Lansing-Michigan ago

Have read Clooney's father is Jesuit. Fits.

think- ago

Interesting, didn't know that.

think- ago

Great, thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


think- ago


99cobra ago

Their all married to a bunch of trannies.

Vindicator ago

Wasn't Clooney involved in a motorcycle accident in Italy with a 14 year old boy he was riding with?

think- ago

You can find some info about it in the first post I linked (the one by @MattHelm)

Vindicator ago

The question I'm interested in is why did child trafficking go UP after the creation of Clooney and Podesta's Nonprofit?

In 2017, there was an increase in the number of occurrences of sexual violence from FARDC and the Congolese National Police, with many of the victims being children. 41% of the actions committed by members of FARDC and 42% of those committed by Congolese National Police included acts upon children.

"Sexual Violence in Conflict: Democratic Republic of the Congo". Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. 16 April 2018 – via United Nations.</sub

letsdothis3 ago

Child trafficking is on the rise everywhere.

think- ago

Good question. One reason is certainly that the men in Congo became more and more insensitive, and more brutal during the ongoing war. Congo has been one of the most hellish places on earth in recent years.

A perfect situation for sex traffickers to take advantage of.

carmencita ago

My first thought was Who hasn’t and then George her and how many others took part.

They are both scumbags. Sure she provided some of Jeff’s girls at some point.

think- ago

She not only provided girls, she trained them to give blowjobs etc., and she participated the raping the girls.

Allegedly, investigators found cp on her computer during the recent investigation.

carmencita ago

Geez. Well considering who her father was we have a good idea why she became what she is today. Wonder how many times she was raped and by whom. Some pretty big names surely. That’s how she learned her trade.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, her mannerisms, the phony smile, even the short boyish hair ALL of it reminds me of my D.I.D. Ritual abuse victim ex wife. I have first hand knowledge of what it is to be victimized(actually I hate that word, let's call it survivor) by a woman who, as a child, was severly abused and programmed. My ex had Delta programming as well I believe. The least of my ex's crimes was she was a prostitute(which at the time, 1995) made no sense because I was sometimes making around 1 million a year. But these kind of women are victims of their childhoods. Believe me, it is hard not to hate them but as time goes on I try to forgiving(oh hell, who am I kidding, it is damn near impossible). Summarizing, they are programmed monsters. Seems the both had sex programming as well (Beta programming) but as with my ex, I would be looking into strange deaths around Ghislaine Maxwell. Just a thought, but I intuitively feel that she is an assassin as well. Speaking of that, she very well could have killed her own father. Maybe she even enjoyed it as he was most likely the perpetrator that started on her at a very young age(anal rape, etc) and the n passed her on to the pros that conduct programming. Many as children, may have grown up to have normal lives but this ritual abuse can take a normal child and turn them into a full steam ahead, full blown sociopath. My research on ritual abuse programming goes back to 1996 when I first met Ted Gunderson. As far as Ted goes, I think he was a white hat but some claim he worked both sides of the alley. I even spent time at his apartment in Vegas and I can tell you he wasn't living the high life. Broken down car etc. But Gunderson had, what has turned out to be, excellent information regarding ritual abuse.Sorry Carmencita for the long post but had to get my 2 cents in. I am in NO WAY condoning what these woman) (or men) have been programmed to do but sadly, they are victims as well. Cut the head of the serpent off, only way to stop it. The ones that started these programs and continue creating their secret armies and Brownstones.

carmencita ago

Sad Oh so sad. No apology please. I found it very enlightening. It’s a double edged sword actually. I can’t imagine the hatred deep within them. She may have killed her father and possibly she was programmed to do so. Ala Manchurian Candidate style. Orr maybe she didn’t need force. Many that have been abused by their parents still ant to please them. Wanting to make things right in a sick way. Yes I think she could be an assassin. Possibly she even offed Epstein. Who knows. TPTB would take pleasure in such a sick criminal act. I always like to hear from you. ♥️

think- ago

Sadly, you are probably right. :-/

carmencita ago

It’s sad in a way that they can’t get help but they are quickly snatched up by the ones that have groomed them to be what they are. There are many like her in their army. Mossad and CIA and others.

jealoushe ago

Someone in the comments notes they were both at the Royal Wedding...

think- ago

Ah yes, I forgot!! Thank you for the reminder! :-)

jealoushe ago

Here's a snopes on Clooney and Obama apparently in Italy, interesting how they insert Epstein...I know some were looking for a BO connection too ...

think- ago

Thank you .