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Z11Mama ago

Chick-fil-A is a Christian company known for Christian values. They are one of the only businesses of their kind NOT open on Sunday's. Why would anyone want to besmirch their good name? Oh. Wait. This is the USA. We aren't allowed to be Christian's anymore. I mean...when people are so desperate for dirt on someone that they say what happens in a public restroom defines the business in any way. But all that brainwashing...guess American's have lost their ability to think.

gamepwn ago

Didn't say anything about Chick-Fil-A being involved, just that a string of pedophile incidents have happened recently at Florida Chick-Fil-A's. Learn to read.

Z11Mama ago

Evidently you didn't read all of what you posted. Learn to understand English. Reading isn't enough for simpletons. However important you think you are, my comment was not aimed at you and you were too ignorant to understand. Seems you just like to assume you were the subject of my comment.

gamepwn ago

I made the thread so I assumed it was. "when people are so desperate for dirt on someone that they say what happens in a public restroom defines the business in any way." implies it at me. If it's not I am sorry, but it sure sounded that way. If this was a McDonalds or Burger King I'd be making the same thread.

Wynterwhisper ago

WTH, and the mother was complicit!?!?!!

dayofthehope ago

The last one, Pasadena is in California, not Florida.

This is all probably a campaign to harrass or discredit Chick-fil-A organized by LGBTP groups. it's the kind of offensive, disgusting thing they would do.

gamepwn ago

I erased that one, thanks.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah... it appears that Chic-fil-a is being targeted by a sophisticated Deep State Intel Op to embarrass them and paint the entire company as Pedo Friendly.

NotaQjackass ago

Jews could be stuffing known queers into jobs at Chick-fil-A so as to discredit the company much like they did with the Catholic church. I could be wrong but it doesn't matter.

TheAntiZealot ago

The Catholic Church was born in iniquity. The Pope is a fundamentally Satanic position/title/role. Much like the spiritual leader and king of Babylon.