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Finally, Ralph Cwerman, is president and chief executive

officer, co-founder and board member of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, HDI, a private non-governmental organization dedicated to enhancing ties between the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. Under Mr. Cwerman's leadership, the institute has brought hundreds of Members of Congress and their senior staff to U.N. headquarters, including myself, for private briefings. Previously, Mr. Cwerman served as senior vice president of MUUS Asset Management Company, LLC, and senior vice president of the United Nations Association of the United States. Prior to that, Mr. Cwerman served as director of research and speechwriter to Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu at Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations. He holds a bachelor's degree in Middle East studies from Tel Aviv University and a master's degree in international

affairs from Columbia University.

@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @letsdothis3 @think-

Vindicator ago

"Mark Epstein involved with eye art...young artists"

Someone needs to make some memes of this we can spread on Twitter. Unbelievable. Can they really be this dumb?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This stuff is just so creepy, It gets hard to read.

Thanks for digging all this up, nomo.