@rickman2 commented on What connections exist to tie Epstein to Alefantis? thread:

""Well some of Epstein's victims are being represented by Boies Schiller Flexner. What's odd about this is BSF are more likely to attack anyone that threatens an important/powerful Democrat.

Boies, co-founding partner in the high-powered law firm Boies Schiller and Flexner, has deep ties to powerful Democrats.

Also a frightening quote from the BSF website. They sound like the mafia:

known for our creative, aggressive, and efficient pursuit of success for our clients.

They were involved in representing Harvey Weinstein, Aaron Rich(Seth Rich's brother) and James Alefantis. For all these baseless, crazy conspiracy theories, why do these people hire one of the world's leading law firms?

Matt Couch on being sued by Aaron Rich

An interview with the guys who represented James Alefantis and Aaron Rich

Back to BSF and their involvement with Weinstein:

Boies Schiller and Flexner, has deep ties to powerful Democrats. Boies also represented Harvey Weinstein, and he hired Black Cube, an organization run largely by ex-Mossad agents, to tail, find dirt on and intimidate women who were accusing Weinstein of sexual assault. Epstein case shows corruption in legal system runs deep

From that same article we can find more links:

Another attorney with ties to both the Weinstein and Epstein cases is New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance. A prosecutor from Vance's office argued in favor of Epstein's petition to have his sex offender status reduced in New York.

Vance's office also declined to prosecute Harvey Weinstein when Italian model and actress Ambra Battilana Gutierrez filed a complaint of sexual assault against Weinstein in New York in 2015.

Boies (there's that name again) was revealed to made tens of thousands of dollars in contributions to Vance's political campaigns over the years.

So are BSF cutting out the middleman(Black Cube) and simply working for Epstein's victims in order to catch them out or sabotage their case?

Another connection to BSF is NXIVM linked Kirsten Gillibrand was a partner at the firm: Gillibrand leaving BSF IN 2006 """

letsdothis3 ago

So are BSF cutting out the middleman(Black Cube) and simply working for Epstein's victims in order to catch them out or sabotage their case?

I think we need to take a closer look at that law firm.


AGREED. Lawyers are the modern day Kabal King's Knights. Think economic hitmen, but with a more trusted glamorized front. When we depend on their system to be the one that determines JUSTICE, their language the one that describes the CASE, and their officials to determine the TRUTH, we are open to the deception, lack of oversight, and bribery that has tipped THE SCALE AWAY FROM THE FEATHER so many times before.


Why have so many of these court room dramas had such a profound impact on the public? THE STORY, that goes along with it. Lets make sure this story is STRAIGHT before it can be manipulated.

saarsaar ago

I'm sure that cat will be going back in the bag any minute now....

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Aren't the royals jews? I cant wait to tell people that I told you so when all of the jewish blood libel is proven true and widespread.

letsdothis3 ago


St Paul’s is built on the site of the main Roman temple to Lucifer, which in turn was built over the site of a Druidic human sacrifice site – thus the requirement to contain the energy. The pentagrams shown in your blog encompass The City of London. The City is an independent, sovereign state and along with Washington DC and Vatican City, they administer the different aspects of Pope Innocenti’s 3 Trusts of the 1400’s, otherwise known as Unum Sanctum. Hawksmoor’s 5 churches are in fact temples in my opinion. which guard and mark the boundaries of the City as do the many dragon statues on the roadways into it. The City is indeed the New Jerusalem as celebrated in that favourite hymn of the same name sung by the Establishment at every opportunity. Its called ‘New’ because the treasures of the ‘Old’ were transported here for safe-keeping away from Suleiman’s sons and daughters. These ‘treasures’ have formed the Capital of Stirling ever since and is the reason why Stirling is the only fiat currency to last more than 50 years – it isn’t fiat, its backed by treasure on infinite value and can be hypothecated to infinity as a result. Its no coincidence that The City is called ‘The Jewish Vatican’ because that’s exactly what it is. Its also no coincidence that the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family hold their coronations and marriages there. St Pauls is a Synagogue.

The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is the Royal Family (for those who don't know).

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Great info. Thanks.

Xax ago

George Webb has been dropping dirt on Ehud Barak lately. Barak is an associate and visit to Epstein’s island. Barak was a leftist Prime Minister of Israel.

George Webb is a Jew. Supposedly outing Jewish corruption and is a Likud leaning narrator. So, he’s a Zionist and crypto Netanyahu supporter, even though he said he voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries.

So, beware of the puppet show. You have communist Jews fighting Zionist Jews over the mountain kingship.

If the left, ie communists, takes a hit here, that means the Zionists have seized control. But they’re Jews. Do we think they’re friends of us goyim. Of course not.

So what’s the end game?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Re. leftist and Bernie Sanders......he is not pure and I would not vote for him ......although a leftist myself. Bernie sold Vt. off to the highest bidder, called Chavez and Castro evil dictators although the standard of living in those countries rose dramatically when they were in office. Sanders also demonized Russia. So if he were in office, the bombs would still be dropping and there would be no news on the "leftist" media. Some confuse leftist media with "state" media.......worlds apart.

Vindicator ago

Does anyone still watch George Webb? I thought that ship sailed when he admitted to being Mossad?

Xax ago

I didn’t realize he was still active and he came up on my feed after about two years. I wonder what (((they))) want us to believe for that to happen?

Vindicator ago


Yuke ago

It'd be nice if the Mail told them to fuck off and that they'd see them in court, but that won't happen. They'll tuck their tail between their legs and do as the angry Jew commands, just like all the others, unfortunately.

KEVDOG77 ago

So... that's a confession of guilt then?

pby1000 ago

We have the attorney’s email. Should we tell him?

letsdothis3 ago


pby1000 ago

No fun.

letsdothis3 ago


GumbyTM ago

Why do you suppose he's worried about blood libel?

Is it maybe because he knows what happened there and what evidence is likely to surface?

Best to get ahead of the curve and start the denial campaign now.

septimasexta ago

Good comment. Why else would Barak use the seemingly archaic "blood libel." He is very worried.

Sosacms ago

So not only will they destroy each other but sue each other too?

Best Timeline.

letsdothis3 ago

Published July 2015 : Prince Charles announced as charity's Patron

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales has become the Patron of World Jewish Relief. This will be the first time His Royal Highness has been the Patron of a Jewish organisation working outside of the UK.

His Royal Highness, a fantastic friend of the Jewish community, was Patron of World Jewish Relief’s hugely successful Krakow Community Centre project, which was his brainchild. He opened the Centre in 2008. He has also been Patron of World Jewish Relief’s Wohl Livelihood Development Programme in Ukraine which has helped over 2,000 people towards getting back into work and bringing their families out of poverty. He has been involved with the charity for 12 years.

The organisation has a rich and distinguished history, particularly its work leading the rescue of tens of thousands of Jewish people from Nazi Germany, including organising the Kindertransports in 1938.

DuskGrader ago

Jews are ridiculous. Sometimes you just have to tune them out. Turn off the tv, stop reading "news" from Jew media.

pby1000 ago

I see what you are saying, but lets out Jew the Jew.

DuskGrader ago

Yes, but let's be smart about it.

Structure things so that there is no blow back. If you do something that would make White Nationalists look bad, always do it in a way that if covered negatively by the media the narrative can be reversed back onto the Jews.

pby1000 ago


auralsects ago

Shut the fuck up you Qtard faggot. Q says all racial differences are contrivance of the CABAL they want you DIVIDED cuz you are WEAK lmfao

pby1000 ago

Doesn’t mean I believe it. There is a reason they want us all dead or enslaved.

Vindicator ago

Enjoying the news, Donkey? :-)

AnthraxAlex ago

If by tune them out you mean stuff them into a pre heated oven I completely agree.

THSenior ago


letsdothis3 ago

Not this time. We are seeing the British cabal expose themselves entirely.

Kahlypso79 ago

@letsdothis3 hey, ill send you info about hampstead and charles, (when i get to computer) lets not forget his friendship with jimmy savile. Remember. The royal family are descended from jews since queen victoria and her pervert husband Albert. Please read up on his family name and who illuminati adam stayed with when he was expelled from bavaria.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Hamstead case is well documented on aangirfan out of England.

letsdothis3 ago

Nightingale has £1 million meal - https://www.thejc.com/community/community-news/nightingale-has-1-million-meal-1.61648

Praising the work of Nightingale Hammerson at the welfare charity's biennial dinner on Tuesday, Labour business spokesman Lord Mendelsohn said being among the 500 guests at London's Guildhall meant more to him than his work in the House of Lords.

Lord Mendelsohn, a former adviser to Tony Blair, said: "There may be wisdom in politics, but there's a lot more in this room. It's the wisdom of people who know what they've got to do to care for the next generation and meet their responsibilities.

letsdothis3 ago

Re Richard Desmond : from The Royal honeymoon and a Saudi hotel chain that takes us from the City of London back to the Podestas and the Acorn Group

The British pizzagate 'Hampstead case' : shell companies and the porn industry connections

Another company linked with Hackremo is Northern & Shell Properties Ltd https://www.firstreport.co.uk/Company/04104529/NORTHERN-SHELL-PROPERTIES-LIMITED

Owner : Richard Desmond

The media tycoon [Richard Desmond] has provided a much-needed, brand new Sunshine Coach for children’s charity Variety to transport its members at Grangewood School to and from events.

Jimmy Savile: Variety launches investigation into claims Savile molested children on Sunshine Coaches

He said: “Savile was involved in the Variety Club in Leeds and used to go to all these presentations of the coaches in the area.


Richard Desmond, the billionaire owner of the Daily and Sunday Express newspapers, is planning to bid for the rights to run the National Lottery.

Desmond, who already runs the rival Health Lottery, is said to be preparing to tender for the UK lottery franchise when it comes up for renewal in 2019. Camelot, which is owned by Canadian pension fund the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, holds the rights to run the National Lottery until 2023.

The wife of Richard Desmond has introduced a self-styled New Age guru, who also is a board member of the Variety charity, to the Grenfell Tower victims:

Hollywood psychotherapist offers hope to survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy

Derek O’Neill encouraged local residents to “anchor” positive emotions against the horrors of the tragedy during a meeting. The workshop was the brainchild of Joy Desmond, wife of Daily Express owner Richard Desmond, and TV and radio presenter Lizzie Cundy. 

His foundation SQ https://www.sq-foundation.org/

His Creacon Wellness Retreat team: https://www.creaconwellnessretreat.com/team/

a mixture of NLP specialists and New Age therapies... are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Well...in Cult education – a thread about Derek O'Neill, 2016 : https://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?12,134053

I'm sure very few know\ derek o'neill is being sued for what he has done and continues to do. here is a link you should read--you should also know this person was there at the very beginning and helped get derek started.


I feel it is necessary to speak out at this time about the shift that has occurred recently. Three years ago, when the first of us were asked to be initiated into the Rising Star Healing work, the cost was $10,000 and the initiation, which we were told was a "source to source" initiation and we could only receive it from Derek O'Neill in Ireland, who was the vehicle for source to come thru) however, we were told that we would be helping to heal the planet and people would be so drawn to this healing work we would within a short period of time recoup our investment. In the last few months Derek has changed his policy, which originally we were told "you cannot copy write God's work, it is here for all of us to take forward to the planet" to "As of June 1st, 2008 if you wish to practice the Rising Star Healing Modality or the Prema Birthing Healing Modality you must "join" a membership in Derek's new organization at $600 a year and pay 30% of each healing to this organization or they will take legal action against us for "copy write infringement" as Derek has now copywrited these healing modalities. ...


Here he is with his friend Simon Cowell http://sherrygaba.com/derek-oneill/

Here's a Daily Express Sept. 2017 article on him (that's the paper of Richard Desmond) :

Dublin 'council kid' psychotherapist Derek O'Neill to help MILLIONS with VR counselling

PSYCHOTHERAPIST Derek O'Neill is one of the most humble men on the planet. Despite having addressed the United Nations, set up a charity that's helped over 35,000 children across the globe and being honoured with four highly prestigious humanitarian awards, he's busy setting up the #MindYourselfBritain campaign in the hope of helping people with VR technology.

His website: https://www.derekoneill.com/

bio: https://www.independent.ie/woman/celeb-news/dereks-war-on-poverty-is-very-personal-26847999.html

Forty-eight-year-old Derek is not what you would expect in a man who was raised by an alcoholic widow and has braved poverty, sexual abuse and the perils of kung fu fighting. He is gentle, eloquent and has surprisingly small hands for a warrior. They look more suited to arts and crafts than the craft of martial arts. His neatly cropped hair is a reminder of his time in the army.

"We lived close to the Iveagh Lodgings and there would often be 'dirty old men', destitutes, hanging around. When I was six, I went to the toilet in Patrick's Park and was sexually assaulted by one of them."

His experience of sexual abuse didn't confine itself to St Patrick's Park. Derek's brother Brian was raped and beaten in the notorious Letterfrack Industrial School.

It seems Derek is about to hit the big time. Namaste

auralsects ago

(that's the paper of Richard Desmond)

Lol how do you women explain Jews owning every newspaper and Hollywood etc. If media is essential to pizzagate that makes it a Jewish conspiracy by definition.

And since media manipulation is obviously used for things besides sexual abuse, the logical classification is elite pedophilia (w or w/o blackmail) ie pizzagate is merely one branch or, if you will, one expression of the uniquely Jewish lust for power and evil.

Only this explains the cooperation of non-elite Jews too, like how I proved they write 1/4 of children's books about trannies.

And the result of course is that nothing will change because there are well over 20m Jews to replace The Swamp:

An enormous transfer of wealth is expected in this country during the next several decades. Eight to ten trillion dollars will be passed down from Americans over the age of 50 to their children and their grandchildren, creating the largest transfer of wealth in the nation's history. This windfall from the WWII generation that scraped and saved to build businesses, and acquire stocks, bonds, and real estate will transform 5 million average Americans into millionaires.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

like how I proved they write 1/4 of children's books about trannies.

May I have the links for that, please?

auralsects ago

voat.co/v/whatever/. 3213617

Now you need 5 CCP to post links in a comment, so it's little point in continuing for me

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

WTF. That sucks. Any PG related links that you want to post, DM them to me and I'll post them and the archives in a response for you.

I guess free speech isn't for the unpopular. I'm sorry this has happened.