NadaPiper ago

Thats sick!

Iam7777777 ago

Spaceshot76 on YTube- With Field McConnell. Go listen now! Maybe it's Q?

cantfindmenow ago

My first thought is that he latches onto single mums with children befriends them to get to the kids.

letsdothis3 ago

I think there's something here.

The woman who owns the condo, Chere M. Evans, told police Gray works as a day-care provider at her home, court records state. No one answered the door at her condo Monday, and she could not be reached by telephone. She has not been charged with any crime.


Check out the comment on her Facebook page from Patricia Lacy who knows Gray:

David Gray is a Navy veteran with some links on FB to some questionable accounts abroad (Barmer, India for example)

Patricia Lacy is connected to Little City Foster Care, Chicago

Chere Evans is connected to Jeremy Duda on FB

Associate Editor Jeremy Duda is a Phoenix native and began his career in journalism in 2003 after graduating from the University of Arizona. Prior to joining the Arizona Mirror, he worked at the Arizona Capitol Times, where he spent eight years covering the Governor's Office and two years as editor of the Yellow Sheet Report. Before that, he wrote for the Hobbs News-Sun of Hobbs, NM, and the Daily Herald of Provo, Utah. Jeremy is also the author of the history book “If This Be Treason: the American Rogues and Rebels Who Walked the Line Between Dissent and Betrayal.”

And he in turn is connected to over 900 people, many in the Arizona area. Including: M Zuhdi Jasser

Zuhdi Jasser, also known as M. Zuhdi Jasser,[1] and Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser (Arabic: محمد زهدي جاسر‎; born 17 November 1967) is an American medical doctor specializing in internal medicine and nuclear cardiology in Phoenix, Arizona.[2] Jasser is a former lieutenant commander in the United States Navy,[3] where he served as staff internist in the Office of the Attending Physician of the United States Congress.[4] In 2003, with a group of American Muslims, Jasser founded the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) based in Phoenix, Arizona,[2] and in 2004 he was one of the founders of the Center for Islamic Pluralism.

He attended the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, earning his bachelor of science in 1988; then he attended the Medical College of Wisconsin on a U.S. Navy scholarship, receiving his M.D. in 1992.[citation needed] He served in the Navy for 11 years, receiving the Meritorious Service Medal and attaining the rank of lieutenant commander by the time of his honorable discharge in 1999.[citation needed] His tours of duty included staff internist for the U.S. Congress,[4] medical department head aboard the USS El Paso, and chief resident at Bethesda Naval Hospital.[17] He moved to Arizona after his discharge from the Navy, taking over part of his father's medical practice.

Much more at that link including :

Jasser has also engaged in interfaith activities, serving on the board of the Arizona Interfaith Movement;[citation needed] helping to found an Arizona-based organization called The Children of Abraham, a Jewish-Muslim dialogue group in 2000,[citation needed] and a chapter of Seeds of Peace in 2003.

Seeds of Peace post:

and High profile Bruce Steinberg and family among those killed in Costa Rica plane crash; ties to Bush, Comey, Clinton

Posts re Chick-Fil-A

Huge Instagram Pedophilia Subculture - MEGATHREAD

Washington DC .... This Google Maps Local Guide photo album of 'DSW Footwear' which is clearly a street pic of a Chick A Fil store, there's daycare centre up the escalator and CVS Pharmacy and Fed Ex are nearby. Rotate the photo to see the police car on watch!

Something disturbing about Florida Chick-Fil-A. Second time pedophilia incident has occurred. Franchise owner arrested.

[deleted unfortunately]

letsdothis3 ago

Well, this is interesting.... Re Christopher DeRose..

Sheriff Paul Babeu, of Pinal County, AZ, is one of the most recognized faces of American anti-immigration sentiment. He's been a FOX News regular. He appeared in a John McCain campaign ad calling for a border fence. In January, Babeu announced his run for the United States Congress in a macho press release headed "It's Time For a New Sheriff In Washington," in which he decried the "400,000 illegal crossings into our state every year." Well. According to a story broken this week in the Phoenix New Times, Babeu spent much of the last decade in a long-term gay relationship with an undocumented immigrant named Jose, whom Babeu threatened with deportation after their relationship ended. From The Phoenix New Times::

He says [Babeu's] lawyer Chris DeRose demanded he sign an agreement that he would never breathe a word about the affair. But Jose (New Times is withholding his last name because Babeu and his attorney have challenged his legal status) refused.

The 34-year-old from central Mexico charges that the sheriff's lawyer warned against mentioning the affair with Babeu. DeRose said gossip about Babeu would focus attention on Jose, attention that could result in his deportation, Jose says.

.>>.. Babeu didn't respond to requests for comment by publication time for this article, but his attorney, DeRose, says the dispute between Jose and the sheriff concerned Jose's work on Babeu's websites. He says Jose was a former volunteer who hacked into a campaign website.

letsdothis3 ago

Also at the same address as the 'day care center' of Chere Evans is Tereatha Allen Akbar

She is author of God Is a Bad Mother...: Plus 9 Other Things God Told Me You Should Know

Tereatha Allen Akbar was born in rural Michigan, before settling with her first husband in Arizona. She moved back to the Near North Side in Chicago where she currently lives with her second husband, Clyde Akbar. They spend their winters in Florida. She retired from Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago as Director of Educational Outreach and later from Chicago Public Schools as Dean of Students.

The Center for Whole Life, located in Cabrini Gre e n , needs a volunteer art teacher to work with children each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. For m o re information please contact Te reatha Akbar at ext. 221.

Cabrini Green

Over the years, crime, gang violence and neglect created deplorable living conditions for the residents, and "Cabrini–Green" became synonymous with the problems associated with public housing in the United States. The last of the buildings in Cabrini–Green were demolished in March 2011


At 45, Tony has a job history that includes stints as an insurance salesman, a prison guard, a sort of cable-service repo man (during which he drew gunfire at Chicago's Cabrini-Green housing project) and a private investigator.

Funny how the Clintons always show up.

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

how many packs of Ramen noodles/packs of cigs does it take to hire an insertion of a toothbrush though the eye socket into the brainstem? Asking for a friend.

Gorillion ago

and was told it was not related to the elite

Who by? The Chans were all over Daycares being pedo and intel trafficking & abuse-program ops.

19334003? ago

Any info, links or search terms you care to share?

3141592653 ago


Vindicator ago

Hi gamepwn. Are you saying the two of them were bringing kids to the restaurant to be abused by other people? Do we have anything to support this theory? I am happy to leave this up for 24 Hours, to see if anyone can dig up additional evidence of some connection to a ring. Otherwise, we will have to remove per Rule 1.

I wonder if the guy has been tried yet, and whether the trail documents are available?

Gorillion ago

You don't think weak regulation and enforcement of the daycare industry isn't the work of the (((elite)))?

You don't think the daycare industry isn't full of pedo and intel trafficking operations?
You know the Chans were investigating strange activities around daycares before Pizzagate happened, right?

Vindicator ago

Well, let's get some links to that here in the OP, so that we can leave this up. I did not make the subverse rules.

gamepwn ago

That's what I believe yes, just suspicious all the way around. I spoke with someone from Orlando and that Chick-Fil-A actually had shut down and been remodeled and there has been talk it was because of the PR nightmare. I appreciate that at least.

Gorillion ago

He's being a faggot. Just search the daycare and look for pics of spirals and other obvious shit.
This guy's clearly an optics cuck. If it don't got spirals he'll flake on systemic on-going organized abuse in daycare being somehow unimportant, and not being supporting evidence of a (((culture))) of non-enforcement of regulations surround childcare.

MyTinyOpinion ago

Definitely sounds like she was pimping the children to him. Raping a baby.... I can't fckn take it anymore. Something has to give before I have a full mental collapse

Witsend ago

Hang in there. Slowly but surely they are finally being locked away, however with transgenderism and spiderman shit type on youtube, I would guess that they are manufacturing them as quick as we can swipe them up. Have faith, it is too unnatural an in godly to survive.

fuspezza ago

It is a hard task but we are bringing Light to the depravity that was allowed to permeate. SHEEP NO MORE

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Dont collapse, prepare. The fight is going to need logistics and food for 7 years (worst case scenario)

Load up on seeds, ammo, and dry goods for as many people as you can for 3 months.

Stay calm

Make a plan

Stick to it

Stay quiet about it

MyTinyOpinion ago

I've been preparing for years, was given several dreams & visions of what's coming starting around 2000. I imagine that's why I'm just mentally worn out because I've been watching & expecting what's coming for a long time & that has been a HEAVY burden. It became even heavier with the birth & adoption of my granddaughter because now I have another pony in the race to sweat about.... have almost everything my family will need but still working on the 55gal drums. Thanks for the advice

Witsend ago

Soy sauce huh? Thanks for that knowledge. I hope that doesn't come across as sarcastic. It is not meant to be.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

No worries, i only go off on people that are asinine and think they're better than other people.

Yeah, its high salt content keeps it from spoiling as long as its not open, and even then its good for a year.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Ia few sprinkles also takes rice from unpalatable to delicious!

Buy 40 pound bags of Thai or Viet jasmine rice (the Mercedes of rice) at Asian groceries for $45-$50 a bag.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Hit up a restaurant supply store and those $50 bags are $16-$30

Simonsaysgoat ago

This is the most under rated advice. White people are better than other races because we used to prepare for the unknown. We took our futures into our own hands and built up stires for survival and celebrated the harvest seasons, etc. Now we have too much convenience and have lost that which makes us who we are. Dont get caught fighting over a poptart in walmart when the shit hits the fan, BE PREPARED!

AdmiralEnchilada ago

White AMERICANS are better because AMERICANS come from people that left the old world to find a harder life that was free, unlike most immigrants after the 50s who came to find an easier life.

Im a mutt brother, colonials on the brown and white side, but its the tribals and European thinking thats fucking up america. I know the jungle pygmygs have been coming up in droves, but there are a lot of us brown Americans that were just colonials who settled in sunny lands.

You'd enjoy alexis de'tocqueville. 1840s french philosopher that coined "american exceptionalism". He was a contemporary of marx, (like within 5 years) and he identifies the same shit as marx, but shows that American thinking is what solves those issues.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

It’s actually jews and nonwhites fucking up America.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

"Any man that says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag. We have but room for one language here, and that is the english language.And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Teddy Roosevelt

I may indicate my bloodline is from other nations, but i am an American sir. The Jews tgat support Israel, the mudskins that support their lands, are not. Diveristy is not our strength, being Americans is our strength. The White Man built this nation to escape European fools. I respect, cherish, and honor those men that purified this land with their blood. My white half does not trace its lineage back to the founding. Does yours? Do you respect what those American Men did? Or are you of the European masses that comes to shit on this great nation?

"If you could kick the person in the pants for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month" *Teddy Roosevelt *

"There is but ine answer to terrorism, qnd it is best delivered with a Winchester rifle" *Teddy Roosevelt *

"Two birds with one stone? Quaint figure of speech. Try a modern shotgun instead and shoot enough birds to fill up your ice box instead" Teddy Roosevelt

Whoe won WW1?

We Did

Who won WWII?

We Did

Who rules the world?

We Do

Its time to expel those who are not Patriots.

Its tome to expel those loyak to other nations.

The Jew has no power that is not ours

Its time for an American Empire

**We created electricity

We created Airplanes

We created iron ships

We created submarines

We created the internet**

This world is ours.

And if you aren't an American. Pray we save you, for we are your only hope.

dundundunnnnn ago

Who won WWII?

Considering Project Paperclip, do you really think we "won" WW2?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

We murdered them into submission just like we did the japs. Just because new conflicts arise does not mean old conflicts are irrelevant

dundundunnnnn ago

How do you figure we murdered them into submission? What was the outcome of WW2? Israel. Project Paperclip. This is submission?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

They can't operate openly. They have no manufacturing base or standing army to draw from. Its a different conflict with different actors.

Or do you think hitler lived and was directing everything? Are you saying the Nazis were the jews? Because im pretty sure the Israelis are not the germans.

You're muddling the waters

dundundunnnnn ago

There were Jewish Nazis, fool.

Hitler did live. In Argentina.

You're ignorant.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Mero, trying to separate us as whites. Not gonna happen, fuck off shit skin

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Ok, and and how long have the yellow vests protested?

Show me a European ideology thats intelligent and I'll show you a liar

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lmao fuck off kike europeans made the entire world cocksucker

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yeah, then why are they all sucking dick through a garden hose? Why do they always need American blood to win their wars?

I bet youre a fucking britt

slumbermachine ago

I know the feeling. Take a break from it for a few days and get positive thoughts in your head.