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think- ago

Former NM gov Bill Richardson lives close by, in Santa Fe (only a couple of miles away).

He was a friend of the pedophile artist RC Gorman, and held a public eulogy at his funeral, although he must have known that the FBI found evidence that Gorman raped boys. The Albuquerque PD also investigated Gorman.

At least one of the boys said Richardson attended the parties were boys were raped.

Richardson has also been accused by Victoria Giuffre, one of Epstein's victims, whom Epstein took to NM and his Zorro ranch, of raping her.

The plot thickens.

Of course Richardson is a buddy of Billy Boy Clinton (of blue dress and red shoes fame), and served as Energy Secretary for the Clinton administration.

Also, he was involved in some shady stuff concerning nuclear energy, and has been accused of 'pay to play' (now, where did we here this before...).

He has also ties to Richard Branson.

More info here -

Epstein victim Virginia Robert-Giuffre says that she was forced to have sex with former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Dem)


Found this to be another interesting connection re: Z Ranch

Jeffrey Epstein purchased the New Mexico ranch from Gov. Bruce King in 1993 – the year Bill Clinton became President – Jim Baca was brought on by Clinton and Bill Richardson worked with Clinton on the NAFTA passage – both of which received thousands in campaign contributions from Epstein.

Over 20,000 acres of Hollywood landscape sits just north of Epstein’s land, purchased by fashion designer Tom Ford in 2001 – another name in Epstein’s black book.

In addition to Epstein giving over $50,000 in campaign funds to former AG Gary King, the King family’s land surrounds Zorro Ranch on all sides, and their political and defense connections go all the way up to ballistic missiles.

From another Voat thread on the ranch:

Found ZORRO DEVELOPMENT CORP listed under the same phone number as the ZORRO DUDE RANCH llc /address. The contractor has no reliable reviews, the license is inactive, and seems to only be used for this property. Why would you create a business, get a contractor licensed, develop a straw man, bring in actual workers, and go through all the money and trouble necessary for this when you could just hire someone reputable from NM? CONTROL. You want to build something outside of code and environmental oversight, have allies on the inside, and keep as many eyes off the property / project as possible. This sounds like the C()MET P1ZZA's k!llr00m connection to ' Margotwork ' who helped DESIGN THE PLACE! I would not be surprised if this is an M.O. for these M.F.s.

Also the mansion turn-of/ property entrance/ little green shack hit elevation : 6,666 ft.