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auralsects ago

Epstein is obviously a controlled burn. That's why it was the FBI that raided his homes. What you people don't realize is that the public tunes out as soon as prostitution is involved. Ever hear of Berlusconi. Nobody gives a fuck. The fact that all the people in all those different spheres in your post are Jews collaborating together is the only compelling part of this.

I posted Black Cube long ago because of Jewish Saturn worship.

I also posted the Mossad front NSO Group which calls its flagship, the most sophisticated smartphone spyware there is, Pegasus. There's a fresh report on it in the Financial Times, but I can't post links anymore. Not that your black asses could afford the paywall

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

financialtimes -

septimasexta ago

The best way to rob a bank is to own one. The best way to pass on "information" is to get hacked......

Didn't Q say that cell phones were allowed into Pedo Is. underground? Is that why?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm sorry, I don't follow Q, don't know what it said about phones.

Is that why?

Is that why about what? Confused.

letsdothis3 ago

Lol. Thank you for all your hard work.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome, as always. :)

Lansing-Michigan ago

I know of Berlusconi......mafia , Israel, vatican and city of london are all connected. Israel is the last to be taken down. It is happening now. Natanyahoo was in office during these times......he would be over Mossad?

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

What you people don't realize is that the public is immunized if prostitution is involved.

Yes, I do realize that.

Ever hear of Berlusconi. Nobody gives a fuck.

Yes, and, I know.

The fact that all the people in all those different spheres in your post are Jews collaborating together is the only compelling part of this.


I posted Black Cube long ago because of Jewish Saturn worship.

I saw that.

I also posted the Mossad front NSO Group which calls its flagship, the most sophisticated smartphone spyware there is, Pegasus.

I saw that too. It's why I know to pay attention to any companies with that name.

There's a fresh report on it in the Financial Times, but I can't post links anymore. Not that your black asses could afford the paywall


auralsects ago

Another connection I see no one pointing out is that KinderCare (suspect logo) is run by the Milken brothers. Milken's firm DBL was also a CIA /Mossad nexus (supposedly affiliated with a "Pegasus Unit" according to Chip Tatum) , much moreso than Epstein. For example Craig Cogut, who formed Pegasus Capital Advisors after DBLs bankruptcy (labeld The Exodus because literally every employee was Jewish), is a top funder of the McCain Institute for Human Trafficking.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for bringing that point to this thread. I took it here:

auralsects ago

If it is a clear pattern of Jews you can no longer rely on Muh Plan removing Muh Cabal Jews. Indeed, a great many of the things examined here would not exist at all but for Jews.

For example, that Israeli model Epstein friend started her business career with online gambling, which is ILLEGAL TO CONSUME IN ISRAEL like pornography.

They have an evolved siege mentality that has left no room for self awareness and that is why they are so ruthless and it is a truism that while not all crooks will be Jews, the BIGGEST crooks will ALWAYS be Jews.

So even non-cabal Jews INSTINCTIVELY MUST SUPPORT unnatural behaviors like LBGTP, race-mixing, actively pursuing middlemanning as a career, etc.

This is what they write in for-Jews by-Jews outlets like the Times of Israel :

Online gambling is illegal, though the law doesn’t target players, only operators. This may seem ironic given that Israel has had a strong connect with the online casino industry.

LOL in the same way it's "ironic" that Israel deports niggers while insisting Europe take them in.

In this article we take a look at Israel’s influence on the development of the online casino industry.

The relationship between Israel and the online casino industry is an interesting one. While online casino gambling is illegal in the country, there are quite a few Israeli businessmen and entrepreneurs who have contributed to this industry’s growth

"Interesting" indeed. They are literally a parasitic subversive race and literally nothing was gained from Epsteins bust if that fact isn't central to the story

auralsects ago

Wow imagine that, Qtards posting shit I/you did literally 2 years ago and literally saying that their prophet from God led them to it. And yet somehow OP conveniently didn't Name the Jew in all of that, hmmm

Again, Qtards are boomers.

Boomers are not good on any issue. That is why they are hated here.

letsdothis3 ago

That's why I'm posting there.

auralsects ago

Look at this kike's high school editorial page ffs

At Milken, students are passionate about and proud of a number of things. We are proud of our families’ histories. We are proud of our achievements. We are proud of our Jewish heritage. We are proud of the success of ourselves and our fellow students. But to me, there is one form of pride that stands out at Milken: pride in our support for the State of Israel.

If you walked up to each and every Milken student and asked them if they “support Israel” or if they “stand with Israel,” you would get very few “no” responses. The truth is, almost every student — if not every student — at Milken considers themselves a Zionist in some fashion, myself included. I, like so much of the student body, have traveled to Israel and seen the holy sites, fantastic people, and Jewish culture that make it such a special place. I have formed a connection, on my own, to the State of Israel, and I know that if it were to no longer exist, my place in the world as a Jew would feel significantly more insecure.

These people are far more dangerous religious lunatics than Muslims, who have basically zero power in the world whatsoever and in the US in particular. Yet Q literally calls Obama exclusively "Hussein." subtle

@shewhomustbeobeyed please archive this disgrace milkenroar. com/its-time-for-milken-to-broaden-its-definition-of-zionism/

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey Boo, anything for you, my love. -

Who was the user?