BehindTheCurtain ago

Hmmmm....interesting that Damon cancelled his appearance at an awards show.due to a "family emergency", via @eonlineUK

ASolo ago


The assaults continued for more than three years, most Saturdays, and at various locations around Jersey, including at sea on the man's yacht.

Later, a worker at the home, Thomas Hamon, began sexually assaulting the boy.

The boy confided in a older friend.

That friend was found hanged at the home.

Sadly, large numbers of children were reportedly murdered at Haut de la Garenne.

"Edward Heath, Prime Minister of England from 1970-74... was a frequent visitor to the Haute Garrene childrens care home on Jersey."


Uri geller with former UK prime Minister Edward Heath.

Edward Heath (left) and his mentor Madron Seligman, a close associate of the Rothschilds.

Max Seligman founded the Grand Masonic Lodge of Israel in 1953. Date of photo unknown

The unknown Max Seligman

ASolo ago

Hot Fuzz

The film follows two police officers attempting to solve a series of mysterious deaths in an English village. Angel subdues Armstrong and follows clues that lead him to a secret Neighbourhood Watch Alliance (NWA) meeting. Angel confronts the NWA and tries to arrest them. The group reveals that they kill residents who threaten Sandford's chances of winning the "Village of the Year" award (and are necessarily for all intents and purposes practicing satanists).

Actually, in all reality, there are probably many little burgs in England that are essentially satanist playgrounds spread out not only in the UK but all over Europe, but one I find particularly disturbing is the Island of Jersey of which I believe Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg had in mind when they wrote Hot Fuzz:


'The Fatman' and 'the Old Posh Gent' raped young boys at the Haut de la Garenne children's care home on the Island of Jersey.

millennial_vulcan ago

Uri Geller was great friends with King Pedo, Michael Jackson

diamonddust2 ago

Geller is a spook who has worked for MOSSAD and others.

millennial_vulcan ago

Jimmy Page = King Pedo

All over google.

Uri Geller was also dear friends with Michael Jackson

ASolo ago

Thanks King of the Obvious.

millennial_vulcan ago

enjoying jerking off to all your little comments in your dirty raincoat in your moms basement?


millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. Not many people know.

ASolo ago

Save your comments for when you have something intelligent to say and contribute. Thank you. This isn't a fun little game we're playing here.

millennial_vulcan ago

haha! That's why all my comments get the most views and upvoats :-)

I'd be as pissed at life too though, if I had a tiny dick.

ASolo ago

Now why is the comment counter still only registering 1 comment when there are over 27 comments? @Vindicator

millennial_vulcan ago

Because you're fucking INSANE.

ASolo ago

Calm down kiddo

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm calm. And you still have a tiny excuse for a cock.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Random thoughts:

  • A powerful graphic would be a mindmap of all of these stories. The celeb gossip alone paints a pretty damaging trail.

    • @Jem777 - You stated as fact that the Podestas were at Freud's residence. While I believe this to be true, I don't think it has been proven so far. Did I miss something?
  • Some Brits need to get their asses to work tying all this together.

  • Nice work OP.

  • Step back for a minute and look at all of the roles Clooney and Damon (especially Damon) have had and how closely a lot of those "plot themes" track with real life stuff.

ASolo ago

Hot Fuzz

Police Constable Nicholas Angel, a high-achieving member of the Metropolitan Police Service, is transferred to the village of Sandford


ASolo ago

Nespresso has the coffee, Clooney has a fat Nespresso contract, and Technoserve, of which Soros’s brother Paul was a board member, is making bank off their crony contract with Nespresso. See? All the “right” people made the money.

millennial_vulcan ago


ASolo ago

The other education initiative that the Clooneys claim to be involved with is Scholas Occurrentes, the initiative with the Pope that started on August 14, 2013, just after the probable Amal/George meet up in May. Its mission is listed “To link schools and educative networks around the world by means of different types of pedagogical, sports and artistic proposals aimed at improving education and achieving inclusion of communities with fewer resources through an active commitment of all social stakeholders. The VISION of Scholas Occurrentes is ‘to transform the world into an inclusive and educative society’.” Ruben is going to “unite” the world. The pope is going to “transform” the world. They mean this literally. Eliminate borders/sovereignty and claim it’s for “education”. How very UN globalists of them. No wonder Clooney is their posterchild.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The "root" of UN Agenda 2030, Sustainability (Satan's Ability), Community Policing, and global education reform is in Racine, Wisconsin. It leads to a system of global enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

ASolo ago

One of Clooneys handlers, Vartan Gregorian, co-founder of Clooney’s “100 Lives”, is a primary backer to the Islamofication of public schools in the US via Common Core.

ASolo ago

This is why the relationship between Amal, Assange, Hillary, and Eric Schmidt of Google is so interesting. She was Assange’s lawyer, now she backs Hillary as Assange attempts to bring Hillary down as Amal is super cozy White House helper Eric Schmidt. Something must have happened when Clooney entered the picture because Assange’s tone soured quite a bit. Just shy of one month before the great nuptials, Julian Assange released a book entitled “Google is Not What It Seems”. In it, he details the “special relationship” between Google, Hillary Clinton, and the State Department, much of which ties to all that.

ASolo ago

Fast forward to this year when the Panama Papers were released. John Podesta’s brother and one of their corporations came up in the searchable database (which has since been deleted). The Clooney name came up three times. Amal’s’ Uncle Ziad, arms dealer to the Middle East usually through France, came up once. Soros and all of his dealings came numerous times. The 1% globalists who use the “fair share” platform to beat their income equality drums once again didn’t practice what they preached. As I have stated and attempted to prove many time, the Clooneys use their public platforms to deflect their actual actions onto others while claiming to be “for the little” guy to anyone who will listen.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I reckon Clooney is grooming himself for a future presidential run, and could be very successful as he has the same attractive veneer Obama had that so many people fell for. He needs to be taken down, way too many dodgy connections.

ASolo ago

Psychic Uri Geller claims he was hired by the CIA to investigate JFK's assassination and he met with Jackie Kennedy to reveal his 'shocking' findings

'I was able to shed some light on organisations he may have been in contact with, but these did not include any US agencies, the Mafia or Lyndon Johnson.


ASolo ago

The 'White Helmets' celebrated alongside Israeli-Saudi backed 'Al Qaeda' extremists after seizing Idlib from Syrian Army forces.

The White Helmets "have been caught filming their fake videos in places like Egypt & Morocco, using actors, smoke machines and fake blood".

Actor George Clooney did a documentary on the White Helmets, awarded a Hollywood Oscar.

Clooney's wife "has ties, according to our sources, with Israeli intelligence. Lawyer Amal Clooney has represented Yulia Tymoshenko, Julian Assange and Mohamed Fahmy, Qatars press puppet with Al Jazeera in Egypt. Clooney is clearly being groomed."


millennial_vulcan ago

Time to take a deep breath and leave your mom's basement, freako.

gaystapo ago

(((white men)))

ASolo ago

Gelli confirms: "I signed a contract with Sony for a movie about me, about my life." Gelli "will be played by George Clooney." George Clooney sarà il Venerabile Licio Gelli.

Licio Gelli's father was Ettore Gelli, a wealthy landowner originally from Montale in Italy.

Licio Gelli's mother was Maria Gori.

Licio Gelli was head of Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization, in Italy.

"Gelli was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB.

"He assisted many former Nazi high officials in their escape from Europe to Central America.

"He had close ties with the Italian Mafia...

"Gelli’s secret lodge consisted of extremely important people, including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy’s financial police, 30 generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business executives and key bankers...

The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government and several international banks was Licio Gelli.

"He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island attack to kill British soldiers...

"Gelli worked both sides.

"He helped to found the Red Brigade, spied on Communist partisans and worked for the Nazis at the same time, a double agent...


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Redpilled_Canadian ago

I believe it all. Wish there was a quick way to hang these criminals

ASolo ago

'George has really taken David (Beckham) under his wing since the transfer trouble started. At the house, David is able to get away from everything, relax and switch off in private.'

Britain’s Soccer Sex Abuse Scandal

millennial_vulcan ago

don't think David Beckham is gay. He does cheat on Victoria all the time however. Also he seems really stupid.

ASolo ago

Think again. These people's sexuality doesn't have labels, how gauche.

millennial_vulcan ago

True. David DID spend a lot of time with Tom Cruise when he lived in LA

swordfish69 ago

Amazing research. London is the center of the Clinton cabal, and it's starting to look like it's the center of Pizzagate. You should look into the relationship between the OTO and MI6, btw.

Jem777 ago

The OTO and M16 are essentially the same. OTO founder was Aleister Crowley who was an M16 operative. All the western inteligence agencies pay homage to image to the Queen and last but most important it is to the Jesuits who PopeFranis first Jesuit ever Poe ever.

Many of these world figures have fled or will flee to the Vatican where thre can invoke sstkunmn ststus

millennial_vulcan ago

The Jimmy Savile seems to tie it all together? I want to know more about The Royal Family pedo connection.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

See Pilgrims Society.

ASolo ago

What's that old addage about apple's not falling to far from the tree?

Rosemary Clooney's Journey With Bipolar Disorder


millennial_vulcan ago

check out George's cousin, fine actor Miguel Ferrer, son of Rosemary.

He seemed to die suddenly and conveniently this year....

carmencita ago

I believe he was married to Debbie Boone daughter of Pat Boone who married Shirley Foley daughter of Red Foley some of whom many may not remember. George's dad Nick Clooney was an actor many years ago as well. We joke about the Bloodlines with the Royals, there must be a lot of mixed blood with the Stars as well. Rosemary by the way was married to her second husband, Jose Ferrer who spent some time in a mental hospital. And yes, Rosemary did have a nervous breakdown.

Jem777 ago

Of course Clement Freud was involved in the abduction of Madeline McCann. After death Children came pouring out of woodwork over his child rapes. He has a villa in Portugal where Tony & John Podesta were staying the day Madeline dissapeared.

His grandfather Sigmend Freud was friends with Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Aleister Crowley in Vienna after WW1.

Sigmend Freud is a monster pedophile who raped his own daughter Anna from birth. Helped codify human experimentation for trauma based mind control as a protected National Security right.

Founded the most dangerous human lab in the world in the U.K. that still exists and exported it to the US in what we see now Agenda 21 and child rape.

millennial_vulcan ago

Sigmund raped Anna??

uh, proof?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct again @Jem777!

BlowjaySimpson ago

What is the name of the club?

Dressage2 ago

Great info! Upvoat

ASolo ago

Great comment.

ASolo ago

Sexual misconduct here, Sexual misconduct there... Geez.

George Clooney called as witness in Silvio Berlusconi trial

George Clooney has been called as a witness in Silvio's Berlusconi's trial in Milan for paying a 17 yr old underage prostitute for sex.

Hollywood star will dispute claim by Karima el-Mahroug that he attended former Italian leader's 'Bunga Bunga' party.

ASolo ago

Inside Castle Clooney: Fully grown trees trucked in. A private cinema. A Thamesside love nest... whatever Amal wants for her English home, Amal gets!

derram ago :

Kathy Griffin slams George Clooney and Matt Damon | Daily Mail Online :

Angelina Jolie was asked to arrest warlord Joseph Kony | Daily Mail Online :

Is George Clooney Planning to Move in Next to Uri Geller and Theresa May in Berkshire? :

Uri Geller discusses his double life as a 'psychic spy' for Mossad and CIA | The Independent | :

Jimmy Savile & Uri Geller. - YouTube | :

Hot Fuzz Official Trailer #1 - (2007) HD - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ASolo ago

The Talented Mr. Ripley

The Talented Mr. Ripley is a 1999 American psychological thriller film written for the screen and directed by Anthony Minghella. An adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's 1955 novel of the same name, the film stars Matt Damon as Tom Ripley, Jude Law as Dickie Greenleaf, Gwyneth Paltrow as Marge Sherwood and Cate Blanchett as Meredith Logue, Philip Seymour Hoffman as Freddie Miles.

Apart from the beginning scenes filmed in New York City, the movie was shot entirely on location in Italy. The cliffside resort town of Positano and various villages on the islands of Ischia and Procida, near Naples, were used to represent the fictional town of "Mongibello".[3] The scenes taking place in San Remo were actually filmed in Anzio, a resort-town near Rome. Famous locations included the Piazza Navona, the Spanish Steps and Piazza di Spagna in Rome, and the Caffè Florian in the Piazza San Marco, Venice.[3]

In October 2017, former New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman wrote on TheWrap that, when she looked into the allegations of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein in 2004, Russell Crowe and Damon made direct phone calls to her to vouch for the head of Miramax Italy, Fabrizio Lombardo, whom she suspected of having "no film experience" and whose "real job was to take care of Weinstein’s women needs" in Europe.[105][106][107] Damon responded in an interview with Deadline, "For the record, I would never, ever, ever try to kill a story like that... It’s not something I would do, for anybody". He said that he had known Lombardo "in a professional capacity" while working on The Talented Mr. Ripley, so he called the reporter and relayed his experience with Lombardo at Weinstein's request. "That was the extent of it....I’m sure I mentioned to her that I didn’t know anything about the rest of her piece, because I didn’t."[108] Waxman has since endorsed Damon’s statement on Twitter.[109]

millennial_vulcan ago

He became a 'family man' (or at least cultivated image of) very quickly after Talented Mr Ripley.and (as discussed on Voat and elsewhere online), wife Luciana is a former escort.

Was she once one of Weinstein's girls, we have to wonder?

new4now ago

You could add Jimmy Page and Alister Crowley

Jimmy was a big fan and maybe more, have to check my notes

millennial_vulcan ago

He was. Well known.

ASolo ago
