SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS.

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HennyPenny ago

Gov. Bruce King, a Democrat, was in office (one of 3 terms served) when he sold the land to Epstein. New Mexico public officials have an unsavory history of corruption. Two state treasurers were sent to federal prison for extortion and collecting kickbacks. Albuquerque police have shady history (see

Governor King's wife Alice was on the board of many child related organizations: San Felipe del Rio children's home, All Faith Receiving home that operates a safehouse for abused children, New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranches and founded the New Mexico Children's Foundation . Ironic that they would sell land to a future child molester.

Gary King, Bruce King's son, was State Atty General twice 2007 to 2015, worked in Wash DC for the DOE. He accepted Epstein related campaign donations and returned them in 2007 after Epstein's arrest. He accepted campaign donations from Epstein related companies , again, in 2014 and again returned them when publicity ramped up on Epstein.


Found ZORRO DEVELOPMENT CORP listed under the same phone number as the ZORRO DUDE RANCH llc /address. The contractor has no reliable reviews, the license is inactive, and seems to only be used for this property. Why would you create a business, get a contractor licensed, develop a straw man, bring in actual workers, and go through all the money and trouble necessary for this when you could just hire someone reputable from NM? CONTROL. You want to build something outside of code and environmental oversight, have allies on the inside, and keep as many eyes off the property / project as possible. This sounds like the C()MET P1ZZA's k!llr00m connection to ' Margotwork ' who helped DESIGN THE PLACE! I would not be surprised if this is an M.O. for these M.F.s.

Also the mansion turn-of/ property entrance/ little green shack hit elevation : 6,666 ft.

septimasexta ago

Zoro Ranch is listed under "Arts & Entertainment" LOL!

septimasexta ago

Nice find. Everything Epstein is involved with is veiled in secrecy. But how would building this ranch escape notice of our alphabet agencies? Or did it........

Mammy ago

Good to see this topic brought up again. I think Santa Fe Institute , their research projects, and the people associated need deep digs.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Small mounds to the west of the main house. Unknown. Any ideas? Is this nothing?

35°14'50.6"N 105°59'59.2"W 35.247389, -105.999778


Seems odd as there were also mounds on the island, surrounding the pit/tennis court. From the aerial view there are lots of 'burn marks' (terminology , not from fire) or areas in the land which are dead or discolored; usually means they have been excavated at one time OR have buried structures causing the surface to look or grow differently. Straight lines make me think tunnels, but could be pipes for utilities, irrigation, maybe mining. Someone thought it was worth it to DIG, and on this we agree...

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Has anybody recognized that Zorro, sounds like the beginning of the word Zoroaster? Just saying.


Some have speculated his Island Temple resembles a Zoroastrian fire temple : Ateshgah Temple, Baku "This territory is known for such unique natural phenomenon as burning natural gas outlets (underground gas coming onto surface contacts oxygen and lights up). From times immemorial this was the holy place of Zoroastrians- fire worshippers (approximately beginning of our era). They attributed mystical significance to the inextinguishable fire and came there to worship the relic."

Personally I think they use an amalgamation of sacred symbols sites (Dome of the Rock color and gold dome) and architecture rather than use singular religious or historical inspiration but, I recognized that connection too.

Thorshamster ago

His real estate lawyer owns the property at 49 Zorro Ranch Road. the only other property in the area. In some satellite shots, you can see what looks like a red light shining from the top of 49, and what looks like an unmarked dirt runway nearby.

septimasexta ago

According to Bar ak, IT'S ALL ABOUT SCIENCE:

"Barak recalls having visited Epstein at two of his Manhattan residences and said he did visit Ep stein’s private Caribbean island “once, for several hours—and years after the publications about sex parties or orgies there.” But, Bar ak says, “I've never been there at a party.”

“To the contrary,” Bar ak says, “at his home, I met many very respected people, scientists, Nobel Prize winners, and I met him also in Boston, at MIT or the Harvard labs he supports.”" https://www.thedaily ak-i-visited-epsteins-island-but-never-met-any-girls

septimasexta ago

ZORRO RANCH: Zip Code 87056 Description Pop. 1200 in 2014

"Zip Code 87056 is located in the state of New Mexico in the Albuquerque - Santa Fe metro area. Zip code 87056 is primarily located in Santa Fe County. The official US Postal Service name for 87056 is STANLEY, New Mexico."

"According the 2010 US Census, the population of 87056 increased to 954 from 947 over the past 10 years. The majority ethnicity residing in 87056 is white"

Stanley population in 2014:

1113 white

101 Hispanic

 6  Other Race

 5  Two Or More Races


Abi73 ago

He had dna testing equipment , organ harvesting ? :(

Vindicator ago

Indeed. One the people who went to Pedo Island was Stephen Hawking.