FBI raids home of DC Council member as part of federal grand jury investigation - https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/449720-fbi-raids-home-of-dc-council-member-as-part-of-federal-grand
FBI agents raided the home of D.C. councilman Jack Evans (D) on Friday, a day after a confidential memo made public alleged that Evans "knowingly" violated ethics rules to benefit his friends and clients instead of serving the interests of Washington's transit agency, Metro...
Evans was elected to the D.C. Council in 1991 in a special election to replace John A. Wilson, who had run for council chairman and won. He was sworn in on May 13, 1991.[11] He had previously served as a member of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B in Dupont Circle. Evans was elected to serve as chairman of the ANC from 1989 to 1990.[12] He is currently the Council member for Ward 2, which includes Chinatown, Logan Circle, Dupont Circle, Sheridan-Kalorama, Foggy Bottom, the West End, Georgetown, Burleith, Hillandale, and much of Downtown Washington (including the White House, the National Mall, and the U.S. Capitol Building).
Here he is pictured with Andrea Rinaldi, Michelle Freeman and Septime Webre at the Farewell Party at the French Embassy https://imgur.com/a/FuYBNl4Imgur Album
Who else was there? Izette Folger https://washingtonlife.smugmug.com/2016-PHOTOS/Septimes-Farewell-The/i-wVdvK4T/A
And so was James Alefantis of course https://imgur.com/a/NDzsvaJImgur Album . [The photo seems to have been removed from the article but you can still see it in the search https://imgur.com/a/g8mVpoeImgur Album]
letsdothis3 ago
Current events are all tying together: Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International
Herb Sandler recently died:
Handkerchief Email Revisited: The Sandler's, Saturday Night Live, and Chabad Lubavitch by @ASolo
The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover
letsdothis3 ago
Re Julian Pike, the Queen's lawyer:
Sackler Family Tries To Intimidate Media With ‘Legal Notice’ After Opioid Settlement
letsdothis3 ago
More about David Hryck [Board member, All Hands and Hearts] https://www.allhandsandhearts.org/team/david-hryck/
letsdothis3 ago
PIE https://thepietalent.com/pdf/The_PIE_Talent_brochure_2018.pdf
The PIE Partnership Ltd https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07730631/THE-PIE-PARTNERSHIP-LIMITED/companies-house-data
Directors of the Pie Partnership are also involved with Tressillian Media https://companycheck.co.uk/director/916211725/MRS-AMY-CHARLOTTE-BAKER/companies
septimasexta ago
"The council voted unanimously, by voice vote, to seize oversight of Events DC and the Commission on Arts and Humanities from Evans’ authority as chair of the Finance Committee." https://wtop.com/dc/2019/04/d-c-council-cuts-jack-evans-responsibilities-amid-federal-probe/
letsdothis3 ago
At the top of the organisation chart is Brain Kenner, Deputy Mayor.. One week ago it was reported that he is leaving his government position for Amazon : https://dc.curbed.com/2019/6/13/18677727/amazon-hq2-brian-kenner-mayor-bowser-dmped
letsdothis3 ago
More Voat posts on "DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities"
James Alefantis's Art Non-Profit has the Managing Director of U.S. Trust and the Sun Trust Bank VP on the Board
Chapter 5: DC Spider Web - from Alefantis to Hughes to Dupont to Cosmos Club to more Soros funding
letsdothis3 ago
Interesting detail, thank you. DC Commission on Arts and Humanities https://dcarts.dc.gov/page/staff1
Public Art Program Manager Lauren Glover ... on her Linkedin page these are the organisations she is involved with:
Voat posts re Adoptions Together:
Dyncorp sponsored adoption center near Comet Pizza!- https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1803836
I only looked at that one person on the organisation chart... there are probably others with direct links to Comet Ping Pong.
grantedrights ago
Tanngrisnir [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 10 months ago
I already said I am on a phone and can't post links. I advise you to look up the celeb donations at LooktoTheStars.com and use a search engine for the charities/ Atlantic Council.
i dont want to come across bitchy, but all the info gathered will remain useless if not this conclusion is drawn: not only for the gargantuous corruption unearthed here on v / PG relating to those foundations but to prevent a fullblown digital feudal system robo tax is important, thus a flat tax on consumption solves three big problems in one go - no more tax empt foundations charities (see gates monsanto etc etc) is sth most people can easily agree on - thus fighting against the willfull implemented unrest in many societies
letsdothis3 ago
Thank you for this.. we are so close to a major breakthrough..on the elite global trafficking rings.. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3214545/19370165
I have some work to do.
letsdothis3 ago
letsdothis3 ago
Lol. Remember this? [Hillary Clinton and Chai Tea Seizure](https://youtu.be/Hd4NH9jKNasYouTube That's Jack Evans in the background.. https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/20/dc-council-votes-reprimand-jack-evans/
dafuq? I really think there's some codeword involving "Chai"
Clinton Health Access Initiative
if cannibal-pedo psychopaths use child hormones for rejuvenation effects....
Clinton "Health" Access Initiative
They give drugs, and in return they get to test thousands/harvest of blood types/proteins
WeirdlyEerie ago
derram ago
https://archive.ph/yyjC7 :
https://files.catbox.moe/6qyh9q.jpgJPG :
https://files.catbox.moe/hyfo4i.jpgJPG :
https://files.catbox.moe/on4tqx.jpgJPG :
This has been an automated message.PNG
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
wiki - https://archive.is/syMvr
images - https://archive.is/Hq0gp and https://archive.is/m0YUw and https://archive.is/CXC9h
washingtonlife - https://archive.is/HLuNR and https://archive.is/Etgu3 and https://archive.is/yXene and https://archive.is/vwwgN and https://archive.is/T7bFs
ewetoob - https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Hd4NH9jKNas&feature=youtu.be
dailycaller - https://archive.is/f9yHE
twit - https://archive.is/v6cWp
EricKaliberhall ago
You are awesome SHMBO!
letsdothis3 ago
I agree.
Mille grazie @shewhomustbeobeyed
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
Non dirlo.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
EricKaliberhall ago
But true. :)