @new4now @Factfinder2 @swordfish69

Zorrilla ago

Do these look at all suspicious? I don't want to start a witch hunt.

think- ago

I'd say the heart is a very common jewelry design. The ring in the second pic is very unusual, but doesn't show a pedo symbol.

If the woman wearing the heart is a pedo, she might wear the piece to hide in plain sight though.

But in both cases, I'd rather dig up hints that they might be involved in pedophilia, before posting anything about it.

Just my two cents.

@letsdothis3 @new4now @Factfinder2

Zorrilla ago

I tend to agree with you - the pictures are both of members of congress who are on the Humpty Dumpty advisory board, but could be meaningless for us. I can't draw any conclusions about them with the information I have thus far.

think- ago

Well, I guess it's worthwhile to dig a bit.

As I said, the symbol on the ring is very unusual.

Maybe he is member of a secret society.

Zorrilla ago

  • that's what I was wondering. I've never seen that symbol before. Perhaps it's Masonic or something like that. I might look into it further.

think- ago

Maybe try a reverse image search? The search engines will then dig up similar lookings pics as well.

Zorrilla ago

Good idea, but it looks like the picture's too fuzzy to see exactly what's inside the triangle. It does bear a strong resemblance though to the Philosopher's Stone symbol, which probably points towards Masonic or Rosicrucian fraternity membership.

think- ago

Yes, probably Mason.

new4now ago

Ahhh...the woman who never leaves home without her race card

Was she the one who went to College on a Jewish scholarship?

And her husband had help for College by HW?

carmencita ago

Fed 18K children and unearthed 5K unexploded bombs. These were some of the accomplishments of HDI. What a crock. Do these .org. actually really do stuff. I’m sorry I just don’t believe it. Imo they do very little and just rake in money and Children.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that Epstein has an egg-shaped head? Hence Humpty Dumpty.

fogdryer ago

great post

fogdryer ago

larry king from franklin affair ?

letsdothis3 ago

Why Chicken Soup for the Soul is Proud to Support Humpty Dumpty?


Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment - Online Video-On-Demand Networks

Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment is building both advertising-supported and subscription-based online video on-demand networks, with the goal of creating a “network of networks,” unified by brand-consistent themes such as family, travel, food, pets, inspiration, positive journalism and much more. We seek a competitive advantage in obtaining content and customers. We profitably produce and acquire content utilizing our worldwide distribution capabilities and our relationships with sponsors. Customers find us through our downloaded apps, our Facebook pages and our websites. We operate Popcornflix, a popular online advertiser-supported video-on-demand network, and four additional networks: Popcornflix Kids, Popcornflix Comedy, Espanolflix and Frightpix. We collectively have rights to exhibit thousands of movies and television episodes. We also engage in positive journalism distributing video content online through our wholly-owned subsidiary, A Plus.

think- ago

Mark Epstein also had a model agency:

Business records show Mark Epstein formed his own agency, Saint Model and Talent, in December 2005.

@new4now @letsdothis3

new4now ago

That article seems to be the only place the agency is mentioned

A shell company?

think- ago

Very interesting thread about Mark Epstein with tons of info -


Join their UN BootCamp for special C I A HQ tour:

think- ago

The institute was founded in 1998.

think- ago

Gilman maintains other links to key Israeli elites through serving on the board of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, because this group's vice chair, Michael Sonnenfeldt is the past chair of the Israel Policy Forum -- a group whose executive director, David Elcott, in turn serves as the Director of US Interreligious Affairs for the American Jewish Committee.

Likewise, the president of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, Ralph Cwerman, formerly served as Director of Research at Israel's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, and as a senior aide to Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu; while another important board member of the Institute is the "closet Zionist" Richard Holbrooke.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Oh, Humpty Dumpty of pedophile Lewis Carroll fame?

They all fall down.

think- ago

think- ago

and Armenia.

I wonder whether they are tied to Ruben Vardanyan, a Russian-Armenian oligarch.

He is involved in a lot of charity stuff, and cooperates with Prince Charles and George Clooney. He sat on the board of the Joule Company with John Podesta.

He runs a charity project with Prince Charles' foundation, and sends Armenian children to Britain.

IetsdothisI ago

He is involved in a lot of charity stuff

Especially milking the Holohoax to extort the goyim with his kike wife.

As any Turk knows, Armenians are Jews and dogs. I dont wanna blow your mind here but their genocide is fake and gay too.

Keep using jewphemisms like "oligarch" though and not noticing patterns of Armenians involved, the other Poor Pitiable Diaspora oy vey

I imagine you bounce off three walls before exiting a room. What I l am curious about is who ties your shoes?

letsdothis3 ago

Ahh.. still following me around ..

IetsdothisI ago

Lol this isn't even your post, so this is YOU following ME. Wait you want the dick too don't you?! Trick question ofc you do

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Excellent! :D

Vindicator ago

Donkey should like that. It's pretty gay.

darkknight111 ago

Donkey is impersonating other users with malicious intent.

I believe that’s valid grounds to ban all his alts.

Maybe report him to PuttItOut as potential grounds to IP ban too.

Vindicator ago

Great point! @think- @EricKaliberhall @Crensch does that sound reasonable?

EricKaliberhall ago

Sounds reasonable to me.

auralsects ago


You haven't "found something huge" since carefully extracting my cock from your asshole, fagget

darkknight111 ago

Found an actual use for your beloved Quran.

As an excellent source of toilet paper. After having a nice, juicy BLT with extra bacon.

auralsects ago

Lol that you think muzziez give a fuck what you eat when it's not sweaty asshole

EricKaliberhall ago

You haven't "found something huge" since carefully extracting my cock from your asshole, fagget

Found the Muslim... :)

think- ago

Not using your 'auralsects' alt, today, Donkey - tsk tsk.

Armenians are Christians, but just continue your Muslim shilliing.

Tanngrisnir ago

HDI is a really hot lead.

septimasexta ago

"As recently as last February, several months before his brother was arrested at Teterboro Airport on federal charges for allegedly sex trafficking minors, Mark traveled with the group to the United Arab Emirates on a trip cosponsored by the nonprofit Peace Without Limits, which, according to Wikileaks, is funded by the Crown Prince of Furjairah in UAE. In 2015, he hosted a private dinner for a Humpty Dumpty conference, which featured a keynote address from former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power. "

What a coincidence! Is this where Debbie met the Awan bros.?

septimasexta ago

'There will be consequences' Wasserman Schultz to Police Chief

Debbie to Humpty Dumpty: "If you sit on that wall, there will be consequences." LOL!

septimasexta ago

"Since 2007, the Humpty Dumpty Institute has implemented about $20 million worth of development projects in Angola, Mozambique, ..... and Pakistan. These projects are sponsored by individuals, foundations and governments."

think- ago

Yes, he was certainly involved.

think- ago

@Vindicator, would you consider giving this post a 'Potential Lead' flair - thank you!

Vindicator ago


think- ago

Thank you.

think- ago

The Humpty Dumpty Institute ("Humpty Dumpty") is a unique non-profit organization dedicated to tackling difficult global and domestic issues by establishing innovative and strategic public/private partnerships that provide sensible solutions to serious problems.

Humpty Dumpty's partners include the U.S. Congress, the United Nations, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, various countries, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, celebrities, other leaders, and a host of other NGOs.

Based on a philosophy of providing long-term sustainable and holistic solutions, Humpty Dumpty's programs focus on overcoming humanitarian and development challenges.

Humpty Dumpty's past programs have removed landmines and unexploded bombs, provided food to the hungry, delivered health care efficiently to the sick and impoverished, provided literacy and education to women and girls, improved animal conservation efforts and expanded public and cultural diplomacy.

Humpty Dumpty's newest initiative seeks to improve child nutrition in the United States and elsewhere through "Breakfast at School," a program that provides free breakfast to school children in partnership with various state governments.

They have a program for schoolchildren - all alarm bells ringing.

Vindicator ago

I wonder what proportion of their work is child trafficking. I 90% removing land mines and teaching kids to read, and they only sneak a kid out here and there? o_0 Does anyone audit these people to make sure they're actually doing what they say they're doing?

think- ago

No, unfortunately not... Everybody can put up a NGO that is a front for child trafficking, and noone will look into it.

And those who do will get called conspiracy theorists... :-/

think- ago

Look at the fourth egg on their website - hearts on hands.

think- ago

Someone might want to dig into this also - Mark Epstein donated a yacht (!) to a NGO that provides nautic training for young girls.

Seems to be creepy.

IIRC, Mark Epstein owns an apartment building near Epstein's mansion in NY, where many of the girls abused by Epstein lived, and where Ehud Barak stayed when he visited Epstein.

@letsdothis3 @new4now


mark Epstein first bought the yacht under "atelier enterprises inc" which apparently operated as a charter company out of Delaware w/ a NY location

The corporate officer is (I think) an intelligence front corp

I think the yacht continued to be rented out under izmo brand


Yacht Stewardess & Chef IZMO Marine 2017 – 2017 less than a year New York City & Miami

Freelance stewardess and chef aboard an 80ft motor yacht for deliveries to and from New York City and Miami. Duties included preparing and serving all meals for owner and crew, maintaining the interior of the yacht, and handling lines and fenders when docking.

So as late as 2017, Epstein was using this yacht


yacht info was posted to 8 chan right before it was shit down, check out the other 8chan epstein threads for more leads

new4now ago

Though it wasn’t listed in the unsealed indictment on Monday, a 2010 deposition obtained by the Miami Herald claimed that Epstein also had units at 301 East 66th Street. In the 16-story residential building — which appears to be connected to his brother Mark’s real estate company, Osso Properties — Epstein allegedly housed his victims four at a time in individual apartments, charging them $1,000 a month through his business partner Jean-Luc Brunel, who owned the modeling agency Mc2. According to the 2010 deposition, Epstein invested $1 million in Mc2. Those allegations against Epstein never went to trial.

Late Sunday evening on Aug. 26, 2012, a party promoter and former male model named Pedro Gaspar left his apartment above the MC2 modeling agency to go out clubbing. It was a fairly typical night for the 29-year-old Brazilian. Along with his model girlfriend, Gaspar started out at hotspot 1Oak and ended up at the Meatpacking District nightclub SL. At every turn, they ran into fellow models and friends

Then something went terribly wrong. Six hours later, after ingesting cocaine and alcohol, Gaspar was in an ambulance heading to a hospital. Later that morning, he died.

That's the same area Rachel Chandler hung out

She was a DJ at the Boom Boom Room at the Standard in NY

Partied there with the big names

Closed to public at 10pm

Playground for the rich and famous

Tons of drugs in that area

Heroin was a favorite for her group back then

One of the twins, Asley Olsen, hung with some of them...she all messed up

Other twin married, to one shady dude

I still working on her lol

think- ago

charging them $1,000 a month through his business partner Jean-Luc Brunel, who owned the modeling agency Mc2

Charging them $1,000 a month o..O

new4now ago

Model Marcelle Almonte alleges that she was placed in a models' apartment in Miami by agency, MC2 Model and Talent Miami.

She claims she was charged $1,850 per month to stay in this two-bedroom apartment, which she was required to share with eight other models who had been similarly placed there by MC2 Miami.

'Four models were required to sleep on two bunk beds in each of the two bedrooms, and the nine models were required to sleep on the couch,' the suit alleges.

MC2 allegedly charged each model $1,850 per month – despite the fact the market-rate for the apartment was around $3,300 - suggesting that the agency was clearing a significant profit.

The models were not allowed to negotiate on their own behalf on each assignment – the agency determined their rate of pay, the number of hours they would do, location and who would pay for travel expenses.

The models have a lawsuit ongoing

Bern666 ago

As i told you years AGO they are generational SLAVES. The question YOU need to ask yourself is who owns this system?

Well....i will tell you...

YOU DO.....everything you see around you ARE built by YOU. To keep YOU in the darkness is easy because YOU choose the easy road. Why a mission to distant stars when billions are dying on this planet?

So the problem is YOU or in reality your collective mind of BAD thoughts.

A the devil YOU will see.

PizzaMario ago

Jesus Christ loves you and will illuminate you with wise, warm light, and will thus save all who ask His help; He can make the mirrors safe, the whole system safe if any parts just reach out to Him. He commands the stars, knows all the vessels. Those dying on this or any other planet aren't yours to worry about, they are eternal too and can find the same safe paths. Godspeed.

Bern666 ago

Really? i walk alone with GOD/good in my heart. This is the path for all of us WE give and do work for unity every day. I dont need an idol for my Thoth...and i dont need any books.

I see and do, nothing is above or below for me and i will never worship ANY idol. You clearly have lost your teachings.....

think- ago

Humpty Dumpty? Like in 'Alice in Wonderland'? Oh my.

maurice1 ago

Now see if you can find any and ever reference to any time these politicians said, "We can't put all of our eggs in one basket". Anything similar to that effect.

Look for the innuendo context of such statements, now that we know so much more.

They openly say double meanings in media, knowing laymen haven't a clue.

Luis_Sphincta ago

I wonder if its an egg-shaped "basket"?

maurice1 ago

Any time you hear some mantra repeated on multiple news channels, there is some double meaning to it.

GritD2 ago

Weapons for socialpaths only!

letsdothis3 ago

One place you can look is their connection with the Halo Trust.

derram ago :

3 AM 🌐 on Twitter: "Does it come as a surprise Jeffrey Epstein's brother owns a charity for kids in places like Haiti, Vietnam, Sri Lanka... called the Humpty Dumpty Institute - they have congressional reps in the U.N. drop their link into the WayBack Machine - worth a dig.…"

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