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auralsects ago

Look at this fucking thread XDDD

Trump's mentor was a gay Jew pedophile blackmailer. He's from NYC and used to do coke and watch dudes blow each other with Cohn at Studio 54.

He's said repeatedly that he has never felt the need to ask God forgiveness, to Christians faces at their own summits

The fact that Christians shill for such a kike degenerate shows how worthless "Christians" are, LMFAO

think- ago

[–] auralsects 1 points (+1|-0) 2.9 hours ago

Having a single gay experience doesn't make you gay. I should know, I've had dozens.


@Blacksmith21 @darkknight111 @SandHog

Blacksmith21 ago

Suck a dick once, and you're a dicksucker for life.

auralsects ago

Here's a redpill for you: women are even more depraved and nasty than faggots.

It's been demonstrated they get sexually stimulated by literally anything, including footage of copulating monkeys

Nothing discovered in this sub will ever be more dystopian than womens legal equality to men

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL....Auralsex is a pillowbiting fudgepacker!!!


auralsects ago

Bro click "bottom" below OP

It's literally you saying not all faggots are bad.

So I'm confused if you think I'm bad.