pizzagatecharlotte ago

This link should have its own thread but I can't be bothered jumping through all the hoops and then getting my post deleted but everyone should read this

Truthseeker3000 ago

And how is it that there was perfect footage of his crash as if someone knew it was about to happen? The MSM claimed he was directly on his way to the movie set where he was working but if he’s got a teenage boy with him....

YogSoggoth ago

They sent the plumbers in. That is an Italian mafia saying for hit man.

Pizzalawyer ago

George has been plagued by rumors of being gay for years, if not decades. He is my generation's equivalent of Cary Grant. One of his last girlfriends before his marriage said their affair.was more a father/daughter .relationship. He has always refused to deny rumors of homosexuality responding that it would be an insult to gays to respond because the question implicitly gives a negative connotation to homosexuality.

He has been an ardent supporter of gay rights for years which dovetails neatly with Amal Clooney's work in human rights law. Meanwhile his wife appears to have no prior boyfriends,. with friends claiming she was always waiting for the perfect man. She is very androgenous physically speaking and it is her extraordinary gorgeous grooming that conveys a sense of womanhood. I suspect that their bond is very cerebral, grounded in being the best of friends and their sexual relations may be a result of mutual and sincere genderbending proclivities much like the Obamas. So I wouldn't be surprised by George's dalliance on occasion with a very young gay male which may recreate his own teenage imprinting on gay sex.

What I question is his risky behavior now that he is a Dad by speeding around on a motorcycle. His fatherhood in his senior years already means his children will have limited time with him. But any dalliance with a young male would give him a sense of youthful joy, however fleeting, and hense risktaking.

Now this analysis springs forth from my undergraduate degree in psychology but since I'm unlicensed, its all hogwash.

letsdothis2 ago

I suspect their bond is very cerebral

Uhm, Amal is considered a very junior lawyer in her chambers. Clooney isn't exactly a rocket scientist.

Their marriage (according to London grapevine) was arranged between his agent and Amal's mother who has the largest PR firm in Lebanon, perhaps even the Arab world. This is a political arrangement.

Pizzalawyer ago

@letsdothis2: by cerebral I didnt mean to imply a superb intellect but a relationship where sex takes a backseat to friendship/companionship. Both of them were very comfortable living alone before meeting and therd is not the volatility tbat sometimes kcchrs with highky charged sexual.relations. Think of Madonna and her string of lovers and fireworks. All Im trying to say is that George Clooneys marriage doesnt fool me and ephebophilia is just another form of pedophelia, albeit less shocking.

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree. She only became renowned as a lawyer after her relationship with a movie star developed.

Hagen19 ago

Very good chance that Amal is in fact a male, a tranny. Even her(?) name is gender neutral. Not idea whether it is in fact a tranny or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. Anything is possible for these freaks today. Would definitely make sense if Clooney is a sodomite. Also, don't know whether you are being sarcastic with the comment about Clooney's manners, but I don't think you're going to find many gentlemen in Hellywood.

Pizzalawyer ago

@hagen19, good point, maybe I should have used the term smooth operator, but I dont recall any vulgar behavior making its way into the press. He does get smug at times.

Oh_Well_ian ago

A-male is absolutely a tranny..

Pizzalawyer ago

She is actually prettier without any makeup. Her intense makeup makes her an onstage opera performer. Her hands and feet are larger than his and her eyebrows, too. But then, what of the pregnancy. And what os a woman or man supposed to do when naturd gave them too many opposite sex traits? I think that is partle where the tranny liberation movement is coming from. As for children under age 18, and as a parent, I think we should let the hormone surges of adolescense play out before doing hormone treatment s or invasive surgery. 3

Oh_Well_ian ago

He was never pregnant. Their twins were hatched in a lab and carried by a surrogate.

A-MAL(e) is full on transvestite. Doesn't even look like a female to me and walks in a very contrived fashion. I have no idea what you're looking at.

The way the MSM treat her him is a red flag. Look back through the articles and notice the over the top descriptions of beauty and elegance... 'AMAL STUNS IN DRAW DROPPING FASHION STATEMENT' 'AMAL IS THE PICTURE OF ELEGANCE AND WOMANHOOD' barf!!

YogSoggoth ago

OK, we get the picture, we don't need any photographs of Amal sex floating around.

Pizzalawyer ago

you are right but I still stand by my statement that he/she looks prettier without makeup.

Blacksmith21 ago

I find it VERY hard to believe that he hit the back of a stopped vehicle at 40-50 mph, flew 10' in the air, and landed and is now home "recuperating". Most people die from accidents like that. The lucky ones get out of the hospital after a month or so.

carmencita ago

Thank You. The comments are Jaw Dropping.

new4now ago

have to agree with comments, wonder what the consent age is in Italy

carmencita ago

I would gather anywhere from 14 to 16. It just thrills them and makes them giddy when they can go under the consent age and get away with it. Clooney is a piece of garbage and so is Rande Gerber, who is his BF. The Bl. also claims they roam free in Italy totally accepted, Who Knew.

letsdothis2 ago

Apparently it's an open secret in the Lake Como area.

carmencita ago

Not surprised. If that is where HE lives, the rest are just like him.

new4now ago

Rande being Cindy Crawford hubby?

carmencita ago

Yes. Exactly. That Rande. It's all a sham just like the rest of the Pedowood "Marriages".

carmencita ago

This sounds really dumb.

The picture was stolen from the nanny, who had been dating Kayalar. The nanny claimed she innocently took the photo as part of a "cops and robbers" game, according to court records.

But guess what? There are a lot of Dumbos out there that will believe it. They want to keep believing their idols are wonderful parents and well adjusted adults with just a little bit of playfulness thrown in. When will this insanity stop. I can't even. Someone should snap a pic of Rande and George in Lake Como.