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letsdothis3 ago

I have some more links for you re Leon

...Pegasus Capital Advisors was founded in 1996 by its current Chairman and President, Craig Cogut. From 1990 to 1995, Cogut was a founding partner of Apollo Global Management, L.P...

Mr. Cogut is an active philanthropist..Mr. Cogut serves as a Trustee of Brown University and board member for Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability, for Human Rights First, for the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University and for the R-20 Regions of Climate Action...

He is also a member of the EAST WEST INSTITUTE ...The organization employs networks in political, military, and business establishments in the United States, Europe, and the former Soviet Union.

EWI has initiatives focused on a number of different areas including cybersecurity,[1] preventive diplomacy, strategic trust-building (which encompasses Russia-United States relations and China-United States Relations), Economic Security, and Regional Security (focusing on specific areas such as Southwest Asia).

In addition to its New York City Headquarters, EWI has offices in Brussels,[2] Belgium, and Moscow, Russia. ...Apollo's Leon Black - - whose father was a rabbi and CIA stooge heading United Fruit and alleged defenestrator - - buying a Babylonian Talmud for $9.3m.

BPP Holdings, PLC, subsidiary company to Apollo Global

In the USA, the Apollo Group runs the University of Phoenix. Apollo Global’s aim is to set up a global education network. Its 2009 acquisition of BPP Holdings was to serve as a platform from which to operate in the UK and throughout Europe.

BA PATRIOT filled in answers to most recent questions asked by Q ANON. 4-CHAN link here. He also provided a long list of individuals who vocations and positions appear to tie them to organ and/or human trafficking. Mayo Clinic Doctors, CEO's of major corporations, even Dick Cheney and Babs Bush made the list. I will spend the next few hours defining who these people are to complete this submission. ( Pizzagate related for obvious reasons: Q ANON affiliation, Mayo Clinic, etc. )

Roy Herberger Jr., Ph.D. -- Board of Directors at The Mayo Clinic, Pinnacle West Capital Corp., Apollo Global, Inc., Arizona Public Service Co., Forest Highlands Foundation, InterCard Wireless Ltd. and The University of Phoenix, Inc. Dr. Herberger was previously employed as Lead Independent Non-Employee Director by Apollo Education Group, Inc., President-Emeritus by Garvin School of International Management, and Dean by SMU-Cox School of Business.


This is excellent work!

I'm sorry that I don't have much to contribute in this area, but I do recall stumbling on this name in the recent past.

...Pegasus Capital Advisors was founded in 1996

My memory doe not recall the details surrounding Pegasus, but I recall that they had ties to a lot of deep swamp filth.

IIRC, something to do with Pegasus is also connected to the Q Keystone theory that relates to a certain government software surveillance program. I could be mistaken on that, however.

Qdini ago

Oh Crap! I just remembered the University of Phoenix ties directly to OBAMA!! That's a great link! In the book Secret Kings Peter Sweizer says Obama used regulation to tank the stock prices of firms, including U of Phoenix. Then he would suddenly reverse them. His friends would benefit by shorting the stocks and them buying them at bargain basement prices. Who were some of those friends? George Soros and Tom Steyer. Steyer is the loud mouth who constantly trashes POTUS and keeps threatening to run for President.

Great find!!!

Qdini ago

BINGO! Apollo Group is the major link between the pedo operations: Epstein and Raniere!!

Peplfxr ago

A lot of Arizona ties

Qdini ago

Oh yeah, I just read that one of the body part shops in Phoenix was raided this week by the FBI in Phoenix.....

Qdini ago

Yes. The border wall means more than you know....Q