kazza64 ago

he seems to have an endless supply of high grade cocaine too maybe the cia is his friend

fogdryer ago

What does golf courses have to do with it

13Buddha ago

Here's my past post discussing the use of blood in their mortar to make concrete.


letsdothis3 ago

Did you know that : Debunked Blood-Testing Startup Theranos Is Still Getting Patents From Federal Agency - https://observer.com/2019/04/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-blood-testing-patent/

letsdothis3 ago

I've just added your link to the OP.

13Buddha ago

Thank you! I am honored.

letsdothis3 ago

I've been trying to find the authors of the patents in your post. They seem to be ghosts.. Could be an interesting story there ;-)

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago


This is a must-read story. TN has identified Elon Musk as a Technocrat on the basis of beliefs and actions. What we did not know is that his Canadian grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was an avid supporter of Technocracy, served as Research Director and ultimately became the the head of the Technocracy, Inc. party in Canada. For full details on modern Technocracy, the reader is advised to read Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood. ⁃ TN Editor

..One fascinating example of both sides of the debate was the history of the technocracy movement that briefly flourished in North America in the 1930s. The “revolt of the engineers”, as it was called, holds some interesting lessons for today...

..In their Introduction to Technocracy, published in 1933, the movement’s leaders declared that the “riff-raff” of outdated social institutions was blocking progress and politicians should be swept aside, just as alchemists and astrologers had previously given way to science. Traditional economics, obsessed with arbitrary pricing mechanisms rather than rational production, was nothing more than the “pathology of debt”.

The historian William E Akin identified three wellsprings for budding technocrats: a growing fashion for centralised planning among progressive reformers; the popular mythology of the engineer as the saviour of American society; and the scientific management theories of Frederick W Taylor.

Read full story here…

https://www. amazon.com/Technocracy-Rising-Trojan-Global-Transformation/dp/0986373907/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy.

With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.

In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be become its so-called "New International Economic Order."

In the ensuing 41 years, the modern expression of Technocracy and the New International Economic Order is clearly seen in global programs such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Councils of Governments, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Total Awareness surveillance initiatives and more.

Wood contends that the only logical outcome of Technocracy is Scientific Dictatorship, as already seen in dystopian literature such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1948), both of whom looked straight into the face of Technocracy when it was still in its infancy.

In the ensuing 41 years, the modern expression of Technocracy and the New International Economic Order is clearly seen in global programs such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Councils of Governments, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Total Awareness surveillance initiatives and more.

Wood contends that the only logical outcome of Technocracy is Scientific Dictatorship, as already seen in dystopian literature such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932) and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1948), both of whom looked straight into the face of Technocracy when it was still in its infancy.

From the book: Technocracy and Transhumanism : https://imgur.com/a/EgstXtR; 1930s movement : https://imgur.com/a/BrCzr4J; Henri de Saint-Simon https://imgur.com/a/efAfeje

Have to say Technocracy reminds me of what was happening in the Russian art world at the time Suprematicism: The Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0,10 - the Russian avant garde and its influence on Western art at the turn of the 20th Century

Malevich: Founder of Russian avant-garde who defined the 20th century art - https://www.slavorum.org/malevich-founder-of-russian-avant-garde-who-defined-the-20th-century-art/

Known as the father of Abstract Geometric art and founder of Suprematism, Kazimir Malevich is considered to be the most important artist of the 20th century..

..While Malevich’s art remains highly controversial, its mystic, futuristic and esoteric elements continue to intrigue, inspire and fascinate art admirers all over the world...Malevich’s spirituality and inclination towards mysticism played a crucial part in defining the other worldly nature of movement, as he stated the power of his art was in being created with a God-like feeling of ”making something that no one ever made before, creating something for the first time”. Believing in cosmic space and discrepancy between body and mind, Kazimir insisted on full abstraction since 1915., erasing all traces of accurate representation of actual objects. Letting go of the standard manifestation of objects ”set him free”, as he said, and gave his work an infinite dimension. Being influenced by two mystics of the time, George Gurdijeff and P. D. Ouspensky, Malevich was on a persistent search for higher levels of consciousness, as the doctrine of two esoteric masters was strongly based in the idea of ”walking sleep”- a partially hypnotic state most people live in characterized by low levels of virtue and consciousness.

..Quickly after he published his manifesto, Malevich attracted a crowd of followers who helped him build a major exhibition, and the first one which introduced Suprematism to the world called ”Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings 0.10”. The exhibition is today considered to be legendary, since it was the first time Malevich exhibited his most famous work and the icon of modern art known as ”Black Square”.

fogdryer ago

Thank you so much..... ♥️♥️ For your time

letsdothis3 ago

@think- see parent, you might find this interesting

think- ago

Very interesting indeed, thank you.

@9217 - please see parent for Gurdijeff's influence on Malevich. Thanks.

Anonymous17 ago

CEMEX is a huge international concrete supplier, and some locations also do precast items (pipe, catch basins/manhole, bridge pieces etc.). They use considerable amounts of sand and aggregate which they typically mine at or near the batching plant. When they have extracted all of the available material, they fill in the hole and reclaim the property. Sometimes for housing or commercial buildings, and sometimes as a golf course.

Nothing stated is irregular. Keep digging. Why did Q really mention CEMEX?

letsdothis3 ago

You need to read our past posts on Cemex.

letsdothis3 ago

Some reminders from this Steemit article: https://steemit.com/informationwar/@richq11/tucson-child-trafficking-camp-cemex-clinton-foundation-rothschild-ties

Cemex gave between $25 and $50 million to CF in other donations

Emiliano Salinas, the son of the former President of Mexico, was a member of the sex cult NXIVM (pronounced “nexium”) and worked for Lazard Investments, which handled the restructuring of Cemex

Cemex refused to build the border wall, despite having a huge presence in the U.S. and many cement facilities

Cemex has deeper ties to the Clintons and Bill Clinton’s actions as special envoy to Haiti and directed the flow of aid to that country. Cemex Haiti received $7 million to rebuild homes.

George Soros holds $41 million in Cemex stock.

Cemex supplied the concrete used to build the bridge in Florida that collapsed. The problem that led to the collapse has not yet been determined–could be poor quality construction, design, or materials.

An unclassified State Department document produced under Hillary Clinton says that Cemex was looking for a deep-water port in Haiti in order to mine limestone, but needed “some additional support from our government” so they could “reconsider investment options.”

Remember the Skripals who were poisoned in England? This former Russian spy and his adult daughter were said to have been poisoned by the Russian government. However, connected to the incident is Ross Cassidy, an employee of Cemex. His car carried the poison and was left in the lot of his workplace.

letsdothis3 ago

swordfish69 ago

I don't think I've mentioned this before but CEMEX operates a wilderness facility on BOTH SIDES of the USA/MEX border. At the very least, they fund the implementation of GPS tech on animals straddling both sides of the border.

Not to mention their David Attenborough private reserve, owned in part by CEMEX and the Rothschild-created Wildlife Trust network.

letsdothis3 ago

Black Gap Wildlife Management Area (TPWD)


The Texas Game and Oyster Commission purchased 54,000 acres from the Combs Cattle Company in 1948. Location is 55 miles south of Marathon. Shares 25 miles of the Rio Grande with the Mexican State of Coahuila to the south and where the Serranias del Burro and Sierra del Carmen mountain ranges.

Border Patrol agents discover 60-foot tunnel along Rio Grande River - https://www.ksat.com/news/border-news/border-patrol-agents-discover-60-foot-tunnel-along-rio-grande-river

dunklederf ago

shocker, a tunnel-building company buys fucking cement from a cement company.

not everything is always 100% dirty.

you think dirty companies ONLY EXCLUSIVELY do business with other dirty companies?

elon musk is one of the good guys.

letsdothis3 ago

elon musk is one of the good guys.

I disagree.

CEMEX is no ordinary cement company, haven't you heard?

dunklederf ago

yea and you pay taxes, does that make you complicit to the deep state?

letsdothis3 ago

What's your beef here?

dunklederf ago

there's no beef here?

im just pointing out that just because X does business with Y, doesnt mean everyone is bad.

carmencita ago

HRC Has connection to CEMEX. I discovered this when researching and it took me off subject. Just type in her name and CEMEX and you will be rewarded. This involves the Tucson Child Trafficking Camp and the Cookstoves. No end to the rat lines.

Geo_synchronous ago

WAIT A MINUTE ! How can he tunnel if the earth is hollow and full of lizard people from Glerptron12 ?

darkknight111 ago

Voat got DDOS’D around 2:40 AM. You must have really PO’D someone.

dunklederf ago

you tool, we've been under DDOS for DAYS NOW!

darkknight111 ago

More like on and off. That last one was the first one I’ve personally seen since the massive one last week.

070978098098 ago

Oh shit...



Commiefornia is LITERALLY chock full of Luciferian garbage cans.

Need to take out the trash, it's such a beautiful state I hear... without all those fuckers in it that is.

fogdryer ago

“Ruined paradise to build parking lots”

Ca not so pretty anymore

letsdothis3 ago

Great comment. Thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

Elon musk's mother https://imgur.com/a/S5ne1Tj

from https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1004768084073172995.html

Richard Branson is investing in Boring Company..See Brightline Post

Elon says they make their own concrete #CEMEX

At 18:30 we find that Elon ordered the team to build him a Pyramid and a Temple of Horus! https://youtu.be/AwX9G38vdCE

septimasexta ago

Elon Musk touts Negev's energy potential to Netanyahu:


"The company’s biggest proposed project is an underground hyperloop to connect downtown Washington, DC, with downtown New York City. The move has already gained preliminary support from the Trump administration and has support from the State of Maryland."



septimasexta ago

If Trump Builds a Wall, a Mexican Cement Maker Would Profit Most

"One of the biggest beneficiaries of Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the Mexican border might be a company from south of the Rio Grande: Cemex SAB.

The largest cement maker in the Americas would be “best positioned” to profit from such a large construction project, according to a report by Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Other likely beneficiaries include another Mexican company Cemex owns a stake in, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SAB, as well as Martin Marietta Materials Inc., Vulcan Materials Co. and CalPortland Co."


letsdothis3 ago

Other likely beneficiaries include another Mexican company Cemex owns a stake in, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SAB, as well as Martin Marietta Materials Inc., Vulcan Materials Co. and CalPortland Co


Martin Marietta Inc. (NYSE: MLM) is an American-based company and a member of the S&P 500 Index. The company is a supplier of aggregates and heavy building materials, with operations spanning 26 states, Canada and the Caribbean...It was established as an independent company in 1996, spun off from the newly created Lockheed Martin after having been part of Martin Marietta since 1961. It dates its origins back to 1939, when Superior Stone, an aggregates company in Raleigh, North Carolina, was founded.


Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE: VMC) is an American company based in Birmingham, Alabama. ..Vulcan's innovative Crescent Market project led to construction of a large quarry and deep water seaport on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, just south of Cancun. This quarry supplies Tampa, New Orleans, Houston, and Brownsville, Texas, as well as other Gulf coast seaports, with crushed limestone via large 62,000 ton self discharging ships.

In January 2014, Vulcan Materials announced they would be selling their Florida Rock Industry (Cement and ready mixed concrete) plants and equipment to Cementos Argos, of Colombia.


For more than a decade, CalPortland has been an industry leader on energy conservation and environmental quality. The company was one of the first industrial companies to construct a 24 MW wind turbine electrical generation facility on its property to provide electricity for the operation of its Mojave cement plant.

Seems we have a few more companies to look into.

letsdothis3 ago

Very good finds. Interesting.

fogdryer ago

There are no other large cement cos in az or ca etc ?

Do you really think he would use them knowing ???

letsdothis3 ago

That's why some of us say stay away from the bipartisan politics. If TRUTH is your goal watch what people do, not what they say.. No judgements.. just documentation.. for now...

letsdothis3 ago

From that link:

The tunnel will not be open to the public for the foreseeable future, just for invited VIPs, Musk said, adding that regulations wouldn’t allow for it to open widely for demo rides just yet.

And they seem to be catering for events like the olympics and football games... coincidentally, the sorts of things where trafficking increases significantly.. just sayin.

fogdryer ago

Not sure I get this, I mean they are quite successful above ground why create the drama and go underground ?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Exactly. Symbolism.

fogdryer ago

ok. I don't get it.

creepy viddeos

letsdothis3 ago


2017: Florida Officials Propose Hyperloop That Could Make Miami-to-Orlando Trip in 26 Minutes

The Hyperloop at first sounds like one of Elon Musk's crackpot ideas. Musk, America's premier huckster polymath, claims his Hyperloop can get travelers the 380 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco in just 30 minutes by shooting passengers at 780 mph through frictionless pneumatic tubes.

But the idea allegedly isn't that far-fetched anymore: One of the two companies working to create real Hyperloops is now planning lines in five countries. And last week, the company, Hyperloop One, announced it's working with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) officials to explore building a Hyperloop between Miami and Orlando.

Diagram of route https://imgur.com/a/rXReG2P Vision for America (8)

It's interesting that FDOT officials would be so eager to build a loop between the two Sunshine State cities, because the already-approved Brightline high-speed-rail project will eventually rocket people along the exact same route once construction is completed. (Gov. Rick Scott has extensive ties to the project, which makes FDOT's pitch even more curious.)

That train trip would still likely take around three hours, so it's an understatement to say a 25-minute trip would be an improvement. The Brightline's parent company, All Aboard Florida, has made plans to stock its train stations with glittering hotels and fancy food halls. A Hyperloop would pretty much bankrupt that system.

[I also see a DISNEY tie-in]

Voat post re Brightline: Brightline and Virgin Trains USA. After the trains you know that Branson will target the children, right?

Miami Access Tunnel https://www.bluetoad.com/publication/?i=57637&article_id=605556&view=articleBrowser{%22issue_id%22:57637,%22view%22:%22articleBrowser%22,%22article_id%22:%22605556%22}

...We are working with Cemex..


Why single out the Miami Children's Museum?

Check out the logo : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Children's_Museum


The 56,500-square-foot (5,250 m2) facility, designed by Arquitectonica


Arquitectonica is an international architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and urban planning corporation headquartered in Miami, Florida’s Coconut Grove neighborhood. The firm also has offices in ten other cities throughout the world.[1] Arquitectonica began in 1977 as an experimental studio founded by Peruvian architect Bernardo Fort-Brescia, Laurinda Hope Spear, Andrés Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Hervin Romney

The firm has a long list of buildings to its name, including: Disney's All-Star Music Resort, Walt Disney World; Grand Hyatt San Antonio; Hilton Americas Convention Hotel; BMG Office Building; NASA Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center; United Nations Peacekeepers Memorial; Coney Island Urban Revitalization Plan; Georgia Tech Technology Campus Master Plan; City of Dreams Casino Resort, Cotai; Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Shanghai; Marriott Hotel in Lima; HSBC headquarters in Lima; Microsoft Headquarters, (EOS Generali) Issy les Moulineaux, Paris, France


Bernardo Fort Brescia is a US-based Peruvian businessman and architect. He is an heir to Grupo Breca, and a co-founder of the architectural firm Arquitectonica.

Peru tax police raid Panama firm’s Lima office - https://perureports.com/peru-tax-police-raid-panama-firms-lima-office/3739/

Police raided the Lima office of Mossack Fonseca on Monday in it tax-evasion investigations into Peruvian citizens and companies named in the Panama Papers...

Ojo Publico identified offshore legal entities which are subsidiaries of Peru’s largest banks and holding companies including Credicorp, Ferreycorp, Grupo Breca, Grupo Gloria, Hochschild Mining and Intercorp.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Yeah good luck in that porous ever sinking limestone. Perhaps just what Elon deserves. The more they build in Florida, the more water they use the faster sinkholes form. The lime cannot support the deterioration and heft from the building going on above. People don't build cities on sponges for this very reason.... You reap what you sow "friend"...

fogdryer ago

Hyper loops ?? Don’t they know we now have fax machines, scanners, electronic signatures and computers etc etc. no need for more concrete faster baby faster. Etc etc. Just sayin. What Fla really needs are higher salaries and more business. Doesn’t make any sense