letsdothis3 ago

Epstein own an apartment on Avenue Foch

Flash: Andrew Kline DOJ Worked with Saudi Arabia to Procure the Pizza Blocks to Supply Children to Saudi

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

think- ago

It seems that wasn't the DOJ Kline (see comment in post), and the book excerpt is from a novel.

Not saying that these things don't exist, though.

letsdothis3 ago

84 Avenue Foch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/84_Avenue_Foch

84 Avenue Foch (German: Vierundachtzig Avenue Foch) was the Parisian headquarters of the Sicherheitsdienst, the counter-intelligence branch of the SS during the German occupation of Paris in World War II...Number 84 was used for the interrogation of allied SOE agents captured in France. Prisoners were regularly brought to the building from Fresnes prison on the outskirts of the city.

letsdothis3 ago

The tunnel under Avenue Foch just completed.

(1932) http://www.oldparis.org/photo-ancienne-paris.php?photo=015436

letsdothis3 ago

Oh, I see. I was in a hurry this morning and didn't read through the entire post.

think- ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just cleaning up and dividing their assets up. Everything he had was given to him by the spooks, now they gotta reclaim their resources.

solo7 ago

They already have it all, and evidence may be removed but it leaves tell tail signs.


A few other places to 'raid' found connected to the Jeffrey Epstein on corporation wiki. Now these may not be THE Jeffrey E Epstein (just unlucky people with the same name) so we should verify before making claims. Either way, I wanted to post what came up alongside Zorro Dude Ranch.

Jeffrey E Epstein

Redwood City, CA

Chief Financial Officer at Oracle America, Inc.

Chief Financial Offi at Bea Systems, Inc.

Board of Directors at Oracle Corporation

Jeffrey E Epstein MD PA

Riverside, NJ Officers: Jeffrey E. Epstein , Cher Rodriguez and 4 others

Jeffrey E Epstein

Norwalk, CT

Director at Booking Holdings Inc.

DIRECTOR at Booking.Com (USA) Inc.

Jeffrey E Epstein

Encinitas, CA

Owner at Epstein, Jeffrey E M.D., P.A.

NonMM at Epstein Healthcare Solutions, LLC

Jeffrey E Epstein

Windsor, CT

EXECUTIVE VP at Valassis Direct Mail, Inc.

Vice-President at Advo Inc

Jeffrey E Epstein

Cambridge, MA

Chief Financial Officer at Art Technology Group, Inc.

Jeffrey E Epstein

New York, NY

CEO at Buffalo Management Enterprises Co. Inc.

Jeffrey E Epstein

Oakland, CA

NonDir at Kaiser Foundation Hospitals

Jeffrey E Epstein

New York, NY

Director at Shutterstock, Inc.

Jeffrey E Epstein

Waltham, MA

Chief Financial Officer at Phase Forward Incorporated

Jeffery Epstein

Melville, NY

Partner at Epstein, Tavroff & Leon, D.P.M., Llp

Podiatrist at Leon Epstein & Tavroff, Llp

Owner at Geoffrey Epstein Dpm

Principal at Etl Realty LLC

Jeffery Epstein

Chicago, IL

Owner at Chicago Portfolio School

Principal at Dogwhistle Inc

Jeffery Epstein

New York, NY

Chief Executive Officer at Epstein Interests

President at J Epstein & Co Inc

Jeffery Epstein

Stanley, NM

Owner at Zorro Ranch

Jeffery E Epstein

Norwalk, CT

DIRECTOR at Booking Holdings Inc.


NoBS ago

At 15:10 there is an air filter station. Suspect they even have a power and lighting at the rig. But it's way too big except for an air intake. The big tube is a dead giveaway. Can even see the smaller electrical conduit going straight up.

NoBS ago

Epstein's body double was dying to get that gig. He did good enough. Or did he?

BadPenny ago

Zorro Ranch New Mexico History

Zorro wasn’t Epstein’s only New Mexico investment. Besides alleged illicit assaults and sex trafficking to the rich and powerful, he had other interests, like eugenics, cryogenics, and theoretical physics. New Mexico filled those needs nicely: groundbreaking work on all three fields has been done in New Mexico since the Manhattan Project; after World War II, the United States imported Nazi war criminals to help run the fledgling space program, including in New Mexico, where their prior skills in rocketry and ghastly human experiments could help the United States retain the edge over the communists. It seems Epstein, a canny investor, saw value in both the physical and human terrain of New Mexico.

think- ago

And don't forget there was a ´therapy project' for pedo priests near Santa Fe. These pedos were sent to parishes for a weekend (without informing them that the priest was a pedo), and later, they stayed in NM, and continued working as priests. Nobody was told they were pedos. They continued abusing children.

I read that at some point, 50% of the priests in Santa Fe were pedos - but these are only the cases were victims came forward.

Go figure.

think- ago

a few days

I saw what you did there.... :-P

think- ago

This is a good video, thank you for linking it.

There was a 4chan thread a couple of days ago, discussing the two fertility statues, and the coat of arms shown in the video.

Maybe someone could post a link - thanks!

V____Z ago

think- ago

Thank you.

think- ago

Former NM gov Bill Richardson lives close by, in Santa Fe (only a couple of miles away).

He was a friend of the pedophile artist RC Gorman, and held a public eulogy at his funeral, although he must have known that the FBI found evidence that Gorman raped boys. The Albuquerque PD also investigated Gorman.

At least one of the boys said Richardson attended the parties were boys were raped.

Richardson has also been accused by Victoria Giuffre, one of Epstein's victims, whom Epstein took to NM and his Zorro ranch, of raping her.

The plot thickens.

Of course Richardson is a buddy of Billy Boy Clinton (of blue dress and red shoes fame), and served as Energy Secretary for the Clinton administration.

Also, he was involved in some shady stuff concerning nuclear energy, and has been accused of 'pay to play' (now, where did we here this before...).

He has also ties to Richard Branson.

More info here -

Epstein victim Virginia Robert-Giuffre says that she was forced to have sex with former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Dem)


Found this to be another interesting connection re: Z Ranch

Jeffrey Epstein purchased the New Mexico ranch from Gov. Bruce King in 1993 – the year Bill Clinton became President – Jim Baca was brought on by Clinton and Bill Richardson worked with Clinton on the NAFTA passage – both of which received thousands in campaign contributions from Epstein.

Over 20,000 acres of Hollywood landscape sits just north of Epstein’s land, purchased by fashion designer Tom Ford in 2001 – another name in Epstein’s black book.

In addition to Epstein giving over $50,000 in campaign funds to former AG Gary King, the King family’s land surrounds Zorro Ranch on all sides, and their political and defense connections go all the way up to ballistic missiles.


From another Voat thread on the ranch:

Found ZORRO DEVELOPMENT CORP listed under the same phone number as the ZORRO DUDE RANCH llc /address. https://www.chamberofcommerce.com/stanley-nm/31594305-zorro-ranch https://www.ehardhat.com/directory/additions-and-remodels/NM/stanley/zorro-development-corp/2203515 The contractor has no reliable reviews, the license is inactive, and seems to only be used for this property. Why would you create a business, get a contractor licensed, develop a straw man, bring in actual workers, and go through all the money and trouble necessary for this when you could just hire someone reputable from NM? CONTROL. You want to build something outside of code and environmental oversight, have allies on the inside, and keep as many eyes off the property / project as possible. This sounds like the C()MET P1ZZA's k!llr00m connection to ' Margotwork ' who helped DESIGN THE PLACE! I would not be surprised if this is an M.O. for these M.F.s.

Also the mansion turn-of/ property entrance/ little green shack hit elevation : 6,666 ft.


septimasexta ago

Did anyone notice that the Google map link posted 2.6 years ago shows Zorro Ranch marked as PIZZA PALACE!

That huge mesa with the big circle on top looks like something could be going on underneath. Very suspicious. Not just about pedo entertainment.


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are years late on this info. It was covered.

solo7 ago

Pizza Palace is at Santa Fe, NM 87540, USA 728J+R4 Galisteo, New Mexico, USA while Epsteins Rance is at 42 Zorro Ranch Road. Stanley NM

septimasexta ago

Sorry, but the Pizza Palace label was ON Zorro Ranch. Even zooming in and out. Was this a convenient "mistake" to mislead Google Earth explorers? Remember, Pegasus Museum was labeled ...until we discovered it. And what about that odd construction near the Grove that was originally labeled Podesta's Pizza, or something like that, and then the construction was covered over and the label disappeared. This is nothing new.

BadPenny ago

Richard Branson is tied to Hussein. They are BFFWBs.

V____Z ago

Also noting that the 2,000 pages of documents where Guiffre accuses Richardson (as well as Prince Andrew and others) were released about 12 hours before Epstein was reportedly killed.

think- ago

Personally, I think he wasn't killed, but fled with the help of the Mossad. The person taken to hospital doesn't look like Epstein.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No reason to believe he was ever at court or in Jail. All they provided were artist rendering.

V____Z ago

The person on the gurney most assuredly was not Epstein, and they gave us proof that it wasn't by showing his ears and hairline. So they are sending a message: no, he isn't dead, and YES we can get away with whatever the F we want so don't mess with us. Epstein abused hundreds if not thousands of girls. How to keep them quiet? It certainly isn't by showing them they are safe in our justice system. It's by sending a message such as this, that they OWN the justice system. I also believe Mossad got him out of that jail (if indeed he was ever actually in there), but i am beginning to wonder if there is really any separation between these intel agencies, or if they work together, probably with Mossad at the top?




think- ago

So they are sending a message: no, he isn't dead, and YES we can get away with whatever the F we want so don't mess with us.


or if they work together, probably with Mossad at the top?

...and don't forget the British MI6...

Most people don't seem to realize that Epstein also was CIA, that their very own intelligence agency ran a child sex trafficking ring.

Or rather - has been running.

V____Z ago

Yeah, I see it as all one group, sorta like the Five Eyes. They share intel and resources to get missions accomplished (to control the world). Controlling the ruling elite through blackmail by using their perversions against them, or just drugging them and filming a potentially career-ending event that may not have occurred without the drugs. Either way, they have thus far made sure that truth tellers and people who want the world ruled by love rather than fear and evil, are not allowed to be in positions of power.

think- ago

Either way, they have thus far made sure that truth-tellers and people who want the world ruled by love, rather than fear and evil, are not allowed to be in positions of power.


Blacksmith21 ago

Richardson is also seen in the photo with the then CEO of Google, Eric Schmitt, with KJU in North Korea.

Crackrocknigga ago

 I took it down because I felt unsafe.


V____Z ago

Yep. 100%. But you can go ahead and do the research and repost.

think- ago

You're not a pussy. It's sensible to be cautious.

V____Z ago

In all honesty, the deep state is not something to mess with and I know this first hand. I had a simple little blog where i was trying to show that chemtrails really aren't contrails and with photos, showed the progression of the trails that turn into 'clouds'. This was a good ten years ago. Well, i ended up getting visited by a black helicopter TWICE plus a visit at 2:30 am by people at my door making sounds like they were trying to break in, then gently stroking my door, just really trying to scare me. Which they did, in spades. I ended up in the hospital and had PTSD for about 5 years after that. Couldn't even type the word "chemtrail" into my computer until just recently, out of fear of this happening again. The Zorro/CIA post went wildly viral and got a ton of attention, with people telling me to be careful, etc. I realized quickly i am in no position to be a whistleblower and do not want to get the same type of 'warning' as before (or worse).

think- ago

That's totally fine. Everybody should decide for themselves what their limits are.

V____Z ago

I'm going to go ahead and delete my above comment now that you've seen it. Thanks.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=B3zf13gpry0 :

Exclusive Video of Epstein’s Zorro Ranch Breeder Farm - YouTube

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V____Z ago

Does your search include posts that were deleted?

If so try my other accounts; i ABSOLUTELY made this post and would love if you could find it. Search:




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V____Z ago

Thanks. Just remembered my other one: HopingtoHelp

(not sure if these are case sensitive, so try all options)

Vindicator ago

You might be able to find it with keyword searches, rather than trying to find it under your old username(s). SearchVoat covers both submissions and comments now, especially when you check "include NSFW" and "search post body" so it doesn't just search titles. You can do combinations of key words.